I Played The Horror Invasion Game Into A Warm Daily Life

Chapter 100 The Bride Who Walked Out Of The Painting! You Are My Groom? I Am Your Father! (Seeking F

"When did this red embroidered shoe appear?"

Look at the red embroidered shoes under your feet.

Ye Mo's brows couldn't help but frown slightly.


He was walking over.

It is clear that all traces and movements in front of it have been put forward.

I've looked at it carefully.

There is no such red embroidered shoe at all!

It's as if it appeared out of thin air.

I glanced at the leaf red fish next to him.

Ye Hongyu seemed to know what Ye Mo wanted to ask, and said:

"Ye Mo, I didn't see this red embroidered shoes just now!"

"Moreover, on top of these shoes, there is a very strong malice and disgust that makes me disgusted!"

Even Ye Hongyu said so.

Then it's really not an illusion.

This red embroidered shoe is really weird.

Ye Mo was a little speechless.

He simply wanted to go to room 803 and help Ye Hongyu recover the medals that had been stolen.

Why did you encounter so many demons and ghosts along the way?

"Whatever you are!"

"Better not mess with me, otherwise..."

"Only let you die!"

Ye Mo's eyes were a little cold.

He lifted his foot and kicked aside the red embroidered shoes on the ground.

Then he continued to walk forward with the leaf red fish.


Ye Mo hadn't even taken two steps when his foot kicked something again.

Look down.

I found out.

The red embroidered shoes that had just been kicked by him to the back, I don't know when.

Again appeared at his feet.

"These damn shoes really got around me?"

"I really don't believe it!"

Ye Mo was a little depressed and grabbed the red embroidered shoes.

Then towards the side of the corridor, he threw it directly.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Ye Hongyu next to him, he was a little stunned.

Ye Mo pulled the double ponytail of the red fish and said.

But this time.

Ye Mo just lifted his feet, and he hadn't even started walking.

Just kicked the familiar red embroidered shoes.

"One after another, this is not endless?"

Ye Mo was also a little angry in his heart.

He didn't want to deal with the owner of the red embroidered shoes.

No matter what the owner of this red embroidered shoe is, what kind of terrifying ghost.

As long as it doesn't get in the way of Ye Mo.

Then he is too lazy to calculate with the other party.


Ye Mo didn't want to play with each other.

But the powerful ghost hidden in the shadows doesn't want to let Ye Mo and Ye Hongyu go!

"Redfish, it seems that there is something that does not want us to leave safely..."

Ye Mo said a little depressed towards Ye Hongyu.

In Ye Hongyu's eyes, there was a blood-colored light flickering.

She held the familiar pink keyboard, and the double ponytail behind her swayed.

The corners of her mouth hooked slightly, revealing a weird smile:

"Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Since these guys have been pestering us, let's play with it!"

Ye Mo simply ignored the red embroidered shoes under his feet, but stopped at the door of room 802.

He turned and looked at room 802 next to him.

On the door in front of him, there were actually red ministers pasted.

It's like someone in this family is going to get married.


"I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

"I thought you would abandon me?"

"Did you finally come to pick me up?"

Almost at the same time Ye Mo looked at Room 802.

In the room in front of him, a slightly muffled female voice came out.

With the appearance of this female voice.

A strong sense of malice.

It also emanates from this room.

"Pretending to be a ghost..."

Ye Mo sneered.

Raising his foot towards the door of this 802, he kicked over.


Ye Mo's physique and other physique have reached an extremely terrifying level.

This is all under the foot.

The door of room 802 in front of him was immediately kicked out.

It smashed heavily on the floor of the room.

Tables, chairs and other furniture with swastika in the house were all knocked to the ground.

Ye Mo took Ye Hongyu and walked directly into the room of this 802.

Since this is hidden in the weirdness of 802, it has repeatedly blocked Ye Mo and Ye Hongyu from leaving.


Ye Mo really isn't leaving.

Ye Mo's idea is simple.

Just hide this ghost in the room and kill it.

The other party's ashes were raised to her.

Then, there is nothing to stop him!

After walking into the room of this 802.

Ye Mo glanced casually.

Found inside this house.

You can see swastika everywhere.

Glancing in the direction of the bedroom.

Inside, it was even more festively arranged, and it was obviously a wedding room.

However, Ye Mo took a closer look.

It's discovery.

These red swastika characters are actually written in blood.

Below these red words.

There are also faint pieces of minced meat and bones visible.

The whole room exuded a strong malice, resentment, and hatred.

Spooky to the extreme!


What made Ye Mo's brows furrow slightly was .....

He and Ye Hongyu searched in this room for a while.

But none of them were able to find the owner of the red embroidered shoe.

"Where will you hide?"

Two bloody hands appeared behind Ye Mo.

Even his eyes were covered in blood.

Under the five-sense bonus brought by the "observer".

Ye Mo quickly got inside the room, and I got up.

But in the end, there was still no eyebrow.

Ye Mo glanced at Ye Hongyu: "Hongyu, have you found the location of that guy?"

Redfish shook his head:

"The contents of this house are very secretive."

"I'm afraid I can't get her out in a short time!"

"However, I can be 100% sure. Here she is. ”

"And, at this time, she is spying on us right next to us!"

"Because, I feel an air that I am very disgusted with.

"Right next to me, very close..."

Ye Mo's brows furrowed slightly.

Even Ye Hongyu was not able to quickly find out the other party.

Then, there are only two possibilities.

One is because the powerful ghosts in this room far exceed Ye Hongyu's strength.

The other is that the ghosts in this room have some special ability to hide themselves.

Ye Mo thought a little about it.

I think the second is more likely.


If the other party's strength is really far more than Ye Hongyu.

Then, the other party does not have to bother so much and shows up directly.

And then just go on a killing spree?

Ye Mo's eyes flashed with cunning.

Then, he said to Ye Hongyu next to him:

"Redfish, it seems that the owner of that shoe is really not here!"

"Forget it! Let's go outside and look for it!"

"If we can't find it, we'll go, it's still important!"

Ye Hongyu was a little puzzled.

She couldn't figure out why Ye Mo said that.

She clearly felt it.

The owner of that red embroidered shoe.

That's right in this room........

Moreover, the other party must be very close to her and Ye Mo.

It's very likely to be in this living room, and then still peeping.


Leaf red fish is now more than 60 friendly to Ye Mo.

So, even if I don't understand what Ye Mo means by this.

Ye Hongyu still chose to believe Ye Mo.

Since Ye Mo said so, then it is right to follow Ye Mo.

Thinking like this, Ye Hongyu immediately showed a smile:


"Then, let's go!"

Ye Mo let Ye Hongyu grab the corner of his clothes.

Then one person and one ghost, just like that, they walked outside.

Ye Mo's face showed a little frustration.

It was as if I was really depressed because there was no owner of the red embroidered shoe in the room.

But actually.

Ye Mo's heart was in a tense state.

's mind is always feeling the movement of any corner of the house.


Ye Mo and Ye Hongyu approached the door.

When I just thought about stepping out.

The door that was originally kicked out by Ye Mo actually flew by quickly.

Then it was erected and the door of the room was blocked.

"Finally unstable?"

"No wonder I couldn't feel your presence before!"

"It turns out that you are hiding here.......

Ye Mo ignored the blocked doorway.

Almost at the time of the movement of the door.

Ye Mo is from a corner of this house.

I felt a slight weird fluctuation.

There was no hesitation.

A bloody hand appeared behind Ye Mo.

He stepped out and came to a wall in the living room.

The bloody hand took the shape of a claw and grabbed towards a black-and-white drawing hanging on the wall.


The bloody hand grabbed the black and white painting fiercely, connecting it to the wall behind it.

They all grabbed a deep hole.

Almost at the same time that Ye Mo tore the black and white painting.

A fierce and sharp scream, containing endless malice and killing intent, came out.

A woman in a red wedding dress escaped from the painting in embarrassment, and then landed on the ground next to her.

"Huh? Actually ran away?"

"There are still some skills........"

Ye Mo withdrew his bloody hand and took the black and white painting in front of him.

This black and white painting has been torn in almost half by Ye Mo.

At the torn spot of the painting, a trace of bright red blood dripped onto the ground beneath his feet.

Ye Mo threw the torn painting to the ground.

The yin fire surged out, and soon this strange painting was burned to slag!

After doing all this.

Ye Mo turned around and looked at the ghost standing not far away, holding the red wedding dress of his bleeding right arm.

At this time, Ye Hongyu had already reacted.

She walked up to Ye Mo and said with a smile:

"Ye Mo, you're so good..."

"Did you know from the beginning that this guy whose brain door was hit was hiding in the painting!"

"So in order to kill the other party, I was caught off guard, so I deliberately said that the other party was not here!"

Ye Mo said calmly:


"I saw it early in the morning."

"This kind of trick is also a lie

Lie to little girls like you. "

"In front of me, like a joke, it can't be hidden!"



Ye Hongyu suddenly pouted with some dissatisfaction:

"Little girl?"

"Where am I small?"

"If you do this again, I will keep pressing you next time."

"Let you keep breathless, suffocate you..."

When speaking.

Ye Hongyu also deliberately pushed his body up!


Ye Mo was suddenly a little speechless.

He didn't dare to tease Ye Hongyu anymore.

He was really afraid that Ye Hongyu would jump up again at this time.

Hold his neck and put his head in!


Ye Mo had to change the subject:

"Now is not the time to play!"

"Wait until we solve these 197 guys!"

"Don't you want to find your medals?"

Ye Hongyu then stopped and rushed towards Ye Mo.

But she still seemed to be a little unconvinced, and kept whispering there:

"People are not small............."


Ye Mo pretended not to hear Ye Hongyu's muttering.

Turn to look at the bride who came out of the black and white painting.

This bride is fierce and wearing a red wedding dress.

Her arm was just injured by Ye Mo's bloody hand.

From the arm, there were drops of blood oozing out.


The bride's head was also covered with a red hood.

So Ye Mo couldn't see the bride at all.

"You... Is that my groom?"

"By the way, you picked up my red embroidered shoes, you are my groom, right!"

"However, you just hurt my good-looking hand, and I don't like it very much

Not far away.

The bride whose head is covered by a red head cover is a ghost.

A series of husky and deep female voices were emitted.

The bride raised her hand.

On her hand, there were actually countless red ropes that were pulled by it.

"But my favorite groom!"

"You broke my favorite painting, that painting, but my home!"

"You burned my home. How about I peel off your skin and draw another picture?"

The bride's fierce voice came out of her mouth.


Her hands kept swinging.


The red rope that he was holding on to his hand shot out in all directions towards the room.

Countless red ropes are like spider webs.

The whole house, all covered.

Seeing countless red ropes coming.

Ye Mo also smiled:

"Also groom, Lao Tzu, I........ It's your daddy!"


Ye Mo Zhou's body was up and down, and the yin fire of the sun surged out.

This yin fire.......

After upgrading to Intermediate.

Ten times more terrifying than before.

Those red ropes, in the blink of an eye, were overwhelmed by this endless wave of yin fire.

One by one, the red ropes were burned to ashes.

Ye Mo held the black keyboard in his hand.

Unleash the Black Mist Ghost Domain.

One step at a time.

His body, following the Black Mist Ghost Domain, teleported in front of the bride Ghost.

The bride saw all the red ropes, all burned.

Slightly stunned.

But I didn't wait for this bride to come back to her senses.

It's seeing.

A black keyboard, in front of her, constantly zoomed in.

Bang bang..........

Ye Mo held a black keyboard in both hands and slapped it the bride's ghost.

The bride's ghostly body flew out and plunged deep into the wall behind.

Immediately after that, the bride's ghostly body fell to the ground.

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