Zheng Zhao looked at the faces of the newcomers strangely.

New people,

Their expressions were first confused, then stunned, and finally as if they had thought of something, their faces changed.

It seemed to be frightened, and his heart was pounding, as if it had reached his throat.

Screams, exclamations, incredulous cries broke the dead silence.

“Aaaaaa Groove! ”

“Kidnapping? Which one who dared to kidnap Lao Tzu with a thousand knives didn’t want to mess around on the road? ”

“Kidnap you Malgobi! This is the main god space, are you a primitive man when you step on the horse! ”

“Oh my God, is that novel true?”


An atmosphere of panic pervaded the room.

The newcomers are confused, but the veterans are also stunned.

Zhang Jie, Zheng Zha, and Li Xiaoyi looked at each other, and they were confused on the spot.

I rub,

What is the situation, how do newcomers all look like “old kings”?

As soon as he opened his mouth, he broke through the main god space.

Zheng Zhao wondered, “You… Are they all seniors? What about pretending to be a ghost here? ”

Someone trembled, “You are Zheng Zha? Zhang Jie? Zhan Lan…? ”

Hearing this, Zhang Jie’s face changed, and he pulled out his pistol: “You are not newcomers!” ”

In the crowd, three gangsters with green hair and flowing anger suddenly said in horror: “Don’t shoot, we are obedient, absolutely guaranteed to be very obedient!” ”

In the novel, the three of them are killed by Zhang Jie.

At this moment, as soon as he saw him take out the Desert Eagle, he immediately screamed, and explained all the changes in the outside world.

I heard a strange novel appear in the outside world, and it recorded the situation of the main god space… More likely after future fate …

Zhang Jie was dumbfounded.

Zheng Zhao and Li Xiaoyi were also stunned.

It’s only been a few days, and the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes?

And listening to his words, Zhan Lan’s sense of existence is not enough…

Zhang Jie took a deep look at Zhan Lan and said, “It turns out that you are really a variable. ”

“Fake, do you believe this?” Zhan Lan smiled faintly.


Not to mention that Zhang Jie didn’t believe a single punctuation mark, even Zheng Zhe didn’t believe it.

Even the situation of the main god space and several of them is clearly written, is this still false?

Coupled with the mysterious Lord God investigator at that time, they were very impressed, where they still don’t know, Zhan Lan is afraid that it is really a “variable”.

At this moment, a polite young man wearing glasses came out and said with a smile: “Hello, introduce yourself – Chu Xuan.” ”

Zheng Zhao smiled, and before he could speak, an exclamation suddenly sounded in the crowd.

“He is Chu Xuan!?”


With a sudden, Chu Xuan’s surroundings were suddenly emptied, and they were silent one by one, full of fear.

You know, in the novel, they were calculated to death by him and became cannon fodder for sorrow.

This absurd and strange scene made Zheng Zha and several people look at each other.

Ma Ya, the painting style feels more and more strange.

“That person specializes in investigating this, do you say that he will be able to make such a big variable…” As he spoke, Zheng Zhao subconsciously looked at Li Xiaoyi nervously.

That person borrowed the other party’s body last time.

“You see what I do, how is it possible.” Li Xiaoyi was a little nervous when he was watched, and couldn’t help but look around suspiciously.

When I found that there was no abnormality, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhan Lan couldn’t help but relax, and suddenly her expression changed.


Li Xiaoyi’s body/body suddenly shook.

Groove? Groove!

Weigh the chest road D Zhan Lan: “Ah, big guy help!” @Ye Tiandi”

knight Ye Tian: “I’m here.” ”


That’s right.

At this time, he is in the alien world!

When Zhan Lan entered the copy and fell asleep, he had quietly run in and secretly controlled Li Xiaoyi’s body.

How could he have missed such an opportunity to play.

Come out, Lord God Investigator!


Chu Xuan keenly found that the muscles of Zhan Lan, Zheng Zha and the others suddenly tightened, and that Li Xiaoyi, who was originally afraid of his hands and feet, suddenly changed his demeanor.

Indifferent, calm, like a god on high.

Ye Fan’s gaze was far-reaching, slowly looked around, and said to himself: “Trouble, someone is doing things in the outside world.” ”

It’s him!

Zhang Jie’s heart tightened.

Several senior people have personal experience of Ye Fan’s mystery, but newcomers do not know.

“Oh, install a hammer!” A young man couldn’t help but taunt.

If there is a soft persimmon among the seniors, it must be Li Xiaoyi.

He was almost isolated.

That young man was not afraid of Li Xiaoyi’s anger, because he knew that Our Lady Zhengzha would definitely stop it.

The people around couldn’t help but be surprised, it seemed that they didn’t expect him to dare to ridicule the senior person, and the young man suddenly raised his head and chest, and his expression was high.

Ye Fan looked over faintly, his expression was calm, and his voice was short:

“Did I allow you to speak?”

He raised his hand and waved it gently

“Zheng Zha, he wants to do it.”

The young man opened his mouth to say this, but suddenly felt very strange, because no sound was made at all.

He couldn’t help but touch his mouth/chin, and his hand was flat and flat, where there was still a mouth.

The young man looked terrified, and then felt that the world was dead silent, and then he could no longer see anything, it was dark.

Everyone present felt numb when they saw it, and they saw “Li Xiaoyi” wave his hand, and the other party’s mouth disappeared, turning into an oozing blank.

Then the ears, eyes, limbs, until the whole person disappears out of thin air, like a literary painter, holding an eraser to lightly erase the flaws.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Li Xiaoyi in disbelief.

What’s going on

That Li Xiaoyi is so bullish?

It’s very different from what the novel describes.

“Three hundred years of banishing the alien space…” Ye Fan’s smile remained unchanged, “He is not dead. ”

The tone made them shudder.

That is to say, to be imprisoned until old age and death.

The next moment he seemed to be a little distressed: “It’s really troublesome, it turns out that the whole world has variables, is it not good to complete the procedure according to the trajectory of fate, why resist…”

He seems to know a lot of things.

“Forget it, I don’t care about this breakdown.”

Seeing Li Xiaoyi’s body shocked, all the momentum swept away and turned into a dazed look.

Let’s go?

Zhan Lan and several people stared at him in amazement.

“You guys, what do you think of me like that?” Li Xiaoyi was puzzled at first, and then saw everyone staring at him like a ghost, and suddenly his scalp was numb.

“Is it…”


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