I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 508 Retreating The Enemy

The moment Smoker dissipated into smoke, he realized that he was wrong. It was not that he could do whatever he wanted by avoiding that person's fist. What Kaido said about the strength enough was not just words.

When Kaido's fist hit him, he had already felt it before it touched his body or his smoke. It was like an invisible wall appeared in front of Smoker. The wall, that wall is made of unrivaled strength.

Even the howling wind and torrential rain were pushed towards Smoker's face by this invisible wall, and a vacuum area appeared around Kaido for a while, and even the rain couldn't fall into that place.

Smoker felt that he had encountered an unprecedented crisis. At this moment, he was not thinking about how to attack. Only by trying his best to defend would he be able to save his life.

The smoke quickly shrank into a ball, and then, as if being knocked down by a speeding truck, the smoke that the Smoker turned into was instantly blown out and quickly disappeared into the rain.

Seeing that the person blocking the way was gone, Kaido turned to look at Luffy and said, "Okay, now there is no one blocking us, let's go now, Zoro and the others are probably going to the boat."

Luffy, who was stunned by the current scene, was awakened by Kaido's words at this time, and followed Kaido and ran towards the Meri.

In Luffy's eyes, the battle just now was really beyond his comprehension, although before this, Luffy also met people with strange abilities, for example, Buggy is one, he is a Chop-Chop Fruit ability user, is Those who won't be killed by sharp blades are actually not only sharp blades, even powerful shells can't kill him. The only thing that can be done is that Buggy will still feel pain. It is also for this reason that Luffy can Defeating Buggy in that battle, if there is no such weakness, Luffy is also the clown Buggy has nothing to do.

This time, Colonel Marine is a bit too much. Although Buggy's ability is weird, he still has his own body. This Smoker is not like that. He directly turns his whole body into smoke, directly into It has become something that can be seen but cannot be touched. This makes him, a person who throws his fist every day, attack once just now, but it has no effect at all.

But seeing that Kaido also uses fists, how can he fight back and forth with this Colonel Marine? Is it true that the strength he said is not enough? It seems that I still need to strengthen my strength, so that Can deal with these strange enemies.

The battle between Kaido and Smoker just now looked like a show to Luffy, he obviously didn't hit "Smoker, but it seemed like he had received some huge damage.

At this time, behind Luffy and the others, by the wall of a building, Smoker reassembled his figure, wiped the blood from his mouth, and showed a wry smile.

What kind of monster is this Kaido? It actually has such a great power, so big that it blows up the air.

From Luffy's point of view, Kaido's fist didn't hit anything, but as the person involved, Smoker knew what was going on. The fist that seemed to hit nothing had actually hit the air, and the air had been affected. Kaido's blow, and finally passed to the formless smoke that hit him.

This is how much power it takes to dissipate most of the power in the air, and a part of it will be conducted in the smoke in the air, causing him serious injuries.

You must know that even if he Smoker does not have the ability of this smoke fruit, he is not an ordinary Marine soldier. He is also a ruthless man who can defeat people with bare hands, but even with such strength, he was severely injured by the aftermath of Kaido's power .

The current Smoker can only rejoice, this man has not mastered Armament Haki, otherwise he would not be as simple as being injured, there is no way for this loss, and he should not be punished, otherwise he will come out this time. Big loss.

On the other side, a person who has been looking at this side is standing in the shadows, gesturing in front of him with his fists clenched, and muttering: "Is there enough strength~°?

Kaido and Luffy ran towards their own boat, and saw a boat on the pier from a distance, swaying in the wind and rain, as if it could be overturned at any time.

Get closer and you can see that Nami Usopp Zoro and Sanji are already on the boat.

Nami waved to the two of them from a distance and shouted: "Hurry up, you two, the rope on the boat is about to fail. If it looks like that, the boat will leave. Stop moaning."

"...Come on! Rubber rubber!" Luffy activated his rubber ability, stretched his hands, turned twice above his head, and then threw it towards the boat on the pier, stretched his arms, and directly grabbed the side of the boat superior.

"Kaido, grab me, let's fly over." Luffy said to Kaido.

Since there is a convenient method, Kaido will naturally adopt it. When Luffy got up, he quickly grabbed Luffy's ankle and flew towards the boat to the grave together.

This speed is much faster, and Nami decisively cut off the rope that fixed the boat. Anyway, Luffy has already grabbed the side of the boat. I'm not afraid that they won't be able to get up, so I won't stay here any longer, and be hunted down by the group of Marines The memory is still vivid in her mind, she doesn't want to experience this kind of thing again, this time it's because luck gave her a group of people, none of them were caught by Marine, if this happens again, maybe there won't be this time That kind of luck too. (Hello Li Wang)

It's better to go to sea as soon as possible. Should pirates create miracles at sea? What is it like to stay on land every day?

Luffy's body returned to normal, and he was lying on the ship's side. Kaido's eyes were quick, his feet were on the side of the boat, and he was already on the deck with a pedal. Luffy was not as chic as Kaido, and he slowly climbed in and lay on the deck superior.

"Phew, it's finally over, this adventure is really exciting!" Luffy lay on the deck, smiling contentedly.

"What is excitement, you almost died this time, do you know that, if there were not so many accidents, you would have been a dead person, wouldn't you still want to be the One Piece?" Nami still smiled Luffy, said angrily.

Originally, Luffy still didn't take her words to heart after listening to the previous one, but after listening, Luffy still changed her mind. .

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