I Raise Monsters In the Interstellar

Chapter 26: Candor and determination.

Lu Wei'an briefly explained his experience, probably because he used to be pretentious, thinking that he could break through the limit of defective products, but in the end he failed to break through and became the ghost now.

"Maybe it is because in the legend that my original shape will carry the power of thunder after completing the most perfect transformation, so if I failed to break through and cannot master that power, I was scorched by the power of thunder attached to my body."

Lu Wei'an's explanation not only stunned Wei Jiang, but also stunned Xiao Huang and the others.

Lu Wei'an looked at this junior and junior as four wooden chickens, and couldn't help but laughed out: "What? Is there something I can't understand?"

Xiao Huang couldn't understand where they thought, especially Hong Yu, she was thinking that breaking through this kind of thing was not a natural thing? Why can I force a breakthrough? And if she remembers correctly, there are only two results for the breakthrough, either success or death. What is the situation of splitting half of the focus?

Wei Jiang didn't know this. He just listened to Lu Wei'an's pretentious explanation, and then thought of the shadow he saw before losing consciousness, always a little uneasy: "Is it really okay? Does it usually hurt?"

This was almost exactly the same as Wei Jiang's question before he lost consciousness, except that Lu Wei'an didn't pay attention at the time and didn't have the opportunity to answer afterwards. Now Wei Jiang asked again, his heart was soft and astringent, and he gave him a light hug: "It hurts, it doesn't hurt anymore, after all, it has been so long."

Hearing what he said, Wei Jiang didn't know whether he should be grateful or not.

He looked into Lu Wei'an's eyes and saw that the other party really didn't care. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and gave him a light hug: "Don't be afraid, Xiaobai, there will be me in the future."

After Wei Jiang finished speaking, he suddenly felt a little thick-skinned. It was himself who was obviously protected from danger!

But Lu Wei'an didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he said. Instead, he responded cheerfully, "Okay."

Wei Jiang's eyebrows were also bent by his cheerful appearance. He was about to say something when Xiao Huang suddenly "tweeted" twice in doubt.

Wei Jiang didn't understand, and wanted Lu Wei'an to translate it. Who knows that the latter just glanced at Xiao Huang, then looked at him again, and said gently, "It's nothing, he asked some questions that children shouldn't be curious about. He does this every day, his head is filled with all kinds of strange questions."

"Tweet tweeted!" You slander me!

Lu Wei'an thought that I was slandering you, otherwise, should I help you translate the question you asked, "In that case, why should Xiaobai be called Xiaobai instead of Xiaohei?" He shouldn't be called Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai sounds so cute.

Wei Jiang didn't know that Lu Wei'an turned the black and white pit upside down again. He saw that the atmosphere gradually returned to normal, and Lu Wei'an was no longer uneasy, so he wanted to let the other person lie down on the bed to rest.

Unexpectedly, Lu Wei'an rejected him, but stood up: "I have something to say to the city lord, Xiao Jiang, you will sleep again."

When Lu Wei'an talked to him, he naturally used words that talk to people instead of words that talk to robots.

It was when Wei Jiang was most sensitive to this matter, when he heard his words, he immediately raised his head and glanced at him.

Lu Wei'an looked at him and smiled, as if he could see through his mind, he said without end: "What do you think of me and Xiao Huang are what you look like in our eyes. So don't be afraid ."

After Lu Wei'an finished speaking, he slipped Xiao Huang into Wei Jiang's hand, indicating that the dumpling was fun and could be decompressed.

Xiao Huang dared to be angry and didn't dare to speak, until Lu Wei'an left the house, he frantically "tweeted" to complain to Wei Jiang.

Brother, look at the fifth brother! Bully me every day!

Wei Jiang didn't need to think about it to know what he was tweeting. While stroking his dull hair, he smiled and comforted: "He likes you, and he will bully you if he likes you."

"Tweet tweet! Tweet tweet!" No, he likes eldest brother the most, but he never bullies eldest brother!

This time Wei Jiang didn't understand what he meant. He gently combed Xiao Huang's fur, his gaze fell to the front, but his mind had already drifted away with Lu Wei'an.

What do they look like in their own eyes, what do they look like in their eyes...

It seemed to make sense, and suddenly he was not so entangled, but he still wanted to know what he was...

Lu Wei'an came out of the room and saw Fett discussing matters with people in the living room at a glance.

He didn't deliberately slow down, but went downstairs normally, then looked at the other party and thanked him seriously.

Fett saw that his eyes regained his gaze, and he knew that Wei Jiang was okay.

He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had won the bet-Wei Jiang had an accident, and Lu Wei'an was an occasional bomb. I don’t know who would hurt him; but if Wei Jiang was okay, he would help the guard without reservation. Jiang himself will gain a mysterious and powerful ally.

Yes, ally, he is not that stupid, he will treat the opponent as a subordinate.

"Speaking of it, I originally thought you would hate me, because if it weren't for me to invite you, you would not be separated from him." After Lu Wei'an sat down, Fett let the person who came to him go, and in a blink of an eye There are only two people left in the living room, "I even thought about whether you should be defensive so that you don't have a sudden attack."

Lu Wei'an smiled. It was not the relaxed and emotional smile in front of Wei Jiang, but the gentle and estranged smile he was best at at outsiders: "You are so worried, and reason tells me this matter is with you. It’s okay, but if something happens to Xiao Jiang, I won’t be able to talk rationally with anyone."

Fett didn't mean to be offended at all.

He looked at Lu Wei'an carefully, as if he wanted to see some clues from his face without the slightest animal-shaped features.

Lu Wei'an stayed that day and said that there was something to tell him, and then he mentioned to him about the starship system and asked him if he knew who designed the starship system.

Fett shook his head, Lu Wei'an stopped asking, and asked him what he wanted to achieve by calling them.

Although they want to keep a low profile and are not prepared to directly participate in this whirlpool, as people who plan to live in Beimu City in the future, they can indirectly help him achieve his goals.

Fett was thoughtful, and was about to talk to Lu Wei'an in detail, and the distress signal came, and the next thing...

Fett has been thinking about Lu Wei'an's identity these days. The other party’s insights, courage, and the preciousness brought by being in a high position all the year round can’t be disguised. He is curious about who the other party is and can help. What about him.

"You... now do you want to talk to me about your captain, or do you want to talk about something else?"

Lu Wei'an glanced at the second floor, then closed his gaze back: "Except for Xiao Jiang, I plan to talk to you about other things. To be honest, I asked you what you wanted before, I was pretending to be stupid. , I know what you want, you want to go back and regain everything that belongs to your Tekis family. You are not whimsical, because there are still a lot of your manpower outside, most of which come from your father, they and your father The same, there are children in the family who are reluctant to abandon, who are inferior like us, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Fett's expression changed slightly: "You know my father."

This time Fete used affirmative sentences.

Lu Wei'an didn’t deny it. He looked out the window as if thinking of something, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes: "I know your father. He and I mentioned his child. In his eyes, his child is The smartest and loveliest person in the world."

When Lu Wei'an said the last sentence, his eyes had moved back to Fett.

Seeing Fett's face suddenly pale, he knew that he had guessed it correctly: "And the reason you want to recapture all of this is not for yourself, but for your father, to prove that your father is correct."

"Yes," Fett gritted his teeth and admitted, "but I don't quite understand. What does this have to do with what we are about to talk about?"

Lu Wei'an chuckled lightly: "Because I am too, I also want to prove that he is correct, want to prove his existence, and the world in his eyes is correct."

Lu Wei'an said, his smile gradually disappeared, and his expression became cold: "Before this happened, I thought about giving up everything before, abandoning previous love and hatred, as long as I can live steadily with them, strength I don’t care about the identity of outsiders and the identity of the world. But the reality slapped me fiercely. It told me that I was too stupid. Without the power to shock people, anyone could take away the things I care about most. I won’t let this happen again. I want everyone to know that whoever touches what I care about will have to die.”

Fett was stunned by the brutality emanating from him. When he was relieved, he was not afraid. Instead, he felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling with the brutality of the other party: "Yes, who touches us cares." Whoever has to die. But now is the time? Although I want to say yes, let’s go, but we don’t have that ability yet. Now we have no way to achieve our goals, even if I gather together I can The full power of control is exerted to 100%, and there is no way to fight them."

"No, now is the time, didn't you ask me who I am? My last name is Angox, my name, your father should have mentioned to you."

When these words came out, Fett was stunned.

His eyes changed from shocked to unbelievable. When he recalled Lu Wei'an's original form, and then looked at Lu Wei'an's newly grown-up face, his whole body was trembling with excitement, almost unable to suppress his ecstasy.

But in the end he was still suppressed and bowed and said: "I understand. I will compile a copy of all the forces I have in my grasp and tell you in detail about my next plans."

Lu Wei'an responded.

He stood up again, leaving a sentence "I won't let you work alone" and went back upstairs.

Fett stood there quietly, waiting until Lu Wei'an returned to the room, and when Lu Wei'an completely disappeared from his sight, he couldn't help laughing, laughing and crying again.

He used to awake at night with his own fantasy, thinking that he would never realize it in his life. He never expected that his life would take a turn for the better. He actually met Lu Wei'an and helped save the person he cared about most.

Is this the favor given to him by his father?

"Father, I saw him." After his mood stabilized, Fett held the pendant on his neck and whispered to himself, "He can give up everything just like you, just to maintain the empire. Order, but is this empire really worth it? I know that following him is not a 100% victory, but I want to fight, for you, and for myself... I decided, I want to follow him, I don’t want to do nothing, and finally in life The end of the year, regret for life."

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