I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 569. Misunderstand

The king now feels that he is simply very afraid of designing himself. It is because of these misunderstandings, because no matter how you say it, he thinks this guy is a very ordinary person, but he can think of this guy as a very powerful character. A man from hell.

So now he feels that the current situation should be highly alcoholic, or that the current situation is not designed to such a degree, because no matter what he says, he still has hundreds of thousands of troops, and there are many The generals.

Although these generals are very scared now, no matter how you say it, you feel that as an Advanced officer, you should defend the king no matter how you say it, so these guys can be regarded as highly loyal, and some people can be regarded as loyal.

Because I also got a lot of good things from the king, so now that these situations and these interactions, I feel that it is time for me to serve the country, but no matter what I do now, I feel that this guy is very stupid to be loyal. .

Because now a very sensible person will not disinfect a tyrant at all, so now he thinks this officer is very stupid, but there is nothing to do with the whole landline now, because after being present, we also feel that these calls, we It's pretty stupid now though.

But how can I say that I should kill them now, so I'm fucking now. I just think that the key to these things is that they are hopeless, so now I am going to kill all of these people if they take a fancy to them, so I have no choice but to use my palmistry. There is really no way to go to the village.

Because these prime ministers are basically just a bunch of wine bags and rice bags, for them, they are cutting melons and vegetables, so he immediately became very silent, because these officers have now discovered their current situation. There is no use.

Because this guy is so powerful now, this guy is so powerful that it is very incomprehensible, because they have never seen this kind of situation at all, this is a stage officer, and he can be regarded as experienced in many battles. Also a very powerful character.

Because no matter what they say, they have experienced the magic power of imagination, so in this situation, they have never seen such a Divine Grade fighter, so now these officers are also very afraid of these characters Not to mention the soldiers.

Because the officers are just talking about it, and now the apprentices of these soldiers have to fight with their lives, so these soldiers feel very helpless in the current situation, but how to say in this situation I also feel that this situation should be surrendered at all.

Because now they also feel that thanking Xiongguan is nothing but fart, because they are just talking about it, and the next order to themselves must be desperate, because they are also flesh and blood, how could they beat others like this A very powerful person, this guy is so powerful now, everyone go


Because we are doing this now, and everyone is very clear now, even if they all go up, it is impossible to beat his opponent, because this guy is really too powerful, because they have heard of such a Wei Weihou after the president. Hou's family has already reported the name of the design.

This guy is the famous Beast Development, even the king has heard of such a few characters, because he also feels that it is impossible to have any plans to win under the current situation, so this guy is now I was just about to throw it away, but I really didn't expect that these soldiers would not listen to his command at all, because they now simply think that the German king is a tyrant.

There is absolutely no need to laugh at this guy, so now the king has immediately become a national official, and the generals have now become a character who likes to rebel very much, because no matter how they say it, they also feel that if they go up now, they will die .

So they are getting a lot of money now, and. It doesn’t work now, because the money was not spent and died, so now they also think that surrendering now is a very good income, because this hawking has already been collected, and if they surrender now, they will be returned to them now A very good income, so in this situation, the videos of these generals have all surrendered, and the king has nothing to do now.

Because now the king also feels that in the current situation, he simply feels that there is really no way to do it, and he never thought that he is facing the Garpal Pirates at all, and he is a character who is not afraid at all. Faced with such a guy, he has no fighting power at all, and can only tell his old feelings, so the king has no choice but to return now [please don't kill yourself.

There are too many beasts, and now he is a very powerful figure, because no matter how he puts it, he doesn't know. In such a situation, he can't make the decision at all, because now he represents the common people, and also represents the righteous people in the whole country. Although I say that I am a Marine now, because no matter how she is now she is a very wild character, but no matter how he is a person with a conscience, I am definitely not an ordinary person who suffers from any penance.

Now he also feels that this guy has lost so much people's fat and people's anointing that he must spit it out, because everyone basically thinks that in such a situation (with good money), the people should be the masters, and now such a situation will immediately put all the people in the future It should be in the policy that the common people only have the right to speak. If the common people let this guy live, this guy will live, and if the common people let this guy die.

Well, under such a situation now, the common people have to personally fund it, so now the common people immediately gather around after hearing such words, because now everyone feels such a thing, and these things are very excited.

Because this tyrant is a very violent person at all, he recruits many beauties every year, and many soldiers are all enjoyed by September 2, so the common people are also very complaining about the current situation, so everyone is now I just think that this guy should die, and now it's great to have such a character making decisions for himself. .

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