I Played The Horror Invasion Game Into A Warm Daily Life

Chapter 22 The Landlord's Ring! Break Through Level 6! (2)

With the woman completely collapsed in a pool of blood.

Ye Mo felt all the images in front of him.

In an instant, Qi Qi shattered violently.

After he opened his eyes.

He was found standing in a familiar bedroom.

On the bed in front of you.

Little girl carved from wood, lying quietly.

His stomach twitched slightly, and a somewhat weird smile appeared on his face.

It's like those just now.

It's all just Ye Mo's hallucination.

But Ye Mo knows.

Those just now are not hallucinations at all.

It was because he used the blood cocoon to absorb a series of hatred, guilt, self-blame and other residual thoughts in the body of the little girl carved wood.

A state that is triggered.

In that eerie state.

Ye Mo is able to enter the remnants of the little wooden carving girl's body.

Ye Mo is like a bystander.

I saw with my own eyes what had happened to Guan Chunhong and her daughter Guan Yueyue.


Think back to what you just saw.

Ye Mo couldn't help but sigh.

No wonder.

Previously, when Guan Chunhong mistakenly thought that Ye Mo and Lin Xiaoyin were thieves, her mood would fluctuate so much.

And when she sees the little girl carved in the wood carving who does not sleep properly in the room and sneaks out, she will suddenly get angry and lose control.

For Guan Chunhong, the latter for the thief's approach.

Ye Mo does not express any comments.

Because he thought in his heart that if he was put in Guan Chunhong's position.

His approach will be a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand times more cruel and terrifying than Guan Chunhong.

Locked up in endless darkness, struggling for so long.

Finally, I saw a glimmer of hope, and a door seemed to be slowly opening.

In the end, it was because of a move of the thief that blew out the only glimmer of hope.

No one can accept it at all.


Guan Chunhong brutally killed the thief.

Still can't seem to forgive himself.

She felt deep down.

If she hadn't gone to work that day, or if she had gone back to see her daughter earlier.

Then, maybe the tragedy will not happen to Guan Yueyue.

So in the end, Guan Chunhong committed suicide.

Even after death, Guan Chunhong's self-blame, guilt, regret and hatred in her body.

It still didn't dissipate, so it became weird.

There is no doubt that Guan Chunhong is a good mother.

Ye Mo looked a little complicated.

"The random task 'Calm the little wooden carving girl to sleep' is completed."

"Inspired state backtracking to discover the secrets hidden above the wood carvings!"

"Complete missions and gain twice XP, +700 XP."

"Gain beginner fighting skills. Get a special item: the landlord's ring. ”

"Get the 'warm embrace' of talent."

"Your level is increased to level 6, physique +2, spirit +2, charm +1, health up to 150."

A series of voices sounded in my head one after another.

Ye Mo's face immediately showed a smile.

He didn't expect to inadvertently see what happened in the past from the residual thoughts of the little girl carved wood.

Actually able to add points.

Not only has the level been upgraded from level 4 to level 6.

And get so many benefits.

In particular, the health has actually increased.

The initial stage of health is 100.

Ye Mo has also been upgraded several times before.

But none of the health points have increased.

"Perhaps, level 5 is a special stage."

"Crossing this special stage can sublimate life!"

There was some speculation in my heart.

As for whether this speculation is true or not.

It can be verified when you upgrade to a higher level later.

Skipping these, Ye Mo looks beyond the newly acquired skills, talents, and items.

Skill: Fighting (Elementary)

Including boxing, wrestling, sanda, kickboxing, mixed martial arts and more.

How can a real man not understand martial arts? In the netherworld, fighting in hand, I am invincible.

Hehe, I can hit ten. You...... Come here!

Talent: Warm embrace

(You have an aura that can make weirdness feel warm, a ghost that you have embraced.)

Will unconsciously reduce the rejection of you, and can't help but be attracted by the breath on your body. )

It's really not sick! Anyway, everyone will be family in the future, what's wrong with hugging?

Item: The landlord's ring

"One rainy night, a split personality patient picked up a ring.

He brutally killed nine people by various means, and crushed some different organ in the nine people, mixed his heart's blood, and smeared it on the ring.

Some kind of evil ritual that he imagined in his mind, the entanglement of ten souls, created this ring! ”

This ring hides a combination of ten soul grudges, and it can sense the crisis in advance.

Hee-hee, I smell you, it's dangerous, but that's interesting, isn't it?

Come on, kill me, or, let me kill!

"It's actually an item that can foreshadow a crisis in advance!"

The smile on Ye Mo's face was even worse.

He took the ring out of the inventory.

An evil aura came from the ring.

This ring is made of black and red intertwined, and traces of minced meat can be faintly seen on it.

It's like using pieces of meat mixed with blood and compressing it.

But Ye Mo didn't care at all.

I put the ring on my hand.

Only then did he walk out of the bedroom.

Guan Chunhong and Lin Xiaoyin were sitting on the sofa.

He seemed to have noticed Ye Mo's movement.

Both ghosts turned to look.

Ye Mo smiled and pointed in the direction of the bedroom: "The little one sleeps very soundly." ”

The gratitude on Guan Chunhong's face was very sincere: "Thank you so much!" ”

"My daughter hasn't slept much in a long, long time!"

"Guan Chunhong feels that you are a very enthusiastic neighbor, kindness to you +15, malice -30."

Ye Mo ignored the voices coming out of his head.

sat next to Lin Xiaoyin.

Pulled Lin Xiaoyin's black nails that were tens of centimeters long to the side.

"It's nothing, everyone is a neighbor..."

"Actually, my sister and I came to visit this time, there is something I want to ask you!"

Guan Chunyue's friendliness towards Ye Mo reached 40 years later.

For Ye Mo, it is no longer exclusive.

Even the voice has a slight taste of intimacy: "You just helped me a lot, if you have any questions, just ask!" ”

"As long as I know, I will definitely tell you!"

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