I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 449: Leader Clark

"Do you also believe in the existence of the blue ocean? Then we are really the same kind of people." Sanji looked at Kaido with interest.

"Not only do I believe, I am sure that I can find Lan Hai, just like the idiot in the straw hat believed that he would become the One Piece." Kai Duo smiled confidently.

"Did you hear that? Guys like this believe that I will become the One Piece King. You should obey me obediently in the future. I will bring you to the Grand Line." Luffy didn't know how to interpret Kaido's words as a compliment. One side became complacent.

"Hey, he's saying you're stupid, why are you so happy." Usopp patted his forehead speechlessly, sighing that Luffy's brain must be full of rubber.

"What! So you are scolding me, despicable guy, let's have a fight, and the loser will come to my boat." Luffy doesn't know how his brain grows, but he can always come up with something that makes people laugh. People are speechless. Now he's flicking his rubber arms, eager to try.

Kaido was also speechless, and didn't know what to say. It was a good opportunity to recruit Sanji, but Luffy made it look like a sand sculpture netizen fighting scene. Make up your mind to abduct Luffy's crew and run as far away from him as possible.

Just when Kaido was about to say something, to re-establish the passionate atmosphere of recruiting the crew, he saw that Sanji had already quarreled with Zep again, and after a while, he had already started fighting, and he couldn't hear Kaido's words at all. what.

It's okay for Kaido to think about it, and he shouldn't be too anxious about recruiting crew members. Although he has the aura of domineering, he won't make people fall for him. Moreover, Sanji also has his own ideas and bottom line, and it is not that he does not want to face Kaido's condition in this way.

He should be given more time to think about it, and also communicate with Zhepu. The scene of quarreling and fighting now is probably about communicating.

"Sanji, if you are interested in my proposal, you can come to me at any time, I will stay on this boat for a few days." Kaido raised the wine glass in his hand, signaled to Sanji, and then turned and left the restaurant.

Luffy didn't calm down either, and ran out following Kaido bluffing, he probably still wanted to recruit Kaido to his ship.

However, Luffy is doomed to be impossible to succeed. Kaido has already achieved the number one in the world, and he has no idea of ​​fighting for anything. This is completely different from a passionate young man like Luffy.

So he can't go on Luffy's boat and experience exciting and interesting adventures, for him, those are troubles that need to be thrown away.

After letting go of a lot of things, life has become more comfortable, and with the continuous supply of delicious food in this sea restaurant, Kaido has the idea of ​​staying on this ship and not leaving, but the money is a little too fast. If Sanji doesn’t express it If you want to follow Kaido to find the idea of ​​​​the blue sea, Kaido may have to work on this ship like Luffy.

While Kaido was enjoying his lunch and thinking wildly in his mind, there was a sudden loud noise on the boat, and everyone looked in the direction of the commotion.

"Look what that is!"

"It's a big ship, but why is it in such a dilapidated state?"

"That's Chief Clark's ship, it's over, we're over!"

The sound was noisy, and the crowd was panicked and overwhelmed, as if the end of the world had arrived.

Kaido also looked curiously at the source of the commotion. The people there were all looking out of the window of the restaurant. Kaido followed their line of sight and saw a huge pirate ship appearing on the sea. Jolly Roger.

It seems that it is indeed the ship of the leader Clark, which reminds Kaido of a few days ago, a person who was about to faint from hunger and came to the ship to ask for food, the ghost man Ajin. That is a leader Clark's men, it seems that he brought the leader Clark here, to repay the kindness.

Kaido hates this kind of person very much. If he encounters such a thing, he will definitely smash that person's boat into pieces. As for the crew and cook, he would go back and smash that man's ship.

Having made up his mind, Kaido didn't panic at all, and even wanted to laugh a little, and then he just needs to see how things develop. It would be great if the world could see what Kaido of the Beasts is again.

…………… Ask for flowers 00

In fact, Kaido didn't really want to come up with this idea. If he became famous, he would have countless troubles coming to his door, so he couldn't enjoy the food and afternoon tea quietly. Such an idea is really salty fish, after all. It's been too long at sea.

The commotion on the ship continued, and many people were shouting that they wanted to leave the ship of the sea restaurant.

Suddenly, the door of the restaurant was opened, and a huge figure appeared at the door of the restaurant with his back to the sun. The boat fell silent for an instant, and no one made a sound. They all stared fixedly at that figure, is that the feared leader Clark? What will he do, seize the ship and kill everyone?

The scenes in his memory brought back Kaido’s memories. He has been in this world for more than ten years, and he has forgotten most of the original scenes, but he still barely remembers this scene. The leader Clark came to beg for food.


Sure enough, things continued according to the picture in Kaido's memory. With the support of the ghost A Jin, the embarrassed Clark still staggered and shouted in a weak voice: "Give me something to eat and drink!" Yes."

The scene suddenly got out of control again, not the previous panic, but mixed with the joy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe and the feeling of confusion caused by the huge gap between the scene seen and the imagination.

The cook at the Shanghai restaurant was even more excited to tell Marine that not only would he be able to solve his serious problem, but he would also get a huge bonus.

"He just wants a meal, and I think we should give it to him." Maybe it's for the face of the ghost man Jin, maybe it's his own life principles, and he doesn't want to see hungry people, Sanji still wants it. Help those who want to eat.

Kaido, who was watching from the side, made a disdainful voice. In his opinion, he is either an enemy or a friend. He should do his best to a friend, and he should be thunderous to an enemy. How can there be so much compassion. But this matter is not related to him for the time being, he just needs to drink tea while watching the play.

The chefs on the ship held their own opinions and argued endlessly, but most of them still supported it and reported it to Marine.

Where they didn't notice, Clark gradually stood up, showing a malicious smile.

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