I Possessed Kaidou of the Beasts

Chapter 754 Hatake Kakashi Super Long Play

And the consequences will become more serious, which has never been what they want to encounter.

But judging from the current situation, they should not be given any chance at all, so at this moment, the eyes are immersed in a real contemplation.

It seems that they are thinking about how to deal with the difficulties in front of them. After all, if one of them is not good, the trouble will become bigger.

This point has not been what they want to encounter at all, so after thinking about this problem, the eyes will look a little ugly in an instant.

But in the future, they must stick to it no matter what, otherwise it will be no different from courting death in the end.

In their hearts, there is still some awareness of this.

So they all knew what they should do next, and the Fenghua Zaoxue in front of them also patted themselves directly on the chest.

He said very confidently: "As for their situation, I have already understood it long ago, and I will not have any too many precautions at all."

"As long as the other party doesn't have Jōnin, I can solve all the troubles of 810, and I can help you directly at that time. As long as I help you, we should be able to win more with less."

After hearing these words, the current Fenghua Caoxue also fell into bouts of contemplation for an instant.

And there is a taste of doubting life at all, and I always feel that such a thing is very bad.

They have always felt very strange about this kind of thing, and they even have no way to understand it at all.

However, since such a phenomenon has completely happened in front of them, no matter what, they cannot just miss it so easily.

Otherwise, once you miss such a good opportunity, you really don't know when you will be able to meet it again.

"Master Hatake Kakashi, since we are all sure of winning this time, then you should act quickly."

"There is absolutely no need for us to engage in some tugging with such artists."

"We can completely solve it once and for all. At that time, he will naturally not be our opponent."

The current Hatake Kakashi couldn't help but nodded slightly, and at the same time looked at Fenghuazaoxue with very flat eyes.

"Fenghuachuxue, you just let your people start attacking, and draw these little ones out first."

"After all, if these little guys are not willing to come out at all, I am afraid that the big guys will not come out at all.

After saying this sentence, they all laughed very confidently in an instant.

And he didn't have any worries at all, after all, he felt that this time, he had a certain chance of winning.

The current Feng Hua Zao Xue, after hearing this sentence, couldn't help but nodded very slightly.

At the same time, they all waved their hands, and a group of people had already started some attacks directly.

The scene looked very heroic in an instant, and the attacks of both sides seemed to be dazzling at this time.

Nearly half an hour later, with the current wind and flowers and early snow, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Most of my people have been damaged now, so hurry up and take action."

"If you don't take action again, I'm afraid that all the people here will really die."

After saying this sentence, the eyes looked a little bit sad for an instant.

The eyes are not too good-looking at all, and there is even a worried taste.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that there is something strange, and you don't even know how to speak at all.

(cgbi) But if they can really persevere, it will only be good for them and there will be no harm.

Of course, they are very clear about this in their hearts, so they will not miss these opportunities at all.

The current Fenghuazaoxue also shook their heads very sadly.

As for Hatake Kakashi beside him, his eyes are also full of eyes, and at this time, they all seem to be a little anxious.

And the faces don't look too good-looking at all, which seems a little strange no matter how you look at it.

"Well, it's been so long now, I believe their manpower should be at full strength."

"Then I'll just shoot, after all, it's time for me to warm up."

After finishing this sentence, they all started to attack directly, and the speed seemed to be very fast at this time.

It makes people feel dazzled, and at the same time, it feels that such a thing itself is very special.

Hatake Kakashi rushed out immediately, and the speed became very fast, making people feel as if they had a very calm taste no matter how they looked.

It didn't take long for them to be completely weak, which made their scalps feel numb until now.

And there is no chance at all, and there is even no idea how to explain it at all.

It seems that how we explain it next is a little redundant, and it is completely different from their imagination.

The current Hatake Kakashi, after all, belongs to Jōnin after rushing out, so it is completely easy to deal with other people.

It didn't take long for the scene to become overwhelming, which felt a bit strange no matter how you said it.

After all, according to normal thinking, it should not become overwhelming so quickly.

But now they don't know how to explain it at all. After all, such a status quo itself is quite prominent.

As for the other side, the turmoil at this time also gritted their teeth.

At this time, there was a hint of hatred in the eyes, and the hands were tightly held together.

"Okay, okay, the other party is really very cunning, and even sent a Jōnin specially."

"But if that's the case, then the strength of the opponent should be relatively weak, and it shouldn't be too powerful."

"For us, this is completely equal to some opportunities. Only by grasping these opportunities, isn't the rest of the things all equal to a piece of cake?".

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