I Played The Horror Invasion Game Into A Warm Daily Life

Chapter 83 A Cycle Of Endless Resentment And Hatred! It Was He Who Killed You! The Homework Book Tha


Ye Mo flipped open the workbook on the table.

The handwriting on this workbook.

It's all written in fresh ~ blood.


"What is this - Hades work!"

"I can't understand any of them?"

Ye Mo clutched the pen.

Originally, I thought about doing these topics.

Look at the homework questions in this netherworld, and what is the difference between them and the yang.


When Ye Mo opened the workbook.

He was immediately stunned.


The titles on the workbook in front of me are all some ghost drawings.

It's like pouring blood on it and stirring it to form it.

Ye Mo couldn't understand a word, let alone do these homework.

"Damn, what is this!"

"Do I mean that I have to go up and explore the 7th floor without any purpose later?"

Ye Mo was a little depressed.

Ye Mo was so angry that he put the pen in his hand.

On the workbook in front of you, scratch around casually.

"You triggered the special item 'Can't Get Out of the workbook!"

"This was originally an ordinary workbook. But strong resentment and hatred flooded the workbook.

"Over time, it became a weird special item!"

"This workbook contains a space of memory fragments constructed by endless negative emotions such as resentment and hatred!"

"Once outsiders leave a trace on this workbook."

"Then, you need to enter the memory fragment space in this workbook."

"After reading all these memory fragments, you can come out again!"

"Have you entered the world of memory fragments in this workbook?"

Right at this moment.

In my mind, the cold prompt sound of the system suddenly sounded.

Ye Mo couldn't help but be a little stunned.

But then.

Ye Mo's face showed a look of ecstasy.

"Enter the world of memory space in the workbook!"

Ye Mo hardly had any hesitation.

It is to meditate in the bottom of my heart.

Almost the moment Ye Mo finished silently in his heart.

Ye Mo just felt the world spinning in front of him.

He felt...

His body.

There was a feeling of falling down to the extreme.

Ye Mo couldn't help but close his eyes.

Calm returned to the surroundings.

Ye Mo after opening his eyes.

He found.

He was still standing in a familiar room.

But this room in front of you.

Compare to Room 502 seen inside the horror game world.

But there is a big difference.

The room I am in right now is neat.

Everything is regularly arranged.

On the ground, clean up.

It gives people the impression that the owner of this room has a certain strong cleanliness.

"Xiaoqi, come out soon!"

"What do you see Dad bought you?"

Just when Ye Mo was a little stunned.

The door was opened.

Then a young man with a short beard walked in.

In his hand, he also holds a small transformer.


Immediately afterwards, I saw that the bedroom door was opened.

A little boy who looked nine points similar to Chen Daoqi rushed out.

The little boy went directly from Ye Mo's body.

Pounced on the young man.


After seeing this scene.

Ye Mo was slightly stunned at first.

But then.

Ye Mo just got it.

The world inside this workbook.

and the world inside the photo that Uncle Ge entered before.

And in Xu Qingyi, the world inside the diary he entered, the principle is the same.

Ye Mo was casually experimenting.

It turned out that this time, he was the same as the previous two times.

are able to speed up, slow down and rewind time here at will.

Moreover, it can also be freely shuttled to the place where the memory fragment character is.

After knowing the principles of this world.

Ye Mo did not try again, but continued to look at the little boy and the young man.

"How? The Transformers that Dad bought for Xiaoqi, does Xiaoqi like it?"

The young man somewhat spoiled the little boy on the ground.

Then he handed the small Transformer to the little boy.

The little boy's face was filled with a happy smile.

He unpacked and took out the Transformer.

Smiled and kissed the man's face:

"Xiaoqi knows that Dad is the best for Xiaoqi!"

"Dad, I love you..."

After that, the little boy sat on the ground with the transformer in his arms and played.

"Oh, I said why did you buy these things again?"

A young woman came out.

But that's what she said.

But the look in her eyes when she looked at the man was obviously shining with adoration.

The young man stepped forward and hugged the young woman, and said with a smile:

"It's okay! Xiaoqi is still a child, and these toys don't cost much!"

"As long as he's happy!"

The young woman also laughed and said no more.

"This is obviously a very happy and harmonious family..."

"But why, in the end, did Chen Daoqi become like that?"

Seeing this family of three, it is very warm and harmonious.

At the bottom of Ye Mo's heart, he couldn't help but become more and more curious and puzzled.

He quickly began to speed up the time here.

Time passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye.

It's been two years.

In this two-year period.

Men, women and little boys are a family of three, living happily together.

The relationship between men and women is good.

The husband and wife are very affectionate.

Not only that.

Men and women, for the little boy, the only child, also care and pamper.

In this room, you can often hear the laughter of this family of three!

"Xiaoqi, it's coming out soon!"

"Is it okay for Dad and Mom to take Xiaoqi out to buy new clothes today?"

This day.

It's already approaching the New Year.

The man pushed away the little boy's bedroom and said with a smile.

"Okay, finally I can buy new clothes!"

The little boy jumped out of bed happily.

"Hey, you kid, little white!"

The woman wrapped her arms around the man's neck from behind.

He scolded with a smile at the little boy who was bouncing there.

Followed by.

Men and women are with little boys.

Went to the largest shopping mall nearby.

After walking around for a few hours.

Seeing the sky, it has darkened.

Men and women carry large bags of things.

The little boy followed the man and woman with a balloon in his hand.

A family of three, walking towards the outside of the square.


"My balloon: .........”

This time.

The little boy was careless, and his hand loosened slightly.

The balloon that was originally grabbed by him suddenly broke away from his hand.

Flew out into the distance.

The little boy's face showed an anxious look.

Legs chased after the balloon that flew away.

"Hey, little chess kid!"

"It's really fast, a bit like I did when I was a kid!"

The man watched the little boy run out to chase the balloon, and suddenly said with a smile.

His eyes were full of spoiling for the little boy.

The woman scolded with a smile: "I see..."

"Just spoil him, someday."

"You'll be your precious son, spoiled...

The man said with some carelessness:

"Haha, return my precious son, isn't he also yours..."

"Huh? Little chess, be careful..."

Men were still talking and laughing with women.

But right now.

When the man glanced at the position of the little boy.

The man's expression suddenly became ugly.


Not far in front of the little boy.

Above the 7th floor.

There is a sign that has been blown down by the wind.

Dad, ♫ ..."

"I'll be back when I catch the balloon!"

The little boy didn't look back, just said something loud.

The man threw the bag in his hand on the ground.

The woman panicked.

She reached out to grab the man:


But it was empty.

The man did not hesitate in the slightest.

The first time rushed towards the little boy.

Then, at the moment when that signboard was about to smash on the little boy.

The man flew and opened his hands.

Tightly pressed the little boy's body underneath.


The signboard smashed heavily on the man's body.

The position where the edges are sharp.

Directly cut the man's body in two!

Blood, all of a sudden, gushed out!


When the woman saw this scene, she was directly frightened and stupid.

She fell to her knees and wept silently.

Passers-by called.


The ambulance came.

Men and women, as well as young boys, were taken to the hospital.

In front of the door of the emergency room.

The woman waited for hours.

Her eyes were bloodshot and her hair was a little messy.

The mental state is also not very good.

After a while.

The door to the emergency room finally opened.

The doctors and nurses who were in charge of the knife walked out.

The woman quickly ran forward and grabbed the hand of the surgeon:

"Doctor, what's wrong with my husband?"

The doctor pulled down the mask, sighed, and said:

"I'm sorry, although we have done our best!"

"But... There's really no way we can do it!"

"Hey......... You'd better take one last look at him!"

After speaking.

The doctor left.

The woman's eyes appeared a little empty.

She walked in step by step.

Led by the nurse, he came to the man.

The man's whole body was covered in blood.

Pale and purple.

His body was almost cut off.

It can't be saved anymore.

The man seemed to have sensed the woman's arrival.

He struggled hard, trying to raise his hand.

But in the end, it was just a finger move.

The woman weakly knelt in front of the hospital bed.

She grabbed the man's hand desperately:

"Don't go, I won't allow you to go..."

"You're gone, what should I do alone later?"

The woman's voice was full of despair.

You can see that she loves this


The man's mouth opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something.

The woman hurriedly put her head up.

"Take care of it......... Well..............small... chess..."

One by one, it is as small as the sound of a mosquito.

From the man's mouth came out.

After saying this sentence.

On the instrument next to it, a series of sharp sounds were emitted.

The man is completely gone!

The woman cried silently.

Because the man protected the little boy with his body.

So the little boy only had a slight fracture.

After spending some time in the hospital.

The little boy recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

The woman brought the little boy home.

Time goes on...

In the following time.

This is the house where a family of three originally lived.

There are only women and little boys left.

And women since the man left.

Her character is a natural change.

It's no longer as gentle as it used to be.

Instead, it gradually became irritable and harsh.

She often loses her temper and smashes things because of small things.

Every time she looked at the little boy.

The eyes are no longer as pampered and gentle as before.

Instead, it brought with him a deep hatred that was hidden.

0... Ask for flowers...

Moreover, she began to demand the little boy extremely harshly.

Not only for this little boy who is only eleven or twelve, he signed up for various cram schools.

Moreover, he forced the little boy to complete a bunch of homework every day.

On this day, the woman came back from work.

Saw that the little boy was not doing his homework.

Instead, he was playing with the Transformer that the man bought before.

See this Transformer instant.

In the woman's eyes, an extremely distorted and terrifying look appeared.

She walked over and snatched the Transformer from the little boy's hand.

Then smashed the ground.

Parts and everything spilled all over the floor.

"Have you done all the homework I gave you today?"

"Still playing, knowing to play all day

"These toys, you are not allowed to play with them in the future!"

"Also, if you can't finish today, then you don't eat!"

The woman glanced at the little boy with some disgust.

Then next to all the toys of the little boy.

All packed up and thrown away.


The little boy was frightened by the woman's horrible look.

I cried in fear.

"Still crying? I make you cry: .........”

"Do you know who bought your life back?"

"You don't study well, are you worthy of your father? Are you worthy of me?"

After seeing the little boy crying.

The woman became more and more irritable.

She grabbed a long black whip next to her.

One whip after another, it hit the little boy's body.

The little boy's cry suddenly became louder!

In the following time.

Women assign more and more homework to little boys every day.


Each time, the little boy was not able to complete the homework she had assigned.

The woman uses the black whip.

A whip hit the little boy's body.

The little boy was much thinner.

His whole body was covered in blood.

He was often alone, hiding in his room and crying secretly.


Because he did not dare to cry in front of women.

Because once a woman sees him crying, she will beat him even harder!

This day.

The little boy went home early after school.

He opened the door and saw the woman sitting there talking to herself with a man's clothes.

A smile appeared on the little boy's face.

He opened his backpack and took out the test paper inside.

Mom............ The test results are out!"

"I took second place in the whole school!"

"The teacher said that there will be a parent-teacher meeting this weekend, and there will be awards to the top ten people in the school!"

In the process of taking the test paper, the little boy accidentally touched the wound on his body and gasped in pain.

But there was a smile on his face.

He felt...

He had been beaten by his mother before.

It's because his grades are so bad.

And this time, he got the second place in the whole school...

In this case, my mother will be very happy, right?

Then mother, won't you be sad all day long, and you won't hit me?

The little boy thought so in his heart.


The woman put down the man's clothes.

She turned to look at the little boy, the disgust in her eyes not concealed in the slightest.

Coldly said:

"Second place?"

"Second place, are you so proud and complacent?"

"Usually let you finish your homework well, you know to be lazy all day!"

"Now that you have only taken the second place, you just ran back to show off with me like this?"

"How? You still think I'm praising you?"

"I really can't figure it out, how could he save you such a waste!"

The woman's face was hideously distorted.

She came over and snatched the test paper from the little boy's hand.

I didn't look at it.

It was in front of the little boy that the test paper was torn to pieces.

"I can't even take the first place, and I am angry every day!"

"If you can't finish these review questions today, then don't eat, don't sleep!"

The woman will stack the workbook.

It slammed into the little boy's face.

Then turn around and go.

The little boy was dumbfounded.

His eyes were a little blank and he stood in place.

Tears, from the corners of his eyes, dripped silently.

He gritted his teeth and did not dare to cry out at all.

Because he knows.

If he cried out loud.

Then it will be ushered in the whipping of women again and again.


The little boy sat at the table.

While crying, I do homework and exercises stacked on top of each other.

Long periods of whipping and staying up late, as well as starvation.

Jean got a serious problem with the little boy's body.

His spirit is getting worse and worse.

And in another room next to it.

The woman fell to her knees.

The woman holds a family photo in her hand.

This photo was originally a photo of a family of three.

But at this time, this photo is on.

The parts that belonged to the little boy were all painted off with a red pen.

Only two people remained, man and woman.


"Why! It should be him who is obviously dead!"

"Why did you die for him?"

"Why did you leave me?"

"Why did you rush up? Why save such a waste, a waste that knows to play all day!

"As soon as I see him now, your face will appear in my mind."

"I'm afraid I can't help it!"

"I can't stand living with him!"

"If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have died.........."

"Yes, that's right! He killed you........"

"He killed you..."

"He killed you!"

The woman swipes her hand over the man's face in the photo.

Her face was hideous, crazy and distorted.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was falling down, like a crazy demon!

She was constantly muttering crazy words.

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