I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 502 It’s normal for artists to pull a little


He still lowered his head!

Lu Feier's nerves became tense.

Because she saw an extremely weird scene!

Mr. Ling still lowered his head and looked at his mobile phone.

But he also raised his head and looked at her.

He was playing with his cell phone with his head lowered.

And when he raised his head, he looked at himself coldly.

The two of him exist unexpectedly at the same time.

It's like two timelines of him overlap at this moment.

The look on his face when he raised his head was extremely arrogant.

Like a king sitting on a cart.

It is also like the divine king lying high in the clouds.

He just looked at Lu Feier.

Then he showed an unknown smile.

This smile made her hair stand on end, making her tremble with fear, but she couldn't help but feel close to him.

It's like... it's like...

Some kind of encouragement!



Is he encouraging me?

But why am I afraid?

Lu Fei'er couldn't figure it out!

She didn't dare to think about it either!

Her intuition told her not to think about it.

The spiritual energy in the body is also quietly moving in a certain pattern.

Ding ding ding…


Gong Shangjiao Zheng Yu.

It's just another form of rhythm.

But in essence, it is still a musical scale.

Feeling this pattern, Lu Fei'er couldn't help but hum in her heart.


I can really hum it.

This rhythm...

It sounds so good!

It seems that as long as you add the words, it will be a wonderful song!

At this moment, a gentle humming appeared in his ears.

"If evil is a beautiful and cruel music..."

"I will write its ending with my own hands!"

That's it!

That’s the lyrics!

Lu Feier swallowed her saliva and looked at Mr. Ling who had his head lowered.

He was humming softly.

Although, it is tone-deaf, although there is not a word in the tune, although it sounds a bit harsh.


That’s it!

That’s the rhythm!

"The light of morning dries away the last trace of sadness..."

"Black ink, dyed with tranquility..."

Listen to the gentle humming.

Lu Feier took a deep breath, and she understood that this was the reason for encouragement.

The ladder has been sent up.

It depends on whether she can seize the opportunity and go down the ladder.

So, she carefully adjusted her tone and asked in what she thought was the gentlest tone: "Sir... what song are you singing?"

As she asked, she tried her best to look curious.

Her eyes were blinking.

Like a curious baby, asking adults, what are the brothers and sisters on TV doing?

That Young Master Ling seemed a little surprised.

He raised his head and looked at himself, his face full of innocence: "What song?"

"Did I just sing it?"

He shook his head: "I don't know... maybe it was an old song I heard somewhere..."

"It sounds pretty good!"

This is a fact!

Lingpingan has a very bad memory.

But at the same time, he seemed to have an excellent memory.

Many things can even be remembered forever.

Therefore, he can still live like a normal person as a face blind patient.


Even socializing is difficult!

Therefore, he has actually been selectively remembering and forgetting many things.

Remember what is important and forget what is not important.

As a result, you can get rid of your worries and live a happy life.


How could Lu Feier believe it?

She recalled the rhythm in her heart.

Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu is beating with some indescribable pattern.

Composed a piece of music that is harsh, sharp, scary, but also beautiful and crazy.

There is power in this music!

However, this power is sealed.

Ordinary people can't see it, and they don't know how to use it.


As long as you master the correct method, you can extract the power from the seal.

As soon as the song comes out, it may be like mountains and rivers, and the ethereal sound of the piano can make the enemy heartbroken and heartbroken.


Kill people thousands of miles away and take the enemy's head in his lair.

But now is not the time to dwell on this weird piece of music.

Lu Fei'er understood that she should take advantage of the 'encouragement' to talk to this young master.

Maybe, just by talking, you can have your own opportunity!

So, she laughed: "It sounds very good!"

She hummed softly.

Oh oh oh oh……

Follow the rhythm in your heart and use the orthodox academic humming method.

Hum the tone gently.

Very pleasant humming.

Like a lark singing, like a swan crooning in the center of the stage.

Hearing her humming, countless people closed their eyes.


"So beautiful!"

"As expected of the imperial singer! The youngest national team artist!"

Humming, Lu Feier started singing.

"If evil is a gorgeous and cruel piece of music, I will write its ending with my own hands!"

"The light of morning dries away the last trace of sadness!"

"Black ink, dyed with tranquility!"

Her singing is like an elf singing in the secret realm of the empty valley orchid.

It's like the fairy in the mountains, singing a seductive tune deep in the dense forest.

Just listening, many people were mesmerized.

"The Imperial Diva is the Imperial Diva!"

"This voice... this singing voice... this singing technique... is completely at the level of a palace!"

And they finally understood.

The look in the young man's eyes also changed.

"I see……"

"That young man is probably a talented musician of our time!"

"Just like Mr. Mozart who immigrated from Qinlu during the reign of Emperor Gaozong, a young and promising great musician!"

During the reign of Emperor Gaozong, during the break of the Hundred Years' War, Emperor Gaozong personally led and launched the "Wutong Plan".

He personally served as the team leader and leader, and introduced a large number of talents from all walks of life from Qinlu and the world.

As long as it is talented, no matter what aspect, the green light will be given.

It’s easy to talk about any conditions!

As a result, a large number of talents poured in, which indirectly contributed to the golden years of Gaozong's era.

At that time, local and overseas talents collided with each other, and various ideas, culture and art emerged.

Mozart, a talented musician from Qinlu, injected vitality into the imperial music world at that time and later.

The later music scene of the Federal Empire was deeply influenced by Mozart.

It is for this reason that Qinlu musical instruments such as violins and cellos have reached the level of elegance.

And now...

It is estimated that Sister Fei'er came here specially because she knew this young man's abilities.

And the young man's various unruly and unruly behaviors have reasonable explanations.

An artist.

What is an artist if he's not a little bit crazy and a little cool?

People who engage in art are all like this.

The more talented you are, the more arrogant you are, and the more arrogant you are, the more talented you are.

And people generally accept this setting!

I remember when Mr. Hongli and his good friend Cao Xueqin and others co-wrote Dream of Red Mansions.

Taizong sent someone to urge him to update. Mr. Hongli raised his eyebrows and gave the pen to the messenger: "Come on, come on, I'll give you the pen and you can write!"

Taizong then no longer dared to urge more updates.

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