At this time, Sanji also said that it doesn’t matter whether it is sword or swordsmanship, as long as he can be with Nami, he will do it, so even after Zoro said that he wants to learn, Sanji also He raised his hand and said, "And me, Kaido, I want to learn your sword skills too."

Kaido nodded and didn't say anything. It's not difficult for him to do such a thing. He just said that he would teach them, but he didn't say how to teach them. It depends on their own understanding. up.

"Sanji also wants to learn swordsmanship, so let me learn it too." Luffy also said it at this time, after all, he doesn't have to exercise every day like Zoro, he basically just has nothing to do every day, that's how he is His strength is no worse than Zoro's.

Now that Na "Three Zero Three" Mi Zoro and Sanji have gone to learn swordsmanship, it's just him and Usopp, so it will become very boring, why not learn swordsmanship with a few of them.

In this case, there is only one Usopp left. Several people looked at Usopp at this time, not knowing what he would say.

Usopp didn't have any idea about this at first, but after seeing them all go, he was the only one left. He said that he wanted to become a brave sea warrior

If you just shoot a slingshot from a distance, it really doesn't look very good. If you have sword skills, you can also charge into battle, he is still a little excited when he thinks about it.

"Okay, since everyone has gone, let me learn swordsmanship too." Usopp said.

Seeing that several of them have expressed that the last person present, Miss Wednesday also wanted to say that she also wanted to study, but she was embarrassed to say it because she was just a captive on their ship. stand to learn their swordsmanship.

But she is not very eager, it is not that there are no swordsmanship masters there, with her status, what kind of swordsmanship has never been seen, what kind of good swordsmanship can they, an unknown pirate group, have, so Miss Wednesday has nothing Said, after thinking about it, let's see what kind of swordsmanship they learn.

"Well, if this is the case, we will all come to learn swordsmanship." Kaido said, "We will teach swordsmanship once a day after breakfast and lunch, and then you will practice by yourself. Now if nothing happens, we will start for the first time. Let's learn."

Said, Kaido has already walked out of the cabin, it seems that he wants to start teaching them swordsmanship.

Others followed one after another, and a group of people went out of the cabin, watching Kaido arrive at an open space on the deck, and picked up a wooden stick in his hand.

Because Zoro is the only person who uses knives on this boat, Zoro has three knives on his waist, and the rest are Sanji's kitchen knives.

So now Kaido can only use a stick that he picked up casually as a knife.

Kaido thought about the source of this sword technique, but he couldn't remember exactly where it came from.

He also used this sword technique before, and the Zoro he fought at that time had no temper at all, which is why Nami and Zoro wanted to learn, while the others came here with the mentality of playing.

This kind of swordsmanship is the Tai Chi sword that doesn't know that world, because the head of Wudang in that world, for some reason, has a great affection for dragons, so much so that he creates dragons everywhere in his life.

Even the image of their own Emperor Zhenwu was believed to be in the shape of a dragon by him, and the Tai Chi sword he used was also changed by him, so that the entire sword posture took on the shape of a dragon. The sword intent really turned into a dragon soul and appeared in Kaido's dragon soul system.

Kaido also learned this sword technique in this way, but after so many moves, it is no longer the original Tai Chi sword, but the basic sword intent still exists.

In the world of Jin Yong's martial arts, the strongest attacking swordsmanship is the Dugu Nine Swords. Even Linghu Chong, who has no internal strength, can compete with the first-class masters in the world after mastering the Dugu Nine Swords.

But even with this most powerful sword technique, Linghu Chong still didn't use Dugu Nine Swords to break through the defense of Wudang Master's Tai Chi Sword.

Dugu Nine Swords emphasizes that there is no move to win and there is a move. In fact, Tai Chi Sword is also the same kind of swordsmanship.

When Zhang Sanfeng was teaching Zhang Wuji Tai Chi Sword, Zhang Wuji said that he had forgotten all the sword moves after Zhang Sanfeng practiced Tai Chi Sword several times.

This means that after mastering the sword intent of the Taiji Sword, the sword moves are not important, and remembering that the sword moves are all hindrances to one's own performance.

Kaido can't expect them to be like Zhang Wuji, with the addition of the great teleportation of the universe and the magic power of the nine suns, the high comprehension is scary, everything can be seen at a glance

Now they are learning sword moves first, and when they are proficient in sword moves, they will explain the sword intent to them.

Kaido turned to several of them, and several of them also looked at Kaido standing in the open space, not knowing where he was going to start teaching.

"Swordsmanship is not a fruit ability that you have seen before, and it is impossible to have immediate results. If you want to achieve certain achievements in this area, you must not be impetuous. Only by sinking your heart, experience it slowly, and understand it slowly can you truly learn the essence of this swordsmanship. The essence. Now I will teach you the routine first, and only after you have learned this can you proceed to the next step." Kaido glanced at several people


Zoro somewhat agrees with Kaido’s statement that swordsmanship is indeed not the same as that of Devil Fruit. After eating Devil Fruit, there will be an incredible 3.5 changes immediately, but swordsmanship needs to be practiced day after day in order to have a certain fighting power. But he couldn't understand what he was talking about.

In Zoro's view, swordsmanship is nothing more than using a more reasonable way to swing faster and more powerful slashes, destroying the enemy in a devastating way, as long as you master the tricks proficiently, add strength and speed, and have enough combat experience , so that the full power of swordsmanship can be exerted.

Zoro has never heard of enlightenment. However, he was indeed defeated by Kaido's swordsmanship. Although the scene was a tie, Kaido still had strength at the time, and he himself was almost unable to stand up. That kind of magical power is still fresh in his memory, so he didn't question Kaido's statement as a swordsman. .

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