I really can't control myself

Chapter 2310 Reasoning

"Huh? What do you mean?" Mouri Kogoro obviously didn't understand what was going on at all. Why was the body he saw was this mannequin? It's possible that you saw it wrong, but the problem is that the murder case you saw didn't happen in this room.

This mannequin doesn't look big, but it's actually quite heavy. If someone really moved this thing to that room and then pretended to kill the mannequin, it would not be easy to get this thing out of the room within five minutes of arriving.

What’s even more confusing is that if the person who was killed was a mannequin, who would do this? Are you specifically looking for trouble for yourself?

"I just discovered one thing, that is, when the windows of the room over there are opened, and combined with the dark background wall of the hospital's outer wall, they form a mirror-like situation when viewed from a certain angle. In other words, as long as the angle It's appropriate, the windows that were opened in the previous room can reflect some images, and from the angle, it can only be the rooms in this row." Kudo Yusaku said.

"Reflection? In other words, the murder actually happened here? In this room, all I see is the scene reflected to that side?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Yeah." Kudo Yusaku nodded, "The traces of rain left over there are probably because someone practiced this technique before, opening the window and adjusting the angle of the window so that he could know which room opposite people could see. It was caused by the situation here. The result should be the ward where Conan is, but Conan is not suitable. After all, he is just a child. If he really said what he saw, no one would believe it. So in the end, this prisoner, I chose Mr. Mori as my escort.”

"But...but why did he do this? Is it just to make me look embarrassed?" Mouri Kogoro here asked strangely.

"Obviously... this may be a murder rehearsal." Kudo Yusaku said, "Actually, I probably guessed who the culprit is."

"Really? Who is it?" Mouri Kogoro asked immediately.

"Mr. Mori, do you still remember who opened the curtains in Conan's room before?" Kudo Yusaku said.


"Yes." Kudo Yusaku nodded, "Obviously there are many prerequisites for this rehearsal. The selected people must witness this 'case'. In addition to waking up the witnesses at the appropriate time, they must also let the witnesses watch immediately. to the ongoing case. If the curtains in Conan's room are closed, it is obvious that Mr. Mori cannot see this case even if he wakes up. Doesn't Mr. Mori find it strange? Look at the ward opposite. Apart from Conan's room, how many wards have their curtains opened? Aren't you afraid of being woken up by the light in the morning? So, who opened the curtains, Mr. Mori?"

"Yes...yes..." Mr. Mori thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "By the way, it's Dr. Shirai!"

"Yes, it was Dr. Shirai, and I happened to be there at the time." Kudo Yusaku nodded. Indeed, when Kudo Yusaku first arrived in Rice Flower City, he immediately went to the hospital to see Conan, and then went to look for Linton overnight. The person who opened the curtain at that time was Dr. Shirai, but no one paid attention to his actions at that time. After all, no one expected such a thing to happen.

"The prisoner is...Dr. Shirai?" Mouri Kogoro was a little surprised.

"I remember you said before that it seemed that Dr. Shirai looked at you and said that you seemed to have some symptoms of neurasthenia, right? Did he ask you to go to him during the examination?" Kudo Yusaku said.

As he spoke, Kudo Yusaku glanced at Linton next to him, obviously expressing what he meant.

"Yes, that's indeed the case." Mouri Kogoro nodded.

"That's it, that's his purpose." Kudo Yusaku said, "Actually, you don't have any symptoms of neurasthenia at all. This is also one of the purposes that the prisoner Dr. Shirai wants to achieve, which is to mold you into a neurasthenia situation. , makes you question your own judgment.”

"I see. I just said I'm fine. It turned out to be that guy." Mouri Kogoro nodded immediately. He always felt that nothing was wrong with him, and indeed there was nothing wrong with him. He didn't suspect the other party before because he was really a doctor. He felt that there was nothing wrong with the other party's medical judgment, and the result was intentional.

Kudo Yusaku looked at Linton. Although he didn't speak, the lines were clear and Linton understood them. Obviously there is nothing wrong with Kogoro Mori, so the sequelae caused by Dr. Agasa's anesthetic are obviously gone.

"So he rehearsed the killing just to make me think there was something wrong with me mentally, and then..."

"Putting the blame on you." Kudo Yusaku said immediately, "It is estimated that his ultimate goal is to kill someone, but he may have an obvious grudge with this person. Killing him directly will be suspected, so I thought He wanted to put the blame on others. Of course, normal people would not kill people, so he thought of a method similar to mental hypnosis to make people suspect that there was something wrong with his own mind."

"Damn it! This is so despicable!" Mouri Kogoro shouted unhappily.

"But this is your speculation, isn't it?" Linton was a little unhappy when he saw Kudo Yusaku pretending, but before he could say anything, Miyano Shiho next to him was the first to question it.

"Speculation? Indeed... after all, the case hasn't even happened yet, let alone any evidence." Kudo Yusaku said, "Even if it is proven that he did it, he only destroyed the mannequin. That’s all, the most you can do is pay for a new one. As for planning to kill people and framing the blame, it can only be speculated."

"What? Is this guy hurting me so much that I can't do anything about him?" Mouri Kogoro said unhappily.

"It's true... there's nothing we can do." Kudo Yusaku said, "After all, he can explain that neurasthenia is just a misdiagnosis. Besides, neurasthenia itself is not easy to diagnose completely, and the symptoms are too broad. As for putting the blame, then There is also no evidence at all. The open window obviously cannot be used as evidence, and the ringing of the phone cannot prove that it is his. And there is currently no case happening, and we can't even file a case."

"How...how could this happen?" Mouri Kogoro here said a little disappointed, "Then what should we do now?"

"We can only...wait." Kudo Yusaku here said, "If Tai wants to do something..."

"Tsk tsk... So, there are limits to detectives and the like." At this time, Linton suddenly said, "It's time for me to show off."

"Uh...Mr. Edogawa, what are you..." Mouri Kogoro asked strangely.

"Ahem, I almost forgot my identity." Linton held up his forehead, "It's okay, Mr. Mori, leave this matter to me. Who said there was no case? Kudo also said just now that we don't have anyone deceased here. Well."

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