"The first act is over, and the second act opens!"

"Valley of the End, Naruto has the final battle!!!

[Two Libras Ohnoki: Huh? Why is it still a battle between these two little ghosts? Wouldn't you keep playing with the two little ghosts? 】

[Fourth Raikage: I mean, what kind of survival game is this called? It's better to call it a game to accompany your children! 】

[Terumi Mei: Hush, you can't talk like that, after all, this is a task arranged by the god who created the entire survival world...Although, I don't think it's interesting to fight with two little ghosts...]

[Rosa: Add one. 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Humph! What do you mean? Naruto and Sasuke are very weak, but they are also ninjas in our Konoha Village! Even Genin is the Genin of Konoha Village! No matter how weak the present is, the future is bound to be boundless! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Sarutobi Hiruzen, you said that, but in fact, what you think in your heart is the same as us, right? ! 】

[Two Libras Ohnoki: Yes, the old monkey didn't use his full strength in the previous battle. I'm afraid I want to make more effort in the later plot, right? Hahahahaha, I didn't expect that the next scene would be the battle of Naruto. It seems that the strength was left for nothing but it was not needed! ~】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen:…………】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Don’t look down on Naruto and Sasuke! Although it is Genin, this scene must be a battle between the two of them in the future! Didn't you hear that God-sama said that Naruto was the last battle? 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: So, the strength of the two people must be different from the one just now, at least...at least it should be no less than-my strength! 】

He wanted to praise the potential of Naruto and Sasuke...

Because, in his cognition, it is true that Naruto and Sasuke can have his own strength in the end, it is already a breakthrough in the sky!

After all, he Sarutobi Hiruzen is called an absolute genius!

Grandmaster has all five attributes, ninjutsu ninjutsu, a man known as ninjutsu professor!

To be honest, he still feels humble...

Originally, what he wanted to say was that he should be close to his own strength.

However, in the face of the entire Ninja Realm, it is better to be humble...


Sarutobi Hiruzen is satisfied with what he said.

[Two Libras Ohnoki: Close to your strength? That's not too high...]

[Fourth Raikage: Hahahahahaha! 】

[Terumi Mei: Fuck! 】

[Rosa:...I'm sorry, I couldn't help but smile...]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: What? Except for the old fellow Oh Yemu, can you guys beat the old man? ! I said that Naruto Sasuke has no less strength than mine. It is already a compliment to the potential of the two of them! 】

I accidentally said what was in my heart.

Uzumaki Kushina was furious.

[Uzumaki Kushina: Third Hokage, what does it mean to compliment them? Do you mean that Naruto and Sasuke are actually no better than yours? ! 】

[Namikaze Minato: Forget Kushina, won’t you know it soon? 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Hmph, I just can't bear to see people look down on our children! He is the child of the two of us, and of course his future will surpass everyone! 】

[Uchiha Mikoto: Well, I also believe that this kid Sasuke...he has suffered so much, he will inevitably get a powerful self! 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Well, I believe in Sasuke, too. 】

Although that is the case, but...

In the ninja world, most people do not think that the two Genins, Naruto and Sasuke, will grow into terrifying existences in the future.

As Sarutobi Hiruzen said, being able to reach his level is already quite a miracle...

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Kushina, you have misunderstood, I also trust Naruto and Sasuke, they are children of our Konoha Village after all... I, I also believe that they will inevitably surpass the old man! ! 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Humph! 】

Of course she could hear that Sarutobi Hiruzen's words were simply insincere!

In fact, I don’t believe that they will surpass themselves!

Wait and see...

[Uzumaki Naruto: Sasuke, I didn’t expect that we would fight again in the end...]

[Uchiha Sasuke: Yeah, I didn't think about it, I don’t know what it will be like then, how far the strength of our two will grow, although...you are definitely not my opponent! 】

[Uzumaki Naruto:......you wait and see! 】

at this time……

"Naruto's final battle..."

"The plot begins!!!"

at this time……

The scene in front of everyone changed instantly...

Then, appeared in a desolate world full of devastation!

Here, it seems that I have just experienced a world-destroying war...

The whole earth is like being swept away by a nuclear bomb.

Only craters, huge abysses, cracks, ravines, scorched earth are left everywhere...

Looking at this horrible scene, even the ninjas who are used to seeing wars and fighting are all dumbfounded!

Even Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama couldn't help but feel shocked!

[Senju Hashirama: Well, what happened here? ! Ninja world is shattered? ! 】

[Uchiha Madara:...It seems that there was a terrible war. It seems that this ninja world will never have a long memory! 】

[Jiraiya: Is this the future of the Ninja world? It's so tragic...]

And just when everyone was talking about it.

Two figures appeared.

Two people facing each other.

There are nine big-tailed beasts around! ! !

[Two Libras Ohnoki: Huh? ! That is... the nine big-tailed beasts? ! Summoning out? What level of war is this? ! 】

[Fourth Raikage: I feel the terrifying Chakra...unprecedented horror...]

[Terumi Mei: What the hell happened here... how could this happen? 】

[Rosa: Could it be that the entire Ninja World has been destroyed? This is the post-apocalyptic scene? 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen:...]

And at this moment.


The camera zooms in!

In the center position surrounded by the nine big-tailed beasts, the silhouettes of two people appeared completely!


Uzumaki Naruto! ! !

Uchiha Sasuke! ! !

"What? That is, Naruto and Sasuke?!"

"Could it be that there are only two of them left in the world?"

"What the hell happened..."

Everyone was talking about it, and Uzumaki Naruto spoke.

"Sasuke, what did you just say?!"

Uchiha Sasuke said coldly: "I want to imprison the nine big-tailed beasts first, and then destroy the five shadows, and finally change the entire Ninja World!"

"I want to become the Hokage of Konoha Village and unify the entire Ninja World!!!"

boom! !

His words were like a nuclear bomb, and the entire Ninja Realm was shocked!

This, what terrifying ambition is this? !

Could he be telling a joke? !

However, Uzumaki Naruto on the opposite side showed a cold sweat.

"Sasuke, we finally won the victory, why did you do this?"

"Naruto, I just saw things you can't see."

"This ninja needs someone to change, and this person is undoubtedly me..."


"The current me is the most powerful existence in this world!!!"

The nine big-tailed beasts roared instantly: "Boy, what are you talking about?!"

Uchiha Sasuke snorted coldly, "A bunch of annoying animals!"

glance! ! !

Sasuke activated his illusion in an instant!

"Illusion! Rinnegan!!!"

For an instant, just a glimpse, the nine big-tailed beasts are completely controlled at the same time!


And then...

Sasuke clapped his hands.

Snapped! ! !

"Planetary Devastation!!!"


Rumble! ! !

The whole earth began to tremble...

As if the entire land plate was trembling endlessly, the land of the Ninja world burst open directly, huge stones and big floor blocks madly gathered on the bodies of the nine big-tailed beasts!

The nine big-tailed beasts are already huge.

However, at this moment, it was instantly sealed in the nine huge Planetary Devastations!

Afterwards, all rose above the sky!

Nine Tails Kurama exhausted his last strength and shouted, "Naruto, I will leave it to you!!!"

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fists.


"Don't worry, I will save you all!"

Sasuke snorted coldly: "Come if you have the ability!"

Naruto said: "This place is too close to the sacred tree, let's fight in another place..."

Sasuke: "Whatever."

The two people came to the familiar place in an instant.

The Valley of the End! ! !

Afterwards, they stood in confrontation.

A huge stone statue standing on Uchiha Madara.

A huge stone statue standing on top of Senju Hashirama.

And at the moment...

The entire Ninja World has been completely shocked...

[Senju Hashirama: Those eyes, are they Rinnegan? No, it's not... It seems to be a thousand times stronger than Madara's eyes! 】

[Uchiha Madara: ...what the hell is going on with that kid? Those eyes... have far surpassed Sharingan and ordinary Rinnegan! Can you control the nine big-tailed beasts with just a glance? With just one shot, can you launch such a terrifying Planetary Devastation and completely suppress all the nine big-tailed beasts? ! 】

The characters in the two legends were stunned and shocked.

Let alone other people...

[Two Libras Ohnoki: What just happened... Me, am I dreaming? ! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Those eyes, just a glance over the nine big-tailed beasts? With just one shot, the Planetary Devastation launched can even destroy the world, right? ! 】

[Terumi Mei: Too, it's terrifying... This is a million times more terrifying than the original battle between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama! 】

[Rosa: Is that... the power of God? ! 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen:...]

0 ·········Ask for flowers···· 0

[Libra Ohnoki: Ahem, um, monkey, I remember you just said, Sasuke and Naruto are proud enough to achieve your level? ! 】

[Fourth Raikage: I laughed, so your monkey can control the nine big-tailed beasts at a glance? Nine Planetary Devastation with one hand? ! 】

[Terumi Mei: Ha ha, if he had such power, there would be only one ninja village left in the ninja world! 】

[Rosa: The cowhide just now was too thick, and now I can’t change it even if I want to change it. This...slap on the face, it’s too loud! ! ! 】


I have to say that this time Sarutobi Hiruzen really reached the top!

I just said that it is a miracle that Sasuke and Naruto can reach their own heights!


Sasuke’s power alone controls the nine big-tailed beasts at a glance, and beats nine Planetary Devastations with both hands!

This power has long surpassed Sarutobi Hiruzen's imagination!

Even Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, who surpassed him hundreds of times, would never be able to do it!

what is this?

This is not in the same dimension at all! ! !

Suddenly, Sarutobi Hiruzen's old face flushed, and he couldn't say anything...

And Uzumaki Naruto, although he did not make a move, but from his confident look...

Obviously even if it is not Sasuke's opponent, it is definitely a battle!

Otherwise, Uchiha Sasuke would not be so rigorously prepared, like a big enemy!

That means...

Two god-tier cents! ! !

[Uchiha Mikoto: Sasuke...How much hardship did you go through to become so terrifying and powerful? ! 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Sasuke...you...]

. ...... .......

And in a corner.

Uchiha Itachi was also shocked.


But Uzumaki Kushina has a very complicated mood!

On the one hand, Naruto and Sasuke were so terribly powerful, she was shocked and excited.


The two of them are obviously going to fight to the death!

This worries her very much!

[Uzumaki Kushina: Sasuke, Naruto, you two...]

[Namikaze Minato: It’s okay, the two of them will be fine. 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Why? 】

[Namikaze Minato: Because...the two of them are best friends...]

Uzumaki Kushina just smiled.

[Uzumaki Kushina: That's right... Mikoto, I didn't expect Sasuke and Naruto to be so powerful! It's almost like a god! Even the legendary Sage of Six Paths, who created the Ninja World, might not be so powerful, right? ! 】

[Uchiha Mikoto: Indeed, it’s so powerful, I can’t even imagine it...]

[Uzumaki Naruto: Sasuke, you are so amazing! This is too scary, right? ! 】

[Uchiha Sasuke: Hmph, of course, one day I will definitely reach that state! but……】

[Uzumaki Naruto: Huh? But what? 】

【Uchiha Sasuke: Humph, nothing! 】

Sasuke wanted to say, I didn't expect that at that time, you would still be able to keep up with me and be on par? !

However, he was afraid that Naruto would feel that he recognized him if he said this...

So he closed his mouth immediately.

[Uzumaki Kushina: Third Hokage... You just said that our Naruto and Sasuke can’t even reach your strength, right? 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen:...]

His heart was dripping with blood.

Kushina, don't open the pot or mention the pot!

I lose all my old face, okay? !

[Uzumaki Kushina: Why are you not talking, Lord Hokage? 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen:...]

The whole ninja world is also watching Sarutobi Hiruzen's jokes.

no way……

The power of Sasuke and Naruto just now is the horror of Yamato that surpasses the entire ninja world!

But Sarutobi Hiruzen said, are the two of them children playing a little?

Although the future is boundless, at most it is your own level? !

It simply made all the ninjas in the entire Ninja world laugh out of their teeth!

This face is slapped, crackling...

And at the moment when the whole Ninja world ridiculed Sarutobi Hiruzen crazily...

In the valley of the end.

Both sides of the valley.

Above the two stone statues.

Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, the final battle has finally begun!



With two shouts, the terrifying Chakra suddenly soared! ! !

The whole Ninja World...

Tremble for it! ! ! ! !


In order to let everyone see it coolly, I kept chapters and tried to make a painful code! There are six bigger chapters today, nearly 30,000 words! ! !

Let everyone have a good one-time look!

You can always vote for more, vote for a flower, and give a reward to support the author who has worked so hard...

Continue to explode tomorrow! ! ! towel.

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