I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 316 He can actually talk!

This energy ray is formed by twisting fire energy and frost energy together. Read 520 official website

The energy of ice and fire gathered together, and the energy reaction produced was extremely terrifying.

not good! ! !

The big catfish's expression changed drastically, but now this terrifying energy ray has impacted its body!

There is simply no way to dodge it!


At this moment, a huge explosion burst out!

The powerful impact of the explosion caused all the returnees of the Black Moon Organization not far away to fly away!

"Damn guy..."

The big catfish's body was also hit with a lot of wounds at this time!

The entire body was also pushed back to the area behind.

At this time he was also a little out of breath.

If it weren't for his body's relatively strong defense, he would have been blasted to death by this terrifying ice and fire energy at that moment!

After all, this ice and fire energy was simply beyond his expectation.

At this time, the tentacles on his mouth also moved.

It can be clearly felt that an extremely powerful energy wave begins to come.

This kind of energy fluctuation is extremely powerful!

Could it be that... there is a third creature here! ?

Thinking of this, the big catfish's face became extremely ugly.

Soon, as the smoke dispersed, he could clearly see a... somewhat familiar figure!

"It's you!!!"

The big catfish's eyes widened when he saw the dragon-shaped figure appearing not far away.

I didn't expect to see this dragon-shaped creature again in this place!

Thinking of the last battle, there was still a hint of fear in his heart.

"Damn it, it's you again."

At this time, he gritted his teeth and said.

Now, there is no other way to deal with this creature.

We can only fight head-on!

But why does this dragon-shaped creature appear here?

Could it be that you want to take revenge on yourself?

Thinking this way, the big catfish's face became more and more ugly.

"The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind."

"Do you think you are that yellow bird?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out in the big catfish's mind.

Listening to this sound, the big catfish also opened his eyes wide at this time.

His eyes were also full of disbelief.

Can talk!

The dragon-shaped creature in front of me seems to be able to talk!

All this time, the big catfish thought that this creature was a mutated creature.

He even wanted to kill Ye Kong and seize his marrow bone.

But now, he can actually talk!

"You are an atavist!!!"

The big catfish roared with a ferocious expression.

He felt that he had always thought he had been fooled!

This creature is not a mutated creature, it is an atavist!

"If you think so, then so be it."

Ye Kong sneered.

In the past, I was not completely sure of killing him. If he ran away and passed on his ability to speak to the Black Moon Organization, there might be trouble.

But now, it's no longer needed.

Because here today, he must kill him!

And at this time, the golden markings on Ye Kong's body began to slowly spread to the entire body.

Super violent!

Just now, he had directly activated the super violent skill!

When using Super Violence, his body will directly enter a violent state. As the battle time goes by, golden patterns will gradually cover his whole body, and his combat effectiveness and defense will be greatly improved.

But this super rage seems to have a certain time limit.

So it cannot be used very far in advance.

Otherwise, just use it one day in advance and you will be invincible.

The look on the big catfish's face changed drastically at this moment. At the next moment, it turned around and ran away!

There was no way, now he clearly felt that the energy fluctuations emanating from Ye Kong's body were extremely powerful.

And last time, he was no match for Ye Kong.

This time, Ye Kong is still in his prime, and he will no longer be an opponent!


Escape for now!

Although I am very reluctant, compared to my own life, it seems to be nothing now.

"Block him for me!!!"

He yelled as he turned to his fleeing colleagues.


The huge returning ancestors of the Black Moon Organization also rushed over.

It must be blocked in front of Ye Kong.


But as Ye Kong roared and sprayed out a terrifying flame power from his mouth, the bodies of these people who had returned to their ancestors were instantly burned to the point of becoming charcoal!


Ye Kong did not hesitate at this moment, and continued to chase after him with terrifying speed!

The big catfish is frantically trying to escape.

But soon, Ye Kong was chasing after him!

Open your mouth wide and bite directly towards his body!


The big catfish, who clearly sensed this situation, turned around suddenly at this moment and used his fist to hit Ye Kong's head first.


But Ye Kong's reaction was too quick, and he bit its fist directly!

The fists of this big catfish are also covered with a lot of mucus.

This special mucus is similar to that of the mutated man-eating catfish.

When your teeth bite, they may slip and make you unable to bite.

But at this time, Ye Kong's teeth were filled with an extremely terrifying frost aura.

The moment your teeth bite the fist of this big catfish, all your mucus will be frozen.

The extremely sharp teeth took advantage of the situation and pierced his wrist directly!

In an instant, his fist was bitten off!


The big catfish opened its eyes wide at this time, and suddenly let out a huge wailing and screaming sound.

How can it be! ! !

This special mucus on his body can bring a certain protective effect to his body!

But why, facing this dragon-shaped creature, it has no effect at all!

"Die to me!!!"

Under the severe pain, the big catfish let out a huge roar.

Countless black tentacles on the body rushed out directly!

Pierce directly towards Ye Kong's body!

Bang bang bang!

But the moment those terrifying-looking black tentacles hit Ye Kong's body, they suddenly made a dull sound.

It was bounced away directly!

There is no way to penetrate Ye Kong's body!

How can it be!

Seeing this scene, his eyes widened with disbelief.

He had no idea that the defensive power of Ye Kong, who already had scales, was terrifying.

Now in a super violent state, the golden markings spread across the body, and the defensive ability is even more terrifying to the extreme!

"Give me...die!!!"

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