I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 566: Soldiers Approaching The City

"Brother, no matter how you say it, now I lead my brothers, all of them have sealed off this place, because such an effect is that there is no possibility of any escape. If the user says to hang up now, I am not at all now. I really hate the king of this small country, because this guy made me use a lot of things, and now the king is a guy with excellent interactivity, and he is very profitable.

Because now this guy basically treats his current subtitles like pigs and dogs, so in the current situation, all the money of this guy is used to expand the army, so in the current situation, these army Simply very powerful.

So in the current situation, the result of the "410" is also correct for fear of being overthrown by others, so it is only now that we must vigorously develop the army. Should we say that, the current situation simply makes me feel that this matter is very serious. That's good, because no matter what the current situation is, it makes me feel that this matter, if I follow Bai to do it now, now. In such a situation, I will immediately achieve the position of such a king, and from now on I will become a very good king, because no matter how I say it, I also feel that in this situation, this guy is a dog king at all. Because no matter what the current situation is, I simply have to change the situation of such a country. "

Kaido of the Beasts also thinks it is very good, because no matter what she thinks now, Garpal is indeed a very powerful character, and she is now giving him such a simple task, and she will definitely be able to complete the unexpected and at the same time be very clear In such a situation, am I simply leading the few people I am now, and I am about to enter such an effect, because no matter what the current situation is, I simply feel that no one can stop me .

So in the current situation, he and Bai are just strutting and calling his subordinates. It is a very large army that all the officers have left such a place, because when you say that in the current situation, you feel that although the current situation is He said that he left, but Garpell did not have any behavior of betrayal, because he also knows very well that he is a very powerful character. If this guy betrays, then there will be no such thing as going up at all, so the current card Garpal is also a very shrewd person, and I would never make such a move very much.

Garpal is indeed a very smart person, and he would not make such a move in the current situation, because he also knows very well that if he dares to diagnose the disease now, he will basically be punished in vain every minute Too many can be eliminated, because no matter how you say it, he is very clear that if he dares to betray, then the current situation is such that he can't even keep such a position, so no matter what now, he is still a Marine Admiral .

And now that he is about to become the king, it would be a very stupid move if he rebelled, so how could he make such a stupid situation and say that now he is deploying his own army immediately, and he must Giving this small country to the whole regiment is the main thing, because in the current situation, everyone said that he is very clear that this small country has basically reached the scene of fate, and he should be very clear about how to say it, so, because the king I sat down. The question he thought of was very good, because no matter how he thought about it, it should be like this right away.

Because no matter what the current situation is, Kaido of the Beasts immediately led the design girl to scold such a place, because no matter what the current situation is, I simply feel that the current place does not use any Coins, because no matter how you put it, he still feels that such a place, he simply feels that it is such a small pot, and he is their king and immediately surrenders, otherwise he will immediately step on this country in this situation draw.

"You guys are listening to your king and immediately ask your king to come out and surrender, because how to put it this way, I feel that such a place should not exist in this world with the wine master, because this king is a very violent king, Now this guy is just a really stupid guy......

This time, the common people are basically like pigs and dogs, so I am saying now, alas, such a guy must be as stupid as he is now, and I will say it again, Xiao Guo should not exist at all now, so I say Now if you guys want to live, immediately notify your king to come out and surrender, otherwise I will immediately smash this guy to pieces. "

These soldiers guarding the city think that these guys are simply lunatics. Now this guy is alone, and he is bringing dozens of people with him, so he dared to make such a move under such a situation. Because although they are a small pot, they also have hundreds of thousands of troops, so it is a very stupid thing to talk about such a matter now, because they also know very well that the Cabul Pirates are a very powerful figure, but In this way, there is such a small pot, there is no way at all, so the army in this situation is very well-trained and well-equipped, with thousands of warships .

Therefore, although the current effect is an effect, it is indeed a very powerful country. Even a very medium country 1.7, it is impossible for such a small country. Users are talking about the current situation. , besides, the king pays great attention to training such an army, because in this way, the current situation basically reassures the king, because in this way, such an army basically means that it can resist any powerful army. army.

"You stupid pig, what are you talking about now, you now dare to disclose Instructor to a country like ours, do you know that a country like ours is very powerful at all, and no country can underestimate us In such a country, it is a very stupid move for you to lead dozens of people to challenge our country alone, so you should go home and eat your brains now."

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