I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 143 Something more terrifying

Zhao Shuangshuang continued to swim over there at this time. read

If you look carefully, these lampreys are frantically biting the basal layer under Canghai City!

They are like 'borers', directly chewing out a large number of gaps in the base layer below.

And down below, there are many lampreys that have grown quite large.

"Is it because the gnawing of these lampreys destroyed the basal layer of Canghai City, causing Canghai City to sink?"

Before Zhao Shuangshuang came, he had heard Sha Ying talk about some things about Canghai City. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but secretly said.

But I'm not sure that's the case.

At this time, she continued to swim towards the front.

There is already a huge gap below. Once the area here collapsed, now the area along the coast will sink.

But what makes Zhao Shuangshuang most curious is, why do these lampreys do this?

At this time, Zhao Shuangshuang continued to approach the front.

Looking carefully, a huge black strip-shaped object was exposed in the basal layers below.


Zhao Shuangshuang was also stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

At this moment, the lampreys suddenly stopped moving, then turned to look at Zhao Shuangshuang, who was swimming down.

In the next moment, everyone rushed towards her!


Seeing this scene, she immediately sneered.

At this moment, the claws of her hands started to wave!

Those lampreys that rushed over had their bodies torn in half at that moment!

Although he was under the sea, Zhao Shuangshuang didn't seem to be too affected by the water pressure and water resistance at this time, and his attack speed was also very fast!

In a short period of time, a large number of lampreys were killed.

Gulu gulu——

At this moment, the surrounding seawater began to surge.

And there was a weird sound.

A huge figure rushed over at extremely fast speed from a distance!

Zhao Shuangshuang, who has a strong sense of perception, clearly felt something at this time.

Turning around suddenly, you could clearly see a huge lamprey charging towards you!

Looking in her direction, she could clearly see a round mouth like a suction cup!

There are circles of densely packed teeth on it, and now you can see them clearly.

It's like a huge mouth of an abyss.

At this time, Zhao Shuangshuang reacted very quickly and swam directly up there!

This giant lamprey is like a mad dog, chasing after it.

"Not out yet?"

At this time, the old horse standing on the shore also moved back and forth.

Although he is an atavist of the fifth-level sequence, he may not be able to get a bargain from below.

After all, there are too many lampreys.

Didi didi——

Yang Yang, who was also standing on the shore, looked at the numbers on the vitality testing instrument in his hand that were rotating crazily, and his eyes widened.


He also yelled at this time.


As soon as he finished speaking, at this moment, a figure flew out of the sea water!

Zhao Shuangshuang!

Immediately afterwards, a larger figure rushed out of the sea water!


Giant lamprey!

The extremely thick body and the round mouth like a meat grinder were simply mind-numbing.

It wanted to bite Zhao Shuangshuang, who also rushed out of the water.

But Zhao Shuangshuang turned around and fell directly towards the shore.

Captain Li and others all looked towards her at the same time.

If you look closely, you can clearly see that Zhao Shuangshuang has a pair of rabbit ears growing on his head.

A pair of eyes turned purple.

His hands turned into claws.

Captain Li and other federal police officers were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Some in the federal police also knew the atavists.

They all thought that Zhao Shuangshuang, who had just entered the sea, would turn into some huge aquatic creature.

But I never expected that it would be in this state!

Semi-atavistic state!

Lao Ma and Yang Yang also reacted instantly at this time.

They have heard of this state, but generally speaking, only high-level atavisms are easier to master.

It does not mean that ordinary atavists cannot be mastered, but it will be many times more difficult than advanced sequence atavists.

Almost ninety-nine percent of them are mostly able to be mastered by the returnees of the advanced sequence.

However, Zhao Shuangshuang seems to be just a returnee of the fifth-level sequence!

At this time, Zhao Shuangshuang, who had landed on the place name, rushed directly to a rock in front.

Lift your foot and give it a kick!


The rock exploded directly at this moment.

If you look carefully, behind the rock, there are two... knives!

This is the weapon she hid behind this rock today!


The giant lamprey made a huge roar at this time.

The windows of the house not far away were all shaken to the point of cracks.

Its huge body also rushed towards Zhao Shuangshuang at an extremely fast speed!


Zhao Shuangshuang pulled out two knives directly, and the moment the giant lamprey rushed in front of her, his body leaped into the air!


Its sucker-like mouth sucked the entire thing away at this moment.

At this time, Zhao Shuangshuang had already jumped on its head.

The long knife held in both hands was inserted directly into its head and stabbed!

Blue blood splashed out instantly.


The giant lamprey also let out a huge roar.

The so-called lamprey has seven gill holes behind its eyes and on each side of its body!

At this moment, steam emerged from all seven gill holes at the same time.

Its entire body became extremely hot!

At this time, the pupils in Zhao Shuangshuang's eyes shrank slightly, and he instantly pulled out his two swords, and his body jumped directly from its head.


It let out a roar and sprayed out a large amount of transparent substance from its mouth.

Zhao Shuangshuang's reaction speed was very fast and he dodged directly to the other side.

The transparent liquid directly hit the area where she was just now.

In an instant, countless white smoke came out, and the entire area was corroded.

Boom boom boom——

At this time, the surrounding place names also began to shake slightly.

The lamprey suddenly stopped for a moment, then turned around and entered the sea water.

"Running away again!?"

The people on the other side also reacted at this time.

The battle just now was really thrilling.

Standing here at this time, you can clearly feel that the surrounding air has become extremely hot.

“It’s not just lampreys down there.”

At this time, Zhao Shuangshuang did not pursue him.

She looked at the ocean and her expression became serious.

"There is something even more terrifying."

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