I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 556 The only thing that can defeat magic is magic

Lingpingan left the green-skinned man named Hill to his family and ignored him.

Because he felt the call.

A call from the other side of the galaxy.

The gears are turning and the steel is cheering.

Countless machines are paying homage.

All the machine souls are whispering the same holy words: flesh and blood are weak, but steel is eternal!

Lingpingan smiled: "The machine is ascending!"

Just as he was about to answer the call, he turned back sharply.

He saw a ship that looked like a mosquito in his eyes, flying out from the back of the star.

"It turns out that there are still peepers!" He looked at the ship.

It feels extremely contradictory.

On the one hand, he felt that this ship was extremely beautiful.

Simply a work of art!

The slender streamlined hull, the silver alloy hull, and the engine that silently provided a surge of power.


It is simply a future battleship from science fiction novels!


On the other hand, subconsciously, this ship seemed to him extremely rough.

It's like a three-year-old child making a toy out of plasticine.

It's just a poor imitation of the molds bought by adults.

Even if it is stretched to death, it is just the technical standard of a slave of a lower race.

Under this contradictory mentality, Lingpingan stopped.

"What do you want from me?" He looked at the ship, which looked like an insect in his eyes.


Shadow Prophet Cleia doesn't know why he has such courage?

He actually ordered his ship to sail out from behind the star.

He even came directly to the green-skinned twin gods.

Needless to say, it's a big gamble.

Moreover, the nature of the gamble, in Harlequin's history, may only be slightly lower than when the God of Laughter survived the cataclysm that created Slaanesh.

And this time.

She was as right as the God of Laughter.

The two green-skinned gods who were about to leave unexpectedly stopped.

He didn't even attack!

This is so unusual!

In the recorded history of the Eldar.

Greenskins are incomprehensible and unable to communicate.

These terrifying creatures are a pure war race.

They were born for war.

The gods of the green skins are even more incomprehensible and unable to communicate.

Back in the days when subspace was still safe.

The twin green-skinned gods already exist within it.

The greenskins had been active in many places in the galaxy before that.

Legend has it that the two green-skinned gods never feared anything in the subspace, nor did they give in to anything.

And their cruelty and tyranny are even more famous.

Legend has it that even the incarnations of the Four Gods of Chaos have fallen at the hands of these two incomprehensible green-skinned gods.

In the records of the Eldar.

Even if you make a deal with the Chaos God, it is better than facing the two green-skinned gods.

Because of the deal with the Chaos Evil God, the worst he could do was be corrupted and corrupted.

If you encounter the two green-skinned gods, you will definitely die.

And he was beaten to death!



but now……

"You have something to do with me?" The giant green-skinned twin gods turned around.

The two huge heads hanging on His shoulders asked in unison.

No attack...

There was no torture...

He even initiates communication!

Cleia took a deep breath to calm her heart.

Then she put on the mask left by her teacher.

A mask made from her teacher and current skull!

She put it on slowly.

Harlequins mock fate.

Laughter and drama are their weapons against Slaanesh.

Despite the prophecy, Slaanesh will eventually consume the souls of all Eldar, thereby achieving immortality.

But the clowns laughed at this prophecy.

They have decided to fight against all this!

So she opened the hatch.

Look at the huge green-skinned monster fused together.

Face to face with this terrifying evil god who is no different from the four gods of chaos.


When she saw the true face of the evil god, she was inexplicably shocked.

Because, before her eyes, the terrifying green-skinned evil god was undergoing changes that she couldn't understand and couldn't record!

Under His green skin, there was the sound of gears turning.

Countless gears are all accelerating.

There was a majestic sound in the gears, resounding through the space and reverberating in her soul.

It seemed like countless people were praying in unison.

"Ring the bell once, push the lever, and start the piston and engine..."

"Toll the bell twice, ignite the turbine, ignite the engine, and inject life..."

"Ring the bell three times..."

"Let us praise together!"

"The great spirit of all opportunities!"

In this sacred prayer, in this magnificent praise.

The green-skinned twin gods slowly changed color.

The metallic color of bronze gradually appeared on His body.

His originally twisted and thick hands were carved with countless holy runes.

Lotus blossoms bloom in it.

Click, click, click!

The machinery is cheering!


The engine is praying!

Boom boom boom!

The ship underfoot made a sound of great joy.

The engine sprays blue light, worshiping rhythmically.

Worship this mechanical truth, the Supreme of Steel!

The hymn says: "Praise to Gatlin Bodhisattva, who has been practicing deep Prajna Honey for a long time. He holds six tubes and transforms into a supreme holy vessel. Each tube has one sound, a six-character mantra, and no other mantra. The mantra is: Om Mani Padmi Hum. Compassion is like the sea, it can save all living beings, far away from the world, eliminate the karma of the five gatherings, get out of the six paths of reincarnation, escape the eight sufferings, and go to the western bliss. The six tubes and one breath have three signs and sixty thousand revolutions, universal He has never stopped in his mission to save sentient beings! How great! Gatling Bodhisattva; How great is Gatling Bodhisattva!"

This is sacred chanting.

It is also a sacred hymn that belongs to no language!

But as luck would have it, Cleia understood.

She more than understood.

Her soul, body and mind began to waver.

"All living beings suffer..."

"It's all in vain..." she murmured.

I have the urge to worship before this sacred god, become his follower, turn into steel parts, and act as a guard of Buddhism.


At the critical moment, a mockery of all things came from the mask she was wearing.

This is the spirit of her teacher and mother protecting her.

After this sarcasm, the layers of her mask fell apart.

Revealing her appearance.

With pointed ears and blue eyes, her appearance is 80% similar to that of a human female.

But leaner and more refined.

Like a fairy from ancient times.

Cleia woke up and took a breath with lingering fear.

Just now, she was almost eroded by this unknown bronze god.


The other party did not show any aggression or show any malice.

Just the act of witnessing His true form caused her to be corrupted by it.

Teacher Cuofei sacrificed his soul.

She has become a believer who infinitely worships this god and abandons everything to pursue Him.

Her compatriots, however, were not as lucky as she was.

In the ship behind them, all the members of the troupe were already kneeling on the ground.

They kept kowtowing and worshiping, muttering: "Flesh and blood are weak...steel is eternal!"

"Blood and flesh are weak...steel is eternal..."

"Please ask my Buddha for mercy! Please ask my Buddha for mercy!"

"Ask the Buddha to save me...please the Buddha to save me!"

It seemed that as long as the god had a thought, they would jump into the engine and become one with the entire ship.

And the ship under his feet was captured by the god Zhuan at the first moment.

Became His admirer and worshiper.

This is not surprising.

The warships of the Chaos Legion are animated Chaos evil objects.

Those demonic furnaces can even create the bodies of Chaos Demons directly on the front lines.

"The Spirit of All Opportunities?" Cleia asked her own question as she looked at the god that suddenly transformed into a huge bronze metal statue.

Then she shook her head.

Because of the God she saw in her eyes.

It doesn't fit the description of the Cult of Mechanicus at all.


In the starry sky in front of me and in the universe outside the hatch, there were the sounds of countless machines and gears.

Cleia raised her head.

In the hands of the bronze god Zhuan, he saw a huge weapon that was at least ten kilometers long, being shaped by steel.

But in an instant, the huge steel weapon took shape.

The barrels, which were comparable to weapons against planets, started to rotate.

There are six steel barrels in total.

On each root, there is a mysterious text engraved on it.

Somehow, Cleia could just understand.

"Namo Amitabha!"

"Namo Amitabha!" The members of the troupe kowtowed and worshiped the steel creations.

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva!"

The engine roared and the sound of prayer came out.

"You are the Holy Father..."

"You are the Holy Son..."

"You are the Holy Spirit!"

"You are the soul of all opportunities!"

"Namo Gatlin Bodhisattva is also you!"

“May your word be on earth like the roar of an engine and the melting of steel!”

At this time, Cleia discovered that the god Zhuan in front of her had completely changed his appearance.

He wears a simple cassock and sits cross-legged in the universe casually.

The stars surrounded Him as if worshiping Him.

Starlight lingers, as if praying.

Pieces of steel ceilings fell down.

On the majestic, divine and compassionate steel head, a pair of deep and distant eyes of wisdom flashed quietly.

He spoke again.

"Can I help you?"

The voice was extremely compassionate and gentle.

It was as if a kind-hearted elder was asking a poor girl if she wanted to help.

Cleia's voice trembled, she lowered her head and bowed deeply. She swallowed, and then said: "The Eldar Tribe salutes you!"

"The Great Immortal!"

This is her only bargaining chip now.

The ethnic group she represents behind her.


The overlord who once dominated the galaxy.

An elegant clan enlightened by ancient saints.

When she thought about it, since this mysterious god could transform into two green-skinned gods, he was now transformed into the god of the Mechanicum.


He may be related to the Old Ones.

Maybe a member of the War in Heaven.

However, the god lowered his eyebrows slightly: "Ada Spirit Clan?"

"have no idea……"

Cleia swallowed.

"He has no relationship with the Ancient Saints?"

"Could it be that...he is from the Star God's side?"

In the galaxy, the most mysterious ones are the Ancient Saints and Star Gods.

Those ancient advanced civilizations laid the foundation for everything today.

The webway opened by the Old Ones has protected the Eldar so far, allowing the Eldar to take shelter within it and avoid the pursuit of Slaanesh.

The battle in heaven between the Ancient Saints and the Star Gods is, according to legend, closely related to the formation of the subspace.


The Chaos Evil God and Chaos Demons may also be related to the War in Heaven.

Just thinking about this.

In his ears, the voice of the god Zhuan came.

Very easy-going and very gentle, but unapologetic.


"Don't think too much..."

"I don't have much to do with this universe!"

"It's just my pet here... I'm bored, so I came here to take a look!"

"But...we are destined to meet each other!"

He suddenly laughed.

The smile is compassionate and full of wisdom.

The huge steel creation held in His hand slowly rotated.

"Then I'll give you a chance!"

He said as the six tubes slowly rotated.

"Namo Amitabha!" Shen Zhuan whispered.

Bang bang bang!

Huge bullets shot out one after another.

Time and space began to distort in front of these bullets.

In front of Cleia's eyes, a prosperous star field appeared.

Countless huge buildings that are as good as works of art stand on every planet in the star field.

Countless Eldar tribesmen live in a state of intoxication in these beautiful cities.

They pursue all kinds of enjoyment.

Physical and spiritual.

Little did he know that the entire star field had been shrouded in terrifying power.

Jie Jie Jie!

There is a huge shadow that spreads out from the subspace.

He covers everything.

That's Slaanesh.

He looked with great joy at these spirits captured by lust and enjoyment.

This is His feast!



The power of subspace erupted from the void.

The entire star field fell instantly.

The evil god named Slaanesh finally broke free.

Billions of Eldar souls fell into His hands.

These depraved, pleasure-seeking, carnal creatures eventually became the nourishment of the evil god.

And this once prosperous and prosperous star field.

It also turned into a huge scar in Slaanesh's rage.

Galactic scars.

From then on, the Eldar became wanderers.

Their home has become the source of disaster for the entire galaxy today - the Eye of Terror!

Looking at all this, Cleia trembled with fear.

This is the nightmare of all Eldar.

Because, in reality, the Eldar have fallen prey to Slaanesh.

The soul of every Eldar after death must fall into the hands of Slaanesh.

In his ears, the whisper of the god came again.

"This is what I found in your soul..."

"The source of your fear..."

"Do you want to beat it?"

Listening to this, Cleia nodded desperately as if grasping at a life-saving straw.

There is no Eldar who does not want to defeat Slaanesh.


No way!

To the Eldar, Slaanesh is their natural enemy.

Facing Slaanesh, even the legendary gods of the Eldar could only choose to flee and not dare to confront him head-on!

"The only thing that can defeat magic... is magic!" Shen Zhuan whispered in his ear.

"Similarly, the only thing that can defeat fear is fear!"

"What you're afraid of...isn't really a big deal!"

"If you can complete a task..."

"I will teach you how to defeat Him!"

Listening to these words, Cleia returned to reality.

In the universe in front of you, God Zhuan sits cross-legged, his eyes full of compassion.

He looked at Cleia, smiled and asked, "How is it?"

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