Chapter 338: A Construction Site Like Fire Like Tea! How to Master Destiny? (5/5 seeking automatic subscription)

When Lin Ke's voice fell.

He suddenly felt an incomparably mysterious power in his body.

This kind of power does not seem to exist in reality, just like illusory.

He felt more illusory than the power of time.

At least after he mastered the law of time, he could see and touch the elemental magic of time. Even before there was no time law, he could feel the existence of time element.

But this kind of power is different and totally unpredictable.

It is like an illusory thing, which does not exist in the real world at all. But what is very strange is that Lin Ke can feel such a force in his body.

"Is this the power of destiny?"

Lin Ke whispered to himself.

Then he forcibly entered an ethereal state, allowing the power of fate to shuttle through his body.

Because he has no idea of ​​the power of destiny, nor can he understand it, let alone control it.

So the only thing he can do is to leave this process to the system.

Let the system help him master the power of destiny.

Time flows quickly.

Around the city of the elves, far away from the lake of the goddess, the forest that had grown luxuriantly because of the eternal tree has been removed.

No tree can be seen on the plain hundreds of miles around.

Because this huge plain has become a construction site."

After Lin Ke handed over the task of building the city of the elves to the wine girl, the wine girl immediately found the ruler of the dwarf clan Warrell, the king of warhammers, and conveyed Lin Ke's order and gave the two balls of light to Wal. .

In these two balls of light, the method of building the city of the elves, the method of arranging the magic circle, and the method of building the Holy Light Cannon are recorded.

After receiving the task, Vorel immediately sent the dwarf kingdom to summon 003 masters of the dwarf clan.

Hundreds of thousands of dwarf masters who are proficient in architecture teleported to the city of the elves with the help of the ancient tree of the Elf tribe of the Gods Mountains, and then quickly joined the construction site."

With the help of the mountain giant army, some dwarf masters began to lay the foundation for the new city of elves. After the foundation of a city of elves was laid, they quickly began to build the walls.

And all the boulders used to build bases and build city walls have been engraved with various magic runes by the masters of the dwarf clan. The purpose is to make the boulders stronger and more magical.

And the Wine Girl brought a group of demigods from the Elf Kingdom to lay out those magic circles on the foundation of the newly built Elf City.

The function of these magic circles is to make the city of the elves have the ability to fly high, and at the same time, it can condense the shield that covers the city of the elves, and transmit magic power to the cannon of the holy light.


There are more than two hundred thousand dwarf masters on the other side of the construction site, like fire like tea, forging holy light cannons.

Maybe it shouldn't be called the Holy Light Cannon anymore.

It should be called a natural cannon!

After all, these cannons will be equipped in the city of the elves, and they will fire elemental magic shells condensed by natural magic.

As for the power of natural shells, they are more powerful than the holy light shells.

Because the holy light cannonball contains only the power of light, while the natural cannonball contains the magic power of multiple elements, such as flames, refrigerator, thunder, wood, soil, water, light, darkness, and so on.

The magic of these elements (baab) is not repulsive, because they have merged into a higher level of natural magic.

Of course, the power is even stronger.

It's like the natural power that the wine woman masters, which is more powerful than the light power of a single attribute.

In the passing of time.

More and more natural cannons are made by dwarf masters.

The speed of building is much faster than the Guangming Temple.

This is because the number of dwarf masters who built the natural cannon is more than two hundred thousand people. Compared with the hundreds of dwarves enslaved by the gods in the Temple of Light, the difference in number is not one and a half, but hundreds of times the difference.

To put it simply, the time for the Temple of Light to build a holy light cannon, the dwarf masters of the Elven Kingdom are equivalent to having built hundreds of natural cannons.

Of course, in the supply of materials, the Temple of Light is far inferior to the Elf Kingdom.

Millions of mountain giants mine iron ore, copper ore and other minerals in the vast territory of the Elf Kingdom, and then send them to the construction site through the ancient tree or the eternal tree", the efficiency is not known how fast.

In addition, the Elf Kingdom is also over-supply in the special metal needed to build the natural cannon, and you can give it as much as you want.

After all, the Elf Kingdom conquered the three human empires and confiscated countless treasures. There were hundreds of thousands of large and small space equipment installed, including a large number of special metals.

Whether it is arranging magic arrays, depicting magic runes, or special metals needed to build natural cannons, there is no shortage of various material resources in the Elf Kingdom.

It can be said.…

The elven kingdom has people and people, and resources and resources.

How can the speed be slow?

On a construction site that spans hundreds of miles, time seems to be sped up.

A city of elves rose from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just one month, nearly thirty cities of elves have been built, and they are increasing at a rate of one a day.

If the high level of the Temple of Light was resurrected, most of them would be scared to death when they saw this scene.

Because the speed of the Elf Kingdom is really terrifying.

I believe it won't take long, at least before the army of the abyss demons arrives, the scene of hundreds of sky cities that Lin Ke longed for will appear in the sky.

However, these cities of elves that have been built do not yet have the ability to fly because of insufficient magic power.

Only when the tree of eternity is built in the city of elves, will the city of elves have sufficient magic power to fly high into the sky.

Time goes on.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

The number of fairy cities has also reached a full sixty.

Every elf city has a solid foundation and a towering megalithic city wall that is nearly 100 meters high.

Sixty cities of elves were spread out on a plain hundreds of miles in radius, and the scene was spectacular.

In the high-altitude city of elves.

Queen Agatha and the Wine Maiden appear under the tree of the Tree of Eternity.

During Lin Ke's retreat, Agatha would occasionally come here to see her majesty through the teleportation ability of the Eternal Sacred Tree.

At this time, the eyes of the two women fell on Lin Ke.

Two months have passed, and Lin Ke is still sitting still under the tree of the Eternal Tree.

His body was enveloped by a mysterious force, and even the wine girl couldn't detect the situation in Lin Ke's body.

But the wine girl knew what Lin Ke was doing.

Because Kritina, the goddess of nature, told her that the mysterious power around Lin Ke's body is the power of destiny that is not controlled by any gods in the legend.

At first, Kritina, the goddess of nature, only thought that Lin Ke was trying to ignite the divine fire and condense the divine personality.

But as the fate of Lin Ke's body became stronger and stronger.

Only then did the goddess Kritina discover that Lin Ke was doing something that was thousands of times more terrifying than igniting a divine fire. He was trying to master the power of destiny.

The discovery kept Kritina awake almost all night.

Even if she is the main god who controls a god system, it is impossible to control the power of fate, because the fate of all things in the world is uncontrollable.

Like an ant on the ground.

Was deliberately trampled to death.

Does this mean the person controls the ant's fate?

of course not.

This can only mean that being trampled to death is the fate of the ant itself. Among its countless branches of fate, the branch of fate of being trampled to death has been triggered, so this ant is destined to be stepped on, and the person who trampled it to death still does not grasp its fate.

The ethereal power of destiny, even the Lord God cannot control it.

For this, the goddess of nature Kritina is very clear.

So when it was discovered that Lin Ke was trying to master the power of destiny, Kritina, the goddess of nature, was shocked to sleep all night, unable to sleep at all.

Agatha sighed slightly.

"It's been so long, and I don't know when His Majesty will wake up."

"The Prophet of Tyrol has come to see you again?"

The wine girl looked at her with a smile.

Agatha said: "The Prophet Tyrol is very persistent. He has lived in the Dark Forest for more than a month. He comes to me every day to ask me if His Majesty is over the closure."

The wine girl smiled and said: "Can't she see that our majesty has made up his mind to attack the orc prairie? What is the use of negotiation?"

Agatha smiled and said: "I found out that the Prophet Tyrol seems to be unwilling to return to the Orc Royal Court.

Hearing this, the wine girl had a surprised expression on her face.

At this time.

Lin Ke, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, slowly opened his eyes.

But his pupils looked extremely strange.

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