I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 600: Higher-Level Exchange Conditions

"This is the project of our Konoha Village, and it is also our friend of Konoha Village, so I have a proposal!"

"I don't know if you are willing to agree!"

When Kaido heard Wei Wei, he raised his brows and said calmly.

I don't know what kind of proposal Master Hokage has, if it doesn't violate the principle.

"I think I can think about it, Sarutobi still hehe, don't worry.

Absolutely no violation of principles.

"My proposal is very simple, that is to join our Konoha and become our Konoha ninja!"

"I don't know if you want it or not?"

Hearing what he said, Kaido was really surprised.

He wanted to join Konoha just after he came to Konoha, so he was quite interested in his own strength.

He thinks that his own strength can be regarded as a powerful means among the whole Konoha, which can dominate one side.

That's why I want to add myself to Konoha, and let myself join Konoha Kaido and even Yuan Feiri to show and cultivate.

If he didn't want to absorb himself into Konoha.

If it's just to stay in Konoha for the time being, then the reason and future thoughts 833 are different.

The main reason for the situation is that you want to use your own strength, but you don't want to admit your body.

Didn't think of it as the real Konoha Village's own people, but adding it to Konoha Village is different.

It was a real attempt to assimilate it into Konoha Village, and Kaido had a thousand ideas when he came.

But I never thought that Sarutobi Hiruzen would be able to say this as soon as he came up.

It seemed like Kaido was really surprised.

But after Kaido thought about it carefully, he finally nodded in agreement.

"Okay, fortunately Master Hokage doesn't dislike me, let me enter the Konoha, then I will feel honored and honored!"

"Okay, great, since you are willing, then we will go through the formalities for you right away!"

Saying that, Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up a piece of stationery with the Red logo on the table.

A few words were written on it with a brush.

After writing these words, he handed over the letter to the leader of Moonlight Gale, and you will send this letter to Anbu immediately, starting from today.

Mr. Kaido is a member of Anbu. "Hara used (cged) Hikari Hayate as if he didn't expect it to be so smooth.

Kaido has been able to become a member of Anbu just after he came here. In fact, Moonlight Hayate himself is also a member of Anbu.

It's just that its level in Anbu is relatively low, and it hasn't reached the level of a squad leader yet.

But after he got the letter Yuan Feiren gave him, he saw clearly that Kaido was Anbu's team leader.

This surprised him quite a bit. When Konoha Village was recruiting talents, although there had been exceptions and promotions in the past.

But when I first came up, I was given an Anbu team leader, and this level is not considered low.

The most important thing is that Anbu marks the most powerful and mysterious organization in their Konoha Village, and everyone in the organization has passed by.

Only a very systematic assessment can be successful, like Kaido, who just came here and entered it.

It is already very rare, and becoming a team leader is unprecedented, so when Yueguang Galefeng saw this scene.

Wei Wei was a little surprised, and there were also some differences.

"Master Hokage, you mean that Moonlight Gale seems to want to say something!"

But it was also Sarutobi Hiruzen who waved his hand directly.

"Do as I tell you now!"

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's idea, Moonlight Hayate decided not to say anything more.

Instead, he walked out with the letter Yuan Fei still gave him, and waited until he walked out.

Only Kaido and Yuan Fei Rizhan were left in the room, and it was only at this time that the expression on Huafei Yizhan's face changed a little.

With a smile on his face, he stared at Kaido up and down a few times.

"Little brother, I know your strength is quite extraordinary!"

"I also know that our small property village should not have the real purpose!"

"So you might as well tell me, what kind of purpose do you have?"

Kaido was not only slightly moved when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude of opening the skylight and speaking bluntly.

Of course, he didn't have any disgust, but said loudly to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In fact, you don't need to have any other ideas.

"I have no ill will towards Konoha Village, you or anyone else!"

"I'm here to complete another matter, which has nothing to do with your property!"

When Ren Fei Ri Ri heard this, he took out a stack of photos from the drawer and put it on the table.

"Is this what you want?"

Kaido glanced at the photo quietly, and found that it was when he was fighting the two sand ninjas.

All the scenes turned out to be not just someone staring at themselves.

And he has recorded everything about himself, no wonder Yuan Fei Hiruzen knows his situation like the back of his hand.

After Kaido heard this, he smiled slightly and said to him:

"That's right, my ability lies in absorbing the strength of other ninjas!"

"Every time I absorb one, I can increase a part of my strength and gain their number. I want to enter your Konoha!"

It's not that I want to have any thoughts about Konoha's ninjas, but because of Konoha's powerful strength.

Their high and frequent attendance rate gave me the opportunity to get in touch with powerful ninjas from other races, so I decided to stay here.

After listening to Kaido's words, Yuan Fei Rizhan nodded his head, although he didn't completely believe Kaido's words.

But for him now, this situation should not be too much wrong, so when Kaido finished speaking at this time.

He nodded slightly, and didn't have any objection to Kaido.

Instead, he sat down and brought out a cup of tea, and handed it to Kaido.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I can promise that there will be a deal between Konoha and you!"

"The deal is to keep giving you enough time and space to complete your plans!"

"Of course what we Konoha want is your powerful combat power!"

Kaido chuckled and picked up the teacup Sarutobi Hiruzen gave him.

"Okay, happy cooperation!"

After leaving Sarutobi, Kaido found that Konoha Village was still as peaceful as before.

No one knew that he was coming, and he just came out and met Moonlight Gale at the door.

At this time, Moonlight Hayate has gone through all the formalities for Kaido, holding a Red mask in his hand.

This Red mask is a special mask that can only be used at the captain level in Anbu. .

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