I Raise Monsters In the Interstellar

Chapter 68: Two people standing side by side. ...

The capital star of the Yunfan Empire looks like an ordinary planet from the outside.

It has no dense vegetation, no vast ocean, and no dense buildings.

But here is the place where the Yunfan Empire has the highest defense level. If a team's firepower can break through the capital star's defense system, then their firepower is enough to destroy the other four or five planets.

Xiao Huang was full of excitement about his upcoming arrival in Capital Star. He lay on the window, his mouth wide open: "You come and see! Capital Star actually looks like this!"

As the only two people on the Nirvana who did not have a rich background, Xiao Huang was only curious about the capital star, without the slightest shadow.

Lu Wei'an stepped forward and stood behind him: "Yes, Capital Star looks like this, doesn't it look particularly harmless?"

Xiao Huang nodded heavily, and the two of them exchanged ideas about the situation of Capital Star.

Hongyu and Xiaolan didn't have much resistance to Capital Star, but they didn't expect much. They sat on their seats with a faint expression. When they looked up, they saw Wei Jiang coming over and sitting in Xiao Huang's seat: "Aren't you looking forward to it? "

Hongyu shook her head honestly, and Wei Jiang smiled: "To be honest, I didn't expect it at first."

It seemed that they didn't expect this answer. The eyes of both of them were undisguised accidents. Wei Jiang turned his head to look at Lu Wei'an. Seeing him standing in front of the window without any haze, his eyes seemed to fall into light: " The only thing I know about Capital Star is that this is probably part of the unfair past that Xiaobai encountered. The prosperity of many places on this planet is inseparable from the blood shed on Xiaobai. However, I see Xiaobai. I didn’t care about it, and even when I was so happy that I could take me to see the new planet and the place where he grew up, I suddenly realized that the fault was not the place, but the people."

The two were startled, and then felt a warm hand touching their heads: "Don't be afraid, Xiaobai and I will protect you."

After Wei Jiang finished speaking, he stood up and sneaked up to Lu Wei'an.

Lu Wei'an liked the posture of hugging him from behind very much. As soon as Wei Jiang approached, he let go of his seat, hugged the person, and then intimately pasted the other's side face.

Hongyu didn’t look at it, and while thinking about Wei Jiang’s words, he suddenly said, “Although we didn’t realize it, we care about it because we are afraid, right? But what are we afraid of? It’s because of our background. Is the family stronger than us?"

Hongyu said it very seriously. When she found Xiaolan looking at her nicely, her tone was even more serious: "The family is stronger than us. It does not mean that the family members are stronger than us. Why should we be afraid? They? Instead of making them fear us in turn?"

After Hong Yu finished speaking, she felt that the haze that had been pressing on her heart had completely dissipated. Xiaolan listened carefully, and felt that the same was true.

Lu Wei’an’s experience will not be better than them, it will only be worse than them. However, Lu Wei’an relied on himself to get to this point; their eldest brother picked them up, raised them, and took them all the way. To this day, the pressure encountered will not be less than that of them. In the end, they were the only ones who were hypocritical here for a place somewhat similar to the planet they were born on.

So when Lu Wei'an looked at them again, what he saw on their faces was firmness, he laughed, and even his chest shook.

Wei Jiang subconsciously bumped him with his elbow and motioned him not to laugh, which felt so strange.

Lu Wei'an didn't listen to him. Instead, she grabbed his hand: "Don't tease me, I want to laugh even more when you hit me."

Wei Jiang thought that when Xiao Bai was the best behaved, he was pursuing him. It was like now, and he would not listen to a small request.

But compared to when Lu Wei'an listened to him in the past, Wei Jiang still prefers the present. He always feels that Lu Wei'an no longer carefully considers how he feels in every sentence and every action, making them more intimate.

Wei Jiang sighed while thinking about whether he had a tendency to be abused. Otherwise, how could he like others not to listen to him. Before he could figure it out, he heard Lu Wei'an say: "Xiao Jiang, if everything goes well, it will be up to you. You are responsible for cheering up other defective products, okay?"

Wei Jiang was a little at a loss: "Isn't my main job doing scientific research in the future?"

Lu Wei'an replied: "Yes, but you can have two jobs!"

Lu Wei'an also realized that he didn't speak like human words, and coughed with a guilty conscience: "But it won't be too busy. Others will prepare all the work in the early and late stages."

If possible, Lu Wei'an certainly doesn't want Wei Jiang to be so tired, but Wei Jiang's identity is too special.

Only by making him more important, and only by making him the hope of countless people, can his safety be guaranteed to the utmost extent.

Wei Jiang is not a person who likes to analyze people's minds, and he trusts Lu Wei'an, so even though he is puzzled, he nodded and agreed to his arrangement.

Seeing his trusting look, Lu Wei'an became more determined that he wanted to help him pave the way: He was too easy to believe in people, and no one would dare to let him be a high-ranking man. What should I do when there is a real danger?

Because of this emotional interference, Lu Wei'an didn’t feel as relaxed when he landed as he first got on the aircraft, but as he set foot on the familiar and dangerous land, he quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and corrected his state. .

Wei Jiang looked back at him, only to feel that Lu Wei'an now is different at any time in peacetime. Usually Lu Wei'an can't see the origin of the royal family at all, is not noble, not arrogant, and exudes the breath of ordinary people. Sometimes he is lazy, sometimes a bit nasty, but generally speaking, he has a very good personality, otherwise the first time he becomes a human in front of him, he will not just solve the trouble without asking for those things. Human life.

But the current Lu Wei'an is different. The current Lu Wei'an makes people feel that he was born noble at a glance. He looks a little lazy, but no one thinks he is harmless, because he does not know whether he has revealed the authority intentionally or unintentionally. The pressure is too scary, even Xiao Huang wants to stay away from him.

What Xiao Huang can feel is naturally more or less felt by the audience watching the live broadcast.

As for why there are viewers watching the live broadcast... it is naturally because before this trip, Lu Wei'an has sorted out the situation of Capital Star. They arrived at Capital Star not sneakily, but from the capital. When the star’s largest port entered the port, from when they stepped out of the aircraft to when they boarded the car, reporters followed, and there was also a platform for live broadcast.

[The aura of the third prince was so terrible, almost all the scales on my body appeared. 】

[Isn't it exaggerated that the scales are coming out? I don't feel anything! But he makes people feel very temperamental and true. 】

[I thought that the royal family members and heirs of the big family that I saw before were already very imposing, but compared with the three princes, it seems a bit far behind... Sure enough, people can't compare? 】

[Isn’t that a matter of course? You don’t want to think about the resumes of those people, what resumes this one is. Although this is the third prince, he is also a generation, completely relying on his own superiority, which is not the same as those second generations and three generations. 】

[See the others in Nirvana! They are all temperamental! But compared to the three princes by a bit...Are they a little afraid of him? Don't feel like standing with him? 】

[That's for sure, although it's about teammates, their relationship should still be unequal. 】


The onlookers commented on the star network and speculated that they almost all agreed with the fact that their relationship was unequal. At this moment, Wei Jiang moved a little in the direction of Lu Wei'an.

He wasn't afraid of Lu Wei'an, he just didn't know the other party's plan when he didn't stand beside him, but he still felt a little distressed when he watched Lu Wei'an standing there alone.

Lu Wei'an noticed his actions in an instant. His eyes met. Wei Jiang wondered if he had destroyed Lu Wei'an's plan or whether to go back. He never thought that Lu Wei'an had already stepped closer to him: "Let's go together. "

Wei Jiang was relieved immediately. He didn't have the idea of ​​"I won't walk with you, I will hold you back". He just stood beside Lu Wei'an very naturally and calmly, with a bright smile, and he didn't seem to have a trace of Lu Wei'an. Does not match.

All of a sudden, everyone who felt that "their relationship is not equal" felt that someone slapped them in the face severely.

[...This is a show, right? 】

[If Wei Jiang is a defective product, it can be said that he is showing to attract the defective crowd, but Wei Jiang is a bionic robot! What's the point of making a show? Winning robots? 】

[I thought their live broadcast statement was weird before. It didn't sound like a captain or team member, but more like a lover. Now it seems to be true? 】

[This third prince is crazy, right? The default robot has the same status as him? 】

[Cold knowledge, he might have died without this robot. 】

[Cold knowledge, he himself said that without this robot there would be no where he is today. 】

[But this is a robot with autonomous thinking ability! Don’t you worry that robots will stand on our heads against the guest in the future? 】

[It's not impossible that this is possible, depending on how Lu Wei'an handles it. 】

[I think you think too much... Don’t say that this does not necessarily mean that their relationship may only show that Lu Wei’an respects Wei Jiang. Even if they are really that kind of relationship, you will like this because your sweetheart is of a certain race. All people of the race? Not to mention that Lu Wei'an and Wei Jiang are not only different races, they are even different in life forms. 】

[Regardless of the reason, I think the royal family is going crazy in this situation. If Lu Wei'an is in power, if he is really going to be with Wei Jiang, the royal family will be over after him, right? 】


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