I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 789 Su Yan reincarnation, light blue smile

Su Li was also quite melancholy at this time.

This cause and effect does not mean whether to connect or not.

He always thought that Hua Taichu's karma was miserable.

As a result, Su Yan's cause and effect...

Good guy...

Just one word - absolutely!

Su Li had no intention of complaining at this time.

It's no wonder that he has never met anyone named 'Su Li' or 'Su Yan' in this world.

Judging from the population of this world, how can it be possible to avoid such two names among such a huge population?

So it’s really a taboo?

So who dares to touch such a name or to blame the cause and effect? ​​How hard does it take to survive? !

Su Li was speechless at this time.

Comparatively speaking - in such a cause and effect, the most miserable person is actually the child.

No wonder...

No wonder Hua Taichu wanted to save the child in Gongcheng Qingdie's belly even when he died.

This is a similar cause and effect!

It's a pity that Gongcheng Qingdie's feelings are too shallow, and his purpose is to attack the heart.

Moreover, Gongcheng Qingdie was captured by the Jiang family’s son of God.

This member of the Jiang family is really not a thing, and the 'beauty trap' is really played to the extreme!

The key point is - not to use beautiful women to attract strange men, but to use the beauty of strange men to contribute to strange women. This is outrageous!

And it seems like it’s a success every time!

"Is this the ancestor of the Jiang family who is a free-for-all? This is how they take the 'beautiful man trap' to the next level!

Su Li was also a little...envious and jealous.

Why isn't he so lucky?

Why aren't there any peerless fairies who take the initiative to betray me?

Think about the fantasy world in the past. At the beginning, I wanted to hug Hua Ziyan's thigh and eat some soft food... just wait for death.

If you think about it, it's really a huge difference.

As for the cause and effect of King Su Yan of Lei Yan and Mu Qingyan, the strange woman from all realms - Su Li can only say that these guys are not worthy of being together.

When one person is in a desperate situation, he simply kills himself, and the whole thing is over.

Just die cleanly, completely cut off all reincarnations, and even drank several water bottles of Meng Po soup. Wouldn't this drink of several water bottles of Meng Po soup leave no impression on Su Li at all?

Anyway, although the past and present lives are not related to cause and effect, there are still more or less fragments of memories, right?

As a result, even though Ming Cheng told so much, Su Li had no memory at all.

Even Fang Yuening's memory of the Immortal Empress Su Li has fragments, but Mu Qingyan's memory fragments don't have any fragments at all - the only bit of cause and effect seen was all drawn from Su Yan's self-destruction. The picture is obtained when acquiring inheritance.

As for things like Gu Jue Sword Intent, it is even more fucked up.

Because it is better to teach others how to fish than to teach others how to fish.

But whether it is Hua Taichu or Su Yan, they really just teach people to fish. We directly gave you a fortune - you can spend it however you like. As for our method of making money, I'm sorry I won't give it to you!

Therefore, Su Li didn't understand anything about the so-called Nine Swords and the Samsara Sword.

Forget about everything else, what about the Thunder God's Flame Sword Technique, and this extreme method of natural punishment?


"This Su Yan is cruel to himself, but he is also kind to women. In the end, he did not kill Jiang Tianling, but wiped out such a cause and effect. He didn't want Mu Qingyan to fall into regret and pain? This is too licking. Bar?!"

"So why are Yanyan and Mu Qingyan begging me for forgiveness now?

I'm sorry, it has nothing to do with me. "

"I was almost involved in Su Meng's cause and effect before, but it turned out to be Yan Yan's cause and effect."

"So Yanyan's name is not Ji Yanyan, but Mu Yanyan or Su Yanyan?"

"Maybe it's because Mu Qingyan didn't give her a surname, so she just named her after the flame of Zi Yan."

"This is also a tragedy. Life is too miserable."

"Su Yanyan... probably started out of hatred and revenge, so he didn't want to use the surname 'Su'."

"Later, it was out of regret that I felt that I was no longer worthy of the surname 'Su'. In the end, there was a reincarnation, and Su Meng had a similar cause and effect? ​​He also gave up on Mu Qingyan and let Meier be honest. Born..."

"So this Su Meng is really my and Mei'er's daughter... I'm damn drunk too."

"This is the past life and this life. Although the past life has passed."

"But Yan Yan in the past life is probably dead. She wants to be my daughter again in this life - but now I haven't responded to the cause and effect, I just don't want her..."

"No wonder the karma value of 1 point in the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower is always there. If I don't respond, the karma will always be there."

"Or even if I die, Yanyan will still come here in the next life, just to be my daughter in every life."

"This child..."

"And Mu Qingyan - on the one hand, she preserves the beauty of the strange woman from all over the world and allows such a fairy to exist; on the other hand, she does not allow her to truly die, so she punishes herself with the miserable statue of a human stick, making her immortal. Destruction, self-torture and atonement?”

"Isn't this too cruel?"

"is this necessary?"

"Or let me in this life see your miserable end?"

"Or will I look at you one more time in this life?"

"This will make me disgusted with Mu Qingyan around me."

Su Li's mood was also a bit complicated and difficult to describe.

Some causes and effects are really... very difficult to describe.

However, this cause and effect is indeed very, very heavy.

Su Li really didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Conceptually speaking, the past life is the past life, and this life is this life. There is nothing to let go of.

They are already in the previous life, they are all dead, Meng Po soup has been drunk from several water bottles...

But when these causes and effects come into contact, can we really just let it go?

Su Li actually had an urge to go to the mirror world to see Mu Qingyan and see if she and Yanyan's mother, the so-called 'wonderful woman in all worlds' Mu Qingyan, were the cause and effect of her past and present lives.

But he still didn't go.

Now he is in the True Void. Immortal Qinglan had made it clear before that he should not go to the mirror world while realizing the True Void.

Su Li also kept this in mind.

Su Li sighed silently and did not respond to Ming Cheng.

Ming Cheng didn't urge him.

As Mu Qingyan's elder, he also knew that Mu Qingyan, the immortal-level existence in the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower, was definitely not his niece Mu Qingyan, but this cause and effect came from the past of the Netherworld Temple, which was correct.

Moreover—the former Mu Qingyan was also the goddess of the Netherworld Temple.

After all, Mu Qingyan was deceived, what did so many powerful people in Netherworld Temple do?

There were a lot of people who were watching the excitement, and there were a lot of people who hated Lei Yan Wang Su Yan, but not one of them doubted Jiang Tianling.

can only say……

When such a situation occurs, Netherworld Temple also has an unshirkable responsibility.

Su Li brought up the system panel and took a look. Among them, Immortal Light Blue was still waving the flag. The big 'True' on the flag looked very dazzling.

Su Li couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth when he saw this scene.

As soon as he thought, Su Li's consciousness projection appeared in the system panel space.

As for the outside world, he seemed to be in a daze when he was with Ming Cheng.

Ming Cheng also knew that such things took time to consider, so he still waited patiently.

Ming Yu, on the other hand, seemed to be very unhappy with this result. He sighed for a long time, gritted his teeth several times, and clenched his fists but was helpless.

All I can say is - there is more than enough heart but not enough energy!

After all, let alone those immortal-level strong men in the past, even those who exist in the next life, Ming Yu is no match for any of them now.

For example, after the suicide reincarnation, Jiang Yuning is still a member of the Jiang family, still has the same name, and is still an immortal-level strongman, but he can't even see the shadow of the other party - is this difference more than Yinghuo and Haoyue?

What could he struggle with?

As for finding someone from the Jiang family to seek revenge - the Jiang family is much more powerful than the Netherworld Temple. It takes no effort to destroy the Netherworld Temple in not just three to five seconds, but also every minute.


Ming Yu could only bark a few incompetent words in his heart - as for how many words he sprayed with his mouth?

That’s something I don’t dare to complain about, it’s really something I can’t afford to offend.

The key is, it's not that he really doesn't want to complain or scold, but - he represents not only himself, but also the entire Netherworld Temple.

Therefore, Ming Yu could only sigh a long time at this time, and then continue to sigh a long time.

That sighing look was simply extremely weird.

Ming Cheng was upset by his sigh and glared at him fiercely. Then Ming Yu immediately became honest and held in his breath, his face turned blue without sighing.

Ming Cheng was also speechless and could only sigh sadly.

It's just that when he sighed, he thought of the situation he warned Ming Yu, and he immediately restrained himself and stopped sighing - Su Renhuang, you should not do this. If you can't climb the Immortal Mountain, you should give me a word, here. What does it mean to be in a daze?

But it's not easy to push him - it's fine if he doesn't know, but if he knows he is disrespectful to 'Su Yan', is this not giving him face?

Aren't you afraid that Yanyan will kill him in the Nether Palace?

After all, he is a 'grandfather' level existence of Yanyan, and he still needs this bit of face.

This is why he firmly assured Na Yuan Jingyu that nothing would happen to him before he came - he just wanted to know the truth about cause and effect so that the goddess could truly be freed.

It doesn’t matter whether we should or shouldn’t, after all, it is still necessary to meet!

Ming Cheng thought, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart - I, the master of the palace, was also a hard worker.

I have never seen such a humble palace master.

Su Li looked at Immortal Qinglan speechlessly and said: "You really...get a wife - a mirror wife, she is really yours."

Immortal Qianlan smiled and said: "Isn't this cause and effect wonderful? Did you try so hard to hug her before? Do you think that Mu Qingyan is Huang Yuqian, and she wants to be so indecent?"

Su Li said: "Stop talking, I have a shadow over this name now - the name Mu Qingyan!!!!"

Su Li's tone was much longer, very fiery, and full of resentment (so five exclamation points are used here to strengthen the tone, well, this is definitely not just to make up the word count).

Immortal Qian Lan chuckled and said: "Mu Qingyan is not dead, so how can there be another Mu Qingyan? So Mu Qingyan, the Netherworld goddess in the mirror world, just think of her as 'Mu Xinyan'. Could it be that other women have taken over?" A name, and then you were molested in your previous life, and as a result, the name was completely ruined?

What's wrong with you?

Is the pursuit of perfection so demanding? "

Su Li immediately denied it three times: "I didn't, it's impossible, don't talk nonsense!"

Immortal Qinglan said: "The cause and effect of the statue with broken arms and blind eyes comes from this cause and effect - this cause and effect can only be known by the real master of the Netherworld Temple, and he is also the master of the core force of the real big plane world. Know.

It's not the kind of small world or separate halls.

Just make up the numbers.

So this is the cause and effect, there is nothing wrong with it. "

Su Li said: "So, Mu Qingyan, who turned into a statue, still maintains his original immortal strength and is not dead yet? Then the Guixu catastrophe is also real? Now the Guixu catastrophe is coming again?

Seal it internally, and then use the immortal ancient corpse - is this ancient corpse Su Yan's corpse? "

Immortal Qinglan said: "You don't need to worry about this. There are certain reasons for the internal blockade, and the attack of the Immortal Emperor Soul Clan is also a reason. But the internal strife is the most serious.

Since contradictions exist, they should be resolved one by one.

At present, it is the conflict between the prehistoric mythical world, the big plane world of Babel Tower and the prehistoric royal family's establishment of the Tao.

This has to be solved, nothing else makes sense. "

Su Li said: "In that case, what is the cause and effect of touching the Space-Time Soul Locking Tower?"

Immortal Qinglan said: "Isn't this the daughter's karma you have been talking about? Shouldn't this happen to you?"

Su Li said: "I didn't respond..."

Su Li's words were no longer so forceful, because he did comply with Su Meng's cause and effect.

The answer is the answer.

Although Su Meng's cause and effect has been settled now, the cause and effect of the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower has still been drawn out.

And this time Zhenxu Realization can actually end after entering the Shushan world - for example, after Jiang Yuning leaves, he obtains the Immortal Soldier Yuan Magnetic Slaying Evil Sword, which can end Zhenxu Realization.

But he didn't.

His thoughts and even the induction of the Great Destiny Technique have determined that the cause and effect of the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower is about to come.

And his obsession will be fulfilled by the system.

Again, his women are very spoiled by him - there is actually nothing wrong with saying that.

Even though Immortal Qinglan kept reminding him and ridiculing him, she still followed his wishes.

Su Li said nonchalantly: "Okay, I did agree before, but this cause and effect... is a bit too heavy.

And the battle in the Immortal Realm, was it so brutal? The whole region collapses at every turn..."

Immortal Qinglan said: "What if? But usually such strange situations don't happen. Generally speaking - there are three points you need to understand.

First, the current Jiang Yuning is not the Jiang Yuning of the past, so although Jiang Yuning is Jiang Yuning, she is still living the next life. Just like you are not Su Yan, don't trick her into the previous life, otherwise she will be very angry.

Everyone has a past, so it’s time to let go of the past.

Now that you have entered reincarnation, let it go when it’s time to let it go.

Secondly, the real Mu Qingyan is not dead, but she is completely despairing of all thoughts and despair - so the strange woman who supports Mu Qingyan's cause and effect will not have a happy ending.

The current Mu Qingyan is just more like the next life of Mu Qingyan, so it’s okay if you think she is Mu Xinyan, Mu Yuyan or something like that. There is no relationship between the two parties, but one very important point is that with the mirror world As Mu Qingyan's strength increases, she will automatically pull the cause and effect of the immortal Mu Qingyan, and the result will be very bad.

Therefore, this cause and effect does not lie in the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower, nor is it about getting the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower, but that Mu Qingyan must die completely first.

After death, Mu Qingyan in the mirror world can live in the next life.

If you didn't die in the previous life, how can you live in the next life?

Do you understand now? "

Su Li said: "I understand."

Immortal Qinglan said: "Well, then the third point is Yanyan's problem - Yanyan and Su Meng are actually related in the past life and this life.

But Yanyan never really died, but silently waited for her father to return.

You are back. She really wanted to live out her next life as a good daughter, but in the end, she chose Mei'er, a peerless good mother, but almost caused a cause and effect similar to 'Yanyan'.

But overall, the overall result is good, but this one is still 'dead', because to her, this is still not a good daughter.

And you don't even know it.

When she helped you but was exposed, your so-called "kneel to death" performance stimulated her again.


The result now is - if you want to follow the cause and effect, she will be willing to fall into the animal realm.

On the other hand, if she could become a baby daughter, she would not choose her mother. As long as you recognize her, it doesn't matter if she is born to anyone.

For her, the most ideal one is of course Meier Mu Yuxi, but she has no right to choose, the choice is yours.

So you don't have to feel bad, this is just a miserable child.

The child does not teach, the father too.

The child himself is not wrong, he was just misled by his mother.

But my mother is also a miserable person. She was poisoned by soul poison without even realizing it...

Overall, this is indeed much better than the Blue Butterfly side... but it's only about the same. "

When Su Li heard this, he sighed and said, "What's going on with Yun Qingxuan and Su Ho being called father?"

Immortal Qinglan said: "That's the incomplete mark left by some idiot who tried to defeat Su Xinghe's cause and effect but failed. Don't bother with it. It doesn't matter. Moreover, he wanted to challenge Su Xinghe's cause and effect because he wanted to get it from Hua Taichu." Seize the sword-controlling skill, but he has no idea that the sword-controlling skill is actually from his previous life.

Who is this? "

Su Li: "..."

Su Li stopped talking.

As King Lei Yan, Su Yan killed an evil thought body and transformed into the Evil King Ji Xie.

And the surname Ji Yanyan is actually a surname that defines one's own 'viciousness'.

Su Li has actually judged this point.

And a child who doesn’t even deserve his own name will live a sad and painful life.

The key is - if Su Li never responds to this cause and effect, Yan Yan will probably remain sad and sad in the long river of time.

If so, Su Li currently has no ability to keep her.

Because this is indeed not the cause and effect that Su Li's current ability can handle.

Immortality at every turn, how far is this difference?

Or, having absorbed tens of thousands of creation points here, Su Li is now capable of confronting the Golden Robe.

But what is the golden robe?

He is just a god king who has obtained the origin of creation, but he has just gone a little further.

But for immortals whose distance is endless and boundless, is there any essential difference between walking three thousand meters and walking thirty meters?

Regarding the length of the entire universe, is there any difference between walking three hundred thousand meters and walking one thousand meters?

There is actually no difference.

Immortality can actually be seen as the magnitude of the universe.

As for the golden robe, the distance is 300,000 meters or several thousand meters at best.

What comparison can there be in this?

There is no comparison.

Is the immortal ice god Jiang Yuning immortal?

Maybe she was in the previous life, but after reincarnation, she is not either.

At best, she is actually about the same strength as Immortal Light Blue.

Even all these beings don't know the existence of the system.

This shows that the system is much, much stronger than these so-called 'quasi-immortals'.

However, we are still in this world, still in the game.

This shows that the cause and effect of this upper level is very strong and unnatural. If you touch it, it will be destroyed into ashes and you will not die a good death.

In this case, this cause and effect is even more inappropriate.

If this wasn't a trap for Zhenxu, would Su Li be able to touch it based on this cause and effect?

Immortal Light Blue sighed: "Do you understand?"

Su Li said: "I understand."

Immortal Light Blue said: "So you don't have to worry too much, just take it step by step - because your upper limit has been raised a lot this time, all the cause and effect are aimed at you. This is to let you know that the stronger you are, The more you will be pulled, the more you will be unable to extricate yourself.

So the reality is that it should be tolerated.

It's still far from the level where you can come out of the mountain.

As for the cause and effect of Hua Qiudao and the traitors of the Eight Immortals of China, that is not something you need to worry about.

What should you do now?

On the one hand, with the help of this true and virtual realization, we can develop the 'mirror world' well.

On the other hand, you must also firmly establish your position as the leader of Shushan World's Swordsmanship. In this position, Li Juan wanted to trick you, but was tricked by the system.

If you take it seriously, she will lose blood.

At that time, whether you re-create a perfect world or directly harvest her world and replace it, it will be justified.

Furthermore, Zhenxu Realization will be opened in the future, and it will lead to more similar ones, and the growth method will be based on this time as a template.

Your performance this time can now be given - the ultimate 10S-level evaluation.

The highest rating is actually a 9S rating. The extra S rating is for you to be proud of. "

Su Li: "..."

Su Li said: "I don't feel proud at all, I feel very cruel."

Immortal Qinglan said: "That means you are too devoted, but in fact you don't need to be too devoted."

Su Li said: "I know, I will try my best - so not only do I have to go to the Immortal Mountain, I also have to release Mu Qingyan and forgive her on Su Yan's behalf."

Immortal Qinglan said: "You can take care of this yourself. If you really think of yourself as Su Yan, maybe you can have another romantic relationship. That's Immortal, and it may bring you a lot of benefits."

But this is your true self and your previous life.

It's up to you.

If you pretend to be Su Yan and the immortal Mu Qingyan is resurrected by you, then you can really do whatever you want.

But you have to pay attention - on the one hand, the system cannot guarantee the immortal destructive power.

On the other hand, if it is discovered that Su Yan has completely broken off reincarnation and you are only in the next life he lives, and have no causal relationship with Su Yan, then sleeping with her will be the greatest evil and humiliation to her. , then the nature may be different.

Anyway - if I get mauled to death or something, I can't hold it back, and neither can the system. "

Su Li said: "Am I so unbearable?"

Immortal Qinglan said: "It's not that you are unbearable, but - the soul poison in her body is filled with lust. If Su Yan can't handle it, you can't handle it even more!

Although Su Yan and King Lei Yan identified Mu Qingyan as the best tool to breed geniuses, they originally wanted to have a true heart-to-heart relationship and then explicitly stated this purpose. They never wanted to take advantage of others' danger.

This is a true gentleman.

He is a person who is more virtuous and respectable than Hua Qiudao.

This kind of existence can even kill one's own evil thoughts.

Do you think you would do such a thing?

But this kind of person can't control himself and does this kind of thing - I really don't think you can handle it.

It is estimated that if you take a breath, your head will become bigger, and then your brain will start to be dominated by the big head. "

Su Li: "..."

Immortal Light Blue has no scruples when speaking.

The cars were all driven a little discreetly.

But Su Li still understood - isn't it just that the upper half of Mi Chong's brain is dominated by the lower half...

Su Li sighed: "Okay...then I'll...try my best. Can you tell me how to...avoid it?"

Immortal Qinglan said: "Actually, she hopes that Su Yan can kiss her again to make up for him.

Or give birth to Yan Yan again in a similar way, fulfill the greatest maternal love in the world, and complete such a regret.

So you can take care of this matter.

But this cause and effect is in the truth, you can cope with it. If it is realistic... you have also figured out the method I taught you - the previous method of dealing with Ming Cheng is the most direct method and the best method. "

Su Li was convinced and said: "Yes, it's like an explosive news. If you want to suppress it, just create an even more explosive one, so that you can suppress the heat."

Immortal Qinglan said: "That's true. I'm here just to remind you to pay attention to Mu Qingyan.

As for imperial weapons like the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower, these are top-notch immortal imperial weapons, so don’t even think about them or touch them for the time being.

Let’s deal with the statue of ‘Mu Qingyan’ first, and then determine Yanyan’s cause and effect so that she can feel at ease.

Everything else, ignore it.

Even if it is true or false, don't pay attention to it.

When you really need to touch a bigger cause and effect, you will be reminded in advance in the form of a task.

Furthermore, after this time, your strength will return to what it was before you came in, and the gap will be huge. Just get used to it.

Finally, the most important thing is: no matter in reality or reality, never bloat, don’t bloat, don’t bloat—say the important thing three times! "

When Su Li heard this, he nodded seriously and said, "Okay, I'll remember it!"

Immortal Qinglan said: "Go to Immortal Mountain. You have fully passed the Zhenxu Realization, but next, you can feel at ease to experience the wonders of the Zhenxu Realization world. Just remember those few points."

Su Li pondered, and then said goodbye to Immortal Qinglan.

The immortal light blue flag quickly turned into a ray of green light and flew towards Su Li's head.

This is obviously a 'joke'.

Su Li chopped it into pieces with one palm.

This is the cause and effect between Su Yan and the immortal Mu Qingyan. What does it have to do with him?

Not to mention, he wouldn't do things like go to Lu Suyan or do something embarrassing with Immortal Mu Qingyan!

This immortal light blue, what does this mean?

[The third update~32,000 words have been updated today~I have something to do in the afternoon, so I will continue to update in the evening~Continue to ask for full subscriptions, monthly passes, and recommended villages, bow~I am very grateful~]

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