I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 784: Swamp Blood Abyss, Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit

Immortal Light Blue's attitude is very unfriendly.

No matter how excellent a woman is, how can she be so lawless in front of Su Li?

Su Li thinks it can.

Not only can it be done, but it should be even more lawless.

Does this mean Su Li likes to be abused?


Because only in this way, Immortal Qinglan truly regards him as one of his own and truly values ​​him extremely.

How could Su Li not understand this now?

If he went back to the past, what would Su Li do to him in the past?

Naturally, severe beatings and harsh environments are needed to cultivate real perseverance and good character, and only then can one have the opportunity to truly rise.

Suffering now is really the source of success in the future.

And the comfort now will often create disaster in the future.

This is also where Su Li and Meier have some differences of opinion.

Meier was reluctant to let Su Li endure hardship, but if he, Su Li, controlled the cause and effect in the mirror world of the Mountains, Rivers, and State Map, he would definitely be tortured to the point where he would wash his face with tears every day, and life would be worse than death.

It's not that he is cruel, but that in this kind of world, strong medicine must be taken.

And because Su Li really knows himself best, he is really the type who doesn't go to bed for three days.

Just like his beating training on Su Ye, the effect has always been excellent.

Beating may not be the only solution.

But it must be the most effective method.

Just like when some saplings start to grow, if they are not restrained and tied straight and allowed to grow, then once they are let go and they grow crooked, they will still be crooked no matter how straight they are in the future, and they will never be straight in their lifetime.

Simply tie it straight from the beginning and let it grow. Then when you loosen it, it will naturally continue to grow straight.

This is a very simple truth - beating is a way of straightening it up.

Wherever it is crooked, hit it until it is straight.

The effect is super awesome.

Therefore, if Su Li went back to the past, he would never be polite to his past self if he were a master or another being.

In comparison, how good is Immortal Light Blue’s attitude?

Although Su Li felt that he was indeed quite good and excellent at the moment.

But once you get to a higher level, looking back, you will find that the practices in many places are still stupid - but relatively speaking, it is indeed not bad in the current environment.

Looking back at his past experiences in the fantasy world, he did not live a satisfactory life. It can be said that he was beaten severely along the way.

Su Li was not in a bad mood, but because of Immortal Qinglan's words, Su Li was more certain that Immortal Qinglan was also one of her beauties.


When Su Li took out Hua Yunmeng as an analogy, he found that Immortal's light blue smile was very strange.


"Could it be that Immortal Light Blue is exactly Hua Yunmeng, or the type that smells better than Hua Yunmeng, and yet I praised 'Sesame' and disliked 'Watermelon' instead?"

Su Li's heart moved, and he couldn't help but instinctively think of a series of beauties' personalities related to the system.

Mu Yuxi, Mu Yusu, as well as Zhuge Qinglan, Immortal Qinglan, and the Qinglan elf.

Even including Zhuge Qianyun and Zhuge Qiyan who are related to Zhuge Qianlan...

All have shadows of immortal light blue.

Su Li was thoughtful, and then felt that the truth might be more bizarre and exciting.

Or in other words - when Li Juan created Hua Yunmeng and others, she actually used the 'Immortal Light Blue' as a template, but changed some of the temperament of the Immortal Light Blue in the world of Babel into a classical temperament ?

So Su Li praised the pirated version and despised the genuine version?

"That's most likely it."

"Made did something stupid again."


Su Li couldn't help but want to punch himself in the head.

But then he became a little smug again - Immortal Qinglan said something like, 'When did I, Su Li, want my woman to teach me how to do things?' Doesn't that mean...

Su Li felt very accomplished.

Could it be that this is the crematorium where a young man who didn’t know the empress’ fragrance is now chasing his wife?

"Probably not. The last time I mentioned Fang Yuening, Immortal Qinglan was severely scorned."

"What is the specific origin of this immortal light blue, and what exactly is this system?"

"I used to think that the core hub of the Hongmeng Research Base was combined with something like the Jade Disk of Creation, but now it seems that it shouldn't be the case."

While Su Li was thinking wildly, the particles he derived above the void where the blue robe was were followed into the extremely cold ancient city.

The endless statues of women with broken arms are indeed lifelike.

But every statue is in a state of broken arms and blind eyes, which is indeed a bit scary.

The key is that the statue is lifelike, so the eyes are dark and hollow, which makes people feel a little weird.

In particular, some statues may have been incomplete when the nine orifices were shaved off, so that they were dripping with blood. The scene looked like a scene from a horror movie.

In such a scene, not only Su Li was a little flustered, but also a group of people in blue robes were trembling inexplicably.


There were actually some gray robes and white robes whose teeth were chattering and making strange noises.

Su Li was also speechless - he thought it was just him who thought it was weird, but it turned out that these things were more scared than him.

A group of gods are afraid of weirdness?

Isn't this the strangest thing in the world?

This is due to China's terrifying tactics!

Su Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the truth. Although he had been exposed to it for a long time, he couldn't help but feel speechless when he saw such a large-scale situation.

After walking carefully, a group of blue robes soon led the team through many ancient formations and mysterious passages, and finally entered a sea of ​​​​blood swamp.

In the blood sea swamp, Su Li saw the endless thunder light converging to form a thunder-like lotus.

Lotus flowers are in full bloom, including lotus pods.

And among the buds of the lotus, there is a fruit that looks like a baby.

This thing is obviously the so-called Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit.

At this time, the baby-like fruit emitted wisps of faint thunder light, and the thunder light formed a terrifying aura of heavenly tribulation that filled the top of its head.

Although its size was only the size of an ordinary baby, and Tianjie was only three to five meters wide, Su Li had never seen the aura of Tianjie.

That kind of breath has a powerful 'soul-controlling breath'.

What is ‘soul-controlling breath’?

It is an evolution of Yujian's orthodoxy.

Just change the sword-controlling technique to the soul-controlling technique.

It is this kind of Tao Yun aura that is almost exactly the same as the sword-controlling technique, but this is not a sword-controlling one, but a soul-controlling one.

So Su Li recognized this soul-controlling aura immediately.

Su Li brought up the system and tried scanning it.

As a result, Su Li immediately noticed mysterious aura lingering among the file information.

Later, Su Li was sure what this kind of thing was.

This time the system is also very powerful.

Systematic ‘archives’ can ‘identify’ everything.

After all, even in the fantasy world of the past, the system had such capabilities.

The 'Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique' taught to Su Ye at that time was the original version, and it can be said to be a super cheating ability.

Nowadays, this ability has become very powerful as the system's capabilities have improved.

Its subdivision became the ability of Tianmai to listen.

To listen carefully means to listen carefully to the origin, to peep into the origin and true meaning of all things.

At this time, Su Li obtained several important pieces of information from the system file information.

The first is that the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit is real.

The second is that the swamp contained in these four directions is the Nine Nether Swamp.

And that sea of ​​blood is the Blood Sea Demonic Abyss.

What is the mysterious Taoist aura formed after the Nine Nether Swamp and the Blood Sea Demonic Abyss merge into one?

It is indeed a soul-controlling aura.

It is also a kind of soul-controlling catastrophe. The murderous intention in it is similar to the sword-killing intention in the sword-controlling technique. If it is not pulled by a special ability, as long as you get close, you will be killed by a soul-killing move and then be soul-controlled.

Moreover, after being sucked in by the lightning above the Nine Nether Swamp and the Blood Sea Demonic Abyss, and being swallowed up, it will turn into the energy foundation of the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit.

The rhizome of the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit has already been channeled, and it is extremely ferocious. It can also evolve the ability to control souls, and can hunt down endless powerful people.

In such a place, such a Ten Thousand Soul Dao Fruit is obviously not easy to compete for.

Not only that, the thunder above the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit was named by the system as the ‘Soul Control Taichu Tribulation’.

Although this is a system naming, the name must have an earlier origin before it can be identified by the system.

And ‘Yuhun Taichu’, this is so interesting.

This is too obvious.

While Su Li was thinking, at this moment, a large amount of green light exploded not far away, and at the same time, there was a collapse similar to an underground subsidence.

Under this series of abnormal circumstances, batches of Tianjiao practitioners all appeared.

Many geniuses that Su Li had seen before appeared here one after another.

And a group of blue-robed people also began to rush towards the Ten Thousand Soul Dao Fruit in advance.

Unfortunately, every time someone in blue robe approaches, the roots of the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit and the lightning in the void will suddenly develop murderous intent.

The killing intention looks ordinary, but once it is hit, it will be directly slaughtered and completely destroyed.

It can't be said to be devastating, but there is no single enemy.

And that's always been the case.

In the blink of an eye, six blue-robed men died, which made the lotus of the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit bloom even more beautifully.

A group of people in blue robes looked solemn, but did not continue to try. Instead, they retreated silently, as if waiting for some changes.

At this time, after the blue-robed people retreated, a group of white-robed and gray-robed people tried to resist the attack with magic weapons and the like, while rushing towards the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit.

But this process is obviously whimsical.

Because the underwater rhizomes of the lotus suddenly grew into countless strands, and they were all pulled out fiercely.

Each stroke was as direct as a spear and a sharp sword, piercing the white robe and gray robe directly between the eyebrows, fast, hard and accurate, extremely cruel.

This scene also made the atmosphere at the scene calm down.

Then, a group of blue-robed and white-robed people retreated one after another. Instead of continuing, they retreated to the edge of the bloody wasteland next to the Swamp Demon Abyss.

On the other side, there are many geniuses who still create a large number of clones to try and test.

But every time there is no return.

Su Li watched quietly, and then after trying to simulate it, he found... that it was actually not difficult to seize it.

In such a place where evil is everywhere, the method of manifesting the source of hope is very effective.

As soon as he thought of this, a beautiful woman in white turned into a source of light and rushed over.


This time, many cruel murderous intentions did not appear, but the Yuhun Taichu Heavenly Tribulation above the Ten Thousand Soul Dao Fruit suddenly turned his attention to the woman.

"Boom Ka——"

A bolt of destructive thunder exploded, instantly hitting the light source transformed by the woman in white.

Then, the clone of the woman in white, together with her main body, exploded into a stream of white arc light, and turned into powder in the stream of light before disappearing.

This is straight up dead.

When Su Li saw this, he couldn't help but feel a little weird - so, the light source can protect against the downwards, but it can't protect against the heavenly catastrophe?

What if the abilities of thunder and light source are available at the same time?

Isn't this the thunder-controlling divine flame and the source of merit?

Is this thing tailor-made for me?

Or is it someone with a similar orthodoxy to me?

While Su Li was deep in thought, next, because the woman attracted Heavenly Tribulation, many practitioners with light source attributes rushed out and rushed forward.

Once the Ten Thousand Soul Dao Fruit is obtained, these beings will definitely swallow it without hesitation.

And beings like blue robes must have cause and effect on them. Once they are obtained, they will definitely be put away, or they will be directly taken away by the being behind them.

Right now, because the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit contains the immortal original effect, it is naturally attractive.

One genius after another rushed over.

Although there are constant casualties, it is very obvious that many geniuses are indeed getting closer to the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit.

It can even be said that as long as there are a few more waves, the murderous intention will eventually become weaker and weaker, and the heavenly tribulation will be more and more consumed. At that time, the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit will basically not be preserved.

Su Li was not anxious, but watched quietly.

Regarding this Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit, despite Immortal Qinglan's advice, Su Li didn't care much - even if someone else absorbed and refined it, Su Li felt that it shouldn't be difficult to cut it out with the ability of Tianji to defy fate.

However, he was still prepared to seize the opportunity to try to snatch it himself.


Soon, the area where Wanhun Daoguo started was less than an inch long.

With such a distance, if you work hard, you can get it almost all the time.


Su Li is very familiar with this situation.

Isn't this the stinking pattern of going on and on?

It seems within reach, but... I guess they are all being given away for free.

Because so far, at least 300,000 geniuses have rushed over, but none of them who are extremely confident have still failed.

The previous attack by Lan Pao was enough to prove this point.

During this period, Su Li felt that he had seized the opportunity several times, and wanted to try it several times, but he still maintained his rationality.

And just what he was thinking of, some geniuses discovered it one after another, and rushed over with extremely confident attitude.

Even if it evolves the source of hope, even if it turns into lightning, has the same origin as thunder, and even can absorb thunder, it still cannot touch the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit, let alone pick it.

So far, the existence closest to the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit is still almost three centimeters away.

Is three centimeters very short?

But with just these three centimeters, it is extremely difficult to move forward.

Every genius is making crazy calculations in their hearts, how to use greater abilities, release stronger foundations, break through more terrifying obstacles, and use them to create a distance of three to five centimeters.

As long as this distance is extended, the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit can be obtained.

But Su Li knew that this kind of coexistence pattern would almost never end.

At that time, it may be a distance of 0.0000001 micron, but it can't be reached no matter what.

After all, when these geniuses want to seize the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit, the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit is actually using itself as a bait to hunt down the geniuses and devour the origins of the geniuses.

This is how a magic weapon grows!

Therefore, this Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit has probably grown from the level of magical elixir to the level of medicinal spirit, and has a tendency of transformation similar to that of a magic weapon.

That's why such a scene happened so tragically and hid such huge hidden dangers.

Su Li didn't see any acquaintances or old friends among this group of geniuses.

Even the former law enforcement elder Yuan Jingyu in Shu Mountain was not seen again by Su Li.

Of course, Su Li also knew that there must be many people like him hiding in secret with special means in such a place, just to wait for the best opportunity.

In such a situation where it is almost at your fingertips, there are now more than 100,000 practitioners gathered here, but no one has rushed past.

Everyone is deep in thought.

After all, so many people have died, and those who should calm down have already calmed down.

Most of those who are still hot-headed at this time are those who feel that there is smoke coming out of their ancestral graves, and that there is a one-in-a-million chance that it will fall on them.

Therefore, occasionally there are practitioners who rush forward with madness and confidence, or a desperate mentality.

But the result is no different.

It was still extremely close, but it was still either penetrated by the gun or sword, or directly killed by the soul-controlling Taichu Heavenly Tribulation. It was sublimated and flew into the sky on the spot, turning into nothingness.

In short, scenes like this have been appearing from time to time.

Soon, two full hours later, there were still more than 100,000 practitioners left on the scene.

But no one took action anymore.

Every genius is thinking of a way, or looking at the Ten Thousand Soul Dao Fruit in a daze.

Visions like three flowers gathering together and five qi heading towards the Yuan Dynasty formed in the sky above the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit appeared from time to time. At the same time, the mysterious immortal aura was mixed with the Soul-controlling Taichu Heavenly Tribulation, which was both attractive and extremely terrifying. Extremely fearful.

After a while, suddenly, the void moved.

After a ray of white light gathered, the figure of a woman in white materialized.

This woman's Taoist aura is extremely mysterious and extremely powerful.

After she appeared, the scene suddenly became a little more complicated.

Even Su Li almost instinctively avoided her gaze - as if she could see through the endless source.

After the woman glanced at the scene, she stepped directly into the void and stepped towards the lotus leaf.

At this time, all the practitioners showed a strange look, and even had a mentality similar to watching a play.

However, after the woman in white stepped on it, the endless evil energy of the sea of ​​blood and the impact of the endless roots began to explode, turning into pieces of blood mist that withered away.

Not only that, but the fierce murderous intent also exploded and collapsed in the middle of the process, completely unable to take shape.

Then, the woman stepped on the void and walked to the side of the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit. Then she squatted down and looked at the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit calmly.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit has not yet fully matured, but it already has extremely powerful effects and effects.

After the woman looked at Wanhun Daoguo, there was a bit of sadness in her eyes, but her expression didn't change much.


At this time, the Yuhun Taichu Heavenly Tribulation above the head of Wanhun Daoguo suddenly gathered and fiercely attacked the woman in white gauze skirt.

But at this time, the woman in white just glanced at the soul-controlling Taichu Heavenly Tribulation, and then two rays of light shot out from her cold eyes.

The two rays of light converged fiercely, and then hit the soul-controlling Taichu Heavenly Tribulation fiercely.


The powerful and invincible Yuhun Taichu Heavenly Tribulation actually collapsed directly at this moment and was broken into half.

At the moment when the Yuhun Taichu Heavenly Tribulation collapsed, the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit stored in it turned into a stream of light, and was about to break out of the Yuhun Taichu Heavenly Tribulation and escape.

At this time, all the practitioners present were moved and rushed out almost immediately, trying to snatch it.

Not only the practitioners at the scene, but also Su Li had the idea of ​​​​strengthening it immediately - but he still did not grab it.

Rather, it seemed to be a killing driven by the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit.

"Boom boom boom——"

Sure enough, the chaotic killing began.

However, when the woman in white gauze saw the Ten Thousand Soul Dao Fruit escaping out, she just had a thought. In an instant, two invisible hands of the void condensed out, and then fiercely grabbed the Ten Thousand Soul Dao Fruit. past.

This time it wasn't that the gap was far away, but that he caught it immediately.

After the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit fell into the palm of the woman in the white gauze skirt, the woman in the white gauze skirt turned her hand, and the Ten Thousand Souls Dao Fruit disappeared completely.

The crowd was stunned for a moment, and then almost all the geniuses rushed towards the woman in white gauze skirt.


The woman in white gauze gave a cold shout, and her murderous intention immediately emerged.


At that moment, the murderous intention that seemed to be the light of the twelfth-level ancestral thunder god appeared directly.

Su Li was extremely familiar with this twelfth level of Ancestral Thunder Divine Light.

Isn't this the twelve capital formations that existed under the thunder pond in the Su family's ancestral land?

The twelve capital formations derived from the ancestral thunder divine light!

How could this woman in white dress and gauze skirt derive this thing?

What is her relationship with the Su family?

So the cage under the Su family's ancestral mine pond is similar to the cause and effect here?

Su Li had many thoughts in his mind.

However, he still remained calm and did not take action immediately.

At this time, the woman in white gauze skirt developed such a killing formation, and directly swept into countless practitioners in one fell swoop.

The void was distorted by the impact of the divine light of the twelfth-level ancestral dragon, and the practitioners who were caught in the light scroll of the twelfth-level ancestral thunder god immediately had their flesh and blood exploded, making their flesh and blood extremely blurred.

These results were better, and they barely broke apart due to being sucked into the soul.

Those whose souls were involved had their souls shattered on the spot and died completely miserably.

[The third update today~30,000 words have been updated today~I beg for subscription, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets~Bow and thank you~]

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