The next auction has nothing to do with Lin Zhe!

Because the land he cares about has already been obtained.

After the auction of land No. 3, it was the turn of land No. 2.

The area of ​​Land No. 2 is relatively small, only over 27,000 square meters.

The final transaction price was 800 million.

Then came the finale, Land No. 1!

Land No. 1 covers an area of ​​38,000 square meters.

The starting price is just 800 million.

And, at an extremely fast speed, it climbed to 1.1 billion.

Fortunately, after the price rose to 1.1 billion, the number of bidders began to gradually decrease.

The bidding speed has also slowed down a lot.

Many people are weighing whether they will make a profit after increasing the price.

"Mr. Ye, it's already 1.15 billion now."

"If it's any higher, it won't be necessary."

After the price climbed to 1.15 billion, some investigators from Jiajing Real Estate stopped Ye Wanqing from continuing to increase the price.

"Yes, Mr. Ye, although this land is large, if the profit is not high in the end, then the risks we take will be great."

Another person also tried to dissuade him from the side.


After hearing the two people's persuasion, Ye Wanqing hesitated.

"117,000, the price was refreshed on the 79th. Everyone present, do you want to increase the price?"

However, just when Ye Wanqing hesitated, someone increased the price again.

Moreover, this time, 20 million was added directly.

"Is it the one named Xue Qiang?"

"This guy is raising prices so crazy, isn't he afraid of losing money?"

Lin Zhe looked at the person who increased the price and couldn't help but said.

"Mr. Lin, if it is Fengmao Real Estate, you are indeed not afraid of losing money."

"The reason why they bought the land was at a high price."

"It's because they want to develop a big shopping mall and then raise the surrounding housing prices."

"Once the surrounding housing prices are raised."

"Then it's profitable for them."

"Because around this land, Fengmao Real Estate, there are three new communities that are about to be completed."

As soon as Lin Zhe finished speaking, someone explained to him.

"I see!"

"No wonder, he will increase the price."

"It seems that he is determined to win this piece of land."

Lin Zhe nodded in realization.

Three newly built communities.

If a community is calculated as having 500 houses.

There are at least 1,500 houses in those three communities.

Apart from anything else, if the price of each house increased by 1,000 per square meter, that would be a big deal.

"Lin Zhe, do you think I should continue to increase the price?"

Ye Wanqing did not listen to the advice of those in her company.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at Lin Zhe.

I want to know what my boyfriend thinks.

"Wanqing, do you believe me?"

Lin Zhe thought for a while, and then said in a very serious tone.

"Of course I believe you."

"You are my boyfriend!"

Ye Wanqing smiled sweetly, and her big eyes turned into crescent shapes.

"Okay, then you can give up the competition for this land."

"When I get back, I'll tell you a better place."

Seeing Ye Wanqing believe in herself without hesitation.

Lin Zhe was extremely moved.

Therefore, he secretly made a decision in his heart!

Although this decision is likely to cause some trouble.

However, it is just some trouble.

Anyway, no one would think that they would have information from the future.

At most, you will feel that you are relatively well-informed.

"Well, okay, I'll listen to you."

Ye Wanqing saw that Lin Zhe was speaking so seriously.

Nod immediately!

He threw the bidding number in his hand directly on the table.

It can be regarded as completely withdrawing from the competition for the No. 1 land.

Ten minutes later, there were several more price increases.

In the end, Xue Qiang, also known as Fengmao Real Estate Company, bought the No. 1 land at a very high price of 1.2 billion.

"Haha, Mr. Ye, thank you for your mercy."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have won this piece of land so easily."

After the auction, Xue Qiang came to Ye Wanqing and said with a smile.

However, it can be seen from his proud face.

He didn't really mean to thank me.

But to show off.

"No need to thank you, our Wanqing is not interested in that kind of unprofitable land."

Before Ye Wanqing could answer, Lin Zhe on the side spoke first.

"haha, really?"

"That's just me being sentimental."

"By the way, Mr. Ye, our company is going to use this land to build a shopping mall. I wonder if you are interested in participating in the cooperation?"

Xue Qiang said to Ye Wanqing again.

As for Lin Zhe, he simply chose to ignore it.

Because, in this short period of time, he had already asked people to find Lin Zhe's information.

Originally, he thought that Lin Zhe was a rich second generation from another city.

What I never expected was that this guy came from an ordinary family in Hangzhou.

Thinking of this, Xue Qiang felt extremely aggrieved.

After all, he is also a rich second generation with a fortune of hundreds of millions, but now he has lost to a poor boy in chasing women.

I really feel unwilling to do so.


"There is no need for cooperation between us."

"Besides, I don't want to cooperate with you."

Ye Wanqing saw Xue Qiang's contempt for Lin Zhe.

So, without saying anything, I rejected him directly.

Moreover, the attitude of rejection is also very obvious!

Just say it bluntly: I don’t like you!

Humph, I made you despise my boyfriend.

If you despise my boyfriend, you are despising me.


As soon as Ye Wanqing finished speaking, Lin Zhe laughed unkindly at the side.

You looked down on me in front of my girlfriend.

Aren’t you making yourself uncomfortable?

It seems that this Xue Qiang is also a bit stupid.

"Really? Then I won't bother you any more."


Hearing Lin Zhe's innocent ridicule, Xue Qiang's face twitched and he instantly became gloomy.

But thinking that the occasion was not right, I immediately replied.

After saying something to Ye Wanqing, she pretended to be cool and left.

But it can be seen from his tightly clasped hands that he is not really cool.

I can't tell you how angry I am.

Neither Lin Zhe nor Ye Wanqing cared much about this.

To them, Xue Qiang is not even a passerby in their lives.

At most, they are just passers-by, A, B, C and D!

"Okay, the auction is over."

"Let's go back."

"I also want to tell my dad that there is no land purchase."

At this time, everyone in the banquet hall had almost left.

Ye Wanqing no longer stayed.

Holding hands with Lin Zhe, we left here.


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! ! !

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