I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 792 Massacre of the Galaxy, Tianchi Lei Ze

These many baby bones contain Su Xinghe's aura, which is definitely an extremely terrifying thing.

This means that Su Xinghe participated in the washing of ancestral bones and left the baby's bones here.

So among the bones here, whose bones are among them?

Su Li couldn't help but think of the many experiences he had in that fantasy world.

At the beginning of time travel, he committed suicide in the fetus, and the fetus was already dead at that time.

But it was still born.

The fetal bones among them were buried in Jingyang Village.

Cha Cha Jingyang Village is a real soul-nurturing place and a real place of great cause and effect.

One hundred thousand banners killed Yama.

This is a saying from the Chinese ancestral land, and it has extraordinary meaning.

And the talents of Jingyang Village are indeed divided into groups of one hundred thousand, and one round of one hundred thousand.

Now, in the passage of the Immortal Mountain, the endless corpses of babies contained Su Xinghe's aura, which made Su Li's heart sink to the bottom.

"Kill the Eagle Clone, kill everything."

Su Li pondered in his heart, and his mood became much more solemn and heavy.

This is a cause and effect that cannot be touched, and it is also a cause and effect that cannot be touched. Even in the realization of Zhenxu, Su Li does not want to see such a situation happen - this is change.

Even if we encounter such a situation in reality, it is a change beyond calculation.

In other words, when such cause and effect appears, the process will inevitably be tortuous - if Su Li is not Su Li, then the purpose of Su Xinghe's aura here is to 'verify' Su Li's identity!

After passing the verification, Su Li will still be Su Li. No matter what identity Su Li exists in, he will still be Su Li.

The meaning contained in this is self-evident.

After Su Li pondered for a long time, he continued to take steps.

The next moment, his figure had switched and turned into a clone of Killing Eagle running the "Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques".

At the same time, there was a special space between the eyebrows of the Killing Eagle clone.

In this special space, Su Li's body exists.

This is probably the only traction between him and the Killing Eagle clone.

Su Li's Killing Eagle clone transformed into Su Li's body and continued to move forward, while Su Li's body was just like an attached wisp of dust, staying quietly in the soul space between the eyebrows of the Killing Eagle clone.

Afterwards, everything was completed in this transformation.

There is nothing sudden or anything out of the ordinary.

Afterwards, Su Li walked on the road of bones.


When he stepped on such a path of bones, the bones immediately made a cracking sound.

Then, an aura originating from Su Xinghe filled the air.

Su Li's "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills" has now reached an extremely advanced level, and in addition, he originally used part of his own origin to cut it - this part is also the part that Su Li and Su Yan are involved in.

Now that it is cut out and simulated like this, there is naturally no abnormality at all.

The characters transformed from the original "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills" can pass any 'test'.

After all, such changes are difficult for even Di Ting to recognize.


Su Li took another step, and then many bones were crushed.

In the void, another breath from Su Xinghe filled the air.

Then, with every step Su Li took, there was a blood aura and soul aura coming from Su Xinghe.

Gradually, when Su Li took eighteen steps, all the blood and soul auras converged into the image of a bad old man.

That was the drunkard-like Su Xinghe.

At this time, Su Xinghe's appearance looked somewhat similar to that of Lao Liutou's rosy nose.

This kind of similarity is just that they are equally sloppy and unkempt. In other aspects, there are not many similarities.

With such an image, one can tell almost at a glance that this kind of person comes from Lihe Village.

Or maybe it comes from places like Wuli Town, where the local characteristics are so strong.

The smell is really too strong.

"My child, you are finally here."

At this time, Su Xinghe's image came together, and it was a real breath of heavenly soul.

Yes, what exists here is actually the heavenly soul aura of that bad old man Su Xinghe, that is, the heavenly soul aura of that bad old man who has been with Su Li for eighteen years.

Su Xinghe was finally suppressed here and became the guardian and leader of this Bone Road.

This is a terrible cause and effect.

So how to deal with such cause and effect?

Su Li looked at the bad old man with a calm expression. The image of this bad old man had already penetrated into his heart, and there was no way to erase that memory.

It's just that this time the restart doesn't have all the messy memories from before.

In other words, it belongs to the fantasy world of the past and not to this life.

Therefore, Su Li's eyes were still calm and emotionless.

In other words, there is no need for any emotion.

"Who are you? What is your purpose here?"

While Su Li was speaking, the Yuan Magnetic Evil-Slaying Sword appeared in his hand.

"Child, I am your father Su Xinghe. My heavenly soul is suppressed here to guide you and take you out on a true path of immortality. I have sacrificed too much for this, even my own heavenly soul is suppressed here. The soul has sealed itself here.

This is a huge secret, and it is also the ultimate contribution she promised me.

Obtaining the immortal foundation of the extreme realm in one step is the absolute greatest benefit. "

Su Xinghe's tone was very exciting and filled with deep desire.

It is a desire to become stronger, and it is also a father's desire for his children to become successful.

There is nothing wrong with this desire itself.

Even at this time, Su Li's many causal abilities and Three Thousand Avenues abilities can determine that there is no problem.

But here, no matter whether there is a problem or not, it is actually the biggest problem - because it should not be here in the first place.

Su Li said lightly: "I'm sorry, I don't understand everything you said."

Su Xinghe's face darkened slightly when he heard this, and said: "No, you understand, you even understand better than everyone else! Why do you still have to be so stubborn? Why do you choose the most difficult one when there are so many paths?

You have to know that whether it is Su Yan or the immortal Mu Qingyan, as long as you carry everything they put in, then you can get all the heritage of these two peerless immortals!

In this way, you will become completely stronger in one step.

When you become stronger, there is no cause and effect that cannot be solved!

Not a master of secrets, but an extraordinary master of secrets. Even now you should have reached the level of an extraordinary master of secrets.

What are you afraid of at this level?

You have the ultimate secret ability, and now you are also the Human Emperor, right?

Since he is the Human Emperor, he still has such abilities, and contains the peerless foundation of two immortals. If you include the foundation of Hua Taichu, it is almost equivalent to having the foundation of three immortals.

And once these three gods gather together, then Hua Qiudao will definitely help you. In that case, who else can be your opponent for a peerless immortal like you?

You can unify this world in one step, rise up and transcend in one step.

Isn't this a bad path?

All the difficulties and hidden dangers have actually been completely resolved.

And if you are not willing, then such immortal heritage can only be wasted.

You have to know that if such an immortal foundation collapses, it will instead give back to such a world.

In this world, who will benefit?

Naturally, they are the top-level strong men of our enemies.

The opportunity of immortality reappeared in the world, and those top experts were naturally the first to reap the benefits.

After all, these are ours, or your previous life, so why not?

It's like a huge foundation that your ancestors and elders have worked hard to build, but instead of just being unwilling to inherit it, you want to completely donate it?

After all, if you donate it, it will not flow into the life savings of ordinary people, it will only enrich the damn upper class!

Why bother?

How stupid is this? "

Su Xinghe said, also a little excited.

And all of his statements are actually true and realistic.

That's how this world is.

If he does not accept Immortal Mu Qingyan's many immortal heritage, then once Immortal Mu Qingyan dies, he will still belong to the cause and effect in the world of the Babel Tower, after all, he will return to his roots, and he will finally achieve that world. .

So, such ultimate immortal Taoism has indeed achieved all the upper levels in that world, or rather individual upper levels.

Therefore, no matter who such a share of cause and effect belongs to, Su Li may really be able to earn it with blood through Zhenxu, but the big plane world of Babel Tower will also earn it with tears and blood.

The cause and effect drawn from this is so complicated and so heavy.

This was something Su Li had not thought about in detail before. At the same time, Immortal Qinglan also did not say anything about it.

But - so what?

The big plane world of Babel cannot cope with the prehistoric mythical world.

The advantages of the prehistoric mythical world have become more and more obvious.

This has been evident since the proliferation of magic weapons.

Under such circumstances, Su Li didn't mind if the immortal origin fell into the hands of this side of the world.

Not to mention, if you can refine the virtual and return it to the real, Su Li believes that the system still has certain means to intercept some of it.

Even if it doesn't lead to such a cause and effect, what if it doesn't intercept it?

Since it belongs to the immortal Mu Qingyan and Su Yan, what if they are allowed to fade away?

As for what Su Xinghe said, Su Li no longer considered it.

Su Li looked at Su Xinghe calmly and said: "So, this is your reason? So what if you are strong, so what if you defy the heavens, so what if you can reverse everything, so what if you are invincible?"

Su Xinghe was stunned for a moment and moved his mouth. He was stunned by Su Li's rhetorical question.

Su Li added: "You can think of this, do you think the enemy can't think of it? In addition, the real Su Xinghe has transcended, but you are still trapped here - so, you can actually break off."

Su Li said, and then whispered: "Do you know what Duan Sheli is?"

When Su Xinghe heard this, his pupils shrank slightly and said, "You, you, you, what do you want to do?"

Su Li said: "My way is at my feet, but all the causes and effects here are actually very heavy and inappropriate. So I want to eliminate all the causes and effects - retaliation for retaliation. You killed me once, but now I Kill you, and this cause and effect will be completely ended."

When Su Xinghe heard this, his face suddenly turned pale, as if he had thought of the worst outcome.

"No, you can't - you must have cut off your own karma. You are making a big mistake. You must have been attacked by a witch. You must have been bewitched by a witch like Gongcheng Qingdie!

who is it?

Who is it? !

Is it Meier?

Or Yun Qingxuan?

Or is it Zhuge Qianlan?

No, you can't do this, Su Li, Ah Li, you must be sober and cautious!

Su Li!

Su Li, wake up! Wake up! "

Su Xinghe seemed to collapse a little, as if he had seen the most terrifying result.

But this result was exactly the result he was most afraid of seeing.

"Ten years of life and death are so vast, without thinking or forgetting. I am alone in a tomb thousands of miles away, and there is no place to talk about the desolation."

Su Li murmured, and then stabbed out with the sword in his hand.

That sword contained the ultimate solitary sword intention, and it was obviously Su Yan's solitary sword intention.

This sword is stronger than all swordsmanship, because Su Li's identity at this time is actually 'Su Yan', because he is 'Su Yan', representing Su Yan's next life!

Since it is the next life, it has nothing to do with Su Xinghe.

Su Li looked at Su Xinghe, who was instantly stabbed between the eyebrows and woke up from the Gujue Sword Intent, with despair and unwillingness in his eyes, and said lightly: "I am Su Yan, the next life of Su Yan. Su is the Su who revives all things, and is also the Su of Su Yan. Yan is the Yan of the immortal Mu Qingyan.

I represent the cause and effect between the two of us.

Since you try to block such a cause and effect, you are my enemy, Su Yan.

Since they are enemies, they will surely suffer under my sword.

So, go die in peace!

The real Su Xinghe has transcended. If you don't die, you will be just a chess piece and an ant after all.

This world is not as simple as you think. Your so-called ultimate benefits are just making wedding clothes for others. "

"As for Su Li, he is far more outstanding and powerful than what you know. He does not need to rely on any external force, because there is no so-called real foundation among the many immortal foundations!

Because the true heritage has been completely divided and eaten away long ago, and it is impossible to retain it until now.

All of that is just a prison trap that turns into the foundation of immortality.

You are trapped in a trap and can't extricate yourself, but it doesn't matter. After I completely kill your heavenly soul, you will naturally understand and know who is right and who is wrong. "

Su Li said, and the evolved Yuan Magnetic Evil-Slaying Sword accelerated violently.


After Su Xinghe's heavenly soul and soul body gathered together, his eyebrows suddenly exploded, completely shattered in deep unwillingness and pain, and turned into a piece of soul energy particles.

These soul energy particles immediately gathered to escape into the endless white bones.

"The Way of the Thunder God's Flame Sword."

Su Li's Yuan Magnetic Slaying Evil Sword suddenly turned into thunder-controlling divine flames, and the terrifying thunder-controlling divine flames suddenly struck out.


A thunder suddenly exploded, and the sound of thunder like a midnight shock exploded in the void in all directions, locking all the endless interfering soul energy particles that diffused here, and bombarded them like the soul-controlling Taichu Heavenly Tribulation.


After the terrifying lightning arc crackled and exploded, all the soul energy particles containing Su Xinghe's aura were completely annihilated.

Su Xinghe's heavenly soul was here, completely massacred and killed by Su Li.

It can even be said that they were completely slaughtered and their souls were scattered into ashes and smoke.

Su Li watched this scene quietly, but there was no emotional change in his whole body.

This scene seemed unexpected, but in fact it was normal - because why did Su Xinghe suddenly discover a huge secret and suddenly feel that there was a great opportunity?

Why do we need to wash the ancestral bones again, and why can we wash them successfully?

In the final analysis, some people just hope that Su Yan can survive the next life.

Su Li did indeed live his next life through Su Yan's method, but this cause and effect cannot be borne or pulled.

There was a huge trap waiting for Su Li to step on.

But at the moment, he responded by cutting off all cause and effect in the state of the Killing Eagle clone, which was equivalent to sending a dead soldier carrying a pack of explosives to die with the enemy.

This is the real way out.

This is the practice of killing a thousand enemies and damaging a thousand yourself.

This may seem silly, but it is actually the most effective and direct way.

After Su Li massacred Su Xinghe, the white bones in all directions immediately became much darker.

At the same time, the entire Road of Bones also has a bit of a desolate, desolate and decaying atmosphere.

In this atmosphere, Su Li continued to walk.

With every step he took, there was still the sound of broken bones.

Then, wisps of soul energy gathered again, but this time the breath of the soul energy gathered was the breath of that baby.

Who is that baby?

It was Su Li himself.

It is the so-called lost heavenly soul breath.

Or in other words, it is the basic causal aura of the three souls and seven souls that originally existed in the fetus that committed suicide.

What came out after washing the ancestral bones was Su Li.

But before the ancestral bones were washed, there was actually Su Li who committed suicide in the womb.

That Su Li had been revived by Su Xinghe's methods.

But that existence was mostly replaced by the washing of ancestral bones.

Just like a ship, after replacing all the planks on the ship, is the new ship the original ship or not?

The new ship is Su Li.

But the replaced wooden boards were also assembled here in the same way.

So who is this ship?

Which ship is the original ship?

This problem arises now - when Su Li is no longer Su Li, then Su Li must be Su Li, then the original ship and its corresponding plank will stand up and replace Su Li. Do that.

The thing that released Mu Qingyan's cause and effect.

So at this time, Su Li faced himself.

That was also Su Li, a very calm but also very rational Su Li.

"Long time no see - should I call you Su Li? Or - Su Renhuang? Or the natives? The natives who invaded our Chinese civilization?"

Su Li opened his mouth with murderous words.

Su Li looked at him calmly and said calmly: "Do you still remember why you committed suicide in the womb?"

When Su Li heard this, he immediately fell into silence.

Su Li said: "Sometimes you die when you deserve it, and you live when you deserve to live. What do you think of such immortal cause and effect, what is the posture of the person who touches it, and what is it that you are blocking here?"

After hearing this, Su Li fell silent again.

He is who he is after all, and since he can commit suicide in the womb, he will never truly survive.

Compared to the 'trash' Su Li, compared to the Su Li who was confused and focused on eating soft food at the beginning, this Su Li who could commit suicide in the womb is the truly wise person.

In other words, this is a more rational existence than 'Su Xia'.

This is a person in China who is over fifty but has accomplished nothing by sacrificing everything for his family, family and friends.

He is also a kind of "childhood sweethearts turned against each other" existence.

Is a true wise man.

For such an existence, that is, Su Li himself under a certain cause and effect, Su Li actually recognized it.

But recognition does not mean that he will compromise now - compromise is impossible.

This time, the killing eagle clone is going to kill all the bonds.

This is by no means the only obstruction, nor will it be the last.

Because Su Li knew very well that such obstruction would definitely occur, at least three times.

Why three times?

Because three represents the three births of all things, there is also a saying that "nothing can be more than three".

That is to say no more than three times, but including three times.

So even if Su Li is solved, there will still be another obstacle.

What is the final obstacle?

Most of them are blocked directly with violence.

Su Li has already seen the way forward clearly, so what does the Su Li at this time have to do with it?

That Su Li looked deeply at Su Li and said, "Then in what posture do you exist now, and who are you?"

Su Li said: "I have already picked Su Li out, and I am not afraid of you knowing. I am Su Yan, Su is the resurrection of all things, and I am also Su Yan's Su. Yan is the Yan of the immortal Mu Qingyan."

Before you make your decision, let me tell you a story. "

While Su Li was pondering, he first told the story of Hua Taichu's cause and effect, and then told the story of Su Yan's cause and effect.

All without any problem.

Because Su Li saw Hua Taichu's cause and effect with his own eyes.

Although Immortal Mu Qingyan's cause and effect was not seen in person, it was told by Ming Cheng himself. Ming Cheng did not deceive anything in this regard, and this was not a problem even in the system's judgment.

Not to mention, Su Li had also received gifts from Su Yan's Dao Domain before, so he was relatively certain of Ming Cheng's statement.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, there was nothing wrong with Su Li telling it like this.

After Su Li finished telling the story, he waited quietly.

After Su Li pondered for a moment, he said: "It seems that you have really lived out your id and superego. And I belong to the 'dead self'. If I always exist, you will always be alive and dead." Although a person's destiny can be independent of cause and effect and can have many benefits, it will indeed be dragged down.

Just like if a living person is always favored by a dead person, it will still be unlucky after a long time. "

As Su Li spoke, he sighed and said: "I don't have much insight, but I also have a lot of experience in studying 'my' way.

So you can think more about this aspect later.

Not much else to say.

When the dead self meets the original self, even if the cause and effect is cut off, one should really know what to do.

If you do it, then I will naturally be no worse.

Also - sorry, I thought about one thing wrong, you are not the cause and effect and civilization stealer, you are the id and superego.

I'm confused. "

After Su Li finished speaking, he raised his eyes and glanced at the sword in Su Li's hand.


The sword in Su Li's hand suddenly lost control and flew out on its own, stabbing Su Li between the eyebrows.


The Yuanci Evil-Slaying Sword thrust out fiercely and directly penetrated Su Li's forehead.

The bloody water did not explode, but the power of the blow contained the sword intention of the lonely sword and the sword intention of the God of Thunder.

After many causes and effects worked together, Su Li was directly annihilated.

Su Li watched this scene quietly, feeling a little shocked in his heart - Has Su Li practiced here to such an extent?

Moreover, it has not been harvested at all and cannot be harvested.

"He means that since he is dead, he cannot be harvested. This living dead life is also a kind of favor for me, protecting me from being forcibly harvested.

Even though I have been harvested many times, because of my living-dead fate, I have been harvested very rarely, and every time I look like I will be harvested, a huge amount of my heritage will actually be harvested very rarely.

This is how 'Su Li' deals with such a cause and effect. "

Su Li felt a little touched.

But this kind of approach is exactly what Su Li would do.

No matter what Su Li becomes, this Su Li is the real Su Li.

Su Li could imagine that if he came here in his true form, then once he faced this Su Li, no matter how he treated this 'Su Li', it would be extremely bad.


Because both are real, if one kills the other, it will kill him.

And if you don't kill and choose to fuse, then your identity will be confirmed, and methods such as affection and ruthlessness will not work.

It is equivalent to direct causation.

At that time, Qing Dao and other methods were actually a catalyst, which could only make the relationship between him and the immortal Mu Qingyan even more intense, and then it would burst out. Maybe it was not just He Dao, but maybe He Dao wouldn't be there for three to five years. thing.

How bad would the result be?

Su Li took a deep breath and silently looked at the invisible void, his whole body feeling numb.

Even though Su Li decisively killed himself, it still touched Su Li extremely.

After such a self-destruction, Su Li cut off the cause and effect. Therefore, Su Li, the Su Li in the eyebrows of the clone of Killing Eagle, also found that his destiny had undergone some changes, and the fate factor of the living dead had completely disappeared.

At the same time, a very clear feeling like the sky was opening suddenly emerged.

An extremely heavy mountain was lifted before.

But now, the extremely thick and dark sky above the head has been lifted.

At that moment, it was like knowing one's mind and one's nature, and the huge benefits it brought were self-evident.

However, there are many benefits, the field of vision is clearer, and it is easier to see the sky - but similarly, the result of clearing the thick clouds above his head is that the vicious sunshine can also shine directly on him.

Without such cloud protection, the harsh sunlight could easily burn him.

At the same time, if he does not mutate the Three Souls and Seven Souls, if he does not comprehend the deeper Taoism as soon as possible, and if he does not solve the situation of the Chinese ancestral land's dragon veins and even the living dragon veins being swallowed up by whales as soon as possible, then he, Su Li, will be truly fat now. of leeks.

He had indeed released himself completely, becoming more powerful than ever before.

But they will also become the most beautiful and fat leeks, and they will be rushed to harvest.

This time, if others seize the opportunity to harvest him, it will be a wave of fat.

Therefore, it is actually difficult to tell whether it is good or bad.

But without such a bond, I would indeed be traveling lightly and could run farther and faster.

After all, blurred vision and running with a heavy load on your back, or even running in a storm, are completely different from running on a sunny day with good visibility and running light.

The latter will be easier and can run farther - but on this sunny day, on the one hand, you will get sunburned, and on the other hand, if the weather is too good, you will suffer from heat stroke.

Su Li has realized this, but he is still very emotional about Su Li's contribution.

This is actually him, very wise and excellent. He is far from being as stupid, brainless and idiot as he was at the beginning of the fantasy world.

In the final analysis, it should be that the intelligence has been suppressed, or that after re-living a life, a lot of wisdom and awareness have been lost, and thus the mind has become a teenager.

At this time, Su Li also understood why Immortal Qinglan and others would say that they had done a very good job at that time.

Comparing the past memories, Su Li also discovered that he actually traveled through time when he was over fifty years old, but in his memory, he traveled through time when he was young and vigorous.

Looking back now, I can't help but feel quite sad.

There are many, many fewer bones on the Road of Bones.

The entire road of bones has turned into a road of decay.

But the bones on it still contain a trace of mystery.

Among these auras, Su Xinghe's aura and Su Li's aura have been eliminated.

So whose breath is the remaining breath?

Su Li didn't know and couldn't judge.

But as Su Li gradually moved forward, this aura became more and more concentrated and became stronger and stronger.

Until, Su Li walked up the Immortal Mountain and walked through the bone passage, all the auras gathered together to form an extremely huge fire dragon.

In other words, it is a powerful collection of evil spirits of strange beasts that contain the aura of netherworld fire.

This is an existence similar to a demon soul, but it has undergone an essential transformation, that is, it has transformed from soul to reality.

It is difficult to restrain such an existence with means such as the Thunder God Flame Swordsmanship, because the opponent has reached the level where things must be turned against each other.

Therefore, the other party itself contains the underworld fire, the ultimate yin fire, and the ultimate yang is generated from the ultimate yin.

Therefore, restraint methods such as the Thunder God Flame Sword Way are not restraint, but are of great benefit to it.

Such a being is extremely difficult to deal with.

At this time, Su Li encountered such an existence.

"Su Renhuang, you are fine."

The fire dragon beasts gathered into the form of a human head and a dragon body, and the words they spoke carried a terrifying aura of majesty from the emperor.

Su Li remained silent and said, "I am Su Yan, not Su Renhuang."

Su Li directly denied it because it was the truth.

The fire dragon beast said lightly: "Isn't it? All this does not depend on you, but on cause and effect and fate. Let me introduce myself, Fire Dragon Emperor - Ming Hao."

Su Li said: "Ming Hao?"

The fire dragon beast said: "Yes, Ming Hao."

Su Li remained silent.

The fire dragon beast said: "Although I am Ming Hao, I come from the ancient demon clan. As for why I am here, it is just to obtain a ray of immortal origin - are you willing to give me this opportunity?"

Su Li said lightly: "So what if you are willing to give, so what if you don't want to give?"

Fire Dragon Beast Ming Hao said: "If you are willing to give, then you can live a better life. If you are not willing to give, you can only live a slightly miserable life."

Su Li said: "Then you can make my life more miserable."

The fire dragon beast Ming Hao said: "You will indeed make such a choice, and the Human Emperor's judgment is indeed correct - it seems that you are really wrong by more than a little, you are too bad!"

Su Li said: "Where do you get your qualification evaluation?"

Fire Dragon Beast Ming Hao said: "Because I belong to the final guardian, and the guardian of the second round is yourself, which actually proves that I am better than you. But you yourself actually gave the green light to yourself, which is very ridiculous in itself. A very ironic move - it is indeed a white-eyed wolf, and it cannot be raised well no matter how hard it is raised.

It can be seen from this that you are indeed too bad! "

Su Li sneered and said: "Haha, Su Li is Su Li, Su Yan is Su Yan, and Su Yan is the next life of King Su Yan Lei Yan - if you forcefully pull the cause and effect, you can only say that you are completely seeking death. !

Since you are looking for death, then I, Su Yan, will help you! "

As Su Li spoke, he directly used the Yuanci Evil Slaying Sword.

The Immortal Imperial Weapon is extremely useful!

When the fire dragon beast Ming Hao heard this, his face darkened and he said: "Ming is stubborn and stubborn. If you don't take the road to heaven, you will seek your own death. It is really a crime worthy of death!"

Su Li said coldly: "You are worthy of death? You are indeed worthy of death! You are just a beast. Where do you get such confidence and the qualifications to be so domineering?"

Su Li's word "beast" immediately made the Fire Dragon Emperor Minghao break his guard.

At this time, Su Li directly sacrificed the Immortal Emperor's Yuan Magnetic Slaying Evil Sword and stabbed it out fiercely.

This sword is still a lonely sword, but it also contains the field of Yuan magnetic killing.

Therefore, the light of the twelfth-level ancestral thunder god dispersed directly, forming a killing cage, which directly locked Ming Hao.

Ming Hao's eyes flashed, and his expression couldn't help but change.

His mood changes at this time were very strange.

Because Su Li clearly felt that this man almost jumped up and cursed.


The lonely sword intent combined with the effect of the twelfth-level ancestral thunder god light hit the fire dragon beast Ming Hao in an instant.

Ming Hao's body turned into flames, but he was still pierced by such sword intent.

Suddenly, he became a little angry.

His figure regrouped and his hands were trembling when he pointed at Su Li.


Ming Hao's face was red, his neck was thick, and his whole body was trembling.

"You are so shameless, fighting me with such an imperial weapon? Would you like to have some face?!"

Su Li sneered and said: "Why, are you getting angry from embarrassment? Is this unacceptable? I'm afraid there will be more things that you can't accept next!"

While speaking, Su Li added: "Who doesn't know such dirty thoughts? Who doesn't understand? With your ability, I won't say that you can contain the ultimate killing formation here. I won't evolve the same powerful killing formation." Array, how to respond to your attack?

What's the difference between being a bitch and setting up a memorial arch?

Not to mention your own strength and realm, the ultimate killing formation contained here is hidden and invisible, so I won’t say more.

This is the accumulation of endless corpses into broken dragon veins, which means ‘slaying the dragon’, right?

This is the core method of the Nine Tribulations Dragon Locking Technique, and it is also an application of the Seven Tribulations Dragon-Slaying Technique. Now it has transformed to the level of Nine Tribulations Dragon-Slaying.

If I let you act in words and secretly activate this dragon-slaying method, wouldn't I be killed as a 'dragon'?

Once I use the emperor's energy to transform into a dragon and swallow the gods, or the law of heaven and earth, will it be exactly what you want?

Sorry, your method is too low and no longer works. "

While speaking, Su Li raised his hand and held out the Five Innate Flags, directly swallowing the void formations in all four directions.

At the same time, the Six Soul Banners also directly evolved in all directions, watching with eager eyes.

This is to prevent the fire dragon beast Ming Hao from escaping.

In the past, whether it was Su Xinghe or Su Li, they would be killed and dressed.

Su Li never thought about harvesting.

But for the fire dragon beast Ming Hao, wouldn't it be a blood loss if he didn't harvest it?

So Su Li had already been watching with eager eyes.

While walking along the way, Su Li had already noticed certain situations that would occur - after all, Su Li still had a lot of experience with 'three'.

This is by no means a three-second experience, but a profound experience of the three lives and all things.

Su Li stared at the fire dragon beast Ming Hao coldly.

The next moment, Su Li directly burst out his endless immortal soul.

In other words, since this 'Su Yan' is the next life of Su Yan, the standard is very high.

Its ability is far more powerful than Su Li's own body.

In addition, the Tao origins of Hua Taichu and Su Yan were completely integrated, so the immortal soul essence that exploded with all its strength was very terrifying.

Combined with the power of the Jidao's solitary sword.

In short, that moment was just like Su Li's previous killing blow, containing endless immortal souls, including the Great Reincarnation Technique, the Great Destiny Technique, the Great Time Technique, the Great Creation Technique, the Great Cause and Effect Technique and other profound secrets of the Three Thousand Great Dao. In the Judgment Sin Realm's way of destroying the divine way, Su Li directly killed the extremely lonely sword that contained the aura of the thunder god's flames.

Although this thunder god's flame is good for the opponent - but, who allows the other party to use the method of counterattacking?

Su Li also knows how to make ends meet if things go to extremes!

The same can be done!

Not to mention, the Six Soul Banners were watching eagerly outside, and the twelve-fold ancestral thunder god's light evolved into the twelve-city gods and demons formation, which also restrained everything.

There is no suspense, at this moment, as long as Ming Hao dares to evolve light to swallow Su Li's thunder-controlling divine flame, Su Li will combine the six soul flags with the twelve gods and demons, and evolve endless demonic energy to destroy his light!

And as long as he doesn't use the light's ultimate reversal method, he will be killed by Su Li's light method.

Anyway, everything is blocked directly, without giving any chance to struggle!

Such an existence must be taken by surprise, otherwise it will be difficult to capture.

Sure enough, with such extreme methods, Ming Hao was stunned for a moment - Gujue Sword Soul was too powerful.

There was no way to use Su Yan's cause and effect to perform Su Yan's ultimate kill, and the effect exploded.

Therefore, many of the methods Su Li prepared were not used and were somewhat wasted.


An extremely clear sound of cause and effect exploding.

At the same time, Ming Hao's eyebrows were directly penetrated, and a terrifying netherworld demonic energy exploded.

The endless demonic fire burned blazingly, but was directly and mercilessly devoured by the Six Soul Flags.

At the same time, Ming Hao's divine body, soul, etc. also collapsed in an instant, and were directly swept away by Su Li's system space, swallowing him directly.

In an instant, Su Li directly gained more than 23,000 points of creation, even if his life was not lost.

At that moment, when Su Li saw such a profit, his heart couldn't help but tremble - Damn, this is really a huge profit!

Su Li couldn't help but sigh. Su Yan's own way was really unparalleled. Its strength was beyond imagination. It was an extremely fatal attack!

Such ability shocked and touched Su Li to the extreme.

Yes, if he knew from the beginning that he had such heaven-defying combat power, Su Li wouldn't even be able to use the Yuan Magnetic Evil-Slaying Sword and the Ancestral Thunder Divine Light of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Array contained in it.

Too strong, really too strong.

Sometimes the cause and effect is so strange. Even if Su Li himself had merged the Tao domain background of Hua Taichu and Su Yan before, he still could not release the corresponding series of powerful abilities.

It only takes sixty-three seconds for Gujue Sword Soul to be unleashed.

But Su Li's current lonely sword soul, Su Li sensed it, was almost at the level of ninety-three seconds.

It was three seconds longer than Hua Taichu's ninety seconds.

Three seconds...

Three seconds is actually a huge improvement and a very powerful time.

The corner of Su Li's mouth twitched, but he still silently raised his hand. While taking back the Yuanci Evil Slaying Sword, he reached out and touched the sword gently.

This sword will complete its life course in the future.

The sword has feelings, and Su Li also has feelings.

But the sword must be sacrificed this time.

Because killing the immortal Mu Qingyan is obviously not that simple.

"Take care of yourself along the way."

Su Li murmured softly.


The Yuanci Evil-Slaying Sword trembled slightly and made a slight sword sound.

This is a response, an extremely determined response.

This is the sword.

This is the way of the sword.

Live towards death, die towards life, move forward indomitably, sharply and directly.

Su Li silently withdrew the Yuan Magnetic Evil-Slaying Sword, and at the same time activated the Five Innate Flags, swallowing up all the hidden killing formations here.

At this point, the innate five-square flag has been fully activated, becoming a powerful means of foundation.

After Su Li took back the Xiantian Five Directions Flag, he took back the Six Soul Flag, and then walked into the entrance on the top of the mountain.

That's a door.

A fairy gate similar to the gate of immortal creation.

Once you enter such a fairy gate, it is difficult to judge right from wrong and cause and effect.

But at this moment, Su Li stepped into such an immortal gate without hesitation and walked in.


A ray of extremely dazzling white light came fiercely, and Su Li narrowed his eyes slightly to adapt to such strong light.

After a while, Su Li's expression calmed down.

Then he felt a real barrier.

It was an extremely thick and powerful barrier that was almost terrifying.

Some memories suddenly appeared in Su Li's heart.

Those memories are some vague memories of Su Yan, and some memories belonging to the era of 'King Lei Yan'.

In this memory, Su Li knew that this place was the 'Great Domain Passage', and the barrier he sensed was the Great Domain Barrier.

This is indeed a non-immortal gate. After entering, you can indeed come into contact with immortality.

But the interior of this Immortal Immortal Sect is actually considered immortal.

It's not even an immortal realm.

There is only a small immortal space in it.

It is equivalent to a small secret world of immortal level.

This small world contains the cause and effect of the immortal Mu Qingyan.

All the way through such a large barrier area, and then really entered an ancient mountain.

This is the real Immortal Mountain.

Everything is exactly the same as the immortal mountain outside.

But this real immortal mountain does not have such a road of bones. Instead, it is a very clear road of stairs.

The ladder goes up step by step.

The mountainside of Immortal Mountain has been filled with endless fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

But there is not much dangerous atmosphere present in it.

Or, for 'Su Yan', the danger is not actually a danger, because Su Yan, as the next life of Su Yan, is very powerful.

This kind of power makes her not afraid of a series of dangers of this level at all.

Su Li walked forward and soon reached the mountainside, and then saw a pool of blood.

The bloody pool exists on the mountainside flatland of Immortal Mountain. This road is blocked by the blood pool.

To continue forward, either avoid the blood pool or go straight through it.

What is this blood pool?

It is the heaven-sacrifice blood pool of the heaven-sacrifice domain.

It contains endless causes and effects.

After Su Li pondered for a moment, he directly used the sword control technique, stepped on the Yuan Magnetic Slaying Evil Sword, and flew over the self-sacrificial blood pool.

During this process, the Heavenly Sacrifice Blood Pool kept boiling, and a large number of blood-colored bubbles continued to rise and rush out.

Su Li didn't look at what was in the bubbles. Even if these bubbles passed through his body, Su Li ignored them.

So it looked extremely dangerous, but Su Li just passed through it without any danger.

Because there is a very crucial point - this secret world was created by the immortal Mu Qingyan.

If there were dangers and obstacles before entering, they must be obstacles set up by others in an attempt to lead cause and effect.

But after entering, there is no reason to encounter danger.

Because Immortal Mu Qingyan will definitely make arrangements - no matter how dangerous it is, it will not be dangerous for him, 'Su Yan'.

Not only will there be no danger, but it will also be extremely smooth.

Even Su Li thought that even if he didn't move forward after arriving here, the void here would carry him to find the statue of the immortal Mu Qingyan.

This is obsession and the meaning of existence here.

Since he is here, he has come to answer such a cause and effect after all.


In the Heavenly Sacrifice Blood Pool, more bubbles boiled.

These boiling bubbles seemed to indicate that Immortal Mu Qingyan had sensed something, so her mood had changed somewhat.

The mood changes drastically, and the bubbles here become more and more bubbling.

After all, when you first step into the Sky Sacrifice Blood Pool area, it is just a pool of dead blood.

But now it's all boiling.

Su Li passed through the Heavenly Sacrifice Blood Pond safely, but then, the flying sword Yuan Magnetic Evil Slaying Sword under his feet began to tremble.

It seemed like there was some guidance.

Su Li felt a little puddle in his heart - Immortal Mu Qingyan even sensed the Yuan Magnetic Evil-Slaying Sword. Instead of being angry or sad, she was very excited and excited.

It seems that she already knows the purpose of this sword, because she is also looking forward to it.


Su Li sighed inwardly.

Under the guidance of such a sword, Su Li quickly reached the top of the Immortal Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Su Li didn't see the statue.

Because what he saw was Tianchi.

The Tianchi at the top of the peak is similar to the Kunlun Tianchi.

However, Su Li's memories of some activities appeared, so he knew that this was the place of 'Tianchi Lei Ze'.

This is the real place where ‘Linglong Immortal Bones Bury Blood Fetus’.

The spiritual lotus in this is the spiritual lotus that breeds inflammation.

But now there are no lotus flowers or lotus leaves in Tianchi Leize.

All the spiritual charges have been cleared away.

Who would do such a thing?

There are only two people, one is the immortal Mu Qingyan and the other is Yanyan.

And if it was made by the immortal Mu Qingyan, it was because he didn't want the meaning of "coming out of the mud but not stained" to appear here.

This is the ultimate irony after all, isn’t it?

And if it was Yan Yan who did it, then it can only be said that there is hatred in her heart, and it is far from subsided.

I hate my father and I hate my mother.

This kind of hatred would actually be terrifying, because she had been living a miserable life - Su Li was not sure that what Su Yan did really moved Yan Yan.

If you are moved and repent, that is a good thing.

If there is no emotion or remorse, then Yan Yan may be even more terrifying than when Immortal Mu Qingyan went crazy!

This is the scariest thing.

Su Li instinctively recalled all Yan Yan's experiences.

Vaguely, he felt a little creepy - because when Yanyan ran to see Meier, was it really...without any purpose?

That would actually, quite speaking, directly expose Meier's existence!

Su Li immediately sensed such a cause and effect based on the clear Tianchi Leize here.


Su Li was still silently relieved.

Mei'er has transcended, and this cause and effect is also broken.

Whether Su Meng still hates him or not, actually doesn't matter anymore.

Because Su Li did not accept such a cause and effect in reality.

And this time, if the cause and effect of Immortal Mu Qingyan can be solved perfectly, then Su Li also has the information to solve the cause and effect of Yanyan.

Maybe Yanyan still has hatred.

Maybe not, it's just that Su Li thinks too much.

Su Li had no way to judge.

Some things involve too much and pull too much.

Su Li was in the middle of the situation, so how could he have everything so clear?

Even if Zhenxu is trapped, Yanyan's cause and effect may not be able to be truly trapped.

Is Yanyan strong?

This should be the strongest existence in the world, containing the ultimate inheritance of Lei Yan King Su Yan, as well as the extreme inheritance and foundation of Mu Qingyan, the immortal woman of all realms.

In fact, Yan Yan may have mastered the way of sword control.

If she doesn't hate but actually wants to be a good daughter to make up for it, that's still a good thing.

If there is still hatred, the purpose is to destroy everything about Su Li and let the whole world bury him to take revenge...

Su Li no longer dared to think about it.

Is this possible?

It's very possible.

Therefore, Su Meng's cause and effect should not have been dealt with from the beginning.

If you do, it will be difficult to break free.

Although I have escaped now, I have not escaped completely.

The key still depends on whether it can be done to the extreme this time. This may be the only hope for recovery.

While Su Li was deep in thought, he decided to do something again.

And extremely decisive.

Something that Su Yan would definitely do!

This thing is——

Su Li sighed and silently suppressed all his thoughts.

Then, he stepped on the flying sword and stood above Chi Leize that day.

Then, he lowered his head and looked into the thunder of Tianchi.

There are many, many sunken corpses in Tianchi Lei Ze.

They are dried mummies - even if they are soaked in Tianchi Lei Ze, these mummies are still dry and withered.

When Su Li took one look at such a mummy, his heart sank.

Because these female corpses are almost all... some of Su Yan's confidants.

Or maybe most of them have nothing to do with Su Yan. Maybe Su Yan treats them mildly and has a friendly attitude.

Just like Su Li treated Zhuge Qianyun and Princess Yunji.

According to this calculation of cause and effect, such a beauty will also be liquidated, hunted and buried in such a thunderstorm of Tianchi.

In fact, Su Li has nothing to do with Zhuge Qianyun and Princess Yunji.

Even the basic goodwill between the two parties is actually quite lacking, and there are not so many so-called emotional causes and effects.

At this time, Su Li, as 'Su Yan', was the next life of Su Yan. He knew it when he saw these female mummies.

These are all Su Yan's 'taoist friends' or 'confidantes'.

But these, a total of nearly a hundred people, were all buried here.

Who killed them?

Is it the immortal Mu Qingyan, or Yan Yan?

Su Li instead hoped it was the former, but if it was the former, then - as long as the immortal Mu Qingyan wanted to atone for her sins, she would never present such evidence of guilt so nakedly.

Is this because he's afraid that Su Yan won't get angry?

But if this was done by 'Yanyan', then why not just plant the lotus that 'comes out of the mud but remains unstained'? Wouldn't it be more warning and ironic?

After Su Li pondered, the powerful Great Destiny Technique and Great Cause and Effect Technique had already given the answer.

The former was made by the immortal Mu Qingyan, who removed the silt but remained unstained lotus. He did not want this irony to appear in front of Su Yan again, hoping to leave a good impression.

But the latter was done by Yan Yan.

In other words - Yanyan still has hatred in her heart, not only hatred for her parents, but also hatred for the world. She may also be one of the culprits of the destruction of the world, and she is also the most vicious existence.

And the reason why such a realization suddenly appeared - it was because before, for some reason, Yan Yan had thought of the cause and effect of running back to find Mei'er!

That didn't happen in the fantasy world of the past, but in the reopened world this time!

This is to expose Su Li's secret and kill that Mei'er!

This method is very vicious!

This also seems to confirm why Mei'er was pregnant with the child but never came out in that fantasy world.

After such many causes and effects were presented, Su Li had actually guessed it - the Great Destiny Technique and the Great Cause and Effect Technique would never suddenly produce useless pieces of information.

Once it is born, Su Li already has a more direct result in his heart, and it is almost a possibility with a high probability.

Now, seeing this endlessly beautiful corpse, Su Li suddenly felt a little sad.

In fact, Su Li knew such a result when he made that decision before, so he made an extremely firm decision to do such a thing and try to save and restore it.

If not - then, the only option is...

The clone of Killing Eagle is different from its main body.

The Killing Eagle clone is used to respond to cause and effect, so it must not only respond, but also respond to all causes and effects.

Su Li silently looked at the massive floating corpses in the thunder of Tianchi.

Even if these floating corpses are decayed mummies, their beautiful appearance and outlines still exist.

There was peace and relief on his face, as if he had encountered the greatest happiness in his heart before dying.

The image of Yan Yan emerged in Su Li's mind. Yan Yan transformed into Su Yan with the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills" and tricked these beauties into coming here. He hunted them down one by one and absorbed their genius origins one by one.

And every beauty, let 'Su Yan' kill her without fighting back, because there is love in her heart.

Moreover, every beauty is pure and pure. In fact, she has no emotional involvement with Su Yan at all, not even holding hands.

As a result, not all of them were hunted, devoured and refined.

What Su Li now wants to determine is whether it happened before Yanyan woke up or after Yanyan 'repented'!

Why should we judge this when we know that Yanyan is still very likely to be hateful?

Because if the judgment is wrong, it will exacerbate the cause and effect rather than solve the cause and effect.

If Yan Yan repented, that is to say, what Yan Yan did to Mei'er forced Su Li to cut off the past, which would be a good thing.

Then the female corpse in Tianchi Leize should have been hunted by Yanyan before, but was moved here to frame 'Yanyan'.

This kind of thing can happen.

After all, this is a world of nests within nests, and it’s not surprising that there are many layers of nests.

And why frame Yan Yan?

The purpose is to make Su Yan feel unjust, and then continue to kill each other, such as father and daughter, to widen the cause and effect.

If Yanyan does it after 'repentance', then it is true hatred.

Then everything is Yanyan's provocation against Su Yan.

It was Yanyan who was preventing the immortal Mu Qingyan from breaking away from such cause and effect, and preventing Su Yan from breaking from such cause and effect.

Such heat...

Su Li vaguely thought of the 'her' behind the system.

"It shouldn't be 'her' behind the system. If so, what will be the situation now? After Yanyan's final confession, she wants to save her father?"

"Or is it that 'she' wants me to suffer endlessly, give me the greatest hope, and end everything for me in the end?"

"It seems like if that were the case, all the consequences would be tragic."

Su Li sighed again, and then murmured softly: "Mu Qingyan, I'm here."

Su Li's tone was very soft when he spoke, but in this land of thunder and lightning in Tianchi, it shook the heaven and earth like thunder, rolling and roaring.

[The first update of 15,000 words is here~ I am asking for full subscription, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets~ I bow and thank you~]

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