I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 107 The deal with the atavists

Ye Kong's tentacles were also fluttering in the air at this time. read


The perception ability is more powerful than before. At this time, it is also obvious that the person driving up can be felt.

Surprisingly, it was Su Mengyao and Ye Qianqian.

Apart from that, there is no one else.

Therefore, Ye Kong did not hide directly in the lake.

"elder brother!"

"You evolved again?!"

When Ye Qianqian was in the car, she saw Ye Kong's figure.

When she got off the car, her eyes widened even more.

Looking at his figure now, I was even more surprised.

It had only been a day since we last met, and Ye Kong's current body had already become so huge.

Moreover, the scales on the entire body seemed to have undergone obvious changes.

Becoming more beautiful and bigger.

"Yes, I evolved a bit after I came back yesterday."

Ye Kong nodded slightly.

"Canghai City TV Station is doing a program today, and it will live broadcast all the situations that happened here."

"Now on Bihu and Weibo, the abnormal phenomena in Zixing Lake are all trending issues."

Su Mengyao got out of the car and said while taking out three slaughtered pigs from the trunk.

"I just said that there are too many people coming here to worship today."

Ye Kong couldn't help but sigh at this time.

There was an endless stream of people coming here all day today.

Most of them are locals from Canghai City.

Many people also tried to worship, and most of the remaining people wanted to see the spectacle.

"Meng Yao and I originally wanted to come today, but we knew the situation, so we didn't come."

"But we became a wave of trolls today, hehe."

Ye Qianqian also smiled at this time and said

"Navy army?"

Ye Kong was stunned.

"that is……"

At this time, Ye Qianqian also briefly told everything that happened today.

Listening to her words, Ye Kong was also a little bit dumbfounded.

Su Mengyao used software to create many trumpets and posted some news about how powerful the Water God was in various forums.

Let more people think that there will be a water god here.

As more and more people believe in the water god, more and more people will come to worship.

At that time, Ye Kong will be able to swallow more food and evolve!

Although Su Mengyao is very rich, and they still have the oceans that Ye Kong got from the bottom of the lake before, but now they dare not directly buy a large amount of pork or beef and mutton and transport them here.

After all, it would be easy to arouse suspicion among others.

"That's fine. I just want to test it and see what it is used for."

Ye Kong also said secretly at this time.

Although the previous figures did not increase much with so many people coming today, they still increased a little bit.

It has now become [34].

Before, Ye Kong guessed that this number was the number of faith.

I don’t know if it will be useful if the numbers continue to increase?

And now I am at level eight. After reaching level ten, I always feel that there will be an indescribable change.

Should be able to get rid of the current 'Carp Dragon' state.

The so-called carp dragon, in fact, still cannot escape the state of 'carp'.

Nor is it a so-called dragon.

The current self is still too weak.

Ye Kong couldn't help but sigh.

At some point, it would be nice to have a few more atavists from the Black Moon Organization come and devour them directly.

Ye Kong secretly complained.

By the way, there seem to be some incredible creatures along the coast.

But with my current strength, it would have been more dangerous in the past.

Now, since there are so many people coming to worship, let’s stay here first, keep quiet and raise the level!

"By the way, Mengyao, about that matter, have you tried to contact me?"

Ye Kong seemed to have thought of something at this time, and suddenly said.

"Contacted. Since the afternoon, I have contacted two atavists through encrypted communication who are willing to exchange marrow fluid."

Su Mengyao nodded at this time.

In the free communication area of ​​that website, there are many evolvers who want to exchange marrow fluid and will leave their contact information.

Su Mengyao also used encrypted communication to contact the two returnees.

What they have in their hands are the secondary sequence felines and the secondary sequence marrow fluid of the Canidae and Fox.

What they exchanged was a second-level giant turtle.

This kind of thing is of no use to them, but it is different for the other regressors.

"These atavistic people don't use the marrow of foxes and cats, but they actually like to be turtle males."

Listening to Su Mengyao's words, Ye Kong didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this time.

“The sequence you choose at the beginning is important.”

"Turtles have the most mutated creatures among all mutated creatures."

"There are relatively few first-level species in the Canidae, Fox, and Cat families. This is because the strength of this mutated creature increases faster than some other creatures."

After Su Mengyao had been hanging out in that forum for a while, she already had a very good understanding of this information.

Compared with secondary sequences or primary sequences, in fact, sometimes it is more difficult to find suitable primary sequences.

"Well, it seems that the marrow fluid of the three first-level animals we obtained was quite important."

"No wonder those people from the Black Moon Organization value those three marrow fluids so much."

"Do you still have a cockroach's marrow at your place now?"

"I guess the marrow fluid should be good too."

Ye Kong also spoke subconsciously at this time.

"Brother, forget about the cockroaches..."

When Ye Qianqian heard her brother's words, she hugged her shoulders and said with a little goosebumps.

Girls are originally more afraid of creatures like cockroaches.

If a huge cockroach appears...it makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

"By the way, how to trade?"

Ye Kong smiled and looked at Su Mengyao.

Now, the more I know, the more I feel that this world is not simple.

Moreover, the strongest one he faced now was only the atavism of the fourth-level sequence.

There will definitely be more powerful atavists!

My own strength needs to become stronger, and their strength also needs to become stronger!

"I have discussed the deal with them now, but I haven't said the specific address yet."

Su Mengyao continued to speak at this time.

"Well, let me think about it..."

"Just go to Little Galaxy."

After thinking for a while, Ye Kong said directly.

Xiaoxinghe is the river that used to discharge sewage.

During this period of time, there has been no further discharge of sewage, and it seems that someone is still cleaning it.

It should be clear now.

"You give me the marrow fluid and I'll complete the deal."

Ye Kong spoke out at this time.

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