"Wanqing, tell me, if I want to be qualified to bid, what should I do?"

The most urgent task is to resolve the issue of bidding qualifications.

If you don't have this qualification, the land will be cheaper than others.

It's useless to say more.

"You don't have a real estate company, you are an individual investor."

“So, it’s difficult to get the qualification to bid.”

"After all, the government put these lands up for auction just to get people to develop them."

"If there is no real estate company of a certain scale."

"I'm afraid it won't be passed just by the approver."

Although Ye Wanqing couldn't bear to dampen Lin Zhe's enthusiasm. ,

However, these are the facts.

There was nothing she could do.

"This is embarrassing."

"Then these lands can't be bought even if you have money?"

Lin Zhe said somewhat speechlessly.

His original plan was to take over this piece of land.

Then wait for the government to announce the news about the new economic development zone.

Then find Ye Wanqing and her family to work together to develop the land.

But now I am not even qualified to bid.

This is how to do ah.

"That's not the case."

"Although you are not qualified to bid."

"But don't forget, I'm your girlfriend."

"When the time comes, if you want to buy land, you can just put it under my company's name."

Ye Wanqing smiled playfully.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this level?"

"Haha, I was a bit over the top just now."

“I’ve been thinking about how to get the bidding qualification.”

"I almost forgot, you are all qualified to bid."

"Why should I bother to get another one?"

"Just buy it directly in the name of your company."

Upon hearing Ye Wanqing's words, Lin Zhe immediately reacted.

He immediately shook his head helplessly.

It's so clever that you are misled by your cleverness.

Obviously the best solution is already in front of us.

I didn't even notice it.

Fortunately, my baby reminds me.

"Hee hee, big idiot."

Seeing her boyfriend's speechless eyes, Ye Wanqing smiled.

Such a silly boyfriend is so cute.

I really want to go up and kiss you.

However, considering that his secretary is still here.

Ye Wanqing endured her impulse.

If you torture a dog or something, just do it once a day.

If this happens several times a day.

She has to worry about her little secretary, and she can't bear it.

What if you resign?

Qian Hui: Haha, once a day, I really thank you, Mr. Ye, thank you for thinking about me.

"By the way, which piece of land do you want?"

"If you get it, what are you going to do with it?"

Ye Wanqing is still very curious about her boyfriend's plans.

"I am interested in land No. 3."

"Because its nature is comprehensive land use."

“After the auction, both commercial and residential planning will be available.”

"As for the specific planning, we still need to wait until the land is photographed before making any plans."

Lin Zhe said slowly.

During this time, he also gained some knowledge about real estate.

You know, the properties of the land are different.

Then the direction that needs to be planned is different.

Commercial land can only be used to plan commerce, entertainment, and commercial buildings, and the property rights life of commercial land is also the lowest, only 40 years.

As for residential land, it is used for ordinary residential planning, and the lifespan of the property rights is also the longest, which is 70 years.

Comprehensive land is different. It can be used as commercial land or residential land.

Moreover, the service life of property rights is also higher than that of commercial land, which is 50 years!

"Plot No. 3?"

"Are you sure you want to buy it?"

"The location of that piece of land is not very good."

"If you don't pay attention, you may lose everything."

Ye Wanqing said worriedly when she heard that Lin Zhe wanted to buy land No. 3.

"Haha, don't worry."

"Although this is my first exposure to the real estate industry."

“But I trust my vision and intuition.”

"I always feel that the value of this piece of land will be very great."

"Perhaps, his future value will far exceed that of Land No. 1 and Land No. 2."

Lin Zhe said confidently.

Backed by future information!

He can say it proudly.

My vision is definitely not bad.

"Hehe, my baby looks so confident. He is so handsome."

"However, I still hope that while there is still half a month, you can think about it carefully."

"After all, this is an investment of several hundred million, and nothing can be done carelessly."

Ye Wanqing did not persuade Lin Zhe to give up.

But let him think about it carefully.

A smart and well-behaved girlfriend will not stand in the way of her boyfriend's decision.

"Don't worry, you won't lose anything."

"Believe me!"

"Besides, it would really be a loss."

"At worst, I'll go shopping in the stock market or futures market."

"When the time comes, I might be able to earn him hundreds of millions more."

Lin Zhe laughed!

He wasn't bragging on purpose with these words.

Has the ability to know future information.

The stock market or futures market is like his back garden.

Withdraw money however you want.

It just depends on whether he is willing or not!

"Okay, now that you've said that, I won't say anything more."

"I'm sure you'll do wonders."

Seeing this, Ye Wanqing said nothing more.

She has known Lin Zhe for so many years and knows that Lin Zhe is a measured person.

If you are not sure, I believe he will not mess around.

The reason why he speculated in garlic futures before was because of his amazing vision and fearless courage.

Did you just earn this 1 billion?

I believe that this time, my boyfriend will be able to create a miracle.

Maybe, the No. 3 land is really the most valuable, as he said.

This is not Ye Wanqing’s blind worship of Lin Zhe.

Rather, she believed that Lin Zhe would not mess around.

"Haha, I have to thank you too."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to participate in the bidding."

"So, if you can create a miracle, you are the biggest contributor."

Lin Zhe smiled slightly, and then looked at Ye Wanqing affectionately.

Seeing this, Ye Wanqing looked at Lin Zhe with the same affection.

Qian Hui: Damn it, you two, don’t be like this, I’m still here.

Can you wait until I'm gone and you can look at each other affectionately again?

Otherwise, it will appear that I have no sense of existence!

It seemed that he heard Qian Hui's inner thoughts.

The next second, Ye Wanqing turned around and gave Qian Hui a death gaze.

What do you mean, why don't you leave quickly?

"Haha, I'm leaving, I'm leaving right away!"

Faced with the death stare of his own CEO, Qian Hui understood instantly!

After showing a flattering smile, he immediately left the office.

Moreover, he very wisely closed the door.

Seeing this, Ye Wanqing nodded with satisfaction.

Then, she hooked her boyfriend's neck and kissed him!


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! ! !

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