I Pretended to Be a God of Fortune in the Fantasy World

Vol 2 Chapter 663: Heavenly Mystery Sage Master, Soul Suppression Key

"The Emperor, you are too much! With your current strength, they have formed an absolute crush on them, and this is already a god-level existence!

   But you are so ignorant of the juniors! "

   "You exist like this, you deserve to be severely beaten and whipped!"

   Zhuge Canghai responded in a cold voice, and then a flash of blood on the eyebrows, a mark like a soul stone of heaven appeared.

   The moment this mark appeared, Su Wangchen's heart moved, vaguely giving birth to a special kind of fate-like induction.

   He seemed to know all of a sudden how to crack the celestial soul stone that was killed from Zhuge Liancheng.

   This is nothing but iron shoes without any effort!

Su Wangchen sneered again and again, and said, "You are shameless! Why don't you know how to measure, what kind of combat power and level I am, in the final analysis is not defined by you? If I have been beaten, I am a junior, but if I am beaten, I am an elder? Sorry, I don't want a grandson like you!"

Su Wangchen said, and said: "As for flogging? Sorry, I always flogged other women. For example, if you let me flog the Mu Xumei beside you, that would be quite good! As for you, let me die. Bar!"

   Su Wangchen said, suddenly offering the Killing Wolf three-star bracelet.

   If he could, he would never have long dreams, because the more procrastination, the easier it is.

   This kind of divine lord level existence is a big boss. I don't know how many years he has lived. The strength and ability of the magic weapon are the same. In fact, he may not have much advantage.

   After all, he thought he would kill the immortal soul with a blow before-the other party's cultivation soul, isn't this Asura Hell sickle specializing in killing the soul, isn't it a second kill?

   As a result, he was unexpectedly unaffected. The opponent was unaffected, and he broke away from the influence of the soul in an instant, and made a counterattack.

   The seemingly ordinary imitation Qiankun Ding, its power is amazing, it actually collapsed his Shura Hell Scythe back.

   This is outrageous!

  Su Wangchen is not an idiot, he knows exactly how powerful he is, so Zhuge Canghai is still quite capable.

   In addition, the information of the two people could not be displayed on the system panel before, and all of them were covered with a layer of white light, which also made Su Wangchen realize that the existence of these two is not simple.

   Either kill the two directly, or just wait for the trouble to continue, right? !

   In such contemplation, Su Wangchen's three-star breaking wolf bracelet directly exploded with extremely terrifying power.


   At this moment, suddenly, Mu Xumei flew an old piece of money between his eyebrows and slammed it on the three-star Bracelet of Killing Wolf.

   Not only that, but a burst of colorful light suddenly burst out of the void. The seven-color mysterious light gathered, presenting a colorful and brilliant light, violently flashing in the sky.

   "Boom boom boom——"

  In an instant, Su Wangchen only felt a shock all over, and the fairy soul was a little shaken.

   At this time, his indestructible smashing wolf three-star bracelet was actually shaken out in an instant, and was knocked down again!

   "My grass!"

   Su Wangchen yelled, his figure transformed into golden light, and immediately disappeared in place.

   The next moment, the place where he was was directly blown into ruins.

  Luobao money, five-color light, and the imitation Qiankun Ding!

   Good fellow, although each one has almost one or two attacks, the power is absolutely awesome!

   "This is specifically for me? The two guys cooperate so well? The dog and the man must have gotten together behind the scenes!"


   Su Wangchen complained fiercely in his heart, and then directly cast the hold technique, and abruptly stopped Mu Xumei and that Zhuge Canghai.

   "Tianji Town Soul Art!"


   The terrifying power of the heavenly secrets permeated out, mysterious and mysterious, under the shock, the fixation technique was broken like glass.

   "I'm going-how did it get researched to solve the problem? Really, these methods can only be used once?"

   Su Wangchen was also extremely shocked in his heart, what the **** is Zhuge Canghai such a good beer? So difficult to deal with? And it seems that the other party didn't use all their strength! The Way of Heaven's Mystery is so powerful?

   Su Wangchen was also a little surprised. When he shot with Zhuge Liancheng before, although Zhuge Liancheng was very bad, his performance in the way of heaven was very good, and it was not bad anymore.

   This kind of strength is similar to the previous Zhuge Qingchen existence, but slightly weaker.

   Now it seems... I am afraid it is not weaker, but that Zhuge Liancheng is unable to cultivate at home.

   "What level is the cultivation of the path of heavenly secrets? How come there is even a charm that resembles immortality? And the breath of the three thousand great avenues? Isn't it the background of the great heavenly secrets?"

   Su Wangchen's scalp numb for a moment, he thinks Zhuge Canghai is not easy.

   Su Wangchen is also a ruthless person, so-called again and again!

   encountered such a situation, he would definitely not keep his hands!

   "Endless fairy soul!"

   At that moment, Su Wangchen was serious. Although he didn't use the power of the sky veins, he directly used the immortal soul.

   The immortal soul's background that was less than one ten millionths before, this time it was directly 100% of the background.

  He is different from Su Ye in this point. As long as he is aware of a crisis, the first one is a temptation, and the second one is to do it directly, the kind that kills people.


   Su Wangchen's instantaneous eye evolves into three cleansing and one gasification of Pangu, and the three-star Bracelet of Killing Wolf in his hand has been replaced with the Sinyue Ghost Sword.

  Using the sword to transform the axe, he directly blasted out the ultimate Pan Huang Sheng Mie Dao!


   Under this terrifying strength, it is already an absolute crushing level.

   Therefore, when this blow was hit, the magic weapon in the void was completely frozen.

   "Puff puff——"

   The terrifying sword intent and murderous intent slammed Zhuge Canghai's forehead and Mu Xumei's forehead fiercely.

   The eyebrows of the two exploded three layers of white light at the same time, and at the same time, the same soul stone of Heavenly Mystery exploded at this time, blocking the lethal killing opportunity.

   But Su Wangchen will never stop here.

   He directly killed him with Pangu, and violently slashed out with a sword.

  Open the world!

  The power of one blow is like destroying the world, carrying the peerless and invincible fairy power that overwhelms the ages!


   At this moment, a page of the heavenly book suddenly appeared in the void, and the heavenly book suddenly pressed down. Su Wangchen discovered that his destruction-level attack could not be hit!

   Su Wangchen's face sank, he suddenly withdrew his murderous intent, and then looked a little surprised and looked not far away.

   "Grandma Xueyun."

   At this time, Zhuge Canghai, who had reconstituted his figure, was stained with blood, and his whole figure seemed to be beaten into a piece of paper, looking extremely miserable.

   And the fact is indeed more miserable than it seems.

  Don't say it was him, that Mu Xumei, there was only a trace of destiny left, and he was not killed.

   It was the ontology that the two came to, the ontology that split out, but it is still the ontology.

   So once it is really lost, it is really blood loss.

   Even if it is recondensed in the mountain and river fan, there is no such thing as a small world that cannot be cultivated after tens of thousands of years of hard work.

   At this time, Zhuge Canghai finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Grandma Xueyun appeared—it was done.

   Mu Ximei also gasped slightly, and he was still calculated.


   This is the Heavenly Mystery Saint Master, this is really going to be done!

   is too powerful, almost the same as before.

   Then, the cause and effect of the Mecha Soul Stone was sent out that day.

   As long as Su Wangchen explores the cause and effect, he will discover the inferred usage of the Heavenly Mystery Soul Stone, and Su Li can be located at once.

   At this moment, Mu Xumei was impressed with admiration.

   But thinking of the lost treasure money and the number of times the five-color magic light was used, she was also a little distressed.

   Luobao Money is not hers, but Zhuge Canghai's. This is the sediment of the Tianji Pavilion, but it is used like this, which is equivalent to cutting first and playing later.

   can bring such an effect, the above will obviously be extremely satisfactory.

  While silently, he arranged this Su Wangchen, but the other party didn't know it at all!

   This is not a celestial master!

   If this is to become a celestial sage master, how powerful would it be?

   And, with such a layout, even Grandma Xueyun has used it, it's really invincible!

   Mu Ximei didn't think much about it. At this moment, this thought was only a flash, and it was encrypted, otherwise it would be spied on and ruin Zhuge Canghai's plan. In that case, she would be a sinner.

   At this time, Mu Xumei couldn't help showing a miserable look-well, of course the more miserable the better at this time.

   Of course, there is no need to pretend to be miserable, it is really miserable.

If Grandma Xueyun does not appear, not only will her body disappear, but also because of that powerful force, she will be penetrated to the side of the mountain and river fan. The mountain and river fan will suffer a certain amount of death because of this murderous intent. damage.

   will not be completely destroyed in the end, but the loss is really incalculable.

   However, after success now, Mu Xumei knew that it was worth it.

   The price is actually not high, and if the soul is wrong, such a method is equivalent to cutting it again with the help of Su Wangchen.

   is equivalent to borrowing Su Wangchen's hand to cut off certain flaws of the soul.

   may seem like a serious injury, but it is actually a benefit!

   "It's really amazing. This is to use the enemy to sharpen the knife and kill your own defects."

   "This hand is really beautiful!"

   Mu Ximei couldn't stop the feelings that rippled in his heart many times, but it seemed that she seemed to be emotionally turbulent after being beaten so miserably.

   Anyway, after using methods such as heavenly secrets and methods such as dreams, this situation is indeed invisible to others.

   Even if it is the heart of Wang Chenhuan, there is no such cause and effect.

   This is also the power of the Heavenly Mystery Saint Master.

   At this time, even Mu Xumei had an illusion-Zhuge Canghai was already a sage master of heaven!

   "Grandma Xueyun."

   was excited, but Mu Xumei still trembled as he vomited blood.

   Such a voice also seemed to make her worse, and her mouth was full of blood.

   is not only the blood of the divine body, but also the blood of the soul.

   The soul was seriously injured—can it be serious? I cut it by myself before. This time I killed it with the help of Su Wangchen, and wounded it, so it seemed to be Su Wangchen's vicious hand!

   Mu Xumei is like this, Zhuge Canghai is like this.

  So that, Su Wangchen finally gained a little more confidence in his own combat power-he collapsed after a single kill. It turned out to be a paper lantern, not as strong as he had imagined!

   But also, under the fairy soul, where can this group of people kill? !

   But this Xueyun grandma?

   Su Wangchen's expression became more solemn.

   This kind of existence that relies on a piece of paper to block all his fairy soul attacks is too powerful!

   Is this the true king of gods?

   Such a cow beer?

   Su Wangchen looked solemn, but only stared at Grandma Xueyun with a cold look.

   "Why, do you want to shoot old things? If you do, don't blame me for being polite!"

   Su Wangchen was very jealous, but his tone was also quite cold.

   To be honest, although he was arrogant, he didn't want to offend a bigger existence-vaguely, there seemed to be memories of him being chased and killed by a big man and hiding in various time gaps.

   It’s just that these memories are very vague.

   But, even if it is vague, it has obviously happened.

   Is Su Wangchen still slightly restrained?

   Xueyun's grandmother said in a deep voice: "The two have an old relationship with me - and the two of them are here only to ask for justice for their disciples. With the abilities of the emperor, why do they have the same knowledge as the juniors?

   To tell the truth, it’s just a trivial matter. "

   Xueyun's grandmother obviously didn't want to be an enemy of Su Wangchen, so Su Wangchen pointed her nose to the old man, without any respect or anger.

   On the contrary, his old face, which is quite amorous, is a little more calm.

   Su Wangchen sneered and said: "That's it, you said it very easily, why don't you slap yourself a few times to let me vent my breath, and then we are all there?"

   Grandma Xueyun was not angry when she heard this.

   But she is not angry, the light she carries on her body seems very unpleasant.


   That group of light suddenly gathered, forming a beautiful woman with a natural charm.

   This woman is wearing a light red gauze skirt. How kind of a... charm?

   Su Wangchen was stunned for an instant, as if thinking of a mysterious existence, but then the idea disappeared inexplicably.

   "Maybe a small world experienced it, um... before... a very distant memory, my fiancee... abandoned me?"

   inexplicably thought of a vague memory, there is such a beautiful girl in the memory.

   This girl is wearing a light red gauze skirt, which is so beautiful that she is suffocating.

   Now, as if such a scene suddenly appeared, and suddenly disappeared.

Su Wangchen called up the system and directly opened the person’s system panel, only to realize that this was not Meier nor the Yiren in his memory. The one that made him feel sad but somewhat unforgettable and seemed unable to miss it. people.

   Su Wangchen tried to use the system to calculate the ‘magic’, but found that after such a thought came out, the system actually sounded like an ‘alarm’ reminder.


   The alarm-like sound made Su Wangchen's soul go wild.

   "This fox clan has a problem, there is a huge cause and effect, it is not touchable or something? It is not good for the teacher, the one here is stronger than the other...no, you have to find a step down."

   "But I still have a lot of methods that are useless, such as Tianmai Sui listen, Tianmai battle soul, exercises, etc., there are three thousand avenues, and powerful dojo abilities!"

   Su Wangchen thought, if these methods are used, the combat power will increase wildly, I am afraid that even this day will be able to penetrate.

   He has the Great Destiny Technique in his body, and such a judgment will not be far away.

   So he has the strength to crush Grandma Xueyun, and the opponent is also powerful with a few magic weapons. In terms of peak combat power, Grandma Xueyun is definitely not his Su Wangchen opponent.

   After this judgment, Su Wangchen was relieved instead.

   Even if it’s ‘nothing’, you have to find a chance. It’s definitely not enough to lower your head easily. Then next time others will step on him and push your nose to your face.

   When Su Wangchen was meditating, he no longer touched Meier's taboo causality, so he began to observe the information of the mysterious woman in the light red veil.

  In this view, it is not the existence covered by white light, but it is clearly presented.

   Nangong Wanqing.

   The goddess of the Jade Fox tribe.

   A personal disciple of Nangong Xueyun.

   And Nangong Xueyun, the clan lord of the Jade Fox clan of the Qingqiu fox clan, is also the emperor of the Qingqiu ancestral land, a generation of true **** king-level divine lord.

   This is an old fox, a real old fox. For a long time, many people want to give her face.

   This person, with a single blow from that page, suppressed all his fairy soul murderous intent.

   Although he didn't receive any backlash, the other party didn't have any loss.

   The page was taken back lightly by her, and there was no loss.

   At this time, after Nangong Wanqing condensed, Meishou coldly swept towards Su Wangchen, and then suddenly said coldly: "You are the emperor?! How can you talk to grandma so rudely?!

   Forget it, grandma and I don’t care, so you can bow and apologize to grandma!

   Then, I fell in love with you, I think you are pretty good, and I have a great appetite!

  Let’s do this, you come over to be my Taoist companion, and then you cut off the cross-hair chicken beside you directly. In this way, you are taking revenge for Nangong Qingyuan and the others. "

   This Nangong Wanqing's words are arrogant, but they have an unquestionable command-like momentum.

   This is already the climate!

   Although this is not good, but the courage is still there.

   Su Wangchen narrowed his eyes-he still liked Jiang Luan better.

   And this Jiang Luan is indeed good, can withstand his toss.

   As for this existence somewhat similar to that mysterious Meier, Su Wangchen was rather jealous.

   Such a strong woman, he has always disliked, and let him go to her as a companion? Isn't this a superfluous son-in-law?

  Isn’t the one who is a son-in-law pours the footwash in two days?

   Isn't he living like a wasteful life?

   Does anyone like this one?

   Su Wangchen sneered and said, "Oh? Is there such a good thing?"

   When Su Wangchen was talking, the word ‘er’ hadn’t been finished yet. Suddenly it was a fixation technique to increase the time, combined with the murderous intent of the nail-headed seven arrows book, and the immortal soul suddenly shot out.

   This blow was extremely fierce and extremely fast. Under the big time technique, Grandma Xueyun was not targeted. How could it be prevented?

   Therefore, Su Wangchen's blow directly imprinted a **** plum blossom on Nangong Wanqing's eyebrows.

   The whole head directly punched it through.

When Grandma Xueyun realized that, Nangong Wanqing had almost been killed.

   Fortunately, the origin of Nangong Wanqing was imprinted on Grandma Xueyun's body, so that Grandma Xueyun's palm once again manifested the golden heavenly book, and directly derived a karma thread, and then the page shook, the thread broke.

   In an instant, Su Wangchen's lore attack failed.

   At this time, that Nangong Wan had also recovered, and Yuanshen was almost beaten to death.

   She was almost scared to pee and never dared to talk nonsense again.

   After a while, she raised her hand and took a good fortune pill, and then quickly returned to normal.

   "You—you are so damnable!"

   Nangong Wanqing yelled angrily, but did not dare to get angry. Instead, she took the initiative to turn into a ball of light and fell on the shoulders of Grandma Xueyun.

   At this time, Nangong Xueyun gave Su Wangchen a strange look, and suddenly said, "The Emperor of Heaven."

   "What do you want to say about the old thing?!"

  While Su Wangchen spoke, the technique was activated, and the battle spirit of the heavenly veins was raging like madness.

  In an instant, his fairy soul background seemed to increase ten million times.

   This is terrible!

   At that moment, the old lady Nangong Xueyun almost couldn't help running away after losing the page.

   But her status, status and face, let her abruptly carry it down—you Zhuge Canghai has done a good job!

   Forget it, it's all about doing things anyway, no way, let's cooperate with each other.

   Nangong Xueyun took a deep breath and suddenly sighed: "The Emperor, this world is actually not as simple as you think."

   Su Wangchen sneered, "Of course I know it's not as simple as I thought, and it's never easy, but I just want to kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, and kill."

   This heavy and violent murderous aura made Nangong Xueyun a little unable to hold it.

She took a deep breath again, keeping her composure, and said: "I mean, some special beings find such a small world interesting and often come down to play. They are actually very superior, and even if they are lost. , That kind of arrogance and seemingly ignorant behavior are often engraved into the bones.

   If you die under normal circumstances, you are dead, nothing.

   But if it is-too frustrated or loses face...

   Think about it, a real big man came down to experience life, and was beaten with his head... and was discovered by the rest of the upper class. Isn’t it a great shame?

   Such a cause and effect, you must be careful, the prince! "

  Nangong Xueyun said, and glanced at Zhuge Canghai inexplicably.

   Zhuge Canghai said in his heart: "Old lady, don't stare at me, I'm not a bigwig, don't lead this horrible cause and effect on me, I will run away after I finish this round."

   However, thinking so in his heart, Zhuge Canghai would definitely not show it, but said with deep conviction: "Yeah, yeah, that Liancheng boy has a special life style, so he has a very poor temperament, but I have taken care of it well.

   In short, whether it grows up or fails to grow, I am prepared for it, am I?

   In the end, he just disappeared like this. I have to come forward for this reason anyway and ask for an explanation, even if I do it, I have to do it! "

   Zhuge Canghai said, clasped his fists and bowed, saying: "The Emperor, please bear with me, please understand."

   When Su Wangchen heard the words, his pupils shrank slightly.

   This time, he did listen.

Yes, if he is a big boss, he thinks that some of the world below seems interesting, plus the weird situation of "not in the three realms, not in the five elements" from Na Lieying and his party, he will definitely be Gather a clone of the lower realm to play.

   even close to the invisible, non-existent person, and investigate carefully.

   If the non-existent person is a woman, he will become a strange man, and while making a pick-up, he will explore the background and depth of the other person.

   If the non-existent person is a man, he will become a strange woman, and while soaking in the arrogance of heaven, he will grasp the reality and length of the opponent.

   When Su Wangchen thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little weird--what's the matter, how could I think of myself as a woman to measure the strengths of others? Is it so perverted?

   I still have a hobby for women's clothing? If so, it's really not a hobby but a wailing!

   Su Wangchen was in a weird mood, but he still believed Nangong Xueyun's words.

   He could see that Nangong Xueyun is such a powerful existence, and it is precisely such a powerful person who is also unwilling to do anything with him-this point, Nangong Xueyun has actually secretly shown it.

   Su Wangchen also has certain considerations.

   He took a deep look at Zhuge Canghai-this person's system cannot be seen through, and it is not a good thing. This time he has made such a heavy hand, it is difficult to vent his hatred!

   But if you kill, you may not be able to kill it, and this grandma Xueyun and this person seem to have a big cause and effect, as if to protect him.

   This is very irritating.

   Su Wangchen said solemnly: "I hope you are a little self-aware-at least you are the first to survive from my hands of Su Wangchen, but how long you can live depends on your own good fortune!"

   Su Wangchen said this, it is equivalent to no longer care.

   Upon seeing this, the expression of Grandma Nangong Xueyun's expression also eased a little bit-good fellow, finally persuaded you.

   She really doesn't want to face this kind of irony, manic person.

  Because such people are unscrupulous and have no worries about the future, and they are also very selfish and individualistic.

   This kind of person is full of food and the whole family is not hungry, it is difficult or impossible to be threatened, but he must be targeted by him, I am afraid that he will be all kinds of disgusting people-you know, this person is extremely accomplished!

   Who can stand this!

   Nangong Xueyun's expression eased a lot, before he said again: "So, under normal circumstances, our world is actually unwilling to kill the opponent at every turn, because a bad one may cause serious trouble.

   So, most of you will keep one hand.

   In this situation, to be honest, it was the batch of your royal family who came out, so they were so utterly conscientious, specializing in killing and piercing people. "

Su Wangchen didn't care, and said, "So, blame me, blame me for not slamming those stupid critics? So you should let them kick their noses? Excuse me, regardless of your old things and their origins. , I have to be killed on Lao Tzu's side. Either you kill me or I kill you!

   Since your old guy has come forward this time, I don't want to continue fighting. It's not interesting, so forget it.

   But compensation must be compensated. "

   Su Wangchen said.

   Then he has to compensate!

Zhuge Canghai probably didn't expect this, and he almost vomited blood. You **** cut me like this, and I wasted a lot of times of using magic weapons, and I was sucked by magic weapons a lot of origin, my **** son I was beaten to death by you!

   Do you want more benefits?

   Zhuge Canghai really almost broke the defense, and couldn't help but want to yell at him.

   He is not a person who allows people to step on at will, he has never been!

   To know how arrogant he is when he exists in another identity!

   At this moment, he only has one word ‘grass’ he wants to say, and it’s the kind that says it loudly.

   Mu Ximei is also a bit speechless-we didn't ask you for compensation, even if you still have the face to speak?

   Mu Xumei just wanted to speak, at this moment, Su Wangchen directly opened the Heavenly Maid Battle Soul, and suddenly, the aura of the terrifying fairy soul filled the world by tens of millions of times.

  In an instant, whether it was the Shura Hell Scythe, the Killing Wolf Three-Star Bracelet, or the Sin Moon Ghost Sword, all of them shone brightly.

   This is a sign that the magic weapon shines.


   Everyone at the scene panicked.

  Even Zhuge Canghai had an illusion that this kind of method would be absolute.

   Mountain and river fans can't keep him!

   "I'm going to be careless."

   "This prince is very awesome! This is the inheritance of the mysterious imperial family and peerless immortal way? Have you seen it!"

   "This method, the Su Renhuang apparently also has it, but it hasn't been manifested, rely on it, Bull beer! Vicious, old coin!"

   "Mental calculations."

   "This person really can't afford it."

   "Since I took over the task of the Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Tower, I knew that the special thing was to return cause and effect, and it really came."

Zhuge Canghai pondered in his heart, but immediately said loudly: "Ahem, what the emperor said is very true, just like what Fairy Mirror said-the so-called son is not the fault of the father, and the teacher is lazy. I treat the Zhuge Liancheng like a son. As a disciple, this responsibility lies with me.

   Really deserve compensation. "

   "I won't speak loudly. It's impossible to make a little bit of vitality for 30 billion heavens."

   "If you bargain, then we will practice hard, and I also want to practice hard with the Taoist buddies around you."

   Su Wangchen faintly glanced at Mu Xu's eyebrows, still this kind of maturity, what Nangong Wanqing, some make him think of Meier inexplicably, and then an unknown shadow will be enveloped.

   seemed to be sacred and inviolable, so much so that he respected the goddess of the jade fox like Nangong Wanqing.

   Zhuge Canghai almost vomited blood when he heard this.

  30 billion? ? ? ? ?

   is not three million?

you sure?

   Zhuge Canghai almost went mad, but he still gritted his teeth and confessed.

   This time is still careless, I did not expect that the emperor's combat power is so terrible, he will be killed if he refuses to admit it-if he is killed, what resources are there!

   Obviously, the above would not be able to take action under these circumstances, and Grandma Xueyun could not keep him!

   "This is sixty billion copies of the original vitality of heaven, please accept it."

   Zhuge Canghai had a good courage, and after hesitating a little, he did not bargain, and endured the pain.

   Su Wangchen heard the words, smiled and took over the holy jade that day, and then faintly scanned the stripes on the imprint of the soul stone of Zhuge Canghai's eyebrows, squinted, and said: "Not bad, not bad, you are not bad."

   Talking, Su Wangchen also patted Zhuge Canghai's shoulder-originally Su Wangchen wanted to pat his face, Zhuge Canghai's body was slightly raised a bit, and his shoulders leaned forward actively.

   So Su Wangchen can't be too much.

   Especially-this Zhuge Canghai, it is really possible that it is a certain big guy, such a slap in the face, and it is really not very good when it is still hinted by Nangong Xueyun.

   Su Wangchen is arrogant, but not stupid. Some things are nothing more than acting.

   Right now... No, after receiving 60 billion of mental damage expenses, Su Wangchen suddenly felt that sometimes people should be kind, and if they should be merciful, they should be merciful.

   Therefore, it is better to be kind, not so vicious.

   Su Wangchen condemned himself a little bit.

   Then, he happily inhaled the vital energy of the heavenly origin directly into the system space.

   As for whether there is a cage in this Heavenly Jade Saint Jade, he has never been afraid of this.

   Regardless of what kind of cage it is, the system space is directly washed white and beautiful, and then it is extremely easy to use.

   When Mu Xiu saw this, he could only sigh, looked at Zhuge Canghai and said, "I'll--"

   Zhuge Canghai shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'll talk more about it later."

   Mu Xu heard the words and stopped talking.

   She also roughly judged that the emperor's combat power this time exceeded the standard.

   This is a different kind.

   So this thing can only be said.

   just like this, if you come to the same level, it will be a gift.

   Then can you come to the upper level without shame? It would be nice to say if he wins, but in the case of this small world being suppressed, he will still reach the same level as the opponent after all.

   Then, once you get hit by the opponent, you will be ashamed.

   No one will do this.

   Then they were beaten to death one by one this time. It is estimated that they are also dead, that is, an abandoned child.

   Thinking of this, Mu Ximei couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

   Others thought she was reluctant to bear the 30 billion celestial good fortune.

   Indeed, it is necessary to know that a powerful **** has squeezed out all the vital energy of its heavenly origin, which is only between one billion and five billion.

   It looks like a five-billion-dollar type, which is at least the original vitality of heavenly good fortune such as Xia Xinning and Que De.

   Ordinary gods, having a one-eight billion yuan of heavenly origins and vitality is already very remarkable.

  30 billion, a total of 30 good gods.

   This resource is enough for her to build...

   But these, she didn't give up--but, no matter whether it was the prehistoric royal family or the Guixu royal family, none of them was good.

   This kind of cause and effect is involved. Isn't it a death?

   But being in the game, he couldn't help himself-at this time, Mu Xumei was a little grateful, fortunately that he chose Zhuge Canghai.

   Mu Ximei's thoughts, Su Wangchen doesn't care.

   Su Wangchen cast his gaze on Grandma Xueyun at this time.

   Nangong Xueyun almost staggered——I am a **** king, do you want to blackmail me? !

   Nangong Xueyun calmly took out a bell.

   This bell is a mixture of black yellow and purple. There are three small bells on the bell, and red silk under the bell.

   "This thing is called'Purple Golden Bell', it can be used three times, the first time it emits fire, the second time it emits smoke, and the third time, it basically does not need to be used, because the effects of the first two can basically establish everything."

   After Nangong Xueyun took out the purple golden bell, she seemed to feel that it was not enough, and she flashed brightly on the palm of her hand, and suddenly eight firewood the size of a toothpick appeared in her palm.

   Su Wangchen took a closer look. This is not a firewood, but a fire pillar.

   After the pillar of fire became manifest, it directly expanded and flew out on its own, turning into a length of more than three meters, and a circle of more than one meter. According to the direction of the gossip, it was assembled by itself.

   In this way, forty-nine fire dragons immediately appeared in each of its pillars.

what is this?

   Su Wangchen's heart was stunned, and he immediately knew the answer-this was the Heavenly God Fire Pillar, the Houtian Lingbao.

   But this world is not that the higher the magic weapon level is, the more powerful it is, nor the lower the magic weapon level is, the worse it is-it is that the quality of the magic weapon is lower, but it is more capable of exerting its full power.

   Because of this, the loss is smaller and more matched.

   Although the top magic weapon is strong, but the loss is also extremely strong, although the power can be used, but it may not be able to display all the power.

   So if you think it’s just the Lingbao that you ignore, it’s going to die.

   Su Wangchen also knows magic weapons very well now, he dare not look down on anything, and he dare not look down on these magic weapons!

   Therefore, seeing Grandma Xueyun like this, Su Wangchen also silently harvested his own Celestial Soul and Immortal Soul.

   This background is not a small loss.

   And this Nangong Xueyun is a lot of age and looks a bit old.

   Su Wangchen is a good young man with five talks and four beauties. In his previous life, he used to help his grandmother cross the road. Naturally, he respected the old and loved the young.

   "Forget it, your old lady is also a lot of age. It seems that if you can't live for a few days, you will have to go into the coffin, so she doesn't bother to care about you."

   Su Wangchen waved his hand generously, saying that he would not blackmail, oh no, he didn't care about the mental loss that he suffered this time.

  Nangong Xueyun's grandmother is also a personal thing. He immediately bowed and saluted very honestly and apologized: "This time there are so many offenses and offenses, and it is indeed the old woman's fault.

   So, I also apologized to the Emperor.

   is the old lady recklessly, but also the little girl who doesn't understand etiquette, and ran into the emperor. "

   Nangong Xueyun bowed and saluted.

   As an emperor, a god-level existence, doing this step can be said to have given great face.

   Besides, others may not be really afraid of him Su Wangchen - at least Su Wangchen thinks so.

   And what Nangong Xueyun thought in her heart was: the prince, accept your magical powers, the old lady is almost out of fright, and when it is smashed down, the old lady's tattered magic weapons can't stand it!

   Nangong Xueyun is really afraid of Su Wangchen.

  Because at her level and realm, she felt good fortune, so she knew how great Su Wangchen's extreme combat power was.

   Don't look at her easily blocking the blow that contains immortal power before. I have to say that when I go home, I have to support the pages of the heavenly book in the small world for tens of thousands of years!

   No one can afford this loss!

   But this is a task, and it is really impossible.

   Otherwise, who wants to do this!


   Thinking of this, Grandma Nangong Xueyun also sighed in her heart.

   After forgetting this, the Qingqiu Fox Clan had to change its way.

   It's fortunate that Zhuge Canghai took a look this time. If you don't look at it, you really don't know that this series of royal families are so fierce!

   Nangong Xueyun said so, so Su Wangchen had already gained face.

   "Well, that's fine, thinking that you have a lot of old eyes and dim eyes, it is inevitable to see people blind, this time, I will expose this matter-you two, what's your opinion?"

   Su Wangchen said, and glanced at Zhuge Canghai and Na Mu Xu.

   "No no, no opinion, the emperor is grandiose, emperor six...the emperor is great."

   Zhuge Canghai responded very seriously and sincerely, without showing the slightest perfunctory gesture.

   Right now he just wants to escape, not staying any longer.

   Stay for a second, there may be changes.

   In this case, the most terrifying thing is change.

  Because this prince is a villain who doesn't believe in words and is moody.

  The most feared thing is that he blackmailed the benefits and even killed them--this is what he likes most!

   Be everything anyway, just the kind of improper rafters!

   Mu Ximei immediately lowered his eyebrows and said pleasingly: "No, no opinion, the Emperor has a broad heart, which is admirable."

   At this time, Mu Xumei didn't even dare to show much charm, for fear that he would be caught and picked.

   She is not very disgusted, but since she has decided to follow Zhuge Canghai, she can't just start chaos and give up.

   So she didn't think about it, and didn't dare to let herself be taken by Su Wangchen.

   "Well, that's all."

   Su Wangchen said, and glanced at Zhuge Canghai inexplicably.

   Zhuge Canghai showed some jealousy, inexplicable and doubtful colors, but not obvious.

   Then, the two looked at Nangong Xueyun's grandmother, and they expressed their sincere thanks again.

   Nangong Xueyun also responded politely, as if he valued Zhuge Canghai very much.

   On the contrary, his attitude towards Mu Xumei is not particularly friendly—it can only be said that it seems that Zhuge Canghai has given face to deal with it.

   Su Wangchen thoughtfully.

   Next, Nangong Xueyun and Mu Xumei also said goodbye to Su Wangchen and left.

   Su Wangchen is also quite satisfied-isn't this faster than Killing Tianjiao?

   is 60 billion again!

He was thinking like this. At this time, the light on the leaving Grandma Nangong Xueyun suddenly manifested a little bit, and there was a delicate voice with a faintly resentful voice: "Take a look at the prince, I Nangong Wanqing will definitely make you my Taoist companion!"


   Su Wangchen snorted and responded with a very disdainful tone.

   At this moment, he inexplicably remembered the experience of Zhang Wuji and Granny Jinhua.

   Then, he instinctively touched his nose.

   "No wonder that this scene seems familiar, is this the cause and effect of a small world?"

   "But what's the meaning of that kind of martial arts world? A slap is not a complete shot?"

   Su Wangchen snorted, and then silently took out the Heavenly Mystery Soul Stone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hehe smiled, directly condense a little good fortune point, and activate the Heavenly Mythical Soul Stone after burning the good fortune point with the Purple Cloud Thunder Flame.

   "Small, I didn't expect that I could crack the soul stone of this heaven by ordinary means, right?"

   "Oh? It turns out that the aura contained in this heavenly soul stone is the aura of the heavenly soul that Su Li once had? They want to wait for Su Li to become a human emperor and seek to win the emperor's life?"

   "The soul-suppression life key, the soul-suppression life key extracted from the soul-suppression monument is the core life-soul key obtained after crushing its heavenly soul with the soul-suppression monument."

   "Good fellow, it really is fate, I can't find you Su Li with this thing?!!!"

   "You step on the horse and run again? I see where you can escape! Hahahahaha!"

   Su Wangchen was ecstatic in his heart, but he couldn't help but exhale deeply.

  Good fellow, this is the foundation of owning the Three Thousand Avenue!

   This is the great destiny, great cause and effect, and great reincarnation that fix all cause and effect!

   The soul-suppressing monument appeared, nothing more than to kill the heavenly soul that Su Li had secretly lost, and then the soul-suppression key was released, and it happened that Zhuge Liancheng was killed by me!

   Isn't this the big destiny technique knowing my appeal, does this arrange the cause and effect with the big cause and effect technique?

   This is making it hard for Su Li to fly!

   "Sure enough, the **** person will die sooner or later!"

   "I will not hack you to death this time!"

   Su Wangchen muttered, his eyes filled with enthusiasm and confidence!

  With this thing, he can locate Su Li almost all the time, can he still fly? !

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