The old man’s face was very serious, and Xi Yao also did not speak, and looked back at Hua Yi.

At this moment, Hua Yi’s eyes flashed slightly, did not speak, and then the next second he said expressionlessly.

“In that case, then let’s go back to the city first, Xi Yao, let’s go.”

After that, Hua Yi turned around and walked in one direction, followed closely by Princess Xiyao.

“Ah, Huayi, wait for me!!”

At this moment, Hua Yi’s heart was very puzzled, but he also knew that he could not hit the stone with a pebble now, although he could block the emperor by urging the light of chaos with all his strength, but he was here to take the immortal seed, not to make trouble, there was no need to provoke unnecessary trouble.

And there is also the most important point, what is the Immortal Ancient Secret Realm that the old man and the two strong men said, and whether it is the extraterritorial fairy realm that the Cloud Devouring Beast King said.

Everything has to be figured out and said, so as not to waste the effort.

After all, what Hua Yi only thought of now, from the Immortal Ancient Period to the present, I don’t know how many endless years have passed.

The long stream of rolling time is like a huge wave, in this endless wave, maybe those immortal seeds have already been gone, after all, the Cloud Swallowing Beast King can find it, can’t other races find it?

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing the other can one fight a hundred battles.

As soon as this beast king slept, I don’t know how many years in the world, everything was already human, and no one knew what happened in the middle.

Therefore, after confirming whether the immortal species are alive and well, whether the immortal ancient secret realm called by these alien races is an extraterritorial fairyland, before figuring this out, Hua Yi will not fight with them, because this is the plan of fools.

“The fairy token is shimmering, which proves that the extraterritorial wonderland is indeed here, but the light of the jade card is still very weak, which at least proves that the extraterritorial wonderland has not been opened in the past million years!”

The fairy token can sense the location of the fairyland, and according to the strength of the token light, it can also determine whether the fairy land has been opened in the near future, which is known through the memories transmitted by the cloud-swallowing fairy beast.

It is precisely because of these that Hua Yi is so calm at the moment, and he will not worry about these alien creatures being the first to break through the realm and take seeds.

But if he had been taken away countless eras ago, then he would have no choice.

Thinking of this, Hua Yi’s eyes flashed, and he walked out with Xi Yao, but at this moment, the voice of the old man came from behind the two of them.

“Two little friends, wait a minute!”

Upon hearing this, Hua Yi’s face was expressionless, and he turned his head lightly: “What’s the matter!?” ”

Then he saw the old man said with deep meaning: “Two little friends, there is some danger outside the region, the old man is afraid that the two little friends are safe, so let this adult escort the two little friends back to the city.” ”

Saying that, the old man glanced at one of the strong men, and the strong man immediately stepped forward and said, “Two please!” ”

“Afraid I’ll sneak away, aren’t you?”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Hua Yi’s eyes flashed slightly, but this just hit his arms, and he immediately said expressionlessly: “Thank you.” ”


After that, the strong man walked in one direction, and Hua Yi followed closely with Xi Yao.

Soon, everyone flew a distance, and an incomparably magnificent city appeared in front of them.

The city is bustling and prosperous, all kinds of creatures come and go, the huge city wall towers into the clouds, simple and vicissitudes, like a barbaric giant beast crawling on the ground.

“The two of you have arrived, please enter the city!”

As soon as he heard the words of the strong man of the foreign race, and looked at the magnificent and huge city gate, Hua Yi did not hesitate and walked straight towards the city.

And after seeing Hua Yi and them enter the city, the strong man also turned into a ray of light and blasted away in the direction where they had come from.

“Send elite soldiers to guard the various city gates in order to prevent the people in the city from going out at will?”

Looking at the gates of each city, the alien guards with tight handles, Hua Yi’s eyes flashed and he quickly noticed this, but in the next second, he was instantly stunned!

I saw that at the gate of the city in front, a light flashed on an alien teleportation array, and a group of alien Tianjiao, young aliens who did not belong to the two strong men and old men before, walked out.

And while walking, he also said excitedly: “Holy Son, this time the Cang Clan opens the Immortal Ancient Secret Realm, I have all the ten thousand races in the world, if we can obtain a few immortal seeds, then our Tapir Clan will stand out among the ten thousand races and become the first emperor in this era!” ”

“Hmph, this ridiculous Cang Clan, I thought that I could guard the Immortal Ancient Secret Realm alone, and the immortal species in the secret territory alone, who would have thought that our Heavenly Races had already received the news and had long been staring at this!!”

“Hahaha, that’s right, that’s right, so the Cang Clan has no choice but to contribute this Immortal Ancient Secret Realm to ten thousand races under the world, and those who can do immortal seeds can get it!!”

“Well, don’t say more about it, there is an immortal ancient prohibition outside the Immortal Ancient Secret, and it is difficult for the Great Emperor to enter, only three days later, the weakest moment of the prohibition will let it disperse independently, and when the time comes, ten thousand races in the world, all races Tianjiao, and with their skills, snatch the immortal seed!”



Saying that, these alien Tianjiao from the tapir tribe walked past Hua Yi, and Hua Yi’s eyes flashed.

After listening to these words, he found that things did not seem to be so simple.

Soon, after some investigation, Hua Yi discovered the secret of this Immortal Ancient Secret Realm.

No, it should be said that this is not a secret at all, every living being knows it.

It turned out that as early as the ancient times, the supreme beings of the Cangyi clan also discovered the extraterritorial fairy land in this place and saw the rudiments of those immortal species.

Everyone knows the importance of the immortal seed, it can be said that it was in the late immortal era, the immortal king had something he wanted to get, so as to cultivate his juniors.

Because if you want to become an Immortal King, you must cultivate the second Immortal Qi Fusion Immortal Seed, which is a necessary prerequisite for achieving an Immortal King!

But the immortal seed is innately cultivated, just like the innate spirit treasure of the flood world.

Therefore, after learning that this fairy land gave birth to the prototype of the immortal seed, the Cangyi clan in ancient times was ecstatic, and simply relocated the clan here, and then guarded it for generations!

Just so that after the immortal species mature in the distant future, the younger generation of their Cangyi clan can fuse the immortal seed, and then compete for the protagonists of heaven and earth in that era, pushing the Cangyi clan to the peak in one fell swoop, and dominating the fantasy and even thousands of generations!

As the saying goes, time is like water, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, soon trillions of years have passed like this, and the immortal species are close to full maturity, but just as the so-called people are not as good as the heavenly calculations, at this most critical juncture, the matter of the Cangyi clan guarding the secret realm of the immortal species was accidentally leaked out.

There is no doubt that all the races in the world are shocked, this immortal seed was born! So all the races in the world jointly put pressure on the Cangyi clan to hand over the immortal seed, otherwise the clan would be destroyed! !

In the face of this pressure from all races under the world, how did the Cangyi clan face it, even if they did everything they could and protect it for generations, they could only be forced to make concessions at a critical juncture for a clan.

(Secretly use the mobile phone code in the cafeteria, the cat is diligent, there is a class in the afternoon, first send a chapter for you to try the big fighters, and when you go to class, you will secretly code, look at the hair.) )

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