Just for a moment of pride, he sighed sadly again.

“Yue Buqun and Li Mochou, the points on their bodies have almost dried up.”

“knight Ye Tiandi’s side, you can’t be in a hurry for the time being, put a long line to catch big fish, and when he arrives in the Big Dipper Star Domain, it’s time to harvest.”

“As for Uchiha Itachi, this guy…”

“Grass! Still oil and salt do not enter, still doubt me! ”

Su Daxian was very unscrupulous, and said to himself: “There are no points… Isn’t it time to invite new members? ”

Hesitated, he still gave up, don’t invite for the time being, now Uchiha Itachi has not been done, if there is another thorn at that time, the situation will only become more and more complicated.

At this time, he found that someone in the chat group was chatting.



Hua Shanyue Buqun: “Alas, the points have run out again, and I don’t know when there will be new people.” ”

Chilian fairy Li Mochou: “Without points, go and change the trajectory of the world, such as killing your good apprentice, but the great immortal said that Ling Hu Chong is the son of luck in your world, and killing him should reward a point.” ”

Hua Shanyue Buqun: “Let’s think about it again.” ”

To be honest, Yue Buqun was faintly moved.

Points can make him stronger quickly, keep Huashan, and even dominate the rivers and lakes.

What’s more, after watching the fate of the Great Immortal Spoiler, is Ling Hu Chong doing personnel?

He couldn’t wait to kill Ling Hu Chong!

But he has never made a black hand, just because he is worried that doing such a thing as murdering gangsters for the sake of points will make him unable to mix in the group and be excluded.

Hua Shanyue Buqun: “Don’t say this, the words say that Brother Ye has not appeared in the past few days, and I don’t know what he is doing.” ”

Chilian fairy Li Mochou: “The fourth hour of the third day of missing Brother Ye is five incense.” ”

Hua Shanyue is not a group: “Lying groove, ruthless!” ”


There are also zeros and wholes, as for?

knight Ye Tian: “At this time, an ordinary beautiful boy passed by. ”


Yue Buqun and Li Mochou’s eyes lit up, Ye Fan had been diving since the day he joined the group, and the two regretted that they couldn’t find a friendship.

Now it’s finally there.

Hua Shanyue Buqun: “Brother Ye, I haven’t come out to chat for a few days, and the contemptible people still think that you are in some trouble, thinking that I can help.” ”

Chilian fairy Li Mochou: “Ask for familiarity.” ”

The all-knowing and all-powerful Su Daxian: “Ye Daoyou has completely consumed the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?” ”

As Ye Fan bubbled, the group suddenly became lively, and you said a word.

Although Uchiha Weasel did not make a sound, he was also silently peeping at the screen at this time.

Ye Tiandi: “Yes, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is indeed powerful, deriving many practical special abilities. ”

Konoha の Uchiha Itachi: “Brother Ye has won the prize.” (chuckles.jpg)”

Uchiha smiled faintly.

Writing wheel eyes is a special ability belonging to the Uchiha family, and hearing Ye Fan’s appreciation, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but quietly raise.

Ye Fan had been peeping at the screen for a while, and the “murderer” that Yue Buqun and Li Mochou were talking about made his heart move.

Ye Tiandi: “@Hua Shan Yue Buqun, these days, I have also watched Teacher Yue’s “future destiny”, I have to say, it is really embarrassing.” ”

Chilian fairy Li Mochou: “Haha, what’s the matter, this guy is a hypocrite, his ambition is terrifying, at most, he dies before leaving the master.” ”

Hua Shanyue Buqun: “? ”

knight Ye Tian: “Cough, I can’t say that, at the beginning, the Huashan faction had few people, and they were not very mature, and there were Songshan factions outside, so when it was difficult for the Huashan faction to protect itself, they thought about how to survive, not how to merge and destroy the demon sect to resist Shaolin Wudang.” ”

What he said was reasonable, obviously he had really seen Yue Buqun’s future fate in the group, not a polite remark.

Hua Shanyue is not a group: “Those who know me, Brother Ye.” ”

He was almost moved to tears.

Finally, some people believe that I am not a hypocrite, and he is now returning to the stage of Huashan after washing his hands in the golden basin.

Exhausting all day about how to protect the Huashan faction, where is the hypocrite?

But he had bitterness and could not say it, and no one believed it.

knight Ye Tian: “Teacher Yue will collapse in the overall situation after that, and there is a big factor with the Evil Repelling Sword Spectrum, and he obtained the Evil Repelling Sword Spectrum by dishonorable means, leaving two consequences.” ”

Chilian Fairy Li Mochou: “Which two?” (curious)”

knight Ye Tian: “Teacher Yue should know, right?” ”

Li Mochou may not know, but as a party, Yue Buqun must have studied it several times.

Hua Shanyue Buqun: “Not bad!” Because I didn’t get it honestly, I could only practice secretly and couldn’t communicate with people, so after getting a staged breakthrough, I misestimated my strength and thought that the world was invincible. ”

Hua Shanyue was not a group: “And another aftermath, I need to hide the dishonorable means of getting the secret code, the first lie, but in the end I need to cover up with one lie after another, resulting in me fainting and failure.”


Although Brother Ye is only a fledgling now, he is extremely intelligent, and he suddenly feels that it is no accident that you can become a Heavenly knight in the future! ”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help but secretly admire in his heart.

Admired Ye Fan’s observation.

After all, in his opinion, the future fate of other group members can be seen at most once, and it will be a rough look.

But Ye Fan should only read it once, but he seemed to know him well.



Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for collection! Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for collection!


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