An earth-shattering roar, immediately the wind and clouds surged, and the mountains roared and tsunamis shook the mountains!!

The immortal power was like a terrifying wave, and the magnificent white lion crawling on the ground actually stood up and raised its head to the sky with a long roar.


The huge quasi-emperor power bloomed like a typhoon, and in this suffocating coercion, Hua Yi immediately protected himself and Xi Yao with the light of chaos.

Under the Cloud-Swallowing Beast, those King Realm Desolate Beasts and Demon Beasts who had turned into human forms knelt on the ground one by one, crying with gratitude, and crying with joy.

“Welcome to the Beast King! Welcome to the Beast King! We greet the Beast King!!! ”

Immediately afterwards, I saw the magnificent and magnificent god and handsome lion, and an old voice came out, and it looked at Hua Yi with wise eyes.

“Thank you my child, thank you for awakening me.”

As soon as he saw the Beast King awaken and heard this, Hua Yi’s eyes flickered, and then he spoke lightly.

“Listen to them, you have the ability to foresee the coming of darkness, do you know what these so-called dark ominous are!?”

As soon as he said this, the white lion of the mighty shore sighed, and then said in an old voice: “Sorry, my child, our Cloud Devouring Beast vein has the ability to predict danger, the same as the Qilin clan, but the old man can only predict the arrival of the crisis, as for the ominous and dark of this calamity immortal ancient era, the old man does not know this.” ”

The voice of the cloud-swallowing beast was full of vicissitudes, and through the eye of insight, Hua Yi knew that the beast king was not lying like this.

“In that case, then disturb!”

After that, Hua Yi was ready to leave with Xi Yao, but at this moment, the huge Cloud-Swallowing Immortal Beast on the side spoke in an old voice.

“Wait a minute, my child, you saved me with that strange flame and heavenly tribulation lightning, the old man has nothing to reward, but child, you are now in the Holy Sacrifice Realm, do you want to cultivate the second immortal qi?”

The old beast king was once worthy of being a peak true immortal, and at a glance, he could see that Hua Yi was in the Holy Sacrifice Realm at the moment, and he also deduced that Hua Yi wanted to cultivate the second immortal qi.

And upon hearing this, Hua Yi’s eyes flashed, nodded faintly, and spoke: “Indeed!” ”

“What, Huayi, you actually want to cultivate the second immortal qi!?”

Xi Yao on the side was surprised when she heard this, because as a pure-blood phoenix, she was also a petite girl of heaven in the Immortal Ancient Era, and she also cultivated a fairy qi before she beheaded herself.

But she also knew how difficult it was to cultivate the second immortal qi in addition to cultivating the first immortal qi.

Not to mention entering the Holy Sacrifice Realm, one hundred percent of the future will suffer the God King Tribulation of Nine Deaths, that is, if you want to meet the second condition, it is also more difficult than ascending to the sky.

This second condition, even if it is the Immortal Ancient Period, has also discouraged many Tianjiao talents, and this condition for wanting to cultivate the second immortal qi is!!!

At this moment, the magnificent Beast King looked at Hua Yi and slowly spoke: “My child, when you enter the Holy Sacrifice now, the first condition is considered complete, but if you want to cultivate the second immortal qi, you must meet the second condition!” ”

“What is the second condition!?”

Upon hearing this, Hua Yi frowned, immediately opened his mouth to ask, and then saw the Cloud Devouring Beast King slowly speak.

“Only by fusing the immortal seeds can you cultivate the second immortal qi!”

“With the Dao of Body, Fusion Immortal Seed!?”

As soon as he said this, Hua Yi was slightly stunned, and then he saw the Cloud Swallowing Beast King lightly spoke: “Heaven and earth aura, avenue essence, accumulated over time, absorbing the power of the sun and moon, after hundreds of millions of years of transformation, condensed origin seed, regarded as an immortal seed, this is the purest essence between heaven and earth, each one is very precious, with a complete terrifying immortal energy through the sky, find an immortal seed, fuse yourself, you can cultivate the second immortal qi.” ”

Saying that, the Cloud Swallowing Immortal Beast looked at Xi Yao on the side to verify whether what it said was right.

Sure enough, after saving this Hua Yi and turning around, Princess Xiyao also nodded and said: “It’s true, if you want to cultivate the second immortal qi, you must fuse an immortal seed, and the more precious the immortal seed, the better, but in the immortal ancient period, because after countless years of consumption, the immortal seed is basically difficult to find, and even some sons of the immortal king have given up looking for it!” ”

“Even the son of the Immortal King gave up searching!?”

Hearing this, Hua Yi frowned, he could see that the immortal seed was a non-renewable thing, and it took hundreds of millions of years to accumulate the essence to condense one.

But after a large amount of consumption in the Immortal Ancient Period, there are basically not many immortal seeds left.

However, at this time, the huge cloud-swallowing beast king of the system said lightly: “This is so, it is not so, the immortal ancient period, because of the continuous consumption of large quantities throughout the ages, the immortal seed is indeed close to nothing, but my children, you must know, it is the immortal ancient period, the old man knows that he has been sleeping for a long time, how long he has been sleeping, even the old man himself does not know, but I want to come through the baptism of the great dark age, the fairy spirit is extinguished, and after these countless years of accumulation, I think the new immortal seed has already been condensed!” ”

“What does Senpai mean?”

Looking at the Heaven Devouring Beast King, Hua Yi frowned and asked, and then the old Beast King slowly spoke.

“My child, the old man happens to know a place where it is possible to condense several immortal seeds, called the extraterritorial immortal land, and hundreds of millions of years ago, when the immortal ancient has not yet been extinguished, the old man also happened to see their prototypes, because it only takes hundreds of millions of years to accumulate the prototypes, plus the terrain is extremely remote, and it is a secret realm left over from the immortal emperor era, few and people disturb, even if they see it, it is useless, so after these countless years, I think those immortal seeds have already condensed and matured.”

“Young child, you rescued the old man first, and you have the ability to dispel the darkness, I think it must have come into being, and in the future, you may have to bear this very huge responsibility and lead the creatures of this world to fight the darkness, so the old man is willing to inform you of the hiding place of these immortal seeds and the method of entering the secret realm, and help you cultivate the second immortal qi in return.”

The era of the Immortal Emperor is the era before the Immortal Ancient Period, when there were not only Immortal Kings, but also the supreme Immortal Emperor?

Upon hearing this, Hua Yi immediately raised his head and his eyes lit up.

“Extraterritorial Immortal Land, Immortal Emperor Secret Realm!? Where is that!?? ”

At this moment, as soon as he saw Hua Yi’s urgency, the Cloud Swallowing Beast King did not hesitate, and a white light entered Hua Yi’s mind by himself.

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