I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 461: Karma returns to ruins, before time travel

In the dark night, the crackling thunder was very loud.

The lightning flashing across the night was also very dazzling.

After Su Li woke up, he felt an indescribable fatigue all over his body.

The body seemed to be completely hollowed out.

He could clearly hear his own heartbeat.

And, the sound of his own heavy breathing came to his ears.

The small room was a little dark.

The azure computer screen exudes a faint, soft but slightly dazzling light.


Another bolt of lightning flashed.

The small room caught Su Li's eyes clearly.

Then, he saw that the light on the computer screen was flickering, and the text on it was intermittent.

Su Li walked out of bed, picked up a washed white shirt on the wooden bedside, and put it on his body to slightly resist the chill coming from the stormy night.

Su Li walked towards the computer screen.

What appears on the screen is a one-page document.

On the document, traces of the cursor still flicker.

At the cursor, a line of text is only half written.

"The door of life and death in the universe is opened, Mei'er——"

What happened to Meier? There is no further story.

Su Li sat down in front of the computer, his mind still confused and confused.

After a long time, he reached out his hand and tried to type on the keyboard.

"Boom Ka——"

At this time, lightning flashed again.

Along with the dazzling lightning, the bursting sound of thunder also sounded at the same time.


Suddenly, the computer screen went black, and then a smell of burnt wires burst out, and a spark bloomed from the computer case.

Accompanying it was a large amount of gray-white smoke.

"Cough cough cough——"

Su Li suddenly inhaled a mouthful of hot and pungent smoke, and Su Li couldn't help coughing.

The cough caused twitching pain in his abdomen.

Su Li silently looked at the other side of the computer desk, which was a medical certificate.

Su Li exhaled a breath, stood up, and then picked up the medical certificate without reading it.

Instead, he tore up the medical certificate bit by bit and threw it into the trash can next to him.

Sometimes, life is more difficult than fiction.

Meier's beautiful figure appeared in Su Li's mind again.

Meier is beautiful and unforgettable.

At least, Su Li could no longer forget Mei'er, nor could he forget all the time he spent with Mei'er.

Not only Mei'er, Mu Yuxi, but also Que Xinyan, and Yao Lan...

Everyone is so unforgettable.

Su Li is like a twilight old man, full of deep nostalgia for the past years.

However, those are just fantasies after all. After all, they are just fantasies written by him.

"Light blue."

Su Li called softly.

But no system panel is displayed.

He's still there.

But he seems to be gone too.

The deep memories that originally existed quickly receded like running water.

It's like the memory of a dream after waking up.

It may be profound at first, but soon it will be completely forgotten.


Su Li let out a breath of turbid air, his eyes a little dazed.



Outside the room, there was a slight but heavy breathing sound.

It was a painful but depressing sound.

Su Li turned his head and looked at the door of the room.

In the dark night, the slightly old and shabby door of the room was not clear to Su Li's eyes, but it was very familiar.

He was so familiar that he knew where every speck of dust in the room was.

Su Li stared at the door of the room for a long time.

He didn't go out.

But a picture emerged in his mind.

His father, Su Xinghe, was leaning in the side hall, sweating profusely, clutching his abdomen, looking extremely painful.

And for fear of affecting his family, his father did not make the slightest sound despite the tremendous pain.

He curled up and leaned against the worn sofa, his body shaking from time to time.

In this scene, Su Li noticed that his father's hair was already gray, and wrinkles as deep as earthworms had already covered his cheeks.

Inexplicably, Su Li's nose felt sore.

The memory gradually returns.

Only then did Su Li understand when he had returned.

Or rather, where he is now.

Today, after he came out of the hospital, he had already received the final test report.

And such a laboratory report also announced...

So, he returned home in a daze.

His creations were completely interrupted as a result.

Because, he made up a catastrophe to destroy the world, and gave up completely.

However, after he lay down for a while because of exhaustion, this scene happened.

A lot of time has passed from when I got the report to when I fell asleep in a daze.

Before lying down, he still clearly remembered that it was after two o'clock in the morning.

But the time now is only 3:10 in the morning.

In less than an hour, he seemed to have entered that fantasy world and experienced the catastrophe of 200,000 years.

However, after returning, everything related to it began to fade away very quickly.

Now, Su Li couldn't even remember what Meier looked like.

Su Li stood up, opened the door gently, and then looked towards the side hall beyond the corridor.

In the side hall, all the actions of his father Su Xinghe were exactly the same as the scene in his mind.

Does this seem like a superpower?

Su Li should have been very excited and excited.

But he didn't.

Because, he has actually had this kind of sensing ability for a long time, but it only appears very rarely.

Moreover, most of them are actually of little use.

The reappearance this time was nothing more than making him discover some abnormal situations about his father.

For some reasons, the relationship between Su Li and his father was not good.

Some of the possible reasons are that his father is very strict with him, but Su Li himself is a person who has no ideals and ambitions and likes to give up on himself.

Because he has low self-esteem, is cowardly, and because he has accomplished nothing.

Only this time, after going through such a dream-like experience, he experienced a deep and mysterious transformation.

Time has finally left some traces on his body.

And the two hundred thousand years of nothingness also made him completely look down on all superficial causes and effects.

Su Li silently opened the wooden and aging door.


The door made a very clear crisp sound.

After walking through the corridor of the room, Su Li came to the side hall of the living room.

In the side hall, his father Su Xinghe was huddled in a ball, his body trembling slightly, and his forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

He glanced at Su Li with difficulty, but it seemed as if he couldn't see clearly at all. He narrowed his eyes a little, but his lips trembled and he didn't speak.

Maybe I want to say.

But I couldn't tell it at all.

Su Li walked over silently, squatted down in front of Su Xinghe, almost instinctively reached out and took the skinny, dark and thin hand of his father Su Xinghe.

"How long has this been going on? Why, why didn't you tell me?"

Su Li asked in a trembling voice.

Su Xinghe's lips trembled, but still did not speak.

Su Li almost instinctively gathered the spiritual power in his body.

Only then did he realize that there was nothing in his body.

However, Su Li still tried to meditate. The meditation system was light blue, and he meditated on the "Huangji Jingshi Shu", trying to condense the wisps of the original life energy of creation and send them to Su Xinghe.

In reality, such a move seems ridiculous.

Because, during his meditation, there was neither energy gathering nor heat transfer.

But, gradually, Su Xinghe's painful expression softened.

After a while, he took a long breath and felt slightly relaxed.

After he relaxed, he felt sleepy and looked haggard.

His eyes were sunken and he was extremely depressed.

The relationship between Su Li and his father Su Xinghe was very bad, even bad.

That's why he left home in anger. After finally selling himself for 10 million yuan and giving his family glory and wealth, he left alone.

Looking back on those days - maybe, those are no longer those days.

Because now he hasn't even left home.

Because, the so-called year is still three years later.

But now - he has not begun to break with his father.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Su Li asked softly.

"I just feel a little uncomfortable and have pain in my abdomen, but I don't want to disturb you | Mom and you will have a rest, so I quietly went to the side hall to relax."

Su Xinghe said weakly.

Over the years, Su Xinghe burst into tears when he heard Su Li's words of "Dad".

This was the first time in so many years that Su Li called him 'Dad' since he did something wrong and was scolded and taught a lesson by him when he was 12 years old.

It's just a pity...

Su Xinghe's cloudy eyes became even darker.

Su Li felt a pain in his heart.

Inexplicably, many scenes gradually opened up in my memory.

Every time, Su Xinghe silently paid and protected.

On the contrary, he has never truly gained glory for his father and mother, has never truly honored his ancestors, and has never truly stood out.

The poor life and running around at the bottom have already made his father and mother unable to hold their heads high in life.

Su Li's perception ability has been greatly enhanced.

Therefore, many things can be understood at a glance.

Just like this, Su Li's mood became even heavier.

In this world, there are never truly cruel parents. Some are just children who cannot put themselves in their shoes and understand them.

When you start to understand one day, it often ends up that the child wants to support you but cannot wait for you.

"Dad, you will get better, you will get better."

"I was ignorant in the past, but now, I have grown up and know what a father is and what true family love is."

Su Li's voice was choked with sobs.

The end of cause and effect in the fantasy world.

Family bonds in reality.

And, between illusion and reality, Mei'er has been waiting hard for his return, and the child who hasn't been born yet.

When he was about to become a father, he realized that a father may not say any beautiful words, but he will definitely devote his whole life to his efforts and love.

And as long as the child lives well - no matter how dark the world is, he is willing to love it.

For the sake of his children and his father, Su Li even thought that he was willing to bear everything and give everything.

Because, once you understand what family love is, it is actually difficult to let go.

"Dad, I will take you to the hospital for examination later."

Su Li pursed his lips, and after a moment of silence, he said firmly.

"You haven't... married a wife yet, so don't go to the hospital.

And...I made an agreement with your Uncle Mu yesterday. His daughter...you...go and meet her today.

She was a good girl who had just graduated from college and had not made any friends yet.

I have actually introduced it to you several times before, but you refused every time. "

Su Xinghe's complexion improved slightly and his tone became softer.

Hearing Su Li's words, he really felt completely relieved.

He even thought, if he got seriously ill earlier, would the child wake up earlier?

However, if Su Li fell ill earlier and was still young and unable to support a family, how difficult would it be for him in the future?

Thinking that Su Li might need to face everything alone in the future, Su Xinghe felt unspeakable self-blame and at the same time felt even more sad about his incompetence.

If possible, he really hopes that he can become the richest man in his generation and can give his children the best and most beautiful things, so that their children will not feel inferior, ashamed, or even surrender to themselves.

Su Xinghe's thoughts gradually appeared in Su Li's heart.

Su Li stood there blankly, his face pale.

His eyes were sore. At the same time, he regretted and regretted his past ignorance. He also regretted his past behavior of being self-deprecating, deliberately having conflicts with his parents, and even making his parents sick in bed several times.

But at this time, Su Li didn't say anything.

He didn't know what to say.

Only when he returned to reality and down to earth did he understand.


Sometimes life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves.

Sometimes, they are really just ants.

Live an ignoble existence.

He worked hard all his life but did not enjoy any happiness at all - for example, his Su Li's father, Su Xinghe.

This seems to be the case both in reality and in the future.

"Dad, I still have some money here. I'm going to see Uncle Mu's daughter today. But I asked mom to take you to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Dad, you must take care of yourself. "

Su Li spoke in a trembling voice.

He wanted to admit his mistake, but there were some words he couldn't say.

But even though he couldn't say it out loud, Su Xinghe could still understand.

"I am already old and old, and at this age, I have actually let go of some things.

Li'er, my father actually didn't do many things well, he didn't set a good example, he didn't give you a rich family, he didn't -"

Su Xinghe was still talking softly, but was interrupted by Su Li.

"Dad, you are already great, but the child is ignorant..."

Su Li took Su Xinghe's hand, which was as skinny as firewood, and his heart felt like a knife.

In reality, he seems to be just an ordinary person after all.

Have ordinary emotions.

It is easy to be crushed and knocked down by some of the bumps and twists in reality.

The light of dawn appears.

Mu Qingya sighed and helped Su Xinghe out of the house.

Before leaving, she hesitated, took out her bank card, took Su Li's hand, and placed it in Su Li's palm.

"A Li, there is some money here, take it, don't let Su Su spend it, and don't wrong her."

Su Li shook his head and said: "Mom, I have money, you can take it and give Dad a good medical treatment. As long as it is a problem that money can solve, then feel free to do it.

Everything else is with me. "

Su Li took a deep breath and spoke in a very firm tone.

Mu Qingya nodded slightly and said: "If money can solve it, then it is probably a preference news. Alas."

Mu Qingya helped Su Xinghe leave the house.

Su Li stood at the door of the building without moving | his body for a long time.

The sunrise gradually appears.

Su Li subconsciously raised his eyes and glanced.

The sun is as fierce as blood.

In the scorching sun, someone seemed to be swinging an ax and chopping off a human head.

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