I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 97: The shocking killing game evolves again, tearing apart Yun Qingxuan’s plan on the spot!

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Zhenhun Hall, the forbidden area of ​​the inner hall.

A ghost soul is constantly being nurtured in a spiritual spring.

Gradually, the body of a beautiful girl condensed little by little.

She has a curvy front and back, an extremely voluptuous figure, and an astonishingly feminine aura emanating from her whole body.

At the same time, she does not have the aura of coldness, unruliness, and repulsion from thousands of miles away. Instead, she has a faint aura of dust, which makes people feel very close to her as soon as they see her.

After a long time, the spiritual spring gradually dried up, and the girl finally formed a perfect body. At the same time, her snowy skin also had a layer of extremely spiritual and dense snow-white gauze skirt.

She flew out of the spiritual spring, and the dense spiritual energy all over her body began to converge little by little.

Soon, she seemed to have walked into reality from nothingness, like a destined fairy who had descended from the fairy world, especially beautiful and charming.

After a while, all her aura had completely settled down, and there was a hint of fierce hatred in her beautiful eyes.

"Qianwei, this time it was indeed an accident. That Feng Yao was indeed controlled by the Tianji soul-reverse technique, so much so that he committed a heinous crime. Now he has been completely suppressed in the soul-suppressing monument."

At this time, a gentle voice came, and then, a man in green with runes appeared outside the forbidden area like a ghost, looking at the woman in white gauze skirt.

This woman in white dress and gauze skirt is none other than Feng Qianwei, who has re-condensed her spiritual body.

All her opportunities for creation have been scrapped. Now, although she has spent a lot of resources to re-condensate her true body, her strength is no longer there.

However, after what happened this time, she had gained wisdom and no longer dared to treat those male practitioners as dogs.

Especially, Hall Master Feng Han, who she didn't like very much before, but had a high status.

"Hall Master Feng Han, thanks to your help this time, otherwise, I'm afraid Qianwei would really be doomed this time."

Feng Qianwei said with a slightly aggrieved look in her eyes.

As she spoke, she looked a little bit like she was about to cry, and at the same time, her beautiful eyes showed sincere gratitude and emotion.

This performance made Feng Han very happy and satisfied.

"You are the proud daughter of the Soul-Suppressing Palace, the future direct successor, and you possess peerless bloodline and extreme talent. If something happens to you because of this, it will indeed be a huge loss to the Soul-Suppressing Palace.

It just so happens that this time I condensed part of the origin of creation, plus I intercepted part of the benefits from Zhuge Chunqiu, so that I can give them to you, and you can basically recover.

In this way, it is equivalent to you re-concentrating your realm, the foundation will be stronger than before, and the time will not only not go backwards, but also go further.

In addition, I have a soul-killing technique here. You can try to practice it. I will engrave part of my insights into a piece of inherited holy jade. Once you understand it, you can directly absorb it and avoid the difficulty of enlightenment.

After you learn this method, you need to think more carefully on your own.

Once you truly understand it, you can separate your soul and gather your own special avatar to replace your life crisis at critical moments. "

Feng Han's voice was exceptionally gentle, and his eyes were equally gentle, as if he were facing the rarest treasure in the world.

That sense of care is beyond words.

Feng Qianwei's heart moved slightly, and then she immediately realized something. She blinked her big eyes slightly, and then revealed a hint of shyness, shyness, and girlish reserve.

She lowered her head slightly and said with some embarrassment, emotion and gratitude: "Hall Master Feng Han, this... you are so kind and loving. Qian Wei deserves it. Qian Wei's previous excessive self-esteem has let you down, Qian Wei. Wei... really has no face to see others, so how can he be worthy of being like Hall Master Feng Han..."

"Don't belittle yourself, just take it. These resources are nothing to me. Anyway, I have no use keeping them myself. I just happen to be able to use them, so I'll give them to you."

Feng Han said generously.

As he spoke, his hand shook slightly as he condensed the origin of creation.

Normally, he would be nervous to cherish every ounce of resources like this, but to give them to him now, not only does it not hurt at all, but he also feels very honored.

It was as if, just seeing Feng Qianwei smile, he owned the whole world.

Feng Qianwei's beautiful eyes were filled with affection, and she stared at Feng Han longingly, then pursed her lips gently, bowed and said, "Feng Han...brother, Qianwei will definitely not let brother Feng Han down."

Feng Qianwei already understood in her heart - she must learn to take advantage of every opportunity to make herself stronger!

Moreover, no matter how good a man is to her, once he fails to achieve his goal, he will definitely become hysterical and inhumane!

Therefore, as long as you are strong enough, you will be able to beat those cheap dogs half to death and still let them wag their tails and beg for mercy!

She had a set of thoughts in her mind, but she had become smarter and no longer showed her thoughts and expressions.

For a practitioner in the realm of divine transformation, as long as he is aware of this, it is very, very easy to do it.

Feng Qianwei thought in her heart, a faint blush appeared on her pretty face, like a flower in bud.

Feng Han was even more satisfied, especially the word 'brother Feng Han', which was the title he dreamed of!

Well, this time, it’s worth it, so worth it!

In particular, killing Feng Yao, the Taoist companion who was originally planned to be betrothed to her in Zhenhun Hall, was the happiest thing in life.

Without Feng Yao, isn't he the one who has the closest relationship with Feng Qianwei?

Moreover, he is very powerful. If Feng Qianwei needs help for anything in the future, he will definitely need his help.

In this way, every time something happened, he would stand in front of her. Perhaps, before long, he would not only be able to stand in front of her, but also in the back, above and below.

Thinking of this, Feng Han felt even more comfortable.

Therefore, sometimes, instead of worrying about the opponent's amazing talents and invincible background, the only thing you need to worry about is that the opponent will not make mistakes!

Feng Han thought about it, and gathered all the creation sources he had accumulated for decades, and gave them all to Feng Qianwei. Not to mention, he also wanted to get closer to her.

Therefore, he is guarding here, preparing to help Feng Qianwei refine these origins of creation and transform into something stronger.

At this time, Feng Qianwei still didn't know what Feng Han meant, so she couldn't help but look shy, and half-heartedly began to refine the origins of creation.

Everything went very smoothly until, when Feng Qianwei was practicing the soul-killing technique, blood suddenly spurted out from her seven orifices, and she shivered at the same time, her body twisted in pain.

This situation not only surprised Feng Han, but also Feng Qianwei was a little confused, thinking that Feng Han was trying to force her, so he was plotting against her.

She was frightened and angry, but she didn't dare to show it at all. Instead, she acted extremely panicked, as if she was going to die soon.

She put on all the tricks to pretend to be pitiful, her face was haggard, her expression was tragic and miserable, her eyes were so sad and gloomy...

In short, she performed everything she could to the extreme.

Feng Han was completely stunned. He had never known what nervousness was, and he became extremely nervous. Then, trembling, he began to condense his life essence and blood to try to deduce it.

His deduction skills are not strong, but because he is extremely proficient in soul-killing methods, his understanding of souls is extremely deep.

Exactly like this, after some deduction, his face immediately became extremely ugly.

When Feng Qianwei saw Feng Han like this, she finally breathed a sigh of relief - she was indeed nervous, but what made her more nervous was that she was afraid that Feng Han would forcefully fuck her and feed her.

If this were the case, with her current status and ability, and with Feng Han's status and power, she would be completely incapacitated!

Fortunately, Feng Han's behavior just shows that Feng Han really cares - as long as she really cares, she will have a thousand ways to slowly play with him, use him, and suck everything out of him!

Just like sucking up Feng Yao before!

However, this time, she must be cautious and her methods should be gentler. When appropriate, she may even sell something that can be sold to give the other party some sweetness.

As long as you have grown up by then, what are all the other small losses?

With such thoughts, Feng Qianwei's eyes were filled with tears, and she looked at Feng Han helplessly, with a pitiful, innocent and haggard look on her face, which made me feel pity for him.

Feng Han took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and tremblingly helped Feng Qianwei wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Feng Qianwei's pretty face was slightly red, and she lowered her head sadly and shed tears silently, which made Feng Han feel a trace of unspeakable heartache.

"Qianwei, don't worry, I have analyzed the situation, and there must be a solution! In fact, it is not difficult to solve this matter, with my ability and influence! Don't Sad, don't be sad, you have just condensed the power of creation, your state is not very stable, and you have lost your true body... Well, you will definitely be fine. After all, disasters will not be eliminated, and good fortune will be unparalleled."

Feng Han comforted her softly.

As he spoke, his face became a little colder.

"Brother Fenghan, you, you are so kind."

Feng Qianwei said softly.

As she spoke, she choked again and said: "Brother Feng Han, what's wrong with me? Has my soul already cracked and is about to break? Is it true that I can't live anymore?"

Hearing this, Feng Han looked slightly solemn and said in a deep voice: "Qianwei, don't worry, your situation is a bit complicated.

According to my judgment, in your case, the body was hit by the Supreme Dao containing the "Tianji Soul Reverse Technique", and it was such a powerful murderous intention that it could kill with one blow, so much so that it hurt the soul through the body. .

This kind of injury is a penetrating injury, so that your reserved soul was also attacked, leaving hidden injuries.

This kind of injury is called "Tao injury" on the journey of our spiritual cultivation.

At present, this kind of Tao injury is not easy to recover from - but it is not impossible.

I am good at soul killing, but when it comes to recovering soul damage, Tianji Pavilion and even Tianji Divine Land are very proficient in it.

It will definitely be fine if I ask Zhuge Chunqiu's ancestors to come forward. "

Feng Han said and immediately took out the jade talisman for communication.

However, when he was about to summon him, he was stopped by Feng Qianwei: "Brother Feng Han, Zhuge Chunqiu himself is extraordinary and has an amazing background. If you ask his ancestors to come forward, wouldn't that mean you owe a huge debt of karma?" Wei is like this now, brother Feng Han, it’s not worth it.”

Hearing this, Feng Han smiled sarcastically and said, "As long as it's your business, anything is worth it."

Hearing this, Feng Qianwei's pretty face turned even crimson and she became even more shy. She felt as if her heart was pounding, and her heartbeat accelerated a bit.

The sound of accelerated heartbeat made Feng Han extremely happy, as if he had received the best reward.

"Okay, don't worry about me. How big of a deal is this? Later, when the plan I'm in charge of succeeds, what's the benefit?"

Feng Han said proudly.


Feng Qianwei was a little confused and a little curious.

Then, she looked at Feng Han with a pair of admiring eyes - she used to hate Su Youru's eyes like this the most!

She felt very disgusted!

But now that she had copied this routine herself, she discovered that it was really fun to use!

Because, when her eyes showed up, Feng Han immediately became elated and elated, completely forgetful and completely lost.

"Actually, let me tell you - you must keep it a secret. This is a very, very, very core plan, and it is related to the core secret of the Soul-Suppressing Palace!"

In order to show that he was very powerful and had a very high status in Soul Zhendian, Feng Han even quietly mentioned this core secret to Feng Qianwei through a message.

Feng Qianwei's beautiful eyes lit up, and the admiration in her eyes became even stronger.

"This...such a huge secret, then don't, don't mention it, otherwise, if Qianwei is captured by the enemy, wouldn't the secret be exposed?"

Feng Qianwei wanted to advance before retreating, and deliberately said she didn't want to hear it.

"Actually, it's not bad. After all, you are also the goddess of the Soul-Suppressing Palace in the future, and you are also at the core level, so it doesn't matter if you know something!"

Feng Han said softly.

With that said, he transmitted the message again: "This secret is actually related to the 92nd soul-suppressing tablet. Moreover, the 92nd soul-suppressing tablet contains a magical level function that reaches all over the world.

Right now, we have captured half of this soul-suppressing monument. Next, as long as...then, it will be true immortality, immortality and eternity! "

Feng Han lowered his voice again.

After Feng Qianwei heard the news, her beautiful eyes widened completely!

There is shock, shock, disbelief, disbelief, and - a hint of deep envy.

Seeing Feng Qianwei's behavior, Feng Han's eyes flashed with a look of regret, and then he became gentle and confident again.

"However, this plan must not be interfered with, and the key people must be involved. Well, this kind of thing needs to be dealt with slowly. I will ask that old guy Feng Cangqiong to come over and let He called his brother-in-law, Zhuge Qiming, the ancestor of Zhuge Chunqiu, to come over and help you take a look."

Feng Han said and no longer mentioned the secret.

Although Feng Qianwei wanted to know more, she also knew that all she could do was listen to such core secrets, and she must not take the initiative to ask.

Otherwise, it must have ulterior motives - although she does have some ideas, there are some things that she knows very well and cannot easily interfere with.

But even though you can't interfere, you can still get some benefits secretly!

As long as you follow the correct layout and follow the soup, there will be no problem.

Feng Qianwei felt very emotional. She suddenly realized that it was a good death this time. Otherwise, why would she have thought about practicing prudently?

It wasn't that she wasn't smart before, but she never liked to think about things that were too complicated.

But, after what happened to Feng Yao, she knew she had to change.

Therefore, she was very confident. When she started to think and use her thoughts like that little bitch Su Youru, those bitchy men could only kneel and lick in front of her and tremble!

With this thought, Feng Han immediately sent a message to Feng Cangqiong.

Feng Cangqiong's strength is no worse than Feng Han, and is even stronger.

But in the Soul-Suppressing Hall, the difference is not in strength, but in status.

Without status and with higher strength, he is nothing more than a guard or servant.

When Feng Han gave the order, Feng Cangqiong didn't dare to be vague, he immediately appeared.

Then under Feng Han's order, Feng Cangqiong immediately called Zhuge Qiming, his brother-in-law, without saying a word.

All of this was completed in just over a hundred breaths.

Soon, Zhuge Qiming came across the void in the air.

However, there was another person with him - that person was none other than Zhuge Chunqiu.

Zhuge Chunqiu looked very embarrassed before, but now, not only was he no longer embarrassed, his aura and demeanor had undergone a huge transformation, and he had obviously made great progress.

After Zhuge Qiming saw Feng Cangqiong, he first exchanged warm greetings.

Then, he bowed to Feng Han with great piety.

Feng Han nodded proudly and responded lightly in return.

In this way, it was obvious that Feng Qianwei had shown her prowess in front of her again.

Feng Qianwei also felt it was funny secretly, but looked at Feng Han with admiration again.

Seeing that Feng Han was even more proud, she felt more satisfied.

She suddenly discovered that this feeling of controlling a man in the palm of her hand was really great.

After all, she ended up living like the person she hated, Su Youru.

"Master Feng, Chunqiu can actually handle this kind of thing. How about we listen to Chunqiu's opinion?"

Zhuge Qiming stroked his gray beard and said with a smile.

Feng Han frowned slightly and said, "Him? Is he worthy?"

Most people would never want to hear such questioning and contemptuous words.

Especially Zhuge Chunqiu, he is not an ordinary master of secrets, but a truly top master of secrets!

However, Zhuge Chunqiu had a smile on his face, as if it was not Feng Han who had humiliated him before: "Master Feng, if you just deduce the question about Fairy Qianwei, then Chunqiu is really worthy. Instead, it is the ancestor, because The ancestor is too strong, so once he deduce it, Fairy Qianwei may not be able to withstand it."

"If you can't bear it, so what?"

Feng Han raised his sword eyebrows - How dare you say that my Fairy Qianwei can't bear it?

Who are you looking down on? !

Zhuge Chunqiu was not angry and continued to smile: "If you can't bear it, the consequences of the deduction will lead to twists and turns in your destiny, showing a catastrophic fate of 'imminent death'."

As soon as Zhuge Chunqiu said these words, Feng Qianwei's delicate body trembled slightly, and there was already a trace of fear in her heart.

Feng Han couldn't help but hold his breath, and then immediately compromised: "Then you do it."


Zhuge Chunqiu immediately started to deduce.

But before taking a breath, he opened his eyes and said: "The Dao injury was injured by the 'Tianji Soul Reverse Technique'. The solution is not difficult - as the saying goes, 'To untie the bell, you must tie the bell.' Whoever hurts Yes, just let him use the secret soul-reverse technique and then use the healing mode to recover.

This is the only method without any side effects or harm.

Although there is hope for recovery through other methods, they will definitely leave huge flaws. If not done well, someone will catch the flaw and refine the clone to die as a substitute. "

As soon as these words came out, Feng Qianwei's breathing immediately froze.

Obviously, she immediately felt fear in her heart.

Such a flaw can be said to be very fatal.

Feng Qianwei could understand the meaning of these words, so her face looked really ugly at this time.

This time, there was no need to pretend, she was really panicked.

"Her injuries were caused by Feng Yao... Su Li controlled Feng Yao, so who should we look for? Feng Yao or Su Li?"

Feng Han said solemnly.

"Of course Su Li."

Zhuge Chunqiu said without hesitation.

"But this Su Li, how can we find him? Isn't he already dead, or has he escaped by special means?"

Feng Han looked slightly unhappy.

If that's the case, once Su Li can't be found, won't he just have to wait for the flaws to be left?

"Actually, Su Li is not difficult to find. In fact, it is easy to find."

Zhuge Chunqiu said with a smile.


Feng Han showed a hint of surprise.

Zhuge Chunqiu said: "This Su Li actually has a very good relationship with Mei'er, and Mei'er is from my side. She has a special charm method. As long as Fairy Qianwei follows her and learns it, she can win That Su Li is really extremely simple."

When Feng Han saw Zhuge Chunqiu speaking so easily, he couldn't help but snorted and said: "It sounds so easy. What happened this time was that Su Li escaped from under your noses? Isn't it extremely simple?"

Zhuge Chunqiu was not embarrassed at all and continued to smile: "It is indeed extremely simple, because Mei'er has defeated him many times. He has a fatal weakness, which is emotional weakness. This is similar to some mortals.

Meier has plotted against him countless times, but he still values ​​Meier extremely, and is even willing to give up his own life to save Meier at a critical moment.

You said, how can it not be easy to deal with such a character in a real way?

In the final analysis, just play with emotions and attack the heart first. "

Feng Han thought thoughtfully and said: "These methods are understandable, but Mei'er is Mei'er after all, Qianwei is Qianwei, Qianwei is innocent and pure, simple and pure, how can such methods be used smoothly? Will that little bitch take advantage of you?"

When Zhuge Chunqiu heard this, his breathing stagnated slightly - he was quite clear about the fact that Su Li had slept with Meier many times.

When Feng Han said this, he felt very uncomfortable.

That's why he doesn't treat Mei'er well now.

However, in front of Feng Han, he maintained his usual graceful smile and said: "Why do you care about these trivial matters? Not to mention, Su Li is quite a gentleman and will not do anything easily, unless the woman herself is despicable... …Ahem, unless the woman has an idea and can’t help it!”

Zhuge Chunqiu also realized that he should not speak dirty words, so he immediately changed his words.

The muscles on Feng Han's face twitched, and he glanced at Zhuge Chunqiu with a strange look - did he understand that this old thing about love even gave his Taoist companion to Su Li to sleep with?

Well, it’s really awesome!


Feng Han glanced at Feng Qianwei silently, but he did not refuse such a proposal - because he had to facilitate this matter, otherwise, how could he let that person step into this situation?

As for Feng Qianwei, he really liked her, but that was all.

Desperate for it?

Feng Qianwei is not that valuable.

For Soul Zhendian, if it doesn't have enough value, then it can only be a chess piece.

Feng Han showed a bit of worry in his eyes.

And Feng Qianwei smiled slightly and said: "If that's the case, then Qianwei is willing to give it a try. Brother Feng Han, don't worry, Qianwei only has brother Feng Han in her heart."

Feng Han smiled softly and said: "In your current situation, as long as you don't use soul-killing methods, there will be no problems for the time being. Besides, what about Mei'er? I will let her be your servant and protect you."

Feng Qianwei nodded repeatedly, looking like she couldn't bear to say goodbye to Feng Han.

Next, Zhuge Chunqiu made some careful deductions before he said seriously: "If you want to find Su Li, there are three directions.

Fairy Qianwei, there is no need to worry. Just follow Mei'er and find three people. These three people will definitely be able to find Su Li.

These three people are Hua Ziyan, Li Muxue and Mu Yusu.

Hua Ziyan has a cause and effect with Yueming Ancient Temple.

Li Muxue is related to the ‘Forget River’ where the bones of Yueming City are buried.

Mu Yusu is related to the mysterious secret realm "Huayue Valley" in Yueming City.

If you find one of the three, there won’t be any big problem..."

After Zhuge Chunqiu finished speaking, he sent out the message. Soon, Mei'er, who looked a little dull and wore a light green gauze skirt, flew over like a zombie.

Then, she stood in front of Zhuge Chunqiu blankly.

After Zhuge Chunqiu gave some instructions, Meier stood next to Feng Qianwei like a piece of wood.

Feng Qianwei frowned slightly, not liking this cold and stiff woman at all.

Especially, even though the other person is as stiff as a corpse, he is still more beautiful, more charming and more charming than her!

"Don't worry, Fairy Qianwei. After a while, I will perform the 'Heaven's Soul Cleansing Technique' for her. Then, she will be as loyal to you as a dog, and you can do whatever you want."

Zhuge Chunqiu said.

When Feng Han heard this, he immediately showed a look of relief and satisfaction.

Feng Qianwei was immediately overjoyed when she heard this.

Next, in front of Zhuge Qiming and Feng Han, Zhuge Chunqiu began to use the secret soul-washing technique to wash Meier's soul.

The soul cleansing process stalled for a while, but it was still successful.

Therefore, Meier looked at Feng Qianwei with extremely pious eyes, then bowed and saluted, transforming into a respectful little maid.

When Feng Qianwei saw it, she was immediately extremely satisfied, and the deep jealousy in her heart also dissipated a lot.

Then, Zhuge Chunqiu took out the Qingshuang Sword again. After looking at it, he didn't use any methods. He immediately threw it at Mei'er and said, "Take it with you. This sword. I once recognized Su Li as the sword master. I will also know how to use it." Generating some reactions will be of great help to you.

When encountering danger, it can also be used against enemies, with extremely strong offensive and defensive abilities. "

Meier immediately bowed and took it, as if she had completely forgotten all her previous experiences, and stood respectfully behind Feng Qianwei again.

After all this was done, Feng Han felt a little relieved, and Zhuge Chunqiu was finally done.

Later, under the leadership of Meier, Feng Qianwei and Feng Han said goodbye, chose an area, and started taking action.

Flower Moon Valley.

Su Li was confused by the series of actions of the girl named 'Yu Su' in front of him.

Especially, when she took the mirror, Su Li almost couldn't hold it back, and used a lightning-quick Red Soul Movement to dodge it!

This is really shadowed by the Soho mirror.

Of course, those who have not been fixed by that mirror cannot understand the horror of that mirror.

However, at this time, the girl 'Yusu' did not take a mirror to look at Su Li. Instead, she looked at herself. Then she put away the mirror and showed an extremely sweet and pure smile again: "There is no dirt, it is still the same." Beautiful and beautiful.”

Su Li looked a little weird, and then subconsciously summoned the system to lock on this 'Yu Su' and check his life files!

He now has 977,226 points of fortune, is rich and arrogant!

You just want something that costs money, and I can afford it now!

However, as soon as this idea came to him, the system life file showed a question mark.

Not only the current information is a question mark, but also the future archives are a question mark.

Su Li was shocked and felt very strange.

"Master Su, are you trying to deduce? Actually, there is no need to deduce. Yu Su is a person who is born unable to be deduced. By the way, Sister Su He said, Master Su, if you wake up, you must tell her as soon as possible. I have something very important to tell Master Su.”

The girl Yu Su said and immediately summoned Su Li in front of her.

After a moment, her big eyes widened, and then there was a look of regret on her pretty face, and she said, "Sister Su Ho has gone out on something important, and she won't be back for several days. Sister Su Ho said, Master Su is not going anywhere these days, just relax in Huayue Valley."

The girl added.

Although Su Li felt very strange and couldn't figure it out, he didn't ask questions because he didn't know what the situation was.

As for this girl, she looked particularly innocent and simple, but Su Li couldn't believe it at all.

Who dares to believe this kind of world and this kind of character!

"Well, then I will stay here for a few more days, so I will bother you."

Su Li said with a gentle voice.

"What did Master Su say? Isn't this too foreign? Master Su is Sister Su He's younger brother. Sister Su He is very happy to see Master Su.

These days, Sister Su Ho has been staying by Master Su's side and helping Master Su with his treatment. "

Yu Su's voice was pleasant to the ear, as clear as a silver bell.

She looks young, and her eyes are particularly spiritual and sparkling, which is very eye-catching.

To be honest, her temperament is very similar to Mu Yuxi in Su Li's impression.

But why is her appearance so similar to Lu Yi's?

This is so strange.

Moreover, if she is Lu Yi and Su Ho is Su Ho, what about Lu Yi and Su Ho?

"Okay, by the way, I am...how did I come to your side?"

Su Li couldn't help but ask.

He didn't know anything about this place - this was Huayue Valley, but Su Li gradually discovered that there were some differences between this place and the Huayue Valley in his memory.

Mainly, the quality and nature of spiritual energy between heaven and earth are different.

"Of course it was Sister Su He who figured out that Master Su was in trouble and rescued you from danger. Oh, Master Su, in order to keep it secret, your friends were assigned to another area, but they were not released. Leaving because I am not sure if I am a true friend.

Do you want to meet Master Su? "

Yu Su said again.

"That's not necessary - well, let's go and see him."

Su Li wanted to refuse, but he denied it.

He has more than 900,000 heavenly secret points, and can also use the method of "One Qi and Three Purities". For the time being, he is no longer so afraid of danger.

"Okay Master Su, Master Su, please come with me."

Yu Su was as innocent and polite as ever, and her look of respect looked real, not fake.

However, Su Li still maintained a certain degree of vigilance.

Soon, Su Li passed through several formation voids in Huayue Valley and came to another Huayue Valley area.

Moreover, Su Li saw many strange scenes in the Huayue Valley area, but he did not see the Wangchuan River.

Therefore, he was absolutely certain that this place was really not the Huayue Valley in the Soul-Suppressing Monument.

But why the names were the same and the environments were so similar, Su Li couldn't figure it out.

Entering a brand new Huayue Valley, Su Li saw Zhuge Ranyue and Meng Siyun communicating from a distance.

But when Su Li got closer, he found that there was another person standing beside them, with an ugly look on his face.

When Su Li saw this person, his expression instantly became complicated.

He thought about this person, but he didn't expect to see him again so soon.

This person is none other than Yun Qingxuan.

Yes, Yun Qingxuan is here too.

Is it weird?

Su Li felt that it was actually not surprising - because Yun Qingxuan said something very clearly -

"Su Li, Master Su, you have exposed your true colors after all! I suddenly understand! I understand everything! Hahahahahaha, some people hide so deeply! Sad, so sad!"

"Very good, Master Su. We are high in the mountains and rivers are long. See you in the future!"

These two sentences were actually meant for Su Li, but they were also meant for Meier at that time.

Because, the 'some people' in Yun Qingxuan's words did not refer to Su Li, but to Mei'er.

So, what did she understand?

Su Li thought about the scene he saw in his third field of vision, and he already had the answer in his heart.

What's that answer?

The answer is the ninety-second soul-suppressing monument.

Yun Qingxuan thought that Su Li didn't know.

However, maybe he knows more than Yun Qingxuan.

But now, this 'Yusu' is still here, how can he show this information?

When Su Li came over, Zhuge Ranyue and Meng Siyun immediately showed expressions of surprise.

Among the five Meng Siyun, only Meng Siyun was outside at this time, and the other four were still in the Tianji Sacred Jade.

But it doesn't matter. In the Holy Jade of Tianji, it's the same as in the Soul Refining Flag or the Soul-Destroying Tea Can. Everything outside is visible and knowable.

"Master Su, you're awake. Should I call you Feng Yao? Or should I call you Su Li?"

Zhuge Ranyue came over with a smile in her beautiful eyes and a very intimate joke.

As she said that, she tilted her head slightly, glanced at Su Li with seven-colored pupils, and said, "I'm too weak. The quality of the Holy Blood Pill is not high. Eat it. You can almost fully recover after eating it."

She was very polite, like an old friend.

Su Li couldn't help but smile, and was not worried about her poisoning. He immediately took the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.

In an instant, the feeling of weakness immediately expanded like air.

Soon, 90% of the weakness caused by his "Xuanji Fighting Spirit" disappeared immediately.

However, almost 10% of them have not been able to recover.

"Hey, you are quite powerful with this broken body. I didn't expect it to be quite edible!"

Zhuge Ranyue was a little surprised, and then looked at Su Li's body carefully, his seven-colored pupils flickered with aura.

The next moment, her expression became a little more solemn, and then she felt relieved, and said: "It is indeed a body that can control the Heavenly Secret Soul-Reverse Technique. It is so powerful. Although practicing the techniques under the current laws is a body that cannot be improved, but practicing Those weird skills are probably first-rate!

Yes, I have it, I suddenly thought, if I also transform into such a physique, will my deduction skills change? "

Zhuge Ranyue seemed to be a tease, babbling away.

When you don't have contact with her, you will think she is very cold.

Once you get to know him, you will find that he is a bit of a tease.

Su Li ignored her and said, "Where's the Holy Blood Pill? Here are ten more."

When Zhuge Ranyue heard the words, his breathing stagnated, he rolled his eyes at Su Li and said, "I don't have any pills, but I want beauties, but there is a group of them. Come on, hurry up, I can't wait any longer."

Zhuge Ranyue said and pursed his lips towards Yun Qingxuan.

Su Li then looked at Yun Qingxuan.

Yun Qingxuan also looked at Su Li.

However, at this time, Yun Qingxuan's eyes were bloodshot, and her expression was somewhat sickly and haggard, but her eyes were firmer and more persistent.

At the same time, her whole aura... seemed to be very different.

Su Li was silent for a while and then said, "You're here."

Yun Qingxuan said: "I'm here."

Su Li said: "You shouldn't have come."

Yun Qingxuan raised her eyebrows and said, "If I don't come, you will all be killed!"

Su Li said: "...Speak, don't be so alarmist. How could they succeed so easily if you didn't show up."

Yun Qingxuan seemed unable to grasp the deeper meaning of Su Li's words and said, "Help me."

Su Li said: "Why?"

Yun Qingxuan said: "I'll sleep with you!"

Su Li said: "I never drive up the currency value."

Yun Qingxuan's pretty face turned red, and she wanted to scold her, but she held it back and said in a deep voice: "I have abolished the technique of "Specialized Qi to Tenderness" by myself, and the inheritance has been cut off. I need your help."

Su Li said: "Only remember me when you need me, okay?"

Yun Qingxuan frowned and said: "Su Li, I know you know, so why do you do this? What else do you think I can do from my position? Meier deliberately asked you to force me away. How cruel is her intention? Don't you still Know? Everything is-"

As Yun Qingxuan spoke, she suddenly glanced at Zhuge Ranyue, Meng Siyun, and Yu Su with fear, and forcibly suppressed the topic.

Su Li didn't take it seriously at all and said: "It's fake. The Soul-Suppressing Secret Realm is fake. It's fake that they control the Soul-Suppressing Monument because their goal is the ninety-second Soul-Suppressing Monument! Therefore, the Ninety-Two No. Mastery, ninety-three and half mastery, how can ninety-four be fully mastered?

So, where is Ninety-Two?

It's in your memory zone, right?

The situation now formed is that there is a heavenly dream spirit body beside us, which can allow us to dream.

Then, let me enter the forbidden area of ​​​​your memory, take control of the soul-suppressing monument, and then let them intercept the fruits of victory?

Yun Qingxuan, do you think I, Su Li, am stupid?

Or do you think you are smart and can fool everyone into applause? "

(I got off work late today, so I’ll post the first update of 10,000 words first~ The second update will be around 11 o’clock, and the third update will be around 1 o’clock in the evening~

In addition, I would like to thank the book friend "Dorag" for the support of 500 starting coins. Thank you very much ~ continue to ask for automatic subscriptions, monthly tickets, recommended tickets ~ bow and thank all benefactors ~)

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