I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 396 Someone will carry the burden for you

Chapter 396

"Mengyao, Qianqian, can you hear me?"

Because the ability of [spiritual communication] has been improved, when Ye Kong appeared in Tianlong City, he had already communicated with them through telepathy. Within three days, he could have long-distance conversations!

The time now should not be enough for three days. read


At this moment, as Ye Kong finished speaking, Su Mengyao and Ye Qianqian in the distance suddenly opened their eyes wide.

elder brother?

Brother Kong! ?

They were still standing on the rooftop over there, looking around, but they didn't see Ye Kong at all.

But this voice is still very real!

"I'm still on the Tianshui River."

"I'm fine for now."

But at this moment, the voice rang in their minds again.

Hearing this voice, they were surprised and relieved.

It turns out that Ye Kong is fine.

From this point of view, those visions just now must have been caused by his evolution.

But now they still have curiosity in their hearts.

How could Ye Kong convey his voice to their minds from such a long distance?

This is amazing!

Thinking this way, their eyes were filled with incredible looks.

"We're a little sleepy, let's go back and take a rest."

At this time, Ye Qianqian pretended to be sleepy and yawned, and said to Zhao Shuangshuang and others.

"Well, let's go back and take a rest. Everyone is tired from the past two days."

Zhao Shuangshuang didn't think much about it this time and spoke out at this time.


Ye Qianqian nodded slightly, and left here with Su Mengyao at this time.

Sha Ying, Lao Ma and the others were still immersed in the photos they had taken and began to discuss them.

"Look, someone really took the video!"

Sha Ying took his mobile phone and looked online, and clearly saw that someone had filmed the situation just now!

"I just said, there must be someone near Tianshui River, and those people must be able to see it!"

"Do dragons really exist? It's incredible."

"Shall we go to the Water Temple tomorrow?"


The people from the special operations group also gathered around and started discussing.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

At this moment, Baili Changsheng looked at the people around him and spoke out.

Listening to Baili Changsheng's words, everyone stopped moving and all looked towards Baili Changsheng.

None of them made any sound now.

Everything around him suddenly fell silent.


Zhao Shuangshuang looked at Baili Changsheng over there. At this time, he also said coldly, turned around and left.

"Zhao Shuangshuang..."

Seeing this scene, Sima Rui subconsciously spoke in that direction.

"I don't want to hear what he says."

"I just want you to die."

Zhao Shuangshuang said coldly and left the area directly.

"Minister Baili..."

Sima Rui felt a little headache listening to Zhao Shuangshuang's words.

His eyes also looked towards Baili Changsheng.

"It doesn't matter."

Baili Changsheng shook his head.

"Now that everyone is here, there is one thing I want to tell you."

His expression became serious now, he looked at everyone, and suddenly said.

At this time, everyone continued to look at Baili Changsheng, but they still didn't say anything.

However, they all have curiosity in their hearts.

Baili Changsheng came back this time, apart from the fact that the National Marrow Conference was about to begin, it seemed that he had other things to do.

"The fifth-level atavists will continue to be here, and the rest of the atavists can leave."

At this time, he looked at everyone present and continued to speak.

Listening to Baili Changsheng's words, Sha Ying and others also had curiosity in their eyes.

"Let's go."

Gao Yao also said calmly at this time.

The next moment, turn around and leave.


Sha Ying nodded slightly.

He looked at Captain Li and others, and left here directly at this time.

Most of the atavists left at this time.

Only a small number of fifth-level regressors are still in this area.

Baili Changsheng's powerful perception ability was released. At this time, after feeling that everyone had left, he looked at everyone present.

"Originally, only those who have returned to their ancestors of level six or above are qualified to know about this matter."

"But now, the situation no longer allows us to do that."

Baili Changsheng couldn't help but sigh after saying this.

"Everyone should know that every year, we have many returnees who have advanced to level six or above to perform mysterious missions."

He continued to speak.

Listening to his words, everyone nodded slightly at this time.

Indeed, in the past, there seemed to be quite a few returnees of the sixth-level sequence.

However, many returnees who have reached the sixth level sequence have begun to leave here, reportedly to perform some mysterious mission.

Some tasks seem to be known only after reaching the sixth level sequence.

Some people even speculate that the country will provide more resources to cultivate the six-level atavists.

There are also many people who yearn to become the returnees of the sixth-level sequence.

"I remember that our captain left here after he became level six."

"So are we."

"The former cadres Zhang and Sun... it seems they are the same.'


At this time, the surrounding atavists began to whisper.

"Have you not seen them for a long time?"

Baili Changsheng also showed a wry smile at this time.

There was also sadness in his eyes.

"They have already left this world."

The next moment, Baili Changsheng also sighed.

Leaving this world...! ?

"They... are dead?"

A man clenched his hands into fists and couldn't help but say something while talking.

"It's a sacrifice."

Baili Changsheng looked at him and spoke seriously at this time.

"Do you think that what we have been fighting are just the mutated creatures discovered now?"

"Our world is actually more dangerous."

He continued speaking.

"This group of people has always been carrying the burden for us in order to create a safe environment."

"Next, it's your turn. It's your turn."

Baili Changsheng glanced at everyone while speaking.

The eyes of those returning to their ancestors of the fifth level sequence still have curiosity in their eyes.

What on earth is going on?

Sima Rui also clenched his hands into fists at this time, as if he thought of something, and he looked a little excited.

But soon, he took a deep breath and calmed down his mood.

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