The doctor was obviously stunned for a moment when he heard Linton's words. He looked Linton up and down, and then asked for a long time: "Are you also...a doctor?"

Obviously, the other party's suspicious tone showed that he didn't believe Linton was a doctor at all. It was really hard to tell.

"My name is Linton, and I am a detective." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Are you here to cause trouble?" The doctor here was naturally speechless. He really saw it right. This guy is really not a doctor. But the question is, what the hell is claiming to be a detective? Is this the case when a detective appears? Can this detective still perform surgery on people?

The doctor was speechless when meeting such a guy, and the situation was urgent now. The patient's heartbeat had stopped, and he had no time to talk nonsense with Linton. The doctor here also shouted directly to Kogoro Mouri next to him: "This family member, what are you waiting for? Go get the surgery order immediately, we will go to the emergency room first."

"Uh... that..." Mouri Kogoro here hesitated, but did not explain that he was not Conan's parent. Although Conan lives in his house now, he is not even a guardian. In the final analysis, he is just a guardian. Just staying temporarily. But now is really not the time to explain such things.

What he was thinking about was whether to let Linton come over, and Mouri Kogoro was indeed seriously considering it.

Yes, according to common sense, this is naturally left to the doctor. But the problem is that based on his previous relationship with Linton, he shouldn't deal with this guy according to common sense.

Look at the last time, when he was arrested by the police, Linton directly summoned the soul of a dead person back. You think this is common sense. There are other things like flying into the sky and the earth, driving a sports car and flying across buildings, but these were all witnessed by Kogoro Mori with his own eyes. In this situation, do you believe that Linton is more reliable?

After all, he had heard the doctor say about Conan's current condition before. According to the current medical level, Conan might not be able to survive. After all, the injury was so serious. After falling ten stories, it was a miracle that he didn't fall to death on the spot. But the current situation is probably not something that can be saved by surgery. He still understands the basic medical knowledge.

To be honest, if he was Conan's parent and could help make the decision, he would really choose Linton's side. In his opinion, trusting Linton, an "unscientific" guy, might actually be the best choice. But the problem is that he really can't choose this matter. As I said before, this is not really his own child, so how can he help the other person's parents decide.

", this child is only temporarily living in my house. He is not my child, and I am not his guardian. Can I call his parents immediately about this matter?" Mouri Kogoro here said before We have indeed had a phone call with Conan's parents. Of course it was the phone number given by Dr. Agasa here, and the other end of the phone is indeed Conan's parents, Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Yukiko, but Mouri Kogoro doesn't know about them. Who is it? All I know is that they are Conan's parents, and he calls them Mr. and Mrs. Edogawa.

Now Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Yukiko are on their way to the airport. Yes, they are still abroad. The fastest flight back will take more than ten hours, and it is estimated that they will not arrive until tomorrow. Although they have authorized Maori Kogoro to help them deal with hospital matters first, the current matter is no longer hospital related.

Mouri Kogoro was indeed able to perform surgery on Conan. Even if he was not saved in the end, it can be said that he had little to do with him, right? If he doesn't want to take any responsibility at all, then he can just follow the doctor's instructions and it will be fine. But he is not such a ruthless person. Of course he wants to save Conan, and his judgment is to take Linton's side. However, this is just his own judgment. This matter must be discussed with Conan's parents. Understand something and let them make the decision.

But obviously the doctors here don't have time to listen to this. The heartbeat of the person is gone. Why are you still hesitating? He shouted directly to the hesitant Mouri Kogoro: "What time is it? Is there still that kind of time? Hurry up and get the surgery notice. Nurse Ishii, come over and push the person to the No. 2 operating room first."

The doctor is also an enthusiastic person. Although Japan can perform operations without the signature of the family members, this still requires the doctor to resist responsibility. A slightly more fearful doctor would ask the family members to sign the surgery notification form at this time, but now it is obvious that there is no time to go through the process, and the doctor has decided to perform the surgery first.

While he was talking, the doctor here had been performing first aid. At this time, the machine next to him showed a little heartbeat, but this was not Conan's own heartbeat, but the one forced out by the doctor. At this time, the doctor is already considering various options in his mind. Opening the chest can directly stimulate the heart to resume beating. If this fails, he can only use artificial pump...

However, he was so anxious, and Mouri Kogoro here was still standing there. His expression was also very anxious, but he looked towards Linton.

"" To be honest, the doctor is a little angry with Mouri Kogoro. At this time, you don't believe me as a doctor. Look at the guy next to him who claims to be a detective? Do you really think detectives are omnipotent?

"Well, I'm exhausted." What was even more irritating was that Linton was still enjoying the fun and didn't take it too seriously. He came up to look at Conan and said.

That's right. Conan can basically be considered dead now, with no heartbeat and no breathing. Although there are examples of people being rescued from this situation, they are all at the level of medical miracles. In fact, the doctor himself is not very sure, but this is just a child. As a doctor, can he still watch the other person die without doing anything?

"Get out of the way and let me do it." Linton walked directly to the doctor's side and said.

"No, what on earth do you want to do? As soon as I stop, he will be finished, you know?" The doctor here shouted anxiously.

"Oh, good, he is very energetic, but what he said is wrong, he is finished." Linton said.

"I know! I know..." The doctor's first sentence was a roar, but in the second sentence I knew that I couldn't stand it any longer.

"So people still have their limits. Now you can stop being a human being." Linton said and pulled the doctor back two steps.

"What do you do..." The staggered doctor here was about to say something when he saw Linton wave his hand, and a green light appeared directly in front of him.

Conan's body on the hospital bed twitched violently, and his chest turned up and down. However, this was not spontaneous breathing, but the artificial respiration that the doctor had just performed on him. However, very quickly, the instrument next to him showed that Conan was still breathing. My heart is really beating again.

"Anyway, let's go back to the few minutes before death." Linton looked at the confused doctor behind him and said directly, "Although he will still die in a few minutes, he can still be saved before doing so again."

"Huh?" The doctor here really didn't understand what was going on, but he saw the reaction of the instrument.

"I'm a detective, and you're a doctor. Saving people is a profession for you, but it's just a personal hobby for me. Don't use your profession to challenge my hobby, do you understand?" Linton said directly to me. said the doctor.

"Shouldn't this usually be said the other way round?" Miyano Shiho next to him couldn't help but say.

"Do you think what you are saying is appropriate for me?" Linton looked at Miyano Shiho here, and then waved his hand directly, "If you don't hurry up and take over, I can't go all the way back to him jumping off the building. Before."

"How did I..." Miyano Shiho was about to say something, but Miyano Akemi next to her took a step forward. Only then did Miyano Shiho realize that Linton's last words were really not meant for her, but originally meant for her sister.

Miyano Akemi waved her hand directly, and a pink light appeared on her body. The light immediately hit Conan's body. In an instant, the surrounding instruments reacted. Of course it is a good reaction. The above values, whether it is breathing, heartbeat or blood pressure, are all reversing in the normal direction. The effect can be said to be immediate.

Yes, what Miyano Akemi used was naturally the healing skill of her Pokémon Flower Healing Ring. She didn’t release the Pokémon directly, she just borrowed the Pokémon’s abilities. It may be related to physical constitution. The therapeutic effect of the flower therapy ring on people in this world is very significant. I have experienced this before when I was treating Ellie Chiba, that is, Curacao.

It only takes two minutes at most. After two minutes, all the indicators of the instruments here have returned to normal levels, and the values ​​of heartbeat, respiration, and blood pressure have all reached safe levels. Just looking at the values, this person can be discharged from the hospital. . Although the people on Conan's side are not awake yet, there is probably no life safety problem.

"This..." The doctor who had been stunned until now could not believe the medical miracle he saw before his eyes. This... was too miraculous. For a moment, the doctor suddenly began to doubt life. I started studying medicine when I was 12 years old and have been studying for 21 years. I always feel that I have studied medicine in vain.

"Times have changed, doctor." Linton patted the doctor's shoulder directly and said, "Today's world is no longer a world where the previous logical method can survive. Do you understand?"

"This..." The doctor suddenly understood the meaning of Linton's words. Of course he also knew about Pokémon. After thinking about it, he walked directly in front of Miyano Akemi: "Miss! Please accept me as your disciple!"

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