I really can't control myself

Chapter 2576 Connection

Soon, Ms. Zhidong Kingdom’s envoy in Daozhu was brought to the execution platform. We haven't seen each other for two days, and the lady here still looks the same ugly.

She admitted that she had made a mistake during the meeting a few days ago. Looking back now, she felt that Linton had taken advantage of her.

As soon as they met, the other party first called her by her real name, and then accurately stated her purpose. This obviously made the lady a little panicked. After that, her momentum was completely suppressed by the other party, and she basically couldn't even say a word. To an unspeakable degree. Thinking about it now, the lady also felt extremely ashamed and angry.

But she has completely calmed down now. The other party has found out her identity and her purpose, so what. She was indeed unprepared before and was caught off guard by the other party, but now that she knew about it, she was not in a hurry.

What's more important is that she has received a response from Her Majesty the Queen. The Ice Queen already knows the situation here and knows that the lady's plan has been exposed, but she does not blame her. And she said that she didn't have to worry about Liyue and Dao's wife declaring war on them in Zhidong. Not to mention whether the other party dared to come, they wouldn't have any fear in Zhidong.

With this as a base, the lady here naturally felt stable, and then she completely settled down. The Queen of Nature has already said this, so she naturally doesn't have to worry about the other party threatening war. The Winter Kingdom is not under any threat. If the other party continues to threaten them, she will naturally fight to the end.

But despite this, when she saw Linton again, the lady here couldn't help but feel angry. This guy is so rude. He is an envoy of the Solstice Kingdom, and the other party dares to use a little information to humiliate him on the spot, and even wants to make her kneel down to apologize. This is a real humiliation. She even thought that she had to get this thing back today.

At this time, the lady who was close to the execution platform also heard the chaotic sound of fighting in front, and the lady here also sneered. Of course she knew what happened before, but she didn't expect that it hadn't been resolved yet? Inazuma's military strength is really weak. If these people from the Abyss Cult dared to come to them in the winter, they would have resolved this level of confrontation long ago.

But she was also a little strange. Generally speaking, shouldn't she be summoned after the following battle is resolved? Now that he has come to her before the solution is resolved, does he want her, the envoy of the Winter Solstice Kingdom, to see the combat effectiveness of Inazuma's soldiers up close?

Thinking of this, the lady sneered again. Do they still think this is a way to show off? In her opinion, it was just a joke, that is, only Inazuma and the others thought this was a battle power that needed to be shown off. To them, Zhi Dong, this was nothing at all.

"Oh oh oh, you still have that unseen expression." Linton turned to look at the lady brought by the soldiers and said.

The familiar tone once again made the lady's anger surge. Who is this person who has never seen the world? The invasion of the Abyss Cult has not been resolved yet. Do you still think this is something to show off?

Even so, the lady was not so quick to break the defense this time. After all, she had concluded in the previous meeting with Linton that she got angry too quickly, which led to the situation being controlled by the other party. Although she was angry, the lady calmed down a little this time. She looked at Linton and said, "I'm here to see the general. What do you mean by bringing me here?"

Although there was nothing wrong with what he said, it was obviously a "who are you" tone.

Linton actually laughed out loud: "No way, just these few days have passed, and my identity has not been found yet? Apart from anything else, Liyue didn't give you any news?"

"What do you mean?" the lady here asked. Indeed, the Queen's reply only stated the Solstice Kingdom's attitude towards the threats from the two countries, and did not mention Linton's identity.

In fact, the Winter Kingdom has naturally received the news. Isn't it that "Master" Dadalia has already reported the news from Liyue to the Winter Kingdom? Dadalia said that a man named Linton suddenly appeared in Liyue here. The current situation is said to have conquered Liyue or something like that.

Although what was reported was the truth, it was too unbelievable. Even Dadalia himself, who was in Liyue, couldn't completely believe the news.

Yes, Dadalia has never met Linton in person at all. Everything about him was what Ningguang told him before. And Dadalia definitely couldn't believe everything Ningguang said. She suddenly said that there was such a person who directly ruled Liyue, did he believe it? Who knows if it’s Liyue’s plan.

As his identity has been completely exposed before, Liyue must be on guard against him and the Winter Kingdom behind him. It is of course very possible to get some intel. As for the destruction in the city, Dadalia thought from the beginning that it might be caused by some magical beast rushing into the city. He was not at the scene, so who knew who caused it.

Of course, he still reported back the situation completely, but also added some of his own judgment. This also led to some misjudgments on the side of Zhidong Kingdom that received the report. Naturally, they did not believe that someone suddenly appeared and directly ruled Liyue. How could the rule of the seven gods be shaken so easily.

Although I later found out that Linton really existed, I didn't feel that he really ruled Liyue at all. Coupled with the lady's report, in their opinion, the more normal logic of this matter is that Liyue suffered a natural disaster similar to the invasion of warcraft or demon gods, which led to damage to the country's strength.

Ning Guang came up with a way to secretly reach an alliance with Ina Wife through bluffing and releasing smoke bombs. And what they want to fight against is naturally Zhidong. After all, he had only attacked Liyue before Zhidong, and now he was plotting the God's Heart of General Thunder. Liyue should have reached an agreement with Daozi through this, and wanted to fight them together.

That's why Linton threatened their winter envoy, saying that he wanted the alliance of the two countries to go to war with them. In this case, it sounds much smoother.

As for Linton, they still couldn't accurately judge what kind of situation this guy was in. Although the other party should have played a key role in this matter, what is his specific identity? Zhidong Kingdom couldn't investigate at all, this person seemed to appear out of nowhere.

But no matter what, they would not believe that Linton rushed into Liyue Port alone, and then single-handedly convinced the entire Liyue to surrender to him. This troubadour wouldn't even dare to make up a joke like this.

However, it is a pity that such outrageous things are really true.

"In the original work, this guy seems to have been given up casually." Asuna behind Linton also said at this time, "It is obvious that the Heart of God is not on General Raiden's side at all, and it has already been obtained, and no one has yet Inform her and let her go to the castle tower to die alone. Maybe this guy is more innocent."

"Just say stupid... It seems you did say so." Linton nodded, "It doesn't matter, we just need someone who is stupid and arrogant to cooperate."

"豼..." With each stupid word, the lady here became angry again, and she couldn't help but want to take action directly.

"Okay everyone, everyone has seen that this is the envoy of the Solstice Kingdom. Since he is the envoy, he can naturally speak on behalf of the Solstice Kingdom. I am right, madam." Linton said.

"Who are you talking to?" the lady asked strangely, because it seemed to him that Linton was talking to the air, which was weird.

"Didn't you watch the live broadcast? There's a camera over there." Linton pointed to the side and said, "Anyway, the entire continent can see the conversation between us. How about it, I have prepared the stage for you. , if you kneel down and apologize to me now, it’s not too late.”

"Ha." The lady here sneered. She really didn't watch any live broadcast, but she roughly understood what Linton meant. Probably some kind of image magic or something, wanting the whole continent to see her kneeling down and apologizing? I don’t know where Linton’s confidence comes from. Do you really think that if the two countries join forces and put pressure together, they can defeat her?

"I am the envoy of the Winter Kingdom, a small country like Daozhu. Even if I add Liyue, what can you do if you unite?" the lady here said unceremoniously.

"In other words, you refused to kneel down and apologize on behalf of Winter Kingdom?" Linton asked.

"It is precisely because I represent the Winter Country that it is absolutely impossible to do this. We, the Winter Country, will never be threatened by anything." The lady here said directly.

"I understand." Linton nodded as if he was quite satisfied with the lady's answer. "I like your acting according to the script. If you really apologize, I really don't know what will happen next." What should I do? Well done! You are worthy of the role of a fool that I like."


"In this case, everyone is in for a treat." Linton looked at the screen again and said, "Now let us contact the reporter at the front, my nephew Vegeta."

At this time, the live broadcast screen suddenly changed. Another person appeared on half of the screen. Although it was the first time for everyone to see it, they knew from Linton's introduction that this should be the nephew Vegeta that Linton mentioned. . But why does this nephew look much older than Linton?

"Nephew, can you hear me?" Linton also said directly.

"You can hear me." Vegeta said unhappily, as if he didn't want to cooperate, but he still cooperated.

"Why did you answer so quickly? There is a delay in this kind of connection, okay? You have to listen for a while, nod in the air a few times, and then delay for a few seconds before answering. Do you understand?" Linton said.

"I've tried it before. The delay is up to 20 milliseconds, which is negligible." Asuna said next to her.

"How can you not do this...forget it. Nephew, please start your performance." Linton said directly.

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