Lu Ming looked forward to the day and night, finally looking forward to the end of the week.

He was finally able to send his parents away.

"Ming Ming! Yi Yi! Parents will come to see you next month!"

The mother stood on the private jet's suspended ladder and waved tenderly and reluctantly.

Lu Mingshi thought to leave.

Please come again in eight months.


Gu Yixin sold fakes and found that all the bricks on the construction site had been moved.

The manager announced with joy that due to the substantial increase in construction efficiency, their third phase project was finally completed 80 days ahead of schedule!

In other words.

After asking for a week off, Gu Yixin got another infinite holiday.

The workers went home happily to hold their wives and children.

Gu Yixin was able to leave work as soon as he started work, and he didn't even think about what to do.

Did you go to the original construction site to talk to Xiao Zhao?

Or go to chat with the boss?

Or find a co-worker to play cards?

Oh he forgot, no one wants to play cards with him for a long time.

Gu Yixin was undecided,

The figure of an uninvited guest suddenly appeared,

It was Lin Rui who had finally raised his dignified buttocks.


Lin Rui has not been better received this month than Lu Mingshi.

At least, Lu Mingshi's career has been climbing.

Lin Rui was hit by a triple blow from his soul and career.

These triple blows are also inseparable from Gu Yixin.

□□——Newly played by Gu Yi.

Mind-the wind critic was killed.

(For details, see the headline of the tabloid "The Prodigal Son Turns Back: The Truth About Lin Jiakuo's Mind Being Fell 45 Times")

Career-Lujia has greatly reduced costs due to the improvement of engineering efficiency. Gu Yixin's various deeds of publicity and advertising have led to the flow of customers to Lujia.

In short, the Lin family has been miserable now.

Lin Rui felt that he couldn't just let it go.

He decided to find a way to dig out Gu Yixin, coax him into signing a deed, then slap it, retaliate, beat it~!

Take revenge on both body and mind~!

So Lin Rui came to Gu Yixin.


Gu Yixin felt bad.

He bowed his head and fished a handful of black ash from the ground.

She 歘歘 wiped it on his face.

Lin Rui swaggered over to Gu Yixin.

"Little brother." Lin Rui asked kindly, "Did you see a comrade worker here today, Gu Yixin?"

Gu Yixin shook his head seriously.

Lin Rui kindly said goodbye to him, walked forward 20 meters, grabbed a small worker in front of him, and just wanted to speak, only to feel a breeze blowing behind him.

The two looked over, there was only a puff of smoke.

Lin Rui turned her head strangely, and then asked the worker kindly:

"This little comrade, have you seen Gu Yixin today?"

Workers look at him like mentally retarded.

"Isn't that the one who just talked to you?"


A crow seemed to fly by in the air.

Lin Rui was mad.

Lin Rui felt that he must tie Gu Yixin back.

Before Gu Yixin fled back to Lu's house.


In the end, Gu Yixin was blocked in an alley.

There was a traffic jam in front and back of the alley, and 20 people came down one after another.

Gu Yixin obviously can't fight now.

He is selecting model workers, and he should take the lead in labor. How can he take the lead in fighting?

I am so famous now, if everyone is seen by passers-by, they will definitely promote it.

If it is publicized, the influence will be bad.

Lin Rui, who also got out of the car, saw Gu Yixin hesitating in place, and then let out his iconic laughter.

As soon as Lin Rui stretched out his hand, his subordinates immediately handed over a thick and long iron rod, which could be used as a tool as well as a prop.

At this moment, Lin Rui seemed to be Hei Che's father, who was the boss of X society who was really shot out empty-handed.

Lin Rui turned his hand and carried the iron rod on his shoulder.

He carried the iron rod like this, and walked towards Gu Yixin specially.

Gu Yixin looked at the walls on both sides.

The wall is not very high, he can easily turn it over, but there is a dense layer of broken multicolored glass on the wall, that kind of ancient anti-theft device.

It is easy to be classified.

Gu Yixin thought about countermeasures.

Lin Rui was carrying that iron rod, and a kind of lofty ambition emerged in a trance.

Behind him was a little brother, who was also looking at him, very cool.

It's a pity that the alley is too narrow, otherwise it's lined up with Duola Boom!

Like that!

Are there any hot-blooded universities?

Lin Ruixiong walked up to Gu Yixin in a huff and smiled.

"Give up, you can't escape!"

Gu Yixin looked scared. He asked in a low voice, "Shao Lin, what do you want."

Lin Ruixie smiled: "Of course I asked you to come with me."

Gu Yixin looked at Lin Rui and suddenly took a step forward.

Lin Rui immediately took a step back guardingly, covering his ass.

The shadow is too deep, and the wound that has healed is inexplicably painful.

The younger brothers behind Lin Rui were shocked by the boss's reaction.

This... Could it be that... the rumors turned out to be true?

Gu Yixin glanced down thoughtfully.

Gu Yixin's voice sounded very sorry: "Does Lin Shao's **** still hurt?"

The little brothers took a breath again.

Lin Rui pointed at him vigilantly, "You, you, you, don't come over."

Gu Yixin touched his head.

Gu Yixin pulled the iron rod.

Lin Rui immediately hugged his head and squatted against the wall, skillfully making a posture that could effectively reduce the impact surface-that was a habit he left behind when he was beaten in elementary school.

I didn't expect to be bullied for so many years, but the habits left in my bones are still there.

Lin Rui's "Grandpa forgive me" was stuck in his throat.

Fortunately, he didn't shout out.

Gu Yixin grabbed the iron rod, instead of hitting Lin Rui twice with his backhand, instead a pole vault came on the spot.

Theoretically, an iron rod cannot be used as a strut because it has no elasticity.

But in Gu Yixin's hands, it will do.

Because Gu Yixin is an anti-physics category.

So what happened to him is not very scientific.

In short, Gu Yixin used the pole vault method to climb over the wall.

"Boss, he ran away!"

Lin Rui stood up immediately.


Lin Rui decisively reached the order.

Then turned and got back into the car.


Generally speaking, no matter how fast Gu Yixin runs, it is impossible to run past a car.

However, Lin Rui's motorcade chased it out for ten miles without seeing anyone.

Why is this?

Because Gu Yixin didn't run at all.

Gu Yixin jumped up to the platform of a dilapidated old house.

As soon as he hid the cat with his waist down, he heard Lin Rui screaming and leading his motorcade to a long distance.

Gu Yixin stood up slowly in confusion, resting his elbows on the wall of the platform, holding his chin and watching the chasing soldiers away silently.

Then he stretched out his hand, picked an apple from a nearby tree, wiped it on his clothes, and took a bite.

Crispy and sweet.

Gu Yixin looked thoughtfully at the bitten apple in his hand.

He certainly did not realize the force of gravity, because the apple was picked, not dropped.

I also failed to invent a smart phone, after all, I never went to college.

Gu Yixin was just thinking,

How can there be apple trees in this place?

This is a good question.

When he was thinking, a scream interrupted his thoughts.

This scream was high and tactful, full of fear and trembling, and it was obvious to people how scared, how terrified, and how pitiful the person who made this scream was.

It would definitely not be a passerby who can make such a sound.

But Gu Yixin can't judge the identity of this person at this moment. The first thing is to stop the other party from screaming.

When it was too late, Gu Yixin took a quick walk and stuffed the apple into the man's open mouth.

——Inhaling the cup caused by sneezing at Hei Che, this time Gu Yixin also paid special attention to the side that he did not bite.

That is definitely very considerate.

Anyone who is suddenly stuffed with an apple while howling will be unhappy.

But right now this person is not only unhappy, he is fainted by choking.

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