I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 388 I am evolving, not overcoming a tribulation!

If you look carefully, you can see that the only claws that have grown out now are the front pair. read


There is none at the back.

"Just one pair of claws?"

Ye Kong took a closer look and felt a bit pity.

But this is normal.

In legends, there are many differences between Jiao and dragon.

Many times, it is recorded in classics that the dragon has only one pair of claws.

And there are no corners, or only one right angle.

"It hasn't grown horns yet."

Ye Kong thought that his head did not have horns.

But the rest of the changes are still big.

Not only did its body length reach forty-five meters, but the scales on its body also changed.

The white pattern on the neck is more conspicuous, and a seemingly blue pattern appears on the back.

There is a piece of flesh slightly raised above the eyebrow, making Ye Kong look even more fierce.

The scales on the body now look more crystal clear.

According to the records in the ancient book "Piya", the appearance of the dragon is like this.

Jiao, its shape is like a snake with four legs, a thin neck, and a white baby on the neck. The larger ones are several dozen in diameter. They lay eggs and have eyebrows crossed, so they are called Jiao.

There are many ancient books, such as "Guang Ya", "Supplementary Notes", "Shan Hai Jing" and other ancient books, all have records about Jiao.

What they say is pretty much the same.

"The book "Shu Yi Ji" says: A water snake will turn into a dragon in five hundred years, a dragon will turn into a dragon in a thousand years, a dragon will turn into a horned dragon in five hundred years, and it will turn into a dragon in a thousand years."

"Now that I have evolved from a snake to a dragon, will I turn into a dragon next?"

Thinking this way, Ye Kong felt a little excited in his heart.

"But isn't this fighting power too weak?"

Ye Kong looked at his combat power, which was only 2222 points.

Look carefully now, it is a seventh-level creature.

And it’s still a Jiao, there’s only so much.

But a dragon is a dragon after all, even if everyone calls it a dragon.

But there is still a difference between a Jiao and a dragon.

The real dragon's mane was fluttering in the wind, and the intimidating power that Ye Kong's entire body now burst out was unprecedented!


At this time, the red phoenix also flew out from Ye Kong's dragon mane.

It flapped its wings and hovered in front of Ye Kong's eyes.

Its eyes looked at Ye Kong in front of it, and there seemed to be curiosity in its eyes.

The changes in Ye Kong in front of him were still a bit obvious.

But soon, it clearly felt the familiar aura coming from Ye Kong's body.


It seemed to be very excited and was flying in the air around it.

"It's time to give you a name, what should you call it..."

Ye Kong also thought secretly at this time.

He also has a headache now. It would be nice if someone could help him think about it.

[About to enter the final evolution trial]

"Eh? What!?"

While he was thinking hard, Ye Kong clearly heard a system prompt coming from his mind!

Listening to this voice, Ye Kong's eyes widened at this time.

"The final evolution trial?"

"What is this?!"

After the evolution was completed before, there was never such a prompt!

Now that he suddenly saw this system prompt, Ye Kong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Boom boom boom——

If you look carefully at this time, you can clearly see that the sky above your head is still full of thunder and lightning.

The extremely thick electric arc, just looking at it, makes people feel extremely shocked.

"Holy shit, it's like I'm going through a tribulation. Damn it, this thunder isn't going to hit me, is it?"

Ye Kong couldn't help but complain.


The moment he finished speaking, one of the huge thunder and lightning forces bombarded directly from the sky.

The bombardment hit Ye Kong's body instantly!

This current was thicker than Ye Kong's body.

At this time, Ye Kong's whole body was filled with electricity.

An extremely strong tingling sensation also filled his entire body.

It hurts, it really hurts.

Ye Kong felt that his body seemed to be split open by the current!


At this moment, Chi Huang saw this scene and rushed towards him!

"do not come!"

Ye Kong saw Chi Huang's figure and immediately spoke out.


This red phoenix is ​​a creature with intelligence.

Now hearing Ye Kong's voice, a pair of pitiful eyes looked at Ye Kong, but did not come closer.


At this moment, another terrifying thunder and lightning struck directly from the air and hit Ye Kong's body!


This time, Ye Kong's feelings were even stronger!

It was as if his body was split into two halves!

That kind of pain has never been felt before.

"I just evolved into a dragon...I'm not going through a tribulation..."

Ye Kong couldn't help but make a sound at this time.

At this time, if you look carefully, you can clearly see that the scales on Ye Kong's body have many cracks.

Some of the scales were scorched black.

The electric current in the sky is no joke.

This current is extremely strong.

However, after being hit by the current, the remaining current was still flashing like countless small arcs in Ye Kong's body.

Moreover, my body seems to be automatically absorbing these electric current energies.

What's happening here?

Ye Kong was also stunned when he saw this scene.


While he was in a daze, another terrifying force of lightning struck down directly!

"This is... too weird."

"Look! The area in the distance!"

"Damn it! Someone is trying to survive the tribulation, right?"


On the rooftop of the Tianlong City branch, many members of the special operations team were standing here, looking in the distance.

These are the highest points nearby, and with their sharp eyes, the area they can see is also very far away.

I never expected that there would be such a scene so far away!

The sky over there is covered with dark clouds, and there is also this kind of terrifying thunder and lightning, which is constantly falling!

"It's really...it seems like someone is going through a tribulation."

Sima Rui's figure also appeared here, looking into the distance, he was also shocked.

"In Tianlong City, there are abnormal energy fluctuations in the upper reaches of Tianshui River!!!"

"what's the situation!?"

"How come there are abnormal energy fluctuations!?"


At the same time, in the area on the other side, some blond men with blue eyes looked at everything on the screen, and their eyes suddenly widened.


"A very strong current energy fluctuation suddenly appeared over there!"

A blond man in a white coat was typing on the keyboard and looking at the picture displayed on the computer screen, his eyes widened.


[PS: I have been in poor health recently. I went to the hospital today for a checkup and prescribed some Chinese medicine. If there were any mistakes in the previous chapters, I will revise them from chapter to chapter. I’m sorry. 】

[There are four more updates to follow]

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