Chapter 494: The Half-Step Grand Monarch

In the void universe.

When the auras of the two Heavenly Venerable peak-level powerhouses appeared.

The Tianzun-level powerhouse inside breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

As for Qin Feng's attack...

The Peerless Club also had plans in advance.

It's just that the great masters will not be easily dispatched.

The two Heavenly Venerable peak-level powerhouses who came this time...

Known as one of the two most powerful Tianzun-level powerhouses in the Wushuanghui forces, even the one who has the power to protect himself against the Dazun-level powerhouse...

No matter how powerful Qin Feng is, don't try to suppress them easily!

If time drags on for a long time, wait for the Alliance to recover...

At that time, Qin Feng will be no big deal if there are great masters entering the arena.




Qin Feng charged at the same time as the two peak Tianzun powerhouses.

The light flashed on his body, and the golden light covered Qin Feng's whole body!

"Chaos Clock!"


A precious clock appeared and stood on top of Qin Feng's head.

At this time, Qin Feng's eyes revealed a fiery fighting intent.

Face the two peak Tianzun powerhouses of the Wushuanghui.

"Looking for death!" A peak Tianzun powerhouse sacrificed his treasure.

It is a halo.

The halo stood behind his head, and the power of the law of reincarnation was strong in it.

"Kill!" Another Tianzun peak-level powerhouse rushed towards Qin Feng with bare hands.

Qin Feng is fearless!

Clang, clang!

The Chaos Clock above his head chimed loudly.

Ripples of space-time laws appear.

In an instant, the unarmed Tianzun in front of him was enveloped.

call out! ! !

The remnant bone of the Great Senior was shot out like a sharp arrow, turning into a knife in his hand and slashing at Tian Zun.

"Drink!" The strong Tiantian yelled violently, swinging his fists and colliding with the remnants of the great venerable.

Boom! ! !

I saw that Tianzun's strong man's fists were attacked by the Great Zun's remnant bones, but he was cut from it immediately. The castration did not diminish, and his whole body was cut in half!


"Hey, it's a little tricky."

Qin Feng noticed that after the bare-handed Tianzun powerhouse was cut in half, his vitality plummeted in an instant, but he recovered to the peak state in an instant, and he was very familiar with the power of law circulating in it.

"It's the law of time!"

"Tian Zun purifies himself with the law of time, so that every piece of flesh, every bone, and every particle on his body has the power of the law of time. No matter how much damage he receives, he can reverse time and become the strongest state !"

"This Tianzun is also a strong man who practices the law of time."

"He is already at the peak level, and the law of time is even higher than the Chaos Clock!"

"This supernatural power is interesting!"

Qin Feng seems to have realized something.

Sure enough, as he said.

The Tianzun peak level powerhouse who was split in half by the Dazun's remnant bone palm knife quickly recovered, and his aura was always at its peak!

at the same time.

Another powerful Tianzun with a halo, while his body trembled slightly, the halo behind his head flashed millions of times in succession!

Every time the light flickered, the aura on his body became thicker and stronger. It flickered millions of times, making the aura on his body reach the peak of the peak of the Tianzun level, the limit of the limit...

It's not an exaggeration to call him a half-step master!

At this moment, he waved his sleeve robe.

The phantom of the cosmic sea immediately appeared in the void.

The phantom of the cosmic sea is full of chaotic laws.

Boom! ! !

"Current tide!"

The turbulent flow of chaotic law the size of the cosmic ocean swept towards Qin Feng like a sea wave.

"What a powerful supernatural power!"

Feeling the power of the supernatural power facing him, Qin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The halo Tianzun was originally just an ordinary Tianzun peak-level strength, but in a short period of time, his strength skyrocketed...

Reached the strength of the half-step Dazun level!

At this time, a third eye appeared between Qin Feng's brows, and the Eye of Time and Space appeared.


The light of the law of time and space immediately went to the turbulent tide.

The power of the turbulent tide has been weakened little by little!

"Kill!" The unarmed Tianzun also launched an attack on Qin Feng at this moment.

Simultaneously corresponding to two peak powerhouses of the Tianzun level...

What a pressure it was, but Qin Feng didn't panic at all.

The Great Senior's Remnant Bone struck again, blocking the unarmed Tianzun strong man.

Qin Feng was in no hurry to kill the two Heavenly Venerates in front of him.

"I... have the opportunity to break through the Heavenly Venerate!"

"It's on these two Heavenly Venerates!"

Qin Feng discovered that the unarmed Tianzun used the law of time to purify himself...

And the halo of Heavenly Venerate, the halo behind his head seems to be the law of reincarnation!

"The law of reincarnation..."

"How do you burst out the strength of the half-step Great Senior?"

Qin Feng felt that as long as he figured out this point, he would be able to break through the Celestial Lord, and once he broke through, he would be able to follow the template of the Supreme Celestial Lord.

Become that supreme god!

Thinking of this...

Qin Feng confronted the unarmed Tianzun against the remnant bones of the Great Venerable.

Put most of your energy on the opposite Halo Tianzun!

The Chaos Clock and the Eye of Time and Space are constantly activated.

Make the wave of attacks of Halo Tianzun come back without success!

"Every blow of the halo Tianzun is at the peak of his strength, and his supernatural power has not been weakened at all!"

"It's just that every time he activates his supernatural powers, the halo of reincarnation at the back of his head will flicker..."

"You have to hit him, and you may discover his real secret."

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took a deep breath.


boom! ! !

The gray-red world appeared.

Qin Feng entered a mysterious and mysterious state.

The surrounding time and space stopped for a short time.

Even those two Tianzun peak-level powerhouses froze all actions and thoughts in the interior state.

Qin Feng looked at the halo Tianzun in front of him, a huge golden robbery force emerged from his body, and that huge golden robbery force swept away a thunder and lightning, and blasted towards the halo Tianzun.


The lightning of robbery suddenly struck the body of the halo Tianzun!

I saw that a hole immediately appeared on the body of the halo Tianzun!

At the same time, his aura suddenly plummeted!

If an ordinary Tianzun peak-level powerhouse is so severely injured, even if he does not die, he will have to use the power of law to clear the power of robbery.

However, something magical happened.

The moment the hole in the halo Tianzun appeared!

The halo behind his head flickered, and the hole in the halo Tianzun disappeared instantly, and the aura was at its peak again!

Seeing this, Qin Feng was quite amazed.

The tribulation force reappeared on his body, turned into lightning and destroyed the body of the halo Tianzun, just like last time...

The halo at the back of Tian Zun's head was just a flash, and the body was intact.

At the same time, the body breath is still at its peak!

Qin Feng stopped attacking, with enlightenment in his eyes.

"I see."

"The halo behind his head is the halo of reincarnation."

"The effect of the reincarnation halo..."

"It is to borrow power from the reincarnation world itself!"

"That's why he was able to instantly burst out the strength of a half-step Great Senior powerhouse. That flashed millions of times, didn't he use the power of millions of reincarnations!!!"

"At the same time, he also replaced his injuries with himself in the reincarnation world. Those injuries are still there, but what he appeared in front of me was always at the peak of his strength!"

"This supernatural power..."

"It is similar to the unarmed Tianzun who used time to refine himself."

"Maybe, I can combine the two."

Qin Feng's eyes showed excitement.

He thought that he could learn from that magical principle.

Create your own supernatural powers comparable to the powerhouses of the Heavenly Venerable.

Once the creation of supernatural powers is complete.

It's time to break through the Heavenly Venerate!

Plus the addition of the Xeon Tianzun template...

By then, how strong will it be? !


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