I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 295: Three lives by the river, the remnants of time

The source of darkness can break the source of hope, and evolve into the Seven Arrows of Nail to form a sure kill.

But the source of hope can also protect against the source of darkness.

This is a contradiction.

But self-contradiction is no joke. If the shield is strong enough, no sharp spear can pierce it.

With sufficient preparation, Su Li rarely maintained a calm and indifferent state of mind.

Whether it was Que Xinyan's singing or An Ruoxuan's teasing, he listened carefully, but he was not completely absorbed.

When the system is not light blue, nothing can be careless.

"call out"

Suddenly, Su Li's eyebrows moved, and the Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword turned into a sword seal, manifested in an instant, and blocked an extremely ferocious murderous intention that suddenly shot out of the void.


Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword shook slightly and made a pleasant sound.

Then, the Xuanyuan Tian Evil Sword flew out with a clang, and at the same time, An Ruoxuan in front of Su Li suddenly transformed into a beautiful girl with cat ears and fox tail?


Su Li silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then used the Tian Xie Breaking Heaven and Nirvana Way without hesitation.

Su Li didn't lock on any enemies, and even because it was a passive defense, he didn't know who had dealt the previous blow.

However, because of Mu Yuxi's words, Su Li didn't need to think so much.

Tian Xie broke through the Tianji Dao and directly struck out with a sword that was like piercing the void, causing the entire ancient road of Huangquan to buzz.

And when the sword struck out, a dark shadow suddenly condensed in the area where there was no movement.

The shadow fell low into the lake like a drop of water. After creating an extremely shallow ripple, it finally took shape.

After the shadow that manifested its form condensed, as if it sensed a fatal murderous intention, its body actually twisted and actively appeared in front of Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.


The killing sword, which was bound to fail, actually hit the dark shadow head-on at this moment, and pierced his forehead in one fell swoop.

At that moment, a leather-armored woman with a rather explosive figure and a bit of aura escaping from her body revealed her true appearance.

The girl's skin was covered with faint scales, and the scales shone with a cold and dark light on the dark ancient road of Huangquan, which looked a bit strange.

However, after the girl was hit directly between the eyebrows by the Tianxie Potianjiji Dao, she was killed directly.

At the moment of her death, thirteen shadows gathered on her body at the same time. The moment these shadows appeared, they were directly grabbed by unknown and strange foreign objects from all directions, and they were torn apart and eaten. It looked very tragic.

Su Li glanced at the Tianji value on the system panel, and the Tianji value increased again.

At the same time, a line of information is displayed on the system panel.

[Mantis Star, the Heavenly Sword Mantis clan concubine’s impermanence comes to an end, and she obtains a direct causal connection corresponding to a secret value of 7 million. 】

The secret value of seven million is not high.

But this is not the secret value of killing, because after Fei Wuchang died here, thirteen more shadows appeared on her body.

In other words, under normal circumstances, she should have clones such as thirteen creation bodies.

Just because he died in such a place, he was killed directly.

After Su Li took back the Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword, he looked at An Ruoxuan with a somewhat surprised expression and said, "Your method is really good."

Hearing this, An Ruoxuan smiled with her beautiful eyes and said softly: "There is a better way, do you want to try it?"

Su Li gave An Ruoxuan a steady look and said, "Are you sure you want me to experience it? Okay, come now."

An Ruoxuan giggled, her devilish figure twisting slightly, and Su Li was so excited that she couldn't breathe.

Su Li activated the Yuqing clone on his body and immediately returned to normal, but deliberately pretended to be in a state of confusion, wanting to swallow An Ruoxuan.

An Ruoxuan rolled her eyes at Su Li and said: "Prince Tian, ​​what I used was the magical power of charm. The magical power is telepathic. If you returned to normal immediately, it would be equivalent to the failure of my magical power. Do you think I Don't you know?

But for you to continue acting like this and pretend to be fascinated is the greatest insult to my intelligence! "

Su Li burst out laughing, and immediately understood that there was still such a thing, so sometimes, when he thought he was planning on a trick, everyone else knew about it?

Then when other people saw him acting, they thought they were watching a clown?

Su Li was taught a lesson again.

At this time, he really wanted to add a picture to himself. It turned out that the clown was actually myself.

Although he was exposed on the spot, Su Li didn't care at all. After all, it was like being shameless. Su Wangchen's old bastard had already flourished, and he was just following the trend.

None of this was his fault, it was all Su Wangchen's fault.

Su Li looked at An Ruoxuan and said with a smile: "I actually wanted to humiliate you, but it's a pity that you found out. After all, it's really not your fault that you have a low IQ. The so-called 'big breasts and no brains' is not just about you. exist?"

An Ruoxuan rolled her eyes at Su Li and said, "Let Feng Qianwei do this. She is very interesting to you, and she should best meet your needs."

Su Li said: "Actually, I just want to see what your water snake waist looks like when you twist it."

An Ruoxuan glared at Su Li again and said, "I am Mei'er's master and your master's wife, and that's how you talk? The royal family chose you to be the prince, it's just... to use the words of those old men like Que Desu Taiqing. Say, that’s eye-catching!”

Su Li said: "If you don't want to be the emperor of heaven, you will become the emperor of humans? Don't worry, there will be such a day. As for the master wife, when did Meier become your disciple?"

An Ruoxuan said: "If Meier could hear it, she would definitely scold you."

Meier suddenly said: "An Ruoxuan, we have a good understanding of each other. You have been moved for a long time. You want to climb up and do it yourself. Why are you still pretending? If I want to scold you, I will scold you. You stole my man openly and I didn't care about you. , stinky and shameless.”

An Ruoxuan: "..."

Su Li: "What I'm most afraid of is that the air suddenly becomes quiet."

An Ruoxuan: "..."

An Ruoxuan glanced at Su Li with some embarrassment, then moved her figure. It seemed that she had withdrawn her magical power, but in fact, she had transformed her magical power from 'explicit' to 'recessive'.

Under such circumstances, Su Li's eyes froze for a moment, and then there was a smile in his eyes again.

An Ruoxuan said helplessly: "Mei'er, you are such an unscrupulous person, you can actually hear our communication? You can actually hear it in this place?"

Meier did not answer immediately, but Su Li coughed and said in Meier's voice: "An Ruoxuan, what did you say? Did Meier speak?"

An Ruoxuan's breath was stagnant, she looked at Su Li and said in disbelief: "You can actually release Mei'er's charming aura and make Mei'er's voice... Good guy, is your ability to combine Tao so strong? This makes Mei'er Is your son synchronized to the point where you have the temperament of a Taoist couple?"

Su Li said calmly: "I can't help it, my chicken is very powerful and contagious."

The sound before Su Li stopped Mei'er's voice was indeed made by Mei'er.

However, true and false, false and true, some things require some precipitation and dormancy.

An Ruoxuan said: "Okay, that's it. I'm still wondering how Meier can speak in such a place. Is Meier in your memory restricted area now? The first floor or the second floor?"

Su Li said: "The third floor, and I have privatized all the memory restricted areas on the first three floors, well, that is, made them independent. Then I will see if I can find an area to release them.

Anyway, if the Sin Domain Demonic Abyss extends, it might be exposed, so it would be better to cut it out directly to avoid too many people coveting it. "

An Ruoxuan said: "So what Mei'er said was really Mei'er's, because you have separated the memory forbidden zone and are preparing to cut it off?"

Su Li smiled and said: "Guess what? How about you continue to twist and dance, and I will have a good talk with you."

An Ruoxuan spat lightly and said, "Bah, you are an old and dishonest person."

Su Li said: "I know some of the origins of the person I ambushed before. He comes from the Mantis Star Celestial Sword Mantis Clan, and his name is 'Fei Wuchang'."

An Ruoxuan said: "I know that she deliberately ambushed here, but she was actually prepared. It doesn't matter if she dies. Her name is 'Fei Wuchang'. If she dies here, she is Concubine Wuchang. She wants to share the cause and effect."

Su Li said: "Is it so easy to support?"

An Ruoxuan said: "As long as it's appropriate, there's nothing wrong with it. Haven't I already done half of it?"

Su Li said: "How come I don't know?"

An Ruoxuan said: "There are a lot of things you don't know. Don't worry, you will figure it out gradually."

As An Ruoxuan spoke, the charming spiritual aura that she had been secretly accumulating suddenly manifested at this moment, turning into something like a pink miasma flying in the sky.

Su Li had been prepared for a long time, and in an instant he had inspired the Heaven-breaking Heaven-breaking Nirvana Dao.

"call out"

A ray of sword light shot out fiercely, and in that moment, it turned into a ultimate killing blow.


In the distance, in a place where the void is twisted, the figure of a woman in white dress is frozen in place.

The center of his brow was once again pierced by Tian Xie's Sky-breaking Nirvana attack.

However, no shadow appeared, and no fortune was gained.

An Ruoxuan regained the enchanting and charming temperament of a girl with cat ears and fox tail, but this time, the two teamed up but failed.

Because, although An Ruoxuan was indeed charmed this time, and Su Li's blow did hit, it just didn't kill him.

If you don't kill it, it's even more impossible to kill it.

After the figure of the girl in white appeared, she walked towards the sky step by step.

In just an instant, it landed on the deck of Zulong City.

Then, she stared at Su Li with cold eyes through the window of the Zulong Ship.

This girl in white looks exactly like Leng Yunshang, or in other words, she looks exactly like Zhuge Yunshang.

Not only the appearance, but even the temperament is exactly the same.

But Su Li knew that she was not Leng Yunshang, let alone Zhuge Yunshang.

Sometimes a person takes on the appearance and temperament of a person, but may not be that person.

This was the case for Zhuge Yunshang at this time.

Because, according to the truth that Su Li knew, Zhuge Yunshang was already a dead person.

In a world like this, people don't only die once, but those who are completely killed and judged to be dead by the system are truly dead.

Why can Su Li judge that Zhuge Yunshang is really dead?

Because when Zhuge Yunshang and Hua Zili joined forces, Feng Yao directly killed them.

Su Li saw this scene with his own eyes.

Other than that, no more people should know about this matter for the time being.

However, someone in Tianji Pavilion should have already suspected it. After all, Zhuge Yunmeng said something very abruptly before: "'Yun Xiang Clothes Flower Xiang Rong', isn't this the name you gave her? Now what does this mean? Or are you going to kill her so that she can be sacrificed in Wangchenhuan to increase your combat power?"

Now, Su Li met such a woman here.

Very much like Zhuge Yunshang.

Moreover, this place was said to be the Ancient Road of Huangquan, but even if Su Li didn't ask, he knew that it was probably close to Wangchenhuan at this time.

Passing through this area can reach the Sin Realm Altar, which shows that the Sin Realm Demonic Abyss is probably very close to Wangchenhuan.

You can't think about the cause and effect of this, because thinking about it will make you extremely frightened.

Su Li gathered his thoughts and looked at such a pair of beautiful, cold and indifferent eyes with the same cold eyes.

"Su Li, one day is like three autumns apart. Now, it has been a year and a month since we last seen each other."

Leng Yunshang's words made Su Li's heart skip a beat.

No one in this world has ever said to him, Su Li, you have actually lived until now for one year and two months.

Everyone thought that he had only risen in the past two months.

But it's not.

If calculated based on the time taken to go back to the past 20,000 years, his actual survival time was one year and two months.

And based on the calculation from the time when Feng Yao and Leng Yunshang fought to the present, that time is stuck into 20,000 years ago, and the calculation shows that he has not seen Leng Yunshang for a year and a month.

However, Su Li would never tell such a secret. Once exposed, he would not only expose Su Wangchen's identity, but also expose himself.

Su Wangchen wanted to replace the soul of heaven and man with his own.

However, Su Li had unintentionally sworn on the Soul of Heaven and Human several times before. As a result, his own Soul of Heaven and Human was fine, and instead pushed Su Wangchen in to take the blame.

Therefore, it is said that hungry eels will eventually be rewarded. No, good and evil will eventually be rewarded.

It’s not that I won’t report it, it’s that the time has not come yet.

Su Li thought that it was obvious that An Ruoxuan's previous 'supernatural powers' had been interrupted. When An Ruoxuan realized that he was aware of her charming magical powers and continued to act, whether it was true or not, An Ruoxuan reminded her directly. He Su Li.

The purpose is to hope that Su Li will be careful not to really think that others don't know when he encounters similar situations in the future.

At this point, Su Li had already realized that "acting" like this was not enough.

Therefore, he was already mentally prepared.

In this situation, Su Li knew that this was not just a question, but a direct test of magical powers.

Therefore, it can be clearly determined that whoever this girl in white is is using magical powers to test him and using the law of speech and spirit to test him.

This method is very scary, so if he wants to act, he must understand that the other party already knows that he is acting.

If you don't understand this, things will become passive.

Su Li glanced at the woman pretending to be Leng Yunshang indifferently and said, "I don't have a day, what do you mean by a day?"

The woman pretending to be Leng Yunshang didn't take it seriously and said, "Then let me let you go now?"

Su Li said: "No, I'm not interested in dead people."

The woman snorted coldly and said: "Su Li, you are not bad. You dare to admit what you have done. I just don't know why you want to kill her!"

Su Li said: "Who to kill? I think you misunderstood. When I said I'm not interested in dead people, I meant that you are already a dead person and I'm not interested in you. So here you are using your gift of speech and spirit to peek into my cause and effect." ?”

When the woman heard the words, she was silent for a moment and said: "What a powerful way of speaking."

Su Li said: "Excuse me, I'm not as good as you."

The woman said: "You think I am powerful because my words speak to your heart, but you are struggling with whether to face my mental torture head-on."

Su Li said: "Actually, I want to say that you are so similar to Leng Yunshang. If I sleep with you, will it feel the same as sleeping with her?"

The woman said: "Who am I? Who am I? Time has become a thief! It disturbs the dreams of young heroes and takes away innocence and fearlessness. Get to know me, I am An Ke'er, the goddess of time."

Su Li said: "I don't believe a single symbol of what you said."

The woman glanced at An Ruoxuan and said, "You heartless person, can't you recognize me?"

An Ruoxuan rolled her eyes at the woman and said, "I don't recognize her."

The woman sighed, glanced at Su Li, and said, "You little heartless boy, didn't you think my name means 'angel'? It's where the name 'Angel' comes from."

Su Li said: "..."

Su Li also felt like a speechless god damn Angel...

I don’t even know this in English, so how can I translate it directly in Chinese? Obviously the normal translation is ‘Angel’.

However, Su Li obviously wouldn't point it out.

There is a reason why this error occurs because whether it is Chinese, English or other languages, it is the password that Su Li used when setting certain taboo information in the 'memory forbidden area'.

Among them, there is the language combination of ‘Angel’.

Now that this woman called herself 'An Ke'er' and came to test her, the first thing Su Li thought of was that someone was cracking the restricted area of ​​his memory and wanted to peep into more things.

However, this kind of cracking is collected bit by bit, whether it is lyrics, language information, or sayings, proverbs, poems, famous quotes in classical Chinese, etc.

These are all passwords he has used to set.

Just like the next sentence that changes from odd to even even, using these things to combine lyrics, proverbs, and various language combinations is the password for his memory forbidden zone.

Now, these temptations have come.

Que Xinyan is doing this kind of thing.

An Ruoxuan is also doing this.

And this existence that suddenly appeared came to do this?

Therefore, at this time, Su Li vaguely understood something. Su Wangchen must have deliberately translated 'Angel' into 'An Ke'er'.

Su Li did not speak. The woman let out a sigh of disappointment and said, "I am not your angel, and I don't understand your heaven. When the moonlight becomes your gaze, I will not look at your past."

Su Li glanced at Leng Yunshang thoughtfully and said, "Yun wants the clothes and the flowers want the appearance?"

The woman's delicate body trembled, and her face turned slightly pale.

After a while, she smiled helplessly, then took a deep look at Su Li and said, "I am indeed not her. I am self-aware and cannot compare to her in all aspects. Lord Human Emperor, I was wrong."

After the woman finished speaking, she bowed deeply towards Su Li.

Su Li said: "You are right. What is wrong is the whole world. Where did you go wrong?"

The woman bit her lips lightly and said, "Is Maura okay?"

Su Li said: "He has been sprayed into the magma and will not survive."

When the woman heard this, the expression on her pretty face suddenly became a little brighter. She rolled her eyes at Su Li and said, "You should be more careful. With your current strength, it probably won't be a big deal, but the Guizhen clan and Qian Lan will definitely not Let you go.

The Guizhen tribe is best at shooting. Now that you don't have the ability of Dayi, you have to repair the Bagua Tu properly, otherwise you won't be able to help her recover.

Time is running out, there are still about seven days left, Qian Lan has gone crazy this time, something is wrong, you, you are not the emperor! "

As the woman spoke, she suddenly realized something and her eyes suddenly widened.


The next moment, her whole body was shaken violently, and blood began to spurt out from all her orifices.

The unstoppable spurting of blood looks very scary.

"Are you crazy? You wantonly deceived and obtained information that you shouldn't have obtained. You are really crazy! Prince Tian, ​​you are finished, you are completely finished! You are too crazy, this time, you"

As the woman spoke, her body disintegrated and disappeared bit by bit.

Su Li frowned slightly, but in his heart he didn't care who he was fooling by putting it here!

The moment this thought came to his mind, a terrifying thunder suddenly exploded in his ears. At the same time, the sound of turning books was also very clearly heard.

Su Li was shocked, and immediately meditated on the "Huangji Jingshi Shu".

The next moment, he heard the quarrel.

Yes, the quarrel!

It was a woman's accusing voice.

"Are you crazy? Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Then, there was a familiar man's voice.

However, the man's voice was originally very pleasant and magnetic, but this time, it was full of coldness and indifference.

"Yes, crazy. I never thought there would be such a change. Since it is not in line with expectations, it will be destroyed directly."

After the sound sounded, the scene seemed to fall into silence for a moment.

The woman said: "Okay, since you did this, don't blame me."

The man said: "Why do you blame me? It's all my fault!"

The woman said: "Anyway, your goal has been achieved, it doesn't matter anymore."

The man said: "Yes, my goal has been achieved, but isn't that your goal?"

After another moment of silence, the woman's voice sounded again: "In that case, can you do what you promised me?"

The man's voice said: "I once said that I don't even want to like a woman like you, so I promised to do something for you. Yes, I can do it. I always do what I say."

The woman said: "Then you die for me!"


It was like a harsh sound made by a page being torn out.

The sound of thunder and pages disappeared.

But at this moment, Su Li discovered that the world was very quiet.

It was so quiet, as if all the cause and effect had suddenly been interrupted.

Su Li called up the system and took a look. There was no problem with the system.

The secret value has neither increased nor decreased, and the causal value is still zero.

He meditated on the "Huangji Jingshi" again, but found that the "Huangji Jingshi" seemed to have lost its spirituality.

How is this going?

Could it be that he was tricked by the Goddess of Time?

Or is something big happening?

Su Li carefully sensed that there was a time gap in this Huangquan ancient land.

But where this time gap leads to, he doesn't know.

But this time fault point in this place vaguely coincides with certain time fault points above the Tianchi Blood River on the third level of his memory restricted area.

Su Li summoned all the clones and began to meditate and think about this experience.

He suddenly asked Qi Yunmeng's words. It was indeed a sudden whim, and he was preparing to interrupt some kind of cause and effect and layout of the time goddess who claimed to be 'An Ke'er'.

But this question seemed to lead to a certain answer, and in an instant, Ankeer took on another attitude to communicate with him.

However, what he said was so weird that Su Li couldn't understand it at all.

And after realizing that Su Li couldn't understand, An Ke'er immediately became severely repulsed!

As a result, a time rift was triggered.

Originally, Su Li didn't take An Ke'er's words seriously at all.

But now, there was a time fault point, and Su Li knew that things were getting serious.

Su Li looked at An Ruoxuan beside him. An Ruoxuan seemed to be frozen, without any reaction.

Su Li looked outside the cabin, and the dark world outside was somewhat frozen.

Su Li restrained all his thoughts and after calming down, he was lost for a moment.

At this moment, the quiet feeling disappeared again, and everything returned to normal.

The ancestral dragon boat is still passing through the ancient road of Huangquan, and the wind is still blowing in our ears.

Beside her, An Ruoxuan still remained vigilant.

And Su Li discovered that he was actually

He actually looked into the extremely cold eyes of Leng Yunshang, that is, An Keer.

When Su Li was surprised, Leng Yunshang's cold voice came to his ears.

"Su Li, one day is like three autumns apart. Now, it has been a year and a month since we last seen each other."

The voice asked made Su Li's scalp tingle!

Su Li reopened the system panel and took a look, but still found no abnormalities.

The passage of time on the system is normal.

But that scene before...

No time passes on the system!

In other words, when he experienced that scene before, Su Li subconsciously did not check the time!

"Who is plotting against me? Or is something really big happening? Or is there something fatal and dangerous that is already happening and I don't know about it yet?"

Su Li felt a little creepy. He had not paid much attention to the dead Leng Yunshang, but now he had to pay attention to it.

Because this is not Leng Yunshang, but the Goddess of Time!

Su Li opened the system panel and froze the time. He didn't know if this would affect the Time Goddess's methods, but he had to take time to think.

Otherwise, he won't be able to deal with the trouble in front of him!

The key point is that he has no idea what the purpose of the Time Goddess coming here at this time.

If you don't know the purpose, you can't deal with her like you dealt with Su Wangchen.

Su Li immediately searched for memories related to the Goddess of Time. He didn't have any contact with the Goddess of Time, but Su Wangchen must have.

But Su Li has no memory of Su Wangchen.

However, one thing is still involved.

Once upon a time, Su Wangchen had an exchange with the system elf Qian Lan, in which they mentioned the Goddess of Time.

Su Wangchen said this at the time: "This Maura should not be my seed. When I deliberately took the tenth Hidden Dragon Pill to break the limit, I actually exploded something. During this period, I did not have any contact with Maura. His mother, the Goddess of Time, has something to do with her.”

System Qian Lan said a little aggrievedly at that time: "Master, Master is so smart and doesn't know it. Qian Lan is a fool, so he definitely doesn't know it either."

Su Wangchen was very dissatisfied and said: "It's not that you don't know, you are not willing to help me advance the fortune value of Tianji. You are a little rich woman. Please help me take a look. I intuitively feel that this Maura and I It’s relevant, it’s very important to me!

But this is really not my kind! Goddess of Time, bah, ignored me. Although I succeeded in attacking her mind, she killed herself without knowing what went wrong.

I just didn't expect that this kid is here this time. Well, I should take care of him. "

After that, Su Wangchen used cartoons to trick Qianlan into checking out the Goddess of Time.

The light blue elf also obediently manifested a wheel of fortune, which revealed extremely mysterious changes.

The astrolabe rotated, and a mysterious light blue halo appeared in it.

In the halo, there is a vague passage of time.

But as this passed, a large amount of blue blood kept rolling.

Among them, blue foam was continuously produced, and when these foams flew out, they were immediately shattered.


Then, before the figure of the Goddess of Time manifested, the light and shadow like a wheel of destiny exploded in that instant, along with the manifested vortex.

As soon as it exploded, a sheet of blue liquid spread all over Su Wangchen's system panel.

The light blue elf became less than ten centimeters in size.

Many vague and mysterious fragments appeared in the exploded astrolabe.

At that time, Su Wangchen wanted to absorb these mysterious fragments, but Su Li couldn't bear the blood-sucking of Xiao Qianlan, so he used his own system to suck these mysterious fragments back.

However, after these things were sucked back, his system not only did not get better, but instead increased the debt of 170 billion Tianji value.

At that time, he also knew that the system had cut off some clones, one of which was Mu Yuxi.

At that time, Su Wangchen also told him something specifically

"Don't think too much, I actually told you that I am you in the future.

Therefore, everything I do must be right. There is something wrong with Light Blue in the future, so this fatal crisis must be reversed.

And what I do is let you carry part of it while you suck her blood, essence, and soul.

To me, she is more like my daughter, and to you, she should be your Taoist lover Yuxi.

But whether it can be the case depends on whether you can keep her.

I don't care whether she dies or not. Do you understand? "

At that time, Su Li didn't dare to think about it, let alone believe it.

Because he was no match for Su Wangchen, he ignored all of this.

But now, when facing the Goddess of Time, and listening to the 'quarrel', Su Li suddenly realized that there were some things that couldn't be ignored.

What is supposed to come will still come.

At that time, when Su Wangchen shot Zhuge Qianyun's Tianshu Divine Eye, he repeatedly emphasized that the future has come.

Now, compared with the unknown void soul poison explosion he observed during meditation, everything seems to be completely consistent.

All this is really terrible.

The layers of murderous intent, the temptations one after another, and the killing moves one after another, are like overlapping waves, making it impossible to breathe.

After Su Li pondered for a while, he looked at the system time again. There were only three days left before a new round of Tianji Mall refresh.

The current time has come to two o'clock in the morning on the 17th of the Yunhuang calendar month.

The next refresh time of Tianji Mall will be at 0:00 in the morning of the day.

At this moment, Su Li actually wanted to take a few more Hidden Dragon Pills to forcibly increase his intelligence.

Because if he can maintain that state of unity of heaven and law, then he will definitely have a way to deal with it this time.

However, there is no way to enter that state now.

First of all, if he sacrifices his body here, he will die directly. This is the ancient road of Huangquan. If he dies on the road of Huangquan, can he still be saved?

That would be completely breaking the law in front of the law enforcement officer and committing murder in front of the emperor!

Under such circumstances, Su Li fell into a very passive situation.

"Doing nothing can't be used this time, otherwise you will be involved in some terrible state!"

"The Heart of the World is not easy to use here, as it will be interfered and distorted by the attribute of time."

"This place limits many of the enemy's strengths, but it also limits some of my strengths. And this kind of place is really not suitable for using the ability of 'Listening'."

"But... want to try it again? Then let's try it again."

Su Li had no way to deal with it.

But thinking of a series of things that had happened before, he decided to do it again.

"If you trick me, I'll trick you too. Let's see who can trick you into getting the information!"

"When there is no other way to go, recklessness is the way to go."

"Indeed, the scene that happened before had extremely serious consequences, and it has already happened, leaving a gap in time!"

"But it doesn't matter. Since I don't know, then I will let this scene happen again. Whatever I did before, I will do the same next time!"

Su Li figured it out in an instant. Since he couldn't fight wisely, he would act recklessly and wait for the opponent to deal with it.

Therefore, Su Li closed the system panel, and still stared at the Goddess of Time with extremely cold eyes, and said in a cold voice: "I don't have a day, what day do you want to tell me?"

The Goddess of Time didn't take it seriously and said, "Then let me let you go now?"

When Su Li heard this, his heart moved and he said, "Okay, come on! Take off your clothes now? But I like to be on top. If this is your first time, you can be on top. If not, then you can be on bottom."

The Goddess of Time hesitated for a moment and said: "Okay, I can't escape now, condense a void, it will be no fun to be seen by the little civet cat and fox here! Let's go, let's go to the gap in time 20,000 years ago Let’s go together.”

As the Goddess of Time spoke, she raised her hand and grabbed the time fault point derived from the previous break. She casually grabbed it in the palm of her hand and started rubbing it.

That fingering technique was as skillful as playing with a glass ball.

Su Li even couldn't help but think that if this technique was used on him, he would be able to soar into the clouds and ascend to bliss.

The beautiful eyes of the Goddess of Time contained a hint of charm, she opened her small cherry-like mouth, gently licked her lips, and said, "Come on, I'll wait for you in the void."

The Goddess of Time said that she was about to enter the fault point immediately.

After Su Li stared for a moment, the Goddess of Time actually turned into a shadow and went in!

Su Li was a little moved, but didn't take any action.

After a while, the figure of the Goddess of Time reappeared and said: "It seems that you are not sincere."

Su Li said in a deep voice: "You are just pretending to enter, and doing all kinds of testing. Of course, even if it is true, I am not interested in you."

The Goddess of Time said: "If civet cats and foxes can do it, I can do it too. What they can't do, I can still do it. I can explain it in simple terms, nine shallow ones and one deep one."

Su Li said lightly: "It's useless if you know how, because I'm not interested in dead people."

The Goddess of Time said: "It seems that you have known for a long time that I, Leng Yunshang, am dead."

Su Li said lightly: "No, what I said has nothing to do with Leng Yunshang, but I just said that you will die here, and I never have the intention of attacking a dying person while he is still hot. "

Communication returned to its previous trajectory.

At the critical moment, the Goddess of Time continued to test the cage with words.

And Su Li said a question without hesitation, "Clouds think of clothes, flowers think of face", which led this scene to the exact same experience.

But this time, Su Li still heard the sound of thunder and the rustling of books.

However, the conversation between men and women could no longer be heard.

Everything feels like a repetition.

In a daze and confusion, after Su Li regained consciousness for a few minutes, he met Leng Yunshang's cold eyes again.

Leng Yunshang's temptation came again.

"Su Li, one day is like three autumns apart. Now, it has been a year and a month since we last seen each other."


It’s still that moment in time.

The scene seemed to be resetting.

An Ruoxuan, on the other hand, seemed to be immobilized throughout the whole process, and it was almost difficult for her to return to normal.

"Yun Xiang's clothes and Hua Xiang's face?"

Su Li responded directly in a questioning tone without saying a word.

At this time, Leng Yunshang's delicate body trembled and her face turned pale.


She spurted out a mouthful of blood, her eyes showed endless sadness, and she threw her head back and fell.

Her beautiful body was torn apart on the spot and turned into an endless ghost, which was scrambled and cannibalized by the monsters and demons surging around her.

Su Li raised his hand to gather the "Secret Secrets of the Mysterious Heart", and transformed into thunder and purple fire, burning the demons and monsters that were surging around and driving them away.

At this time, those fragmented shadows that turned into endless ghosts finally regrouped little by little under the tremendous pressure.

"Fengyao, you said you would wait for me on the ancient Huangquan Road. Why, why haven't you come yet?"

"I am your Leng Yunshang!"

"You once told me that Leng Yunshang who would tell me the answer to 'Clouds want clothes, flowers want looks', where are you? Feng Yao, where are you? Have you forgotten your promise?"

The ghost could no longer see Su Li and other existences, and was walking blankly through the dark void, murmuring and crying.

(PS: The first update of 10,000 words~I beg for full subscription and monthly pass, the monthly ticket will be doubled on the last day, I beg~Thank you dear friends~ Also, I am very grateful to the book friends "Infatuated with Scorpio", "Xiaoxia", and "Tiantian" Reward support with 600 book coins each ~ Thank you very much to book friend 'Xinbai' with 485 starting coins for support ~)

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