I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 834 Resurrection

In the glass container, a huge dragon-shaped body was suspended in it. read


There is clear liquid inside.

"Anyway, it's best to find the legendary ruins first."

"The evil god from another world is about to awaken."

Zero walked towards the area in front of him and made a sound as he passed.

"An evil god from another world..."

Listening to his voice, this kind of person also feels a little numb.

During this period of time, Zero talked about a lot of things about the ultra-ancient period.

They all already know that in the super ancient times, some god-level creatures appeared from those abyss wormholes.

Those are the so-called evil gods.

"Their power is countless times more powerful than that dragon."

Zero walked to the front of the glass container and continued to speak.

Even more powerful than that dragon, countless times! ?

The members of the Dark Night Organization were even more shocked now.

Judging from the recommendation information sent today, the strength of that dragon has reached a very terrifying level, which can be said to have surpassed the level 9 sequence!

But even such a powerful creature is vulnerable to those so-called evil gods?

Thinking this way, their scalps went numb.

"I don't know if the leader has really found that evil god."

A general from the Black Moon Organization also spoke out secretly.

He knew what Gu Xinyue, the leader of the Dark Night Organization, wanted to do when he entered the depths of that other world.

That is to find the evil god and obtain that terrifying power.

"It's almost time to wake up."

However, Zero did not continue the discussion with them at this time, but looked at the dragon in the container.

"Can you really wake up..."

The other generals of the Black Moon Organization also approached and stood in front of the glass container, looking at the giant black dragon inside.

Some time ago, Zero had transplanted the black blade's brain into the head of this black dragon.

But half a month has passed and I haven't seen him wake up yet.

Now the people in the Dark Night Organization also have doubts.

After all, this technology is so incredible, transplanting the brain!

I don’t know if it can really succeed.

"I'm going to wake up soon."

Zero said calmly, his eyes full of confidence.


The moment he finished speaking, the ground around him began to shake slightly.


"No, the shock seems to be coming from this container!"

One man was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

The body of the giant black dragon in the glass container began to shake slightly.

It seemed to form some kind of resonance with some of the surrounding machines, causing the surrounding ground to vibrate.

"This dragon seems to be moving...!?"

A general seemed to have discovered something at this time, and his eyes widened, staring at the giant black dragon in the glass container.

Soon, the others also clearly saw the black dragon in the glass container, and its body began to shake.

The pair of eyes that were originally closed now slowly opened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Eyes open!

This giant black dragon actually opened its eyes!

"I'm really going to wake up..."

"Is the Black Blade resurrected..."

Looking at this situation, the general couldn't help but speak excitedly now.

The next moment, the black dragon in the glass container opened its eyes completely.

An extremely powerful sense of oppression came over instantly.

When everyone around them saw this scene, their bodies could not help but tremble slightly.

Especially those weaker members, there is cold sweat overflowing on their foreheads now.

That’s terrible. What kind of technology is this? Is it really possible to create such a giant dragon?

In the past, they were shocked when Ling used special methods to clone the dragon's body.

But they still couldn't believe that they could really penetrate Black Blade's brain into the head of this giant dragon.

To revive him.

but now……

The water in the glass container began to be drained out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the black dragon inside the container is still suspended in the middle of the container.

He opened his eyes and looked at his paws, and there seemed to be shock in his eyes.

"here it is……"

He suddenly spoke up.

And this voice sounded a little familiar to the other generals.

"Black Blade!? Is that you?!"

A warrior looked at the giant dragon inside and spoke quickly.

"It turns out it's you, aren't I already dead?"

The black dragon looked at them.

There is also a look of disbelief in his eyes now.

He clearly remembered that battle, when he was killed by the dragon.

But now, he has actually come back to life.

What's even more outrageous is that my eugenics seems to have turned into a dragon!

How is this going? How could this happen?

And when he looked at the area in front, he could clearly spot the tall and muscular figure.


"Super ancient humans!?"

Did he think of something? Hei Ren couldn't help but make a sound when he was there.


"Human, you are now a dragon."

Zero looked at the black dragon in the container and suddenly showed a strange smile.

[Swallow the demigod meat and gain 67,000 evolution points]

[Swallow the demigod meat and gain 88,000 evolution points]

[Swallow the demigod meat and gain 54,000 evolution points]

[Swallow the demigod meat and obtain...]

At the same time, Ye Kong in another city was still devouring the flesh and blood of those demigods.

Prompts for obtaining evolution points continued to appear at this time, just like refreshing the screen.

Soon, as the flesh and blood of the last demigod-level creatures were about to be devoured, Ye Kong couldn't help but burp.

"Finally it's all devoured."

At this time, Ye Kong couldn't help but sigh.

He kept going to various cities, killing those extremely powerful mutant creatures, devouring a large number of mutant creatures, and super ancient humans, and then, as agreed, obtained the demigod-level flesh and blood stored by those countries!

It has been in the process of being devoured.

"Finally, it's all devoured."

As the last semi-god-level blood was drunk, Ye Kong also sighed with emotion.

Looking at his system panel, he can clearly see that his accumulated evolution points have reached... 9.2 billion!

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