I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 380 The end is not the end

Although the comprehensive practicality of the stellar cannon on the battlefield is not as good as that of particle bombs and black hole bombs, its shortcomings are only that the charging time is too long and the flexibility is poor.

The single-target lethality of a salvo of stellar cannons is actually greater than that of particle bombs and black hole bombs.

The ball ship was first swept away by a black hole bomb with multiple shields, and its thickened armor was peeled off like peeling an orange peel. Then, the ball ship was completely torn apart by a particle bomb with point rupture points, turning it into a broken lantern with air leakage on three sides. .

Then, the ball ship, which had almost lost all its protective capabilities, was hit by the concentrated beam of the stellar cannon.

High-energy rays and particle flows flowed along the hole and poured into it, sweeping through countless biological flesh-walled tubes and hitting the huge tumor ball hanging in the center of the spherical battleship - the compound-eyed man's "Mas Power Chamber".

The huge pipeline that had allowed Chen Feng to return in vain was rapidly melting under the impact of the mass-energy flow of the stellar cannon.

The tumor ball also couldn't hold on for long, and exploded after just a few seconds.

After that, the spherical battleship finally began to disintegrate.

It was finally torn apart!

The Star Blade Colossus rushed forward.

The electric light flickered, and two huge war blades spread and grew in the palm of the colossus.

Without Fanxing's auxiliary intelligence, his operation would be much more difficult.


He suppressed the disappointment in his heart.

Unexpectedly, I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to Fanxing this time.

Fortunately, he no longer needs to use the neutron armor form. At this time, he cannot control the function of the dual-type curvature membrane structure.

As it advanced, the Star Blade Colossus adjusted to a charging stance with a knife, further accelerating.

Chen Feng gave the first order in the command channel in a dull voice.

"The rest of the people are waiting to clear out the remaining enemy forces. I will first check whether the enemy ships have any means of counterattack and prepare to capture the compound-eyed man alive!"

Yes, he wanted to be captured alive.

He wants to expand his results.


When the energy intensity in the center of the explosion had just dropped below the critical point, the Star Frontier Colossus stepped on it.

In the starry sky of the universe, on the still boiling wreckage of the huge battleship, fell a humanoid robot that looked like a child to a passenger car.

The thirty-five-kilometer-tall "giant" kid leaned down, his double-edged blades bursting with light.

The war blades, which were more than twenty kilometers long, cut across each other.

The interior of the spherical battleship lost its energy blessing, and the metal structure with greatly reduced strength was easily broken into pieces.

Chen Feng stared straight at the thirteen little red dots marked on the life monitor.

These offal are hidden in there.

I'll tear into eight more layers of metal armor and push 423 kilometers inside, and I'll see you.

Trash, wait.

Even with his calmness, his heartbeat was still involuntarily speeding up at this moment.

It seemed like I could hear the sound of drums beating in my ears.

He had been waiting for this moment for too long.

Chen Feng continued to push forward, sighing subconsciously, "Stars... alas..."

Fanxing: "What are you calling me for? I'm busy moving."

"Huh? Are you still there?"

"Nonsense, the core of the superintelligence is gone, but aren't the other space research stations, battleships, and even your galactic armor still there? I can just break the data into pieces and put them into your personal brains? Although this will It makes me disintegrate faster, but I can still survive for a few more days."

"Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I was so busy that I forgot. I thought I was doomed before."


Chen Feng was stunned.

He wanted to laugh loudly at first, but couldn't do it for some reason.

He could only shake his head and grinned uncontrollably.

It’s strange that artificial intelligence can also forget things.

Chen Feng: "You guy."

The annihilation battle outside was in its final stages, and he had no time to care about it, so he just charged forward.

After breaking through six layers of armor one after another, his forward momentum was blocked.

The prismatic area in front should be the command cabin of the Compound Eyes battleship, but its structural materials suddenly changed drastically, and it was no longer the level that the string-energy war blade could cut through.

After the Star Blade Colossus struck, it could only cause sparks to fly, but no cracks could be seen at all.

No wonder the explosion outside was so violent just now, but these thirteen beasts inside are still alive.

Obviously, the material of the prismatic area is the technology of the next era for compound-eyed users.

Using the best technology to save his life gave him new expectations for prisoners of war.

The more life-saving the compound-eyed person inside is, the greater the chance of capturing the opponent alive, and the more valuable these prisoners of war may be.

His heart gradually soared.


"The biological gate has been found, and the opponent is reinforcing its defenses. The overall structure of the prismatic area seems to be formed in one piece. The material of the biological gate is not coordinated with it. It is very similar to what you saw in the previous timeline. The Galaxy Battle Pill can blast open."

In the next moment, Chen Feng flew out of the Star Blade Colossus, put on his Galaxy Armor, and headed towards the passage marked by the stars on the projection map.

Upon arrival, he plunged into the passage dozens of meters in diameter without looking back.

The holes in the passage began to emit filamentous beams and physical toxin bombs, but they could not cause him any trouble.

A few seconds later, he successfully crossed a distance of eight kilometers and reached the end of the passage.

The inner wall at the end is crawling and growing, extending outward.

The metal whip on Chen Feng's back popped out and fired.

Draw your sword, charge, chop.

With a crisp sound, he finally blasted through the door that had made him sigh in despair in the previous timeline.

The door was broken open, and a gust of air came towards me.

Chen Feng was shocked.


After reading the analysis results, he shook his head.

This looks like air, but is completely different from the composition of Earth's atmosphere.

Eliminating a wrong answer that he had already guessed.

The Compound Eyes did not invade the solar system just to get the Earth.

This is not necessary.

When the technological level reaches this level, most solid planets in the galaxy can be transformed into habitable planets, except for special planets in extreme conditions.

He looked at the map.

The interior of the prismatic structure is filled with neatly structured passages and one after another large or small hexagonal lattice rooms, like a honeycomb on the earth, but it is worthy of the two big eyeballs of a fly.

With the dawn of victory in sight, Chen Feng will not take it lightly.

He began to move steadily forward along the pipe, heading straight to the central room where thirteen signs of life and activity gathered.

Fanxing controlled the comprehensive detector to explore the environment and furnishings inside each room one by one.

"I have good news and bad news for you. Which one should I hear first?"


"The quantum intelligence of the Compound Eyes is insufficient, and I am about to win the quantum war."

Chen Feng clenched his fists and said, "Great job! Where's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that I used my power advantage to forcefully overwhelm the other party's logical framework advantage. But if I want to break through the other party's protection, I have to use an excessive algorithm similar to DdoS attacks to forcibly invade. This kind of intrusion is not controllable, and the other party's Mimic intelligence can delete files instantly. Therefore, after I win, I only have about a billionth of a second to randomly grab some information from it. I can't say what I can grab."

Chen Feng: "That's okay, I can't ask for more."


After traveling through dozens of rooms, a projection appeared in front of Chen Feng again.

Fanxing: "I found something interesting, take a look."

What is projected is a honeycomb structure of eleven stacked rooms, five on each floor, for a total of fifty-five rooms. Turn left at the intersection ahead.

"In each room there is a hanging nutrient nest, as well as some protein structures that have never been seen on the earth, which are suspected to be food. These rooms should be the bedrooms of compound-eyed people."

Chen Feng shook his head indifferently, "What's so good about the bedroom?"

"Based on half-life analysis, fifty-three of the rooms showed signs of use within a twenty-four-hour period."

Chen Feng: "Isn't this expected?"

"But the other two rooms also showed signs of use within the twenty-four hours."


"So, your initial guess may be wrong. If the two compound-eyed ones who left were to seek help, how could they leave within a day of arriving in the solar system? This is illogical."

Chen Feng's progress suddenly stopped and he turned to look at the left passage.

He said to himself: "This means that if the Compound Eyes have reinforcements, they must have already dispatched them and are on their way here."


"I also discovered something else..."

Chen Feng decided to go to the compound-eyed man's bedroom first.

The door to the hexagonal room is different from the one on Earth, but instead has a hole in a platform.

Chen Feng went to one of the two rooms with abnormal display, put away the all-purpose armor form, switched to the personal basic armor, and jumped directly.

The main material of the wall of the room is still a metal structure in a prismatic area, but the surface is covered with a layer of opaque crystals. Energy analysis results show that the energy storage level of the crystals is slightly stronger than the new Dyson membrane battery.

Then he found a broken piece of gray carapace on the ground.

Chen Feng picked up the carapace and held it in front of his eyes, looking at it carefully.

This small thing brought his memory back to today "a year and a month ago", when he was "watching" the other party being blown up by himself.

Fanxing: "According to your memory, this is the armor on the back of the compound-eyed person's neck."

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes."

Fanxing added: "There is still a drop of tissue fluid on the ground that has not yet dried up, which is partially consistent with the remains of the blade beetle. Although I cannot accurately obtain the data of the compound-eyed person in the previous timeline from your memory, I have calculated comprehensively The performance of human detection instruments in the previous timeline."

"The conversion shows that the life strength of the other thirteen compound-eyed people is exactly 115.38% of the life strength of the ordinary compound-eyed people. The life strength of these thirteen compound-eyed people is almost exactly the same. It can be inferred that those two were eaten. The life strength of the two that were eaten, the living ones, and the other forty that were transformed into blade beetles are exactly the same."

The case was solved.

The two disappeared compound-eyed ones did not leave the spherical battleship, but were eaten by their compatriots in their respective rooms.

Through this seemingly simple information, Chen Feng gained a new and paradoxical understanding of the characteristics of the compound-eyed civilization.

If it were a naturally occurring life, there would be no reason for it to show such consistent life intensity.

People are tall, short, fat and thin, and dogs are black, yellow and white.

Even if they are of the same race, or even if they are twins, different individuals should show differences.

But not here with the Compound Eyes.

Then the individual compound-eyed beings in this spherical battleship may only be considered one in nature.

The other fifty-four were all clones from the same individual.

But the clones of the Compound Eyes also seem to possess a considerable degree of intelligence and will exhibit differentiated thoughts.

The two that were eaten may have disapproved of entering the Sun Dome directly. They may wait and see what happens. They may be waiting for reinforcements, or they may want to collect more intelligence.

The other thirteen are more determined and decisive action groups.

The compound-eyed person's method of resolving differences is extremely simple and brutal, by eating those who disagree.

Then the compound-eyed person can maintain an absolutely unified will.

Chen Feng grinned.

After fighting against the opponent for so long, this was the first time that he had detected so much information that truly belonged to the compound-eye civilization.

Well, interesting.

"Okay, let's evacuate."

After reading the information, Chen Feng decisively walked out.

Fanxing looked slightly surprised, "Evacuate?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes, the moment we broke open the hole and forced our way in, it was destined that I would not be able to capture the prisoners of war alive. What is waiting for me in that room must be a particularly interesting trap."

Tens of seconds later, Chen Feng had just left the prismatic area. The command module inside was indeed filled with high-energy radiation fluctuations, but it did not explode.

The remaining thirteen compound-eyed ones disappeared, and their bodies were completely transformed into physical toxins that were so strong that they could not be broken down in the small space.

The physical toxin seems unable to harm anything in the prismatic structure, it only floats and spreads outward.

Chen Feng decisively ordered everyone to stay away from the area.

He looked back at the command ship in the distance and grinned.

"it's over."

As if they had a clear understanding of each other, at this moment, he and Tang Tianxin were speaking in unison to each other at the same time.

But their tone was different.

Chen Feng's tone was brisk.

Tang Tianxin was hoarse and low-pitched.

Chen Feng looked a little free and relaxed, while Tang Tianxin suppressed pain.

One general succeeds and ten thousand bones wither.

Military leaders are never that easy to be.

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