"If I can't go to Grand Line, how can I become One Piece?"

"You know, I'm the man who wants to become One Piece, and I'm the one who wants to find the treasure in Legendary."

"How is it possible to stay in such a small sea restaurant in East Blue and work as a handyman for him for 10 years,"

"Isn't this ruining my life?"

While talking, Luffy knocked on his head angrily, looking rather ridiculous,

And as soon as he uttered these outrageous words, everyone in the restaurant attracted attention behind his back, no matter if it was Marine or pirate,

Seeing that it was actually a boy wearing a straw hat who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, he actually thought about becoming the One Piece King and getting that sea that countless people had given everything for.

Onepiece, a great treasure that cannot be found in the east and west of "970".

I think this kid is really ignorant.

It's better to go back quickly, the line to go home. No, that's right

Because such words come from the mouth of a young man,

So they just felt a laugh in their hearts, as if a joke had been recorded in their ears.

He almost sprayed out the delicious food he was eating.

But the entire restaurant erupted into bursts of laughter. Obviously, they all took what Luffy said just now as a joke, and no one was serious about it.

It is Luffy, such a young boy, who has such extraordinary ambitions. Of course, among these people, only one.

Kaido was not surprised, but looked at the boy wearing a straw hat with admiration, Luffy and his red straw hat that was carefully cared for.

Falling into memories again, he whispered at the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that the boy Sanji did not give the straw hat to the wrong person, and it fell into the hands of this boy named Luffy, the director, it is not a disgrace to the glorious history of the straw hat.

Speaking of this, Kaido thought of something again. Staring at the straw hat, he was in a daze for a long time, and then continued.

"Is it really this straw hat? It's the straw hat on Goya Emperor Roger's head. I remember it as well.

And I seem to have seen it in that place too, this exact same straw hat, but it's magnified by an unknown number of times.

No one knows what the place Kaido is talking about, only him.

It's like drawing a map.

He poured out the wine on the table, dipped his fingers in the wine, and slowly drew a suddenly magnificent castle on the blank table.

Then while drawing the corners of his mouth, he continued to say tick-tock,

"What kind of secret does this straw hat hold? For and so many people, in order to protect her, have passed it on, and there is a place where there is a straw hat that is hundreds of times bigger than the Common people. The exact same straw hat."

Just when Kaido fell into his own memories, the red-footed Zhepu of the restaurant on the sea also discovered the situation on Luffy's side, attracted by what he said just now, walked up to him and watched Luffy slowly Said.

"Boy, did you say what you said just now? You broke our ceiling, and you just said such nonsense, do you want us to think you are a fool?"

"Or do you mean to say this on purpose, to make us laugh and make us happy. You think you can let us let you go."

Redfoot Zhepu is obviously someone who knows the op of the Great Treasure, after all, he has been to the Grand Line, and the danger of the Grand Line and one piece,

The great treasure in this Legendary and the rumors in the sea that I don’t know how many things and even lives have been paid for this great treasure are also a little bit known.

At this moment, I heard that a young boy like Luffy shamelessly said that he was going to become the One Piece, and become the last owner of this onepiece that countless people have struggled for countless years without discovering.

So the red-footed Zepu walked up to Luffy one by one, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face, looking at this half-grown yellow-haired boy amateurishly.

laughed and said:

That's why you kid dared to say that you want to find onepiece. Not a kid like you, nothing. Aggressive, other people here have already taken out machetes and chopped you to pieces, and threw them into the sea to feed the fish. "

"Everyone here saw what you said, it was so funny, it made their stomach hurt from laughing, so for the sake of making them laugh, they don't care about you..."

After saying these words, Zhepu obviously understood why his chefs stopped him just now.

The reason for Luffy, and then took the fat chef with one hand, handed him the bill, looked at Luffy and said.

"Okay, I won't talk about it with you. Don't even think about it. Just make jokes and get fooled."

"Then he got the color of a hippie smile again, and then looked at Luffy holding up the calculator in his hand solemnly, and said from him"

"Alright, the mood has been calculated for you, and for the sake of the joke you just said, as the owner of this restaurant, I will generously give you a discount, leaving only the profit."

"Neither more nor less, there is absolutely one word missing."

"So when the 50,000 times is paid off, let's go. Of course, if you can take out 50,000 Baileys now, then we will let you go immediately, or do you still want to have a meal here? "But we don't accept credit here. Simply put, when you finish the 50,000 Baileys, when will you be allowed to continue eating here? Otherwise, stay here and wash the dishes for us. Work as a handyman. "

When Luffy heard Common's words, he understood that the other party was determined to keep him here as a handyman.

Because the current Luffy, even if he wants to return a Charm 1.3 to the government, it is impossible.

At this time, Zoro, a swordsman who wanted to escape, and Usopp, a boy with a long nose, who had gone out for a stroll earlier, walked back to the restaurant and continued to sit in their original seats.

Watching the argument between Luffy and the red-footed pants, but this time they were surrounded by a man who looked much older than them.

And looking at the props in his hand, he seems to be a swordsman.

"Sorry, Boss, Brother Zoro. We were just sleeping, and then we were kicked out by the head of Nami. We wanted to ask why, but we found that he drove the boat and left directly

"Then we heard what Nami's boss said to this Usopp brother, and then we realized that Nami's boss stole your Meilan."

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