"Remember you!"

The small space vortex in front of him made Chen Lin a little excited.

After searching for more than a hundred years, I finally got the result.

Among Xiao Jiujiu's relics, he couldn't find any treasure that could break the interface. The boundary-breaking talisman in his hand was not strong enough. If there were no space nodes, he would really be trapped in this place.

But Chen Lin was also a little depressed.

The fluctuations of this space vortex are a bit too weak and cannot be sensed unless you are close.

The island where he and Xiao fought fiercely for a long time was not far away. The opponent should have entered from this space node. After the battle, he also carefully inspected this place, but he did not explore it so deeply.

Almost missed it.

"Master, what kind of node is this? Can it really lead to other interfaces?"

Xiong Mo looked at the space vortex curiously, showing interest.

All his understanding of the cultivation world came from Chen Lin's descriptions, and he always felt that the outside world was very mysterious.

"What, you want to try?"

Chen Lin glanced at the other party and asked.

"I don't dare. I, the old bear, don't dare to go. Master, let the fox go!"

Xiong Mo shook his head repeatedly.

The other party's attitude left Chen Lin speechless.

The two men he recruited were both very cunning. They usually took credit and would hide whenever they encountered danger.

Especially this black bear, whose personality is seriously inconsistent with its appearance.

"If you go to explore the road, I promise that within a hundred years, your cultivation will be improved to a greater level."

Intimidation is worse than inducement, Chen Lin promised directly.

Then he added: "You are now in the late stage of Dharma Origin. The next level you can reach is the Half-Void Realm. As long as you can withstand the catastrophe, you can live forever and don't have to worry about your longevity."

"I am willing to share my master's worries!"

Upon hearing the words "Longevity, Longest View", Xiong Mo's bear eyes flashed, and he immediately patted his chest in assurance.

"Go and take these talismans with you."

"There is no need to explore too much. As long as you are sure there is no danger on the other side, return immediately."

Chen Lin warned carefully.

Then he used his means to expand the space vortex.

Xiong Mo immediately took a picture of the talisman for himself and got into the node without hesitation.

Seeing Xiong Mo's figure disappear, Chen Lin immediately concentrated on alert, ready to face danger at any time.

But no danger appeared.

Not a moment later.

Xiong Mo's sturdy figure appeared from the space node.

Chen Lin looked around and found nothing unusual, and felt relieved.

"Master, there is nothing outside, just a river."

"A river?"

Chen Lin's expression changed slightly.

This was the last thing he wanted to see.

The existence of a river means that it is not in the void, but in some heavenly paradise.

The most likely possibility is naturally the Hongye Plains where Xiao has been for a long time.

This was also the reason why he didn't let Xiong Mo do more exploring and come back after just one look.

"Tell me more about it."

Chen Lin continued to ask.

"It's just a river, very wide and very deep."

"The node was at the bottom of the river. I swam to the surface and took a look. I didn't see anything, so I came back."

Xiong Mo spoke truthfully.

He kept peeking at Chen Lin, as if he was afraid that Chen Lin would let him out again.

"I know, you go back first."

Chen Lin waved his hand.

Suddenly he thought of something again and grabbed the opponent.


Xiong Mo exclaimed.

"Don't move, relax."

Chen Lin's tone contained a tone of refusal.

Without waiting for the other party to respond, he began to use the Soul Searching Technique to read through the other party's memories.

But he immediately frowned slightly.

The effect of soul searching is not good, and many memories are blurry.

He discovered this when he was in the Ten Thousand Stars Tower. When using the Soul Searching Technique in the Void Realm, no matter how low the target's cultivation level is, it is difficult to be as clear as the other world.

The reason, Chen Lin believes, may be related to the strength of the soul.

The creatures in the Void Realm are not blocked by unknown forces, their souls are stronger, and they are resistant to soul searching.

In this way, Soul Searching Technique can only be used as a supplement and cannot be relied upon too much.

After roughly confirming that the other party was not lying, Chen Lin used his means to erase the other party's recent memory.

Affected by the soul's resistance, it is impossible to achieve precise erasure, so it can only be cleaned in a large area.

Then his palm shook, knocking the opponent unconscious and sending him back to the cave.

"Hey, why did I faint?"

After Xiong Mo woke up, he was very confused, but he couldn't remember anything.

"There is something wrong with your cultivation. If you don't have the talent, don't show off."

The white fox spoke contemptuously next to him.

"You are not the same. If the master hadn't helped you, you would have turned back into a fox."

Not to be outdone, Xiong Mo immediately responded.

However, he no longer dwelled on the matter of coma.


Chen Lin interrupted.

"I may have to go into seclusion again, so you two don't have to continue searching. Take the time to improve your cultivation."

As he spoke, he took out some spiritual objects, elixirs, and secret techniques.

Give it to two people respectively and explain how to use it.

"Thank you, Master!"

The two monsters were overjoyed and thanked them immediately.

Chen Lin nodded and waved them away.

He returned to the depths of the sea.

Beside the space vortex.

First, the isolation array and the defensive array were arranged.

The defensive array has several layers.

The main purpose is to prevent monsters in the sea from being discovered and destroying space nodes.

Then he wouldn't be able to come back.

The interface of the void world is very tough because it is blessed by real energy.

Even the real-level boundary-breaking talisman or boundary-breaking disk cannot be forcibly penetrated.

Only the eternal level can do it.

But the number of eternal-level treasures is extremely rare, and they are all in the hands of major forces.

The boundary-breaking ones are even rarer.

Chen Lin has never heard of it, and it is not certain whether it exists.

So even if there is an interface positioning, it must be entered through a natural space node, and this node cannot have any problems.

Everything is ready.

Chen Lin did not delay any longer and entered the space vortex.

After a long feeling of pulling, his body became lighter and he left the space channel.

But he did not fall to the ground, nor was he in the void.

As Xiong Mo said, there was water outside the node, and the position was in the middle of the water.

However, Chen Lin found that this water was a little abnormal.

There was nothing strange about the color, but the transparency was very low, but it was not caused by turbidity.

It was caused by some kind of energy.

This situation made him a little suspicious.

After sensing the space without any results, Chen Lin looked back at the space node. There was still a faint light, so it was not impossible to find it.

There was no reference here, and there was no gravity, so it was impossible to distinguish up and down.

No gravity?

Chen Lin paused.

Basically, all interfaces have gravity. Even the man-made paradise will add the law of gravity to imitate the normal living environment.

Could it be that this river is in some dangerous place?

Chen Lin pondered.

Xiong Mo's memory did not have this loophole. After all, the other party was a bear monster, and his heart was not careful enough, so he might have overlooked it.

But since he came out, he had to see the situation anyway.

He chose a direction.

Chen Lin swam forward for more than half an hour, but he did not reach the surface of the water. ,

Just when he was in doubt and wanted to go back and change direction, he saw a faint light.

He immediately increased his speed and came under the water.

He hid and watched for a while.

But his vision was blocked and he could not see the scenery clearly.

His perception was also limited.

There was no other way, Chen Lin could only stick his head out and check carefully.

Then he was stunned.

The scene in front of him turned out to be the boundless void, and sparse eternal stars could be seen in the distance. According to experience, it should be at the middle level.

Then he looked horizontally.

The same thing happened, it was also the void.

The entire river was about a hundred miles wide. If it was on land, it would definitely be a super river, but it was insignificant in the boundless void.

However, the length of this river was very amazing.

There was no end in sight.

"River in the void?"

Chen Lin jumped out of the water, his face blank.

He couldn't figure out why a river could float in the air.

And there was nothing special about this river. Except for the low transparency caused by some energy, there were no other signs.

There were no creatures in the river.

Even the river was still flowing normally, and no one knew where it was flowing to.


Suddenly, Chen Lin felt something was wrong.

His body seemed to be "disintegrating" bit by bit.

But after a closer look, there was nothing unusual.

He immediately checked every aspect, but still found no problems.

This made Chen Lin even more suspicious.

Just as he was about to increase the intensity of the inspection again, his face changed drastically, and his body twisted hastily.

Then he saw a gray light shooting past the position where he had just floated, and before he could see what it was, it went back into the river.

With cold sweat on his back, Chen Lin did not dare to stay where he was, and hurriedly flew into the void.

Stay away from this strange river.

Just now, it was a warning of his innate ability, which gave him the opportunity to evade in advance, otherwise he would never be able to avoid the attack of the gray light.

That gray light should be a living thing, vaguely like a fish.

But he felt that the attack power of this fish was definitely not lower than that of a heavenly treasure!

The most important thing is that it is silent and cannot be sensed.

After flying for dozens of miles, Chen Lin stopped and watched from afar.

From this angle, the river is indeed suspended in the air, but after reaching a certain height, you can see that one end of the river seems to be connected to an eternal star.

This eternal star is very special. It is much larger than the others and is azure blue.

Even at such a long distance, one can feel the terrifying pressure emanating from above.

The other end of the river is still invisible.

It stretches across the void and extends beyond the sight.

However, with the azure eternal star as a coordinate, he can determine the approximate location of the space node in the river and avoid getting lost.

He carefully observed the surrounding environment.

After remembering it firmly, Chen Lin began to rotate around the river, wanting to see what the other side looked like.

But after flying for a while, Chen Lin felt his body disintegrate again.

And this time it seemed to be faster.

He hurriedly stopped his body and checked with a look of surprise.

"What's going on? Something is wrong!"

After checking for a long time, there was still no result, and Chen Lin's face looked extremely ugly.

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