It's not that the murlocs of the Dragon Pirates are anything to talk about, it's just because Qian Mian has already learned that these two people are stronger than the murlocs, and when they saw the pushed door, the two The murlocs felt that they couldn't beat these two people, so they brought them to the boss, where they all tried their murlocs. At that time, they could do whatever they wanted with them.

Kaido is naturally a bold person with high skills, and he followed the two murlocs in without saying a word. Zoro, who shouted and killed him several times, was a little nervous, but seeing that Kaido had already stepped forward, think about Kaido's If there is such a force, there is nothing to be afraid of, so I followed. That's because Zoro hasn't seen the scene where sawtooth Arlong moves houses and smashes people when he's in a frenzy. If he had seen it, Zoro wouldn't be so relieved.

The territory of Arlong Park is still very large. With two humans, the two murlocs walked relatively slowly. After walking a few steps, one murloc left first. I guess it was time to talk to Sawtooth Arlong first. There is nothing to say about the surrounding situation, the common sense of the world, and Kaido naturally doesn't care. In his eyes, these are all clowns, not worth mentioning at all.

As for Zoro, he can’t control it even if he wants to. He’s still wrapped in bandages. He can’t walk at the current speed, and he can’t catch up with him. And with Kaido around, he doesn’t need to worry too much.

After a while, he finally came to the front of the mansion. Along the way, he passed through a lot of forests, trails, and various scenery that can never be seen on the sea. Kaido immediately fell in love with this place. If possible, he would like to I bought it here as a place of residence for myself. As for such a large place, whether there is money to take it down, Kaido still has to think about it.

Kaido suddenly remembered, this is the world of pirates, not the original harmonious society, this place does not belong to any country, how did they get this place when the dragon pirates came, I can't think about it It's a robbery, a direct and unilateral announcement that this place belongs to me, and there is no need to report to Marine. After all, the Dragon Pirates are pirates, and they are an important target of Marine's attack. How could they still snatch it for them? So it’s easy for Kaido to get it back no matter how the Dragon Pirates snatch it. It’s really too simple, and Kaido likes such a simple and rude way.

At this time, in front of the mansion, all the members of the Dragon Pirates were watching Kaido and Zoro coming, including Nami.

The big brother murlocs look at human beings with the same attitude. They either take the initiative to give them money or passively give them money. The two people here seem to be passive money givers.

Nami recognized Zoro next to Kaido at a glance. After all, they had been together for several days, but she was not very familiar with Kaido. After all, it was nearly ten years ago when Kaido taught Nami swordsmanship. Kaido's image changed drastically in 2010, he seems to be in the same age group as Luffy Zoro, Nami can't think of the uncle who taught him swordsmanship ten years ago, but Nami still feels that this person is a little familiar, maybe It must have been at the Balati Sea Restaurant.

"Are you the human who injured my brother, and dare to come to the station of our evil dragon pirates, you are really not afraid of death." ’ Sawtooth Arlong, sitting right in the middle, said darkly.

"Haha, as the saying goes, you don't know each other if you don't fight. Didn't we get to know each other because of this?" Kaido didn't hesitate at all, and stood opposite Arlong, talking nonsense. Because Kaido has already made up his mind to rob the manor of the Dragon Pirates, and sooner or later the fight will start, so it's a matter of past events.

"Hahaha, stupid human, what nonsense are you talking about, did you hear what I said clearly, I will say it again, I will kill you, including your family members, your partners." Sawtooth Arlong gave out the unique peculiarity of murlocs Laughing, tilting his long, jagged nose.

"Oh, I won't talk nonsense with you, I will tell you clearly now, I have two things to do this time, the first thing is, I want to take away a girl named Nami, and the second thing is, I I have taken a fancy to this piece of land, if there is someone in charge, come out and negotiate with me." Kaido stood with his hands behind his back, his tone sonorous, very much like the gangster he imagined, but in the eyes of the Dragon Pirates, It's just that suddenly a lunatic who speaks out loud came, and he was serious about negotiating conditions with the boss of the Dragon Pirates.

Sawtooth Arlong looked around his subordinates, and suddenly laughed together with those people, tears came out of the laughter.

Nami also looked at Kaido standing in the middle of the field speechlessly, not knowing where this person came from, it really made people wonder what to say.

Zoro really didn't think like them, but after hearing that sentence, I fell in love with this piece of land, and it seemed that he was going to get serious.

After getting along for such a long time, Zoro has never really known what Kaido's strength is. The only battle was with the leader Clark, but that time Clark was completely beaten by Kaido. All he could tell was, Kaido's strength is not ordinary. As for the others, whether he has any skills or special abilities, he has no idea at all, not only him, but the entire team of Luffy does not know.

This person seemed to come out of nowhere, and he had never heard of it before, unlike him, before he went on the road with Luffy, he was already a famous pirate hunter in many regions, not because he was overconfident, He believed that even (Li Zhao) Arlong who was sitting in the middle had heard of his name.

But even a character like Zoro, who fought against Mihawk before, suffered a crushing defeat. Clark, the leader who was also chased and beaten by Mihawk, was able to escape from Mihawk's pursuit, but when fighting Kaido, he was also suppressed and beaten, and there was no room for a backhand. Analyzing it this way, Kaido is likely to be a master at the same level as Juggernaut Mihawk.

Zoro was looking forward to Kaido's attack very much, so he was happy to take it easy, instead of holding his only remaining knife, he went up to fight desperately.

"Little Hachi has a task for you, get rid of this idiot." Finally, the Dragon Pirates laughed enough, and Arlong ordered to kill Kaido, the idiot Zhang.

"Such a person doesn't need me to take action at all, as long as my pet takes action." Xiaoba, the octopus fishman, said. .

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