I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 541. Very Suddenly

Guys like this one until the first writing is very sudden, but it is really reasonable, because no matter how they say it, they don’t believe that the world is really peaceful enough to complete such a task, because no matter how it is now such a Condition.

I have never seen it before. Now there are only a few dozen people, and although they are some well-trained officers, but in this way, it is impossible to have any victories in such a situation, probably because no matter what the other party says It is also a very emphatic pirate group.

If you apply for employment with the other party, it may be a surprise attack at all, and it is impossible because they have also heard that the sea group is very powerful in the current situation, and in the current situation, Garp benefited from the pirate The leader of the regiment is also a very powerful person, because I have heard of "four two three", this guy can beat dozens of people by himself, so under the current situation, dozens of them It may not be enough for this pirate to hit.

So speaking of the current situation, they simply feel that the current situation is indeed very sluggish, and the prospects are also very broad, so they are now. Then I came out because I said that he is a very powerful person who doesn’t like to suffer too much. Although I said that they have never seen such a character, what kind of person can defeat an opponent, but they also think that such a Legendary, It has already made them feel very intimidated.

Under the very strong, very strong psychological deterrence, they did not dare to resign rashly. In addition, they now know that Beast Development is definitely not easy to mess with, although this guy is also very good-tempered now. There is absolutely no possibility of losing your temper without any foreign power.

But no matter what the current situation is like, doing the same thing, I simply feel that if all the people offer to resign now, this guy will definitely lose his temper, because this guy is not a friend. One point is very clear.

Because in such a situation, each of them knows that such a guy has killed countless people. Of course, in this situation, they also believe that this guy killed some damned people. But who knows now, maybe those damned people are also very kind. It’s the same thing when they talk about it. They just can’t make a decision rashly, so they really want to resign now, just like this guy .

But they lack such courage. In addition, if they propose to resign very confidently now, Bai Shou too much will be very angry, and they will say it here, and now they are very clear.

In such a situation, if they resign, they will be defeated by Kaido three times when the enemy overtimes, so they can’t have any other choice now, they can only bite the bullet, because they are also now I feel that we should take extraordinary actions under the extraordinary circumstances, because in this way, what kind of character they are now, they must risk their lives to see what kind of character they are now.

Because it is very reasonable to say too much now, if the resignation is allowed, it is impossible to get out of such a maze-like place now, so in the current situation, besides, they can only risk their lives in such a situation. a place.

So speaking of the current situation, Barkley now feels that he can’t stay in this place no matter what he says, because he doesn’t want to die, he also wants to return to his wife’s arms .

So in the current situation, he has basically called the police, and both parties are determined to resign. No matter how you say it, he now feels that there is no reasonable basis for this matter, even if it is too much He can't change his mind by saying any words to persuade him to stay. No matter what the current situation is, he also feels that if he doesn't leave at this time, then he can only leave one sentence and miss.

Baishou Pioneering has said a lot of things now, because in such a situation, he also feels that if a guy like this now says something to keep him, he seems to be a person who doesn't count at all. People, because I said before, these people come to such a place, they are free to come and go, if they want to follow me, then I welcome them at any time......

If you want to rebel, you can say it casually. Under the current situation, this guy also proposed such a resignation, which is basically a betrayal, so he can't say anything now and should say it.

Under the current situation, he also feels that this matter is indeed very inappropriate, because no matter what the current situation is, his freedom is also very inappropriate. He said that he is going to approve it just like this. This guy's used so much.

It is very clear that there are too many situations like this, that is, it is completely impossible to leave, because the fundamentals of this place are very complicated. If you want to leave, there is basically no possibility that you can only drop 40. But then again, there is still no way out in such a situation.

Because this person has made up his mind that no matter how hard he keeps him, there will be no results, so he has no choice but to seek death by himself, so he immediately approves this guy's resignation request, and now he also hopes This guy can live.

Because no matter what the current life situation is like, one day friend Bai Rien, so in the current situation, I have no choice but to hope that this guy will perform a miracle, because he is also very aware of such a situation Miracles are basically impossible.

"Since this is the case, when you have already decided, don't make me feel that you are a very shameless person in this situation now. So since you are going to leave in this situation, then I have to tell you, It is absolutely impossible for you to leave such a place alive, because such a place is really dangerous, and it is easy to get lost, so I still want to advise you in the end, if it is not necessary, you should stay Here, although war is dangerous in this situation, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to die, but if you leave, you will definitely die.",

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