I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 117 Special Operations Group Sand Eagle

"That is how the matter!?"

Several senior executives of Canghai City quickly spoke up at this time. read

Those skeletons are indeed so curious.

And through inspection, it can be found that these bones seem to have been eaten by some creature in a short period of time.

It didn't take long.

That means that during that heavy rain, these huge creatures seemed to be swallowed up by other creatures!

"Black Moon Organization."

Lao Ma glanced at everyone at this time and said seriously at this time.

Black Moon Organization? !

Upon hearing these four words, the pupils in the eyes of everyone present also shrank slightly.

Of course they know what these four words mean.

That organization is all atavism, and they are also a group of crazy atavisms!

Many of the things I want to do are also anti-human things.

"People from the Black Moon Organization killed mutant creatures?"

A senior official from Canghai City's federal government spoke subconsciously at this time.

"No, it was someone from the Black Moon Organization who was killed."

Lao Ma shook his head.

People from the Black Moon Organization were killed! ?

Listening to his words, the pupils in everyone's eyes also shrank slightly.

Wait, the difficulty says...

"These huge skeletons are actually atavisms."

"And their identity is that they are the returnees of the Black Moon Organization."

At this moment, a middle-aged man in canvas clothes walked in and said calmly.

"Who are you……"

The people from the federal government, Captain Li and others all looked towards him at this time.

This middle-aged man has a beard and a Chinese character face.

The whole person's clothes look ordinary, but his eyes are very sharp.

Like, eagle eyes.

"Special operations team, level four sequence, Sand Eagle."

Lao Ma also stood up at this time and introduced to everyone.

People from the Special Operations Group! ?

When the others heard the news, the pupils in their eyes shrank slightly.

And the men in this special operations group are still in the fourth level!

These high-level officials of the federal government, as well as Captain Li and others from the federal police, all already have a certain understanding of the returnees.

And we also know that the level of the atavists ranges from the first level to the ninth level.

The higher you go, the stronger you become.

But now, almost no one has heard of the high-level atavisms.

The fourth level sequence is already considered a very powerful returner.

"Sit over here."

The senior officials of Canghai City's federal government also came to their senses at this time, and immediately stretched out their right hands, motioning for him to sit down and speak.

Sha Ying also sat here unceremoniously at this time.

"I happened to have something to come over here today, so I came to meet my old friend."

"Unexpectedly, those skeletons were found in their research room."

Sha Ying put his hands on the table at this time, glanced around the crowd, and spoke out at this time.

The others listened to his words and nodded slightly, still staring at him, waiting for his next words.

"What's even more surprising to me is that these skeletons seem to be those of atavists, and they exactly match the group of members of the Black Moon organization I was chasing."

"Grizzly bear, eagle, dog, scorpion..."

"These few of them are all members of the Black Moon Organization. They are completely matched."

Sha Ying continued to speak in his slightly hoarse voice.

Listening to his words, everyone's eyes were filled with shock.

Who would have thought that all these bones were organized by Black Moon!

"So, who killed these people from the Black Moon Organization?"

A senior official from Canghai City's federal government couldn't help but speak out.

Judging from Lao Ma's analysis of these bones, the strength of these atavists during their lifetimes was not weak at all.

But why, they all fell here. ,

Moreover, all the bones and flesh and blood were eaten cleanly.

"I can only say that they are not from our special operations team."

"Because the people in our special operations team are very busy, I also came from the provincial capital for special reasons."

"Plus, I also contacted our special operations team to make sure no one was sent over."

Sha Ying continued to speak.

In fact, when he said this, his eyes were full of surprise.

Who on earth killed these members of the Black Moon Organization?

Difficulty is free atavist?

But it seems that there are no such powerful free atavists.


"Who killed that?"

Captain Li couldn't help but speak out at this time.

"It's not clear, but judging from the fact that the flesh and blood of those returning to their ancestors have been eaten away, it is possible that they are mutant creatures."

Sha Ying hesitated for a moment, then continued.

"Because although we are atavistic, the food we eat is the same as humans, and we don't like to eat raw meat."

"The atavists killed by our special operations team were burned directly."

Listening to his words, the faces of everyone present became even more ugly.

If it were a mutated creature, it would be terrifying.

That proves that there is a powerful and terrifying creature hidden in the entire Canghai City!

If this creature wants to eat people...

Thinking about it makes people’s scalp numb!

"Of course, it's also possible that the free atavists lost control and returned to their wild beast nature, eating them when they attacked them."

"But judging from the fact that there are no biological attacks now, I personally prefer the second option."

Sha Ying continued to speak.

"Then what should we do now?"

Captain Li also said a little anxiously at this time.

Even those who are free to return to their ancestors have great destructive power.

Once this kind of existence wants to pose a threat to the city...

The entire city would probably be unable to react and resist!

"Well, I will stay here for a few days and I will look for it with you."

Sha Ying looked at everyone at this time and spoke seriously.

"The enormity of living things does not necessarily mean that the higher the oxygen content, the bigger they will be. In fact, in ancient times, when the oxygen content was very high, their bodies were actually very small."


The first class the next morning was geography class.

After the geography teacher finished teaching the geography knowledge in the course, he started talking about the ancient times of the earth.

The students all listened attentively and were very interested.

"Teacher, it seems that some huge skeletons have been unearthed in our city recently. Do you think it is true?"

At this moment, a boy suddenly said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the pupils in Su Mengyao and Ye Qianqian's eyes shrank slightly.

The geography teacher was startled for a moment, then smiled.

"Of course I've heard of it."

He pushed up his glasses, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

(Brothers, it hurts so much that it makes people stupid. Don’t cut it casually! By the way, please give me some money to relieve the pain!)

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