I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 175 It must be him!

Huge skeleton!

Down there, there is a huge crocodile skeleton!

Previously, I had seen the situation here from a distance. read


But looking at it now at such a close distance is still shocking.

"Mask, just die like that...?"

Sand Eagle's body came down from the air and he couldn't help but make a sound when he looked at the huge crocodile skeleton in front of him.


Zhao Shuangshuang said calmly.

What kind of creature is that creature?

When Zhao Shuangshuang recalled that scene now, what still appeared in his mind was just a vague figure.

"By the way, are you okay?"

"I wanted to come over just now, but the Red Flame Snake appeared in the city over there."

Sha Ying quickly spoke up at this time.

"Can't die."

"The Red Flame Snake was killed by you?"

Zhao Shuangshuang's injuries seemed to be serious now, but she did not show any sign of pain on the surface.

"not me."

"I was taken away by a mysterious creature before I had time to see clearly."

Sha Ying shook his head at this time.

"Mysterious creature?"

Zhao Shuangshuang was slightly startled.

"Well, I feel like it should be the creature that helped you kill the mask."

Sha Ying nodded.

Now, he was 80% sure that the creature he saw from a distance before and the creature that rushed out to take away the Red Flame Snake should be the same creature.

"And it is very possible that he is the strong man who helped us deal with the lamprey."

Sha Ying continued to speak.


Zhao Shuangshuang hesitated for a moment and continued.

"80% sure."

"The lampreys down there should all be taken care of."

Sha Ying nodded slightly.

"I'll go down and take a look."

Zhao Shuangshuang walked directly towards the coast at this time.

"Your injury..."

"Being in the water is actually good for my injury."

Zhao Shuangshuang walked into the sea water while making a sound.

Generally speaking, if such a serious wound comes into contact with water, it will easily lead to serious infection of the wound.

However, her special ability allows her to recover from wounds in the water faster.

As soon as she entered the sea, she swam directly under the seabed.

The red hair on the body was also washed away by the black water at this time.

Slowly the original white hair returned.

As he continued to swim towards the bottom, Zhao Shuangshuang could clearly see the area below with his eyes. There was really no lamprey left!

When she came down before, although she killed some of them, there were still a lot of them.

Unexpectedly, it is completely invisible now.

Not by being killed.

But they were all eaten!

Thinking of this, Zhao Shuangshuang also had a look of shock in his eyes.


It seems like you don’t like eating other atavistic people, right?

Because those who return to their ancestors all live in human form.

When it comes to eating raw meat, you will instinctively feel physiological discomfort.

Only those who are more psychopathic and atavistic will be interested in these raw meats.

Looking at it this way, that powerful atavist seems a bit scary.

After continuing to swim in the front for a short time, I swam to the area where the lampreys had eaten a huge hole underneath.

A huge black tentacle also appeared in front of him.

"What on earth is this?"

Zhao Shuangshuang, who was watching this scene, also secretly spoke in his heart.

The last time, she discovered something on this side.

But at that time, because there were a large number of lampreys attacking, she didn't see clearly and left.

But this time, without the lamprey's attack, she entered there easily.

"Octopus tentacles?"

If you look closely, you will see that this huge black tentacle is very similar to the tentacles of an octopus.

Moreover, there are dense suckers on the tentacles, and there are dense teeth inside the suckers.

Just looking at it like this gives people a tingling feeling.

"With such big tentacles, how big is the body?"

Zhao Shuangshuang glanced at the area in front, and the huge tentacles also spread into the basal layer.

It is obvious that the body of this mutated creature is in this basal layer.

This can probably confirm that those lampreys are constantly eating the basal layer under Canghai City, just to get this creature out.

After taking a closer look here, she left directly.

After all, she doesn't know how to deal with this thing now.

Obviously, this is no ordinary mutant creature, it must be very powerful.

"Huh, I'm back."

At this time, Ye Qianqian and Su Mengyao had returned home.

There are bright lights everywhere.

Many people also came out to discuss on the street.

"Did you hear the explosion just now!?"

"Could it be a war?"

"I heard a lot of bullet shooting. It seems that some dangerous elements have entered our Canghai City!"

"But now they should all be killed by the federal army."

"It's too scary. I'm going to worship the water god tomorrow and ask him to bless me."


The discussion outside was very loud.

Su Mengyao, who returned home, could also hear the truth.

"This time, the identity of our atavistic ancestors should be completely discovered."

"But only Zhao Shuangshuang should know."

At this time, Su Mengyao looked at Ye Qianqian.


Ye Qianqian also nodded slightly.

Zhao Shuangshuang was already sure that they were atavisms.

There is no need to hide it anymore.

And now is also a good opportunity.

"This time, we will directly join the special operations team."

Su Mengyao and Ye Qianqian looked at each other and understood what they were thinking in their hearts.

Joining the special operations team is also very beneficial to their subsequent activities.

Moreover, more information can be obtained.

It may also be helpful for Ye Kong’s next evolution!

"Hurry! Everything needs to be cleaned up here!"

"Don't let ordinary people get close to this place!"


At this moment, in the areas where the battle had just occurred, a large number of people were cleaning up the traces of the battle.

The huge corpse of the atavist was being put into a special black sack, and then transported directly away in a special large truck.

"This is too much."

Captain Li and others looked at this scene and had a headache at this time.

Although the giant snakes turned into by these atavistic people were killed, the corpses were too big.

It is still very difficult to deal with.

"team leader!"

"There is a huge skeleton on the coast, what are we going to do with it!?"

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