Su Mengyao and Ye Qianqian approached and could see a large group of people standing on the coast. read

"The sea seal cannot be lifted for the time being."

"It's too dangerous for you to go out to sea now."

Several federal government personnel also stood in the way at this time and spoke helplessly.

They followed the instructions of the federal government to seal the sea here.

Because strange things did happen here before.

But I didn't expect that something even stranger would happen next.

The sea level is constantly rising!

Even some houses along the coast were half submerged.

"Half of my house is flooded, how can we live in it?"

"How can we live without being able to go to sea?"

A man said angrily at this time.

"That's right, aren't you going to force us to death?"

"We're going to sea!"

“Going to sea!!!”


The others also shouted loudly at this time.

There are still many fishermen in Canghai City.

The previous sea seal was thought to be temporary, but I never expected that the sea seal has not been lifted yet.

And it looks like it will continue to be postponed.

This is a bit unbearable.

"The sea water has actually risen to this level."

Ye Qianqian and Su Mengyao stood in an area not far from them, looking at the sea water in front of them, with surprise in their eyes.

This is completely different from what they remember.

"If it continues to rise like this, not only Canghai City may be flooded, but other cities may also suffer."

Su Mengyao also said with a serious expression at this time.


At this moment, the entire ground seemed to be shaking.

The whole area shook.

Some people accidentally fell on the place name, and a dog ate shit.


"Why is there an earthquake all of a sudden!?"


The shock didn't last long. Soon, everyone came to their senses and their eyes widened.

"Mengyao, was there an earthquake just now!?"

Ye Qianqian and Su Mengyao stood very steadily.


Su Mengyao nodded slightly, and her beautiful brows wrinkled slightly.

How come there was an earthquake suddenly...


At this moment, a wailing scream came from the other side.

what happened! ?

Everyone who heard this sound looked over at the same time.

Looking carefully, on the shore over there, a man collapsed in the sea water.

The seawater around his body was dyed red.

"He...what happened to him?!"

Seeing this situation, the eyes of the others widened.

They quickly thought of the strange things that happened on the coast before.

On this beach, many people disappeared here some time ago!

Could it be related to this matter? ?

Thinking of this, they suddenly felt a chill running down their spines.

For a time, these people didn't dare to get close at all!

"Go and save him!"

Several federal government staff also responded quickly at this time.

At this time, he also rushed directly towards the area in front.

But in an instant, a man rushed even faster.

With one step, he jumped into the sea water over there, grabbed the man directly, and threw him to the shore.

who? !

When the federal government staff saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaimed.


At this moment, the man who was thrown onto the shore was still wailing and screaming.

If you look closely, you can clearly see that his two legs are being bitten tightly by two long eel-like creatures.

Blood also seeped out from here.

"Geography teacher!?"

Su Mengyao and Qian Ye also looked over there.

If you look carefully, you can clearly see that the person who just threw the man out of the sea is the geography teacher of his class!

And at this time, the geography teacher moved, walked over, and grabbed the two eel-like creatures.

Then with a strong force, he directly pinched the creature's body into two halves.

The head of the eel-like creature also trembled at this time, and it quickly released its grip on the man's leg and fell down.


The man who fell on the ground was panting at this time.

His face was now extremely pale.

The scene just now was indeed too terrifying.

It seemed as if all the blood was being sucked dry.

"What on this..."

Several federal government staff also reacted at this time and ran over quickly.

At this time, the geography teacher had picked up the first half of an eel on the ground.


He held the obviously very large lamprey in his hand and said immediately.


The staff members were stunned for a moment.

"Chordata, subphylum Vertebrates, order of Cylostomia."

"The characteristic is its mouth."

The geography teacher smiled slightly, and then took the half-body lamprey to show them.

If you look carefully, you can clearly see the sucker-like mouth!

The densely packed and sharp teeth can be clearly seen in the mouth.

It's like a whirlpool-like shape, arranged in the sucker-like mouth.

And because this kind of lamprey is much larger, looking at this terrifying mouth makes it even more realistic.


A staff member who was watching this scene felt his scalp numb at this moment and his face became pale.

He has trypophobia, and now that he sees the situation, he feels extremely physically uncomfortable.

He covered his mouth and started retching next to him.

"I've seen lampreys before, but this head is too big..."

The other staff members also looked a little ugly at this time.

This kind of thing, it seems, is really nerve-wracking.


"Will there be lampreys here?"

At this moment, the other fishermen also reacted and approached.

Looking at these huge lampreys, their eyes were full of surprise.

"I've been out at sea for so long, and I've never seen such a big lamprey."

One of the men couldn't help but speak out at this time.

And if you look closely, you can see that there are terrible bite wounds on both legs of this man.

The federal government staff had already called the hospital, and soon an ambulance arrived.

"Be careful, there might be more lampreys in the sea."

At this time, the geography teacher looked at everyone and smiled slightly, and then left towards the other area.

"The teacher seems to be no ordinary person."

Ye Qianqian, who was standing on the other side and watching this scene from a distance, couldn't help but mutter to herself at this time.

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