I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 163: Lie Ying’s death, a secret revelation

Su Li watched calmly, his mood not fluctuating much.

At this time, his body had a layer of Yuqing clones in his own memory restricted area, so he was very calm.

In fact, the uglier the faces of Lie Kuang and Lie Fan were, the more it showed that they had suffered huge losses by refining them to death.

Not only that, the more vicious and vicious the words Lie Ying said and the more intense the methods, the more it showed that the previous process of beating her to pieces and refining her soul made her suffer more and suffer huge losses!

If they really had nothing to lose, how could they be so agitated and look as ugly as if their biological father had died?

After calming down, Su Li didn't believe Lie Ying's statement that "there are still eight layers of methods that haven't been used".

Not to mention the eighth level, in terms of their abilities, on the one hand, their pride does not allow them to superimpose eight layers of murderous intent to be so complicated. On the other hand, if the third and fourth levels of murderous intent cannot cope with the slaves of the sin domain in a mere sin domain star, this This in itself is a sign of their incompetence!

Because of this, Su Li became even more convinced of the previous judgment of the clones meditating on the "Huangji Jingshi Shu".

This was a trap set up by him, and he didn't really care if he stepped into it.

But even if a paper substitute was treated like this, Su Li felt very unhappy.

However, at this time, Su Li also knew why Su Ye and others were attacked.

This was only possible when he had a paper substitute to block death with his 'body'. If Su Ye and the others had killed Lie Ying and the others and then used the Origin Mirror, they would have been hit on the spot.

This was the first time for Su Li to see such a treasure as the Source Mirror. He didn't feel any sense of danger when holding it in his hand, but it instantly froze his soul and body, without any chance of resistance.

If it weren't for the system, there would be almost no suspense in this kind of battle.

However, this is just Su Ye and others.

After seeing Su Ye's methods, Su Li probably knew what kind of path Su Ye wanted to take.

However, Su Li didn't know whether Su Ye had knelt down to Flame Fairy.

But it doesn't matter, soon, he will face Flame Fairy.

"You bastard! I didn't expect you to hide it well! Unfortunately, no matter how deep you hide it, it won't help!"

"Yes, it is true that we were careless this time and fell prey to your cruel methods! It's a pity that although you came prepared this time, you can only end up with hatred!"

Lie Kuang and Lie Fan stared at the paper substitute with stern eyes, saying something to regain face for their previous deaths.

"Bah, you're a bunch of trash. You were refined to death and your roots were damaged, leaving you with indelible wounds, right? Look at you, jumping up and down here like clowns!

If you lose, you lose. You still find such a low-level and ridiculous reason, you have such pitiful and ridiculous self-esteem!

As everyone knows, the more this happens, the more mediocre and incompetent you are! "

The tone of the paper substitute was cold and unruly, and he didn't care about the encounter he was about to face.

When Lie Kuang and Lie Fan heard this, their faces suddenly turned livid.


Immediately, Lie Fan raised his battle ax on the spot and was about to hit the paper substitute's neck with the ax.

However, at this time, the paper substitute just responded coldly: "If you dare to take action, I will make Yan Ji regret it! Although you have stripped away two abilities, there is one ability that I can use on myself. That’s the secret soul-reverse technique!”

Hearing this, Lie Fan sneered: "So what? Just use it! Why, do you still want to force me to death?!"

The paper stand-in looked at the information on the system panel and said: "My identity is a huge secret. Are you sure it must be exposed? I can guarantee that if you strike with the ax now, I will definitely use it on myself. "Tianji Soul Countering Technique", when the time comes, all my hard work, or rather all Yan Ji's hard work, will be in vain!"

When Lie Fan heard this, he obviously didn't believe it.

He still wanted to take action immediately, but at this time, Lie Ying raised his hand and shot out a blast of blazing sun power, stopping Lie Fan.

She walked over, stared at the paper substitute, and said, "What do you want to say?"

The paper substitute said: "Can the Sin Domain Star give birth to three souls and seven souls as perfect as mine?"

Hearing this, Lie Ying's face darkened, and there was a bit of uncertainty in her eyes: "What do you mean?"

The paper substitute said: "What do you mean? Since you don't understand, you don't need to understand! But I am different from you. If I don't see any benefit at all, don't expect me to fulfill my duties faithfully. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Lie Ying stared at the paper substitute.

The paper substitute was also staring at Lie Ying with his eyes fixed at this moment.


The next moment, Lie Ying's eyes flashed with the extremely cold Mark of the Fierce Sun. It was obviously a very blazing Fierce Sun. It was obviously as blazing as fire, but at this moment it became extremely cold and biting.

This is extremely yang producing yin!

With this ability alone, the Lieyang lineage has a great advantage in controlling the soul-suppressing monument, because they do not need a coffin filler, a soul-suppressing person, or a soul-raising place. Relying directly on this ability can The soul-suppressing monument can be fully activated!

This is the innate gap.

But at this time, Lieying stared at the paper substitute coldly, with such a mark in his eyes.

"Let go of the soul defense!"

Lie Ying said sharply!

"you sure?!"

The paper substitute also sneered!

Lie Ying said: "Yes, I'm sure! I believe that Lady Yan Ji will not blame you!"

The paper substitute was also unambiguous, letting go of the soul's defense on the spot and opening the blockade of the memory restricted area.

At the same time, the paper substitute once again saw the information on the system panel. It was the information recorded on it by Su Li's body and clone.

Not just a message, but a command!

Therefore, in the final analysis, what the paper substitute represents at this time is Su Li's original will.

And what was Su Li doing when he did this?

It’s Lu Tianji’s value!

It is "convincing people with reason" and preparing to use the secrets of heaven and earth.

Using the same tactics used against Mei'er and setting up a game in the memory restricted area involves a huge cause and effect.

The exquisite function of Tianji contains a powerful modification function. After modification, a chess game can be developed using the heaven and earth as a chessboard and all living beings as chess pieces, pulling people into it and creating a mysterious feeling.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

So, what is Su Li planning to do?

It is to modify some taboo scenes to form a 'past memory' scene, place it in the memory forbidden area, and let Lie Ying touch the mine.

This approach has nothing to do with the plan, it is just that Su Li is unhappy and wants revenge. He never takes ten years to take revenge, and he usually takes revenge on the spot!

As for whether these three people are dead or alive, or whether this small world will collapse, Su Li is not worried at all!

Su Li did not use the core secrets of time travel, but some information about the scenes that caused the destruction of the world before, as well as the scene of a vague figure kneeling to him.

Su Li extracted part of Yan Ji's figure record from Su Ye's memory, but did not show it in detail.

After modifying these, a sealed memory deep in the memory was formed, and then Na Liying was allowed to invade.

As for the means of invasion, he didn't even need to arrange these things, because Lie Ying asked him to actively let go of his defense!

Therefore, this kind of invasion is actually not difficult at all.

Even so, Su Li was still like Su Ye, who set up eighteen levels of blockade. Although Su Li didn't know the meaning of these eighteen levels of blockade, he believed that there must be cause and effect.

Therefore, Su Li began to set up layers of memory restricted areas.

At the beginning, Su Li didn't understand this layering, but gradually, Su Li realized that why Su Ye's strength was second only to the 'Chaos Clock' was because of these eighteen levels of sealing off the town!

Su Li still didn't understand the meaning of this eighteen-level sealed area, but after completing the eighteen-level memory restricted area, Su Li discovered that it formed some kind of terrifying increase in heavenly secrets and cause and effect!

There seems to be some disadvantages in this situation, that is, it is difficult to display your strength, and it is like walking forward with a heavy mountain on your back, making it difficult to move forward.

But if one day, after releasing this Mount Tai, the display of strength will be very terrifying!

Judging from this judgment, Su Ye's strength actually has many limitations.

But the strange thing is that when he copied Su Ye, he had no restrictions when he used Su Ye's power?

“This may be a direction that can be exploited!”

"We will know what the specific situation of the eighteen-level lockdown will be when the time comes."

While Su Li was thinking, he quickly set up the trap for the 18th floor of the memory restricted area.

After this was done, all the more than a hundred clones meditated on the "Emperor's Sutra" and carefully checked it several times. After confirming that there were no abnormal loopholes, they were completely placed.

In this way, Su Li has already spent 200,000 heavenly points.

The normal modification is once every 50,000, but this time there were a lot of modifications, and the picture was too taboo, so it cost four times the Tianji value. The main reason was that the modification was in the 18th floor memory restricted area, and the loss was not Average size.

In fact, he just modified the scene outside and submitted it, but even so, it still cost an extra 150,000 heavenly points.

Now, his secret value is only a pitiful 273,718 points.

However, Su Li had great confidence that either Lieying would be fine but receive a large amount of fortune.

Or, the taboo backfires, and then the body dies and the Tao disappears.

When the time comes, the being behind it will personally come out to face the current situation.

No matter which one he chooses, he only loses 100,000 chance points anyway!

At this time, the paper substitute glanced at Lie Ying coldly on the spot. The unruly and cold look on his face was beyond words, but he also completely let go of the guard of his soul.

The mark of the blazing sun in Lie Ying's eyes was imprinted into the eyes of the stand-in paper man on the spot.

This situation is like a secret soul poison that immediately spreads throughout the body.

At this time, except for the information on the system panel, everything else in the paper substitute had become involuntary, as if it was being controlled.

However, the paper substitute was still in no hurry or panic.

After he completely let go of the memory restricted area, the Lieyang mark derived from Lie Ying turned into a virtual ghost, escaped into the memory restricted area of ​​the paper substitute, and then continued to explore it.

On the first level, there are no important memories, they just overlap with some of Su Ye's memories, which is quite normal.

The second level is similar.

the third floor……

All the way to the eighteenth floor.

However, with each deeper level, Lie Ying's pressure would become a little greater, and at the same time, her expression would become much more solemn.

Even if there was no information, the layering of the eighteenth floor itself made Lieying breathe heavily.

Finally, after entering the eighteenth floor, Lieying saw scenes of Jida destruction.

Every scene is a fragment of memory, a disaster of destruction.

At the end of the scene, she saw a blurry figure in blood-colored neon feathers kneeling before the king in the bloody cage.

It’s self-evident who that blurry bloody figure is.

Because Lieying had seen Yan Ji's truest form of creation.

And this form is the form of the vague bloody figure.

Therefore, at that glance, Lie Ying knew that it must be Yan Ji, and that must be Su Ye!

Su Ye is actually the inheritor of the royal bloodline of the Lieyang clan?

Is he the future king of the Lieyang clan? !

Seeing this scene, Lieying finally felt endless fear in her heart!

At that moment, she already had her own thoughts in her mind. So, Su Ye entered the Sin Domain Star to personally command, conquer, and even develop it into a brand new branch of the Lieyang Clan?

Or is it to seize the special bloodline over there and the peerless secret to control the Tianji Temple over there, integrate the characteristics of the two major races, and find a new path of conquest?

Lie Ying suddenly felt extremely regretful, regretting that she had spied on such horrific information.

But the memory restricted area on the 18th floor!

In that case, the impact of peeking into such a taboo place would be huge.

This world is going to end!

After Lie Ying noticed this scene, she was extremely frightened.


At that moment, the entire memory restricted area collapsed instantly, and the world was completely destroyed on the spot.

Lie Ying, on the other hand, killed herself without hesitation, and in an instant she retreated to the seventeenth floor.

In a daze, she immediately cut herself off again, and at this time, the seventeenth floor of the memory restricted area also began to explode.

Finally, after killing himself eighteen times, Su Li's last layer of memory restricted area was at peace, and all defenses were reactivated.

Lie Ying, on the other hand, after beheading herself eighteen times, her origins were exhausted.

When she returned to the Tower of Babel, she changed from an enchanting woman to a gray-haired old woman. Her eyes were dry and rotten, and all the energy and blood in her body that were as violent as the blazing sun had been exhausted.

At this moment, she was kneeling in front of the paper substitute, trembling all over, and dry black blood dripping from her seven orifices.

There is not even a hint of spiritual energy in the black blood.

At this time, Su Li looked at something strange on the system panel.

[Tian Ji Linglong, enter Lie Ying's departed soul into the eternal lost realm, gain 1 point of causality, and gain 3 million Tian Ji value. 】

After such information appeared, Su Li was also a little confused.

He looked at the system panel.

Secret value: 3373718.

Causal value: 2.

For a moment, he hesitated.

And after Lie Ying knelt on the ground like this, she knelt to death on the spot.

Yes, dead.

Kneel down and become a statue, decayed and mottled.

Lie Fan and Lie Kuang were completely stunned, as if they had not expected that this would be the case.

The two of them looked at the paper substitute shackled on the soul-suppressing monument, and for the first time they felt unusually frightened and fearful.

As for what happened before, they didn't know, but they heard the previous conversation.

Therefore, at this time, they cautiously walked towards Lieying's surprise, trying to use a ray of Lieyang's original power to rush toward Lieying.

But just when this ray of original power of the blazing sun penetrated the statue, the statue suddenly shattered with a 'click', then fell to the ground and turned into broken dust all over the sky.

This piece of dust, submerged into the ground, is like a smooth layer of fine sand, even and fine.

The paper substitute looked at this scene coldly, with an expression neither sad nor happy.

Instead, he killed, thoughtfully, and used exquisite methods on the spot to try to get the previously modified picture into the minds of Lie Kuang and Lie Fan.

But this time, Su Li found that the 50,000 heavenly opportunity points could not be consumed, and the methods could not be used.

Instead, wisps of faint blood suddenly appeared on Lie Fan and Lie Kuang's bodies. The two men immediately looked horrified and looked at the paper substitutes with great uncertainty.

"Very interesting information, do you two want to read it too?"

The paper substitute said and took the initiative to let go of his soul defense.

"No, no, no! I don't care what methods you use, anyway, we just have to complete our mission!"

Lie Kuang obeyed on the spot.

What are you looking at? Didn't you see Liying's real demise? !

Lie Fan's mood was also similar. He was very shocked and indescribable at this time.

You know, Lieying is considered an elite among the clan, but he died so inexplicably without even a trace of his soul escaping. This is really terrifying!

Lie Fan looked at the traces of Lie Ying's soul mark in the Xuanji Seal again and found them completely gone!

The soul lamps were all extinguished, which meant Lieying was finished.

Lie Fan glanced at Lie Kuang. Lie Kuang had restrained all his anger and stared at the soul-suppressing monument with a gloomy and uneasy expression, his expression quite uncertain.

Lie Fan said in a deep voice: "Let's go, follow the plan and detain him to the Tongtian Altar. The rest, everything will change accordingly. We don't need to get too entangled."

Lie Kuang said: "Okay, that's all we can do. What Su Ye said about this incident is probably true. I'm afraid... his identity is not simple. Lie Ying just didn't believe it, so he came into contact with a huge secret!" "

Lie Fan said: "Yes, I can only blame Lie Ying for being too unruly. His origin was greatly damaged by being refined to death before. He couldn't swallow this breath and slapped him in the face. He probably had a very high status, so he felt that his dignity had been trampled on. Yes, I used the great cause and effect of the truth to destroy Liying.!"

Lie Kuang said: "Yes, only the true cause and effect can be used, that is to say..."

Lie Fan remained silent, but nodded and didn't say much.

Lie Kuang said: "What about such a soul-soothing monument??"

Lie Fan said: "Since he really has something to do with Lord Yan Ji, let's do what Lord Yan Ji said. We shouldn't interfere too much in the rest of the things. Our strength is not as good as Lie Ying's. It’s become a fighting force!”

Lie Kuang said, "That's exactly what I meant."

While the two were talking, they raised their hands to roll up the soul-suppressing tablet and walked into the Tower of Babel.

This time, Su Li vaguely understood some information through a series of methods of replacing the paper man. I am afraid that Su Ye did not take action with all his strength because he was afraid that the 18th floor of the memory restricted zone would collapse, right?

In addition, there are some reasons why you need to be vigilant!

It is easy to kill a cultivator, but what needs to be noted is that once the person being killed has a lot of taboos and uncertain information, he must not attack with all his strength.

Because cause and effect are corresponding, once you use your full strength to kill the taboo, you will encounter the same taboo backlash.

At this point, Lieying's fate has fully explained everything.

"So, when Su Ye dealt with me at that time, he was actually afraid of the taboo backlash?"

"That's right, after all, my memory forbidden area has an extremely terrifying protective circle! Moreover, I still have the secret value to die for me!"

"He must have made some basic derivation decisions before taking action, and he was unable to kill me with one blow."

"Otherwise, he would definitely not be so calm or even change his attitude."

"At the beginning, he didn't even have the intention to join the game. He felt that we people were not qualified."

While Su Li was deep in thought, he then looked at the more than three million Heavenly Secret Values ​​and the 1 point of Causality Value that he had inexplicably found. He still couldn't figure out why this happened.

What’s even more strange is why there aren’t a lot of secrets in the Sin Realm Star, and there’s nothing unusual about the people who get fucked.

On the contrary, Lieying from the Lieyang clan was beaten to death on the spot after getting 1 point of causality and 3 million fortune points!

Su Li did not believe that Lie Ying was killed by backlash, because those scenes of world destruction were only taboos about the destruction of the Sin Domain Star, and did not seem to have affected the Lie Yang Star.

Therefore, there will definitely be backlash, but it will not cause death from the backlash.

After all, Leng Yunshang can withstand some backlash and Leng Yunshang's combat power is indeed stronger than Mei'er.

In this case, isn't it normal for Lieying to hold on?

But Lieying died anyway, completely withered and rotted to death on the spot!

Su Li and his clones meditated on the "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu", thinking about the answer to this scene, and soon, an answer that seemed to be the truth had been analyzed.

The Star Secrets and Laws of the Sin Domain have collapsed, so being knocked out of the Secret Values ​​or Causality Values ​​has little impact, because it is inherently chaotic.

But the area of ​​Lieyang Star is different. The laws between heaven and earth are orthodox. Once a large number of heavenly secret points or causal points are taken away, I am afraid that the darling of heaven will become the enemy of heaven and be wiped out on the spot.

It's like when you have 100 points of luck, you have good luck again and again, but once your luck is taken away from 300 points and becomes -200 points, I'm sorry, just wait for bad luck every day!

Su Li was vaguely certain about this.

At this moment, Su Li discovered that two bloody messages popped up on the system panel again.

This is the divine value obtained by convincing people from Lie Kuang and Lie Fan.

Moreover, the amount of this secret value is not large.

The two of them contributed 120,000 secret points each, for a total of 240,000!

When the 240,000 heavenly secret points were extracted, Lie Kuang, who was carrying the soul-suppressing monument, suddenly knelt on the ground and coughed up blood. The balls of flames on his body seemed to be violent and exploded from time to time.

Lie Fan's condition wasn't much better either. He covered his chest from time to time and coughed blood, while blood overflowed from all his orifices uncontrollably.

"The backlash has appeared. The origin has just been refined away. Damn it, what is the background of Su Ye? He is so cruel!"

"Sure enough, it left indelible Dao wounds. This time, the blood was lost! Thirty years of hard work in the Dao were all in vain!"

"Fortunately, at least he is still alive. Considering Lieying's situation, we are very lucky."

"It seems that Yan Ji has a big plot this time, and we..."

"Why bother to say more? This kind of thing will probably lead to a deeper killing situation. Now it starts to happen. We just need to complete our basic tasks. There is no need to think about it."

Su Li also heard the exchange between Lie Kuang and Lie Fan.

Then, Su Li was quite speechless when he saw the 240,000 secret points that he had inexplicably pulled out.

This time, the system's secret value reached 3613718 points in one fell swoop.

With a fortune value of close to four million, this is the richest Su Li has ever been.

But strangely, the system has not been upgraded.

After meditating on the "Emperor's Sutra" and calculating, the system upgrade's secret value should be 3 million points.

But the system has not been upgraded.

Su Li realized that there might be a gap between the time here and the real time.

Regarding this point, Su Li is more confident that he can handle it well.

After Lie Ying died, the source mirror still fell down and landed in the middle of the fine sand-like dust.

After Lie Fan and Lie Kuang looked at each other, they didn't even dare to pick it up. It can be said that they were very conscientious.

Lie Fan went with Lie Kuang, but Lie Kuang said why don't you go, why should I go, and so on.

Then, after more than two hundred breaths, the two finally decided that Lie Kuang would pick up the object and let Lie Fan take it in temporarily.

Although Su Li's stand-in paper man was suppressed on the soul-suppressing monument, he had not experienced beheading. In fact, he was just scaring him, but he never knew that there would be such a huge harvest.

It was good now that the other party no longer beheaded him, but he felt a little bored.

After all, he still felt a little uncomfortable because he couldn't experience Mei'er's torture.

In the Babel Tower, there is a brand new scene, which is more comfortable, more in line with the rules of heaven and earth, and more pleasing to the body and mind.

Here, even if Su Li just breathed a breath of spiritual energy, he felt that his own realm was somewhat loosened.

Yes, his realm is such that he can use the aura energy in the world of Babel to breathe in and out.

This point has completely surpassed the Sin Domain Star. After all, the aura of the Sin Domain Star is almost useless after he breathes it out.

After entering the Tower of Babel, Su Li soon seemed to have passed through an environment similar to the Huayue Valley, then passed through areas of black water, and then passed through a white mountain area before arriving at a blazing wasteland. domain-like area.

Su Li is very familiar with these environments.

Because these environments are almost exactly the same as the environment where the soul-crushing monument once stood.

So, does the environment of the soul-suppressing monument rely on these environments?

In an area like the Blazing Wasteland, Lie Fan and Lie Kuang's originally terrible situation seemed to be reborn from Nirvana, but after a few breaths, the two of them became normal.

Although some injuries could still be seen on the two of them, their condition was as good as ever.


The two stepped directly into the blazing flames, and the muscles on their bodies began to show a terrifying luster like steel. The scene was like forging fine iron, being tempered by the flames.

With this level of defense strength, Su Li had determined that, under normal circumstances, his previous attacks such as the Baiyu Demon God's Brilliant Light Bow would not be able to break through the opponent's defense.

However, if the Sinyue Ghost Sword is used, one strike can make the opponent kneel down and call daddy.

"It looks like we need to get some weapons and equipment later."

"It's not enough to be reckless on your own."

"In addition, Su Ye's origins and methods are too mysterious. If you can learn it, just learn it. If you can't learn it, then try to be like Feng Yao and expose some secrets?"

"For now, although time and reality are synchronized, there is a gap. As long as nothing here is spread, I will not be suspected by Su Ye."

"But what's the point of being suspicious? According to his character, he really doesn't dare to touch me."

Su Li was thinking all the way.

And soon, Lie Fan and Lie Kuang had passed through the area of ​​flames and arrived at a blue whirlpool.

When they got here, the two finally showed signs of relief.

Su Li's expression became serious at this time. He knew that the critical moment had come.

In the azure vortex, there are circles of dense energy, constantly sucking towards the inside.

This kind of suction is very powerful, it looks like the pupils of the eyes have been enlarged, and the momentum is a bit scary.

Lie Kuang put the soul-suppressing tablet on the ground and jumped in on the spot.

After sucking in the blue vortex, he seemed to be stuck to a spider web, immediately taking on the shape of a 'big' character and being locked in the blue vortex.

The blue vortex immediately started to spin violently, and Lie Kuang suddenly turned into a blood-red flame on the spot, and his body seemed to be on fire.

He roared in pain, but still persisted.

Gradually, a bloody ring-shaped door opened. Lie Fan carried the soul-suppressing tablet on his back and stepped into the bloody light door on the spot.

After Lie Fan entered, Lie Kuang's figure regrouped and got into the middle of the Blood Gate.

Soon, the blue vortex returned to normal.

Lie Kuang and Lie Fan had already appeared at an altar.

Here is the Babel Altar.

However, seeing the Tongtian Altar, Su Li discovered that this was an enlarged version of the Seven Dragons Altar.

Sure enough, all the scenes in Sin Realm Star are reproduced scenes. I am afraid they are all a kind of tempering and familiarity for practitioners.

After getting familiar with that, you will at least not feel unfamiliar or confused when dealing with everything in the Tower of Babel.

After Su Li arrived here, the first thing he looked at was the altar.

The Babel Altar is very large. On the altar, there is a dark, ancient-looking, mysterious stone tablet erected.

This stone tablet is very dark and pure, but there are wisps of transparent and crystal-clear aura lingering in it.

This situation seems quite mysterious.

However, Su Li could tell at first glance that this thing was the Tianji Soul Stone!

The secret treasure Tianji Soul Stone, which had been searched, found and even suspected to be in Su Li's restricted memory area, was right here.

This thing has actually fallen into the hands of the Lieyang Clan and was suppressed at the Tongtian Altar in the Babel Tower.

Obviously, once you come to such a place, you will definitely not be able to get out.

Su Li came in by mistake this time, which was both within his consideration and beyond his consideration.

The moment he saw the machine soul stone that day, Su Li was a little ready to make a move.

Because at this time, Lie Fan took out the source mirror again.

As soon as this thing was taken out, "Emperor's Book of Classics" felt hungry, so much so that Su Li could not wait to rush over, take the mirror, bite it into pieces and swallow it.

This feeling of hunger is really uncomfortable.

"We're here, and the journey has been pretty smooth."

"It's okay, it's okay, otherwise the pressure would be too much."

"Yeah, I never thought that one day, suppressing a slave of a mere sin area would be so laborious, troublesome, and scary."

"A slave to a mere crime domain? You are probably confused again."

"So what do you want to say? I cut off part of my memory. If there is something wrong, don't tell me. I can't afford it."

"Oh, I see. It's no wonder that you have been a lot more active along the way. Forget it, I'll kill you too. I can't afford to offend these superiors."

During the exchange between the two, they were frightened again.

Afterwards, the two placed the soul-crushing monument on the altar.

At this time, as soon as the soul-suppressing monument went up, a woman in green clothes revived from a statue.

This woman in green clothes looked very much like a woman from the human race, but Su Li had never seen her before, nor did she recognize her.

Moreover, this woman's appearance is not very good, she looks ordinary, but her energy and blood abilities seem to have been transformed by practitioners of the Lieyang clan.

So after the statue she transformed into revived, she walked over to the paper substitute with an ax on the spot.

This time, she didn't even speak, and her pupils were in a dilated state.

The moment her widened eyes locked on the paper substitute, she struck the neck of the paper substitute with an axe.

This ax was fierce and terrifying, and its strength was extraordinary. It was not much worse than Lie Ying's strength.

With such an ax blow, Su Li instantly felt a sharp stabbing pain in his neck, even if there was no connection between him and the paper substitute.

The next moment, Su Li discovered through the paging information on the system panel that the head of the paper substitute had been chopped off.

The head fell down with just one axe.

However, the head did not roll to the ground. Instead, it was absorbed by the soul-suppressing monument and locked into the soul-suppressing monument on the spot.


The sound of bones being crushed appeared in this world.

Then, a series of colorful perfect three souls and seven souls were extracted from the paper substitute.

The seven souls were directly introduced into the altar, and the altar immediately emitted colorful mysterious light.

The souls of death and human souls were absorbed by the soul-suppressing monument on the spot.

The soul-suppressing monument immediately became even more vast, profound and mysterious.

Only the remaining perfect soul of heaven and man, shining with mysterious light and containing the aura of the avenue, floated there quietly.

At this moment, the part of Su Li that turned into dust fell in the altar area, just in time to see everything that happened on the altar.

Later, Su Li discovered that one of the functions of the paper substitute had been erased.

Whether this kind of erasure is like a permanent loss or not, Su Li cannot yet judge whether it is like this.

But depending on the situation, I'm afraid this is probably the case.

It seemed like only one was erased, but to Su Li, one was twelve!

If so, the loss would be horrific.

Su Li locked his own Heavenly Soul. This Heavenly Soul was copied, but it was also very perfect and complete.

Right now, this heavenly soul belongs to the paper substitute, but I'm afraid it will also be suppressed.

So, what was the process of being suppressed?

Among them, is there any existence that will jump out to snatch and intercept the soul of this heavenly being?

Su Li watched quietly.

At the same time, he glanced at the Origin Mirror held in Lie Fan's hand with some covetousness.

It has been determined that this source mirror is a mirror made from fragments of the Book of the Earth, or that there are fragments of the Book of the Earth hidden in the mirror.

No matter which one it was, Su Li had already made a move.


At this time, the woman in green clothes had already begun to gather the terrifying chains of order, trying to penetrate the body of the soul of the heavenly being.

Once this process occurs, suppression is inevitable.

However, at this critical moment, white, goose-feather-like snowflakes suddenly flew out of the entire altar area.

Snowflakes are falling.

Among the snowflakes, two white light feather figures suddenly condensed out of nowhere.

There are two people, a man and a woman. The man is wearing a snow-white armor gown. He is extraordinary handsome, and his natural aura is smart and refreshing.

The woman is wearing a beautiful light green gauze skirt, with a slender figure and a moving face. She has a light, natural and holy aura of life, which makes her look extraordinarily pure.

At this time, the woman in green who was about to suppress the soul of the heavenly being suddenly raised her hand and rolled up the soul of the heavenly being into a piece of green heavenly jade on the spot.

This Tianji Holy Jade was flicked by the woman in green on the spot, and it was given to the woman in green gauze skirt among the two white figures.

These two men and women had snow-white feathers all over their bodies, but they looked extremely handsome and natural.

Their ears are pointed and perfectly curved.

What is even more terrifying is their pure natural breath of life that originates from the original level of life.

Seeing this scene, Su Li already knew that the Tianyu alien race appeared on the other side.

According to Mei'er's judgment, these two people should be Yao Ling and Yaosuo who often go on missions from the Tianyu clan.

The female Yao Ling's combat power is comparable to that of Su Ye.

The man is a demon, and his combat power is unknown.

"The perfect heavenly soul. Not bad, not bad. I just got it."

Yao Ling's beautiful eyes blinked and she glanced around. After a slight change in her eyes, she returned to normal.

Su Li's heart trembled. He had a feeling that he was discovered on the spot after turning into dust.

But he didn't move. He was also ready to see how this round would develop.

Yaosuo showed a sunny and natural smile and said: "Although I know that you have arranged many back-ups, are you going to take action?"

Lie Fan and Lie Kuang's eyes showed anger, panic and unwillingness, and their bodies trembled slightly.

That was caused by both fear and anger.

(PS: The third update contains 10,000 words~I am asking for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and full subscriptions~Thank you~)

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