"Do you really think so?" Hui Yuarai asked in a low voice.

"Of course..." Linton nodded fiercely. Of course he...didn't think of that at all. They all said that they didn’t think of the plot at the beginning. Linton still hasn’t thought of the plot at all, and he doesn’t know how Hattori Heiji and Conan solved the case. Linton said that I couldn’t understand it, but he was shocked.

"Oh? The murderer is..." Hui Yuan Ai asked with some disbelief.

"Uh..." Linton said that he didn't know at all, but just when he was thinking about how to fool him, the police officer Yunaga next to him asked the same question to Hattori Heiji.

"The murderer is..." Officer Yumaga seemed to agree with Hattori Heiji's previous reasoning and continued to ask.

"Actually, if we understand the murderer's logic, we can naturally identify the murderer." Hattori Heiji here said, "This case was disguised as a serial arson case, so when deducing the murderer, the focus is not on serial arson cases. It’s just a disguise for the murderer, his real target is Ms. Ryoko Morokaku.”

"If you think about it this way, the motive of Ryukoku Kuroda's murder cannot be established. It is reasonable to say that he set the fire because of his father's death, but he has nothing to do with Ryoko Morokaku, and there is no hatred. When the two met today, I was there, they obviously didn’t know each other before, I can testify to this,” Hattori Heiji continued.

"Indeed, in this case, the murderer has indeed targeted those three people." Officer Gongzhang nodded. It was exactly as Linton said, the murderer was one of those three people. The deceased's husband, Akira Morokaku, her husband's friend, Soga Sofu, and the deceased's sister, Gondo Izuko.

"By the way, Brother Heiji seems to have said that when I met the uncle named Genda, he said that he was not here to sell, but to Mr. Akira Morokaku, right?" Conan here gave a timely reminder. road.

"Wait, that's it. I almost forgot that my husband Zhu Jiaoming's profession is a psychiatrist, and Xuantian happens to have a mental illness. Could it be that..." Officer Gongchang here suddenly understood.

"Yes, this Ryūtoku Kuroda may be controlled by the real murderer and is just a scapegoat." Hattori Heiji also nodded, "Although it has not been confirmed yet, since Mr. Kuroda took the initiative to come to Zhukaku Akira, it is very possible He is Mr. Xuantian's attending doctor. As a psychiatrist, if he wants to use some means to control the behavior of Mr. Xuantian, a patient who is mentally unstable, he should be able to do so. Some hypnotic methods, Or exert spiritual suggestion..."

"Go and check immediately." Officer Gongzhang directly ordered his subordinates. There must be medical records, and it is estimated that they can be verified soon.

"The murderer can only be him, Akira Morokaku." Hattori Heiji said with certainty.

"Did you see, did you see?" Linton suddenly became excited, "What I said at the beginning, I told you before, the murderer is the husband, you have only now understood what I meant, Are you ashamed?"

After saying that, Linton directly glanced at Hui Yuan Ai next to him. It has to be said that even Haihara Ai couldn't tell whether Linton had already seen the truth clearly.

"Hmm..." Officer Yunhang here nodded, obviously agreeing with Hattori Heiji's reasoning, but the problem is... although the current reasoning is very smooth, it is just reasoning, not evidence.

"Although I agree with your reasoning, we don't have any evidence now. Moreover, when the house caught fire, Zhu Jakuaki and Soga Kaofu were drinking outside. I asked them just now that it was indeed Zhu Jakuaki who proposed to return suddenly. This is also very suspicious, but Mr. Soga also said that they were indeed at the restaurant when the fire broke out, and he has an alibi." Officer Gongzhang said, "This can't be a partnership between the two of them."

"Probably not, but some method of delaying ignition was used." Hattori Heiji said, "By the way, only Akira Morokaku can do this kind of method. Didn't Miss Ryoko Morokaku tell the detective that she saw her at night? Is there someone sneaking around his house? It should be Zhu Jiaoming who is testing his ignition technique, calculating the time or something like that."

"I see..." Officer Gongzhang nodded, everything seemed to be correct, "In that case, as long as we find the devices used for this method at the scene, we can be sure."

"Actually... I have a better way." Hattori Heiji suddenly smiled and said.

"What can we do?" Officer Gongzhang asked.

"As I said before, the murderer wanted to control Mr. Ryutoku Kuroda through mind control. But it is not that simple to control a person, and it is difficult to predict what a mentally weak person will do. I think Mr. Akira Morokaku will definitely use some methods to monitor the actions of Mr. Ryonoku Kuroda, such as... installing a bug in his house." Hattori Heiji said.


"Hmm..." Hattori Heiji nodded, "So, I think the police officer only needs to tell the three suspects that because the police arrested Xuanda Takashi and suspected him of being an arsonist, they will conduct a thorough search of his house tomorrow. if……"

"Then Akira Morokaku will definitely go to Genda Takatoku's house tonight to collect the bug!" Officer Yumaga also instantly understood Hattori Heiji's plan.

"That's right." Hattori Heiji nodded.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away..." Officer Yumaga now trusts Hattori Heiji very much. I have to say that this detective is really useful. Just when he was confused and didn't know what to do, someone had already come up with a very powerful plan.

"But we'd better go to the scene to look for clues first." Hattori Heiji said.

"Then go now." Officer Gongzhang nodded.

Hattori Heiji also left as soon as he said it, and ran out directly with Officer Yunaga. Yes, he abandoned Toyama Kazuha here again. Conan here also took advantage of Xiaolan not paying attention and ran out directly, obviously going to catch the criminal.

It wasn't until a few people left in a hurry that the few people left here reacted.

"Huh? This kid just left?" Mouri Kogoro said with a confused face, and then looked at Linton and Miyano Akemi next to him. Neither of them was introduced?

"Aren't you going?" Hui Yuan Ai asked Linton.

"I have already deduced the prisoner. Just leave the arrest to these two agents." Linton waved his hand and said, "I don't have time to play detective games with them. We still need to find Taku Itakura."

"Do you know Taku Itakura?" Mouri Kogoro here was just about to say hello to Linton and Miyano Akemi when he was shocked when he heard what Linton said.

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